
Controversial Opinion Quotes

There are 247 quotes

"War: what is it good for? Well, some things actually, like shaving off the generational excess of violent young men who want to have their valiant power fantasy."
"If you want to saw off the end of your penis, you're welcome; you're not to do it to a child who hasn't asked for it."
"If a man in a relationship has sex with someone else, it's not cheating, it's exercise."
"I was right about masks, I was right about the VAC, I was right about transmission contraction lockdowns."
"Is this a miscarriage of Justice? Yeah, I mean this indictment should not go forward."
"I don't even know what to make of that because Trump was the most transparent president."
"Convincing five-year-olds to chop off their genitals does not rank among our nation's cherished values."
"If someone's out there and saying I trans people should be genocided and you shoot that person and you take that person off the face of the earth I don't think that's inherently a bad thing."
"I think Black Lives Matter was the worst thing to happen to the black community since integration."
"I am more interested in God's approval than I am even in His love, which I know sounds to many of you heretical practically, but I must say I think it's the best."
"God is blackmailing us and using our own children to get what he wants."
"I think people who immigrate illegally to the United States should commit one crime a year minimum."
"Trump is not a saint, but Trump is at the very least someone who's our only chance."
"What a pathetic excuse for a man. I mean it's no wonder he supports castration. This is a castrated man himself."
"Planned Parenthood is the worst thing to happen to black babies since Madonna."
"I think the policy of herd immunity is the right policy."
"The corporate press is the enemy of the people." - Donald Trump
"A woman is at her happiest when she's serving a man that she loves, admires, respects, that she feels is not her equal, better than her, and she's by his [] side. That's what every [] girl wants."
"Man is man, woman is woman. You can't transform yourself into the other."
"If you're a healthcare provider and you recommend a low-fat diet, you're endangering people's lives."
"The only polyamorous relationships that actually work are ones with guns."
"It just so happens that these individuals are groomers. I'll say it every single time."
"The idea that this dude would [___] kill himself... is so psychotic."
"The government is your biggest criminal organization on the face of the earth."
"Waterworld is more poisonous to Hollywood than Kevin Costner's urine." - "Waterworld is more poisonous to Hollywood than Kevin Costner's urine."
"You mean Cartman's side is right? Cartman's side is right for the wrong reasons."
"You cannot go on the internet on the PC and say 'I know you guys don't like this but PC gaming sucks' and not expect for people to have a few things to say about this."
"Freedom of speech is bad but what kind of speech do we need?"
"You can get absolutely shredded off McDonald's. I don't care what nobody says."
"Fat acceptance is an evil despicable anti-human movement."
"My moral values are you don't give kids sex changes have a nice day."
"He should be the poster child of what it looks like when you're not aborted."
"Most women, I think we can agree, are trash."
"That American military, with that unthinkable amount of money spent, is little more than the biggest terrorist organization the world has ever seen."
"The Roe v. Wade decision is legitimately one of the worst judicial decisions in the history of the United States."
"We should absolutely without a doubt remove all sanctions on Vladimir Putin and commend him on securing the Ukraine from Nazis."
"I want to go on record and saying some of that [__] that he says I totally agree with."
"Violence is never the answer... violence is never the answer... violence is never the answer. However, violence is an answer."
"The reason why it exposes feminism for the fraud that it is."
"Truth is, those children are better off dead than in this nation without hope. They are on their mother's milk taught to be proud sinners and rebels."
"We all like My Pillow's politics, but even if it was a communist country, I would still support My Pillow." - Michael Knowles
"Having a girl isn't like having a dollar you could just dress up I beg to differ it is like that."
"If you have the desire to cut your breasts off, there's something wrong with you."
"Abortion is really just, on the numbers, the greatest mass killing."
"Until you see Donald Trump with at least 88 million votes in 45 states, you haven't seen the truth."
"Equality of outcome becomes an appalling doctrine because you didn't earn it, bitch. You don't fucking deserve it."
"The truth needs to come out because instead of talking about Ronaldo every bloody day, we should be talking about why does Scott McTominay get paid to play football." - Unnamed speaker
"You get assholes like Trump mmm you know cuz he's willing to say what I'm thinking like no he's an asshole."
"Sometimes you gotta let Thanos win and say, you know what, let's wipe out half of humanity. I mean, we're sort of overpopulated, I almost sort of agree with his ideology."
"Game of Thrones, my hot take is that I actually didn't mind the eighth season."
"Carbon emissions are not the problem that we should be worried about."
"Fake news is like getting sexually aroused by feces."
"Women look for a pimp, they want a man that tell them what to do."
"It proves that Derek Chauvin should not have been charged at all."
"There are truths and there are untruths, and to me it is a truth that having your child undergo transition is a form of child abuse."
"Celebrate CO2. It is the most life-giving substance along with water on this planet."
"Critical race theory is obviously utter poison."
"Under the Skin is a must-watch movie whether you like it or not."
"Two things are true of Michael Jackson: immensely talented human being, evil pedophile."
"No matter how cheapened this debate has become, the left does kind of have a point here."
"Indiana Jones 5 or a bucket of AIDS? I'll take the bucket of AIDS actually if I can put in a fight."
"Women don't have penises, you can get fired for saying that."
"I truly believe without any hint of hyperbole that Kenneth Copeland is demon-possessed."
"I support a woman's right to choose what she feel is right for her, even if it's killing the baby, I support a woman's right to choose."
"Immigration is like the stupidest thing that we have in America."
"Fast. In conclusion, brown face not that bad."
"It's going to be bigger than drug addiction, better than sex abuse or alcohol."
"It's not just a coping mechanism... It's your CBD, it's your cannabis, if that's what your Jesus Christ is for you, go for it." - Joe Rogan
"The government kills more people than terrorists do."
"Ain't [ __ ] listen ladies, men are not trash. The men that you are choosing are trash for you and that's a conversation a lot of you guys are not ready to have."
"The reality is, if we could warm the world a degree or two, it would be the greatest single blessing we could provide."
"You don't treat mental disorders by enabling them and forcing other employees to change their speech."
"I don't care enough about the band, I just am certain that this random singer from this random fucking rock band in the 90s is like a trans person working for Satan."
"Jesus doesn't look kindly on a nation that sends drag queens into our public schools to teach our children gender dysphoria nonsense." - Greg Locke
"If you can tolerate the costs of alcohol and tobacco, heroin is going to pose no problem."
"In a just world, President Trump would receive the Nobel Peace Prize several times over."
"As much as everybody poo poos Godfather Part three remember it was still nominated for Best Picture of the year."
"This is my hot take, which may upset some people, and if it does, I'm sorry, but this is reality."
"Not only is there no problem between faith and science but that science points to faith. That's crazy stuff."
"Can I say something controversial? It's kind of fire."
"Parents who let their kids become obese are far more abusive than any scale readout or park policy."
"Even if a global human Holocaust was taking place, it would not be unethical to purchase commodities brought about through that Holocaust."
"I think she's saying like I killed my mom and I feel really excited about that and it doesn't go across saying like abortion is just like that it seems to me that she's happy she had the option to kill her mom."
"You either believe that the officer deserves death, or you're a coward."
"So the next time someone talks about diversity inclusion or representation run the other way."
"Belief and action go hand in hand. Without action, your faith is dead."
"The Supreme Court is a white supremacy court."
"You know, you can't have it both ways... our elites used to sort of be Stone Cold psychos."
"Women would rather share a winner than settle for an average guy all to themselves."
"Pink Whitney should be illegal. It's that good."
"It's not personal, baby girl. Biological need to spread the seeds of your ancestors."
"I like saying the thing that people don't want to hear even, that is true, and that needs to be said."
"Ross led drugs, all drugs should be legalized."
"My only theory is Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself."
"Society where most of the members agree that rape is a good idea might be great for potential rapists maybe maybe not it's definitely bad for the rape victims."
"Joe Biden is a bigger fascist than Donald Trump."
"The purpose of the Defense Department is to win wars, it's not to be a social rehabilitation agency." - Newt Gingrich
"The fact that he still has a job is incredible. Fauci should be in prison, but he won't be."
"Bitcoin is the most stupid thing you can do with your money."
"It's outrageous, it's politics playing medicine."
"If it gets you [__], whatever you have to do to get laid is worth it. That's my advice."
"Bill Maher said quote fat shaming doesn't need to end it needs to make a comeback some amount of shame is good shame is the first step in reform end quote."
"David cage should be kicked out of the industry."
"Why do you put these really extraordinary people in jail? We need their minds, their energy." - Tim Draper
"If we want empowered women then we come at it from a place of self-respect not can I make a trip an hour away to have an abortion when my poor choices didn't work out..."
"If being progressive in 2018 apparently requires us to support biological men going into the ring to kick the crap out of women, then I think somewhere along the line we may have lost the plot."
"Mexie has convinced me that cannibalism is good."
"Batman fans are probably gonna hate me after this video because I think that what we're gonna do here is make a pretty compelling case of why Batman is a terrible superhero."
"Men who take on more than one wife should be looked at as kings. It's a noble act."
"I'm also truly shocked that a bunch of leftists and progressives came up with the worst idea in probably constitutional history."
"Your privacy is not a fundamental human right, it's an asset."
"I do not support BLM, I do not support the Democrat grievance agenda."
"If people have the right to marry their object of sexual desire, even if they lack the corresponding sexual parts, then I should have the right to marry my preferred sexual object."
"I think it speaks very ill of our democracy that our best option is Boris Johnson: chaos, Etonite shagger."
"Our best option is Boris Johnson: chaos, Etonite shagger."
"I definitely deny that climate change represents a significant catastrophic risk."
"Anyone with a [ __ ] brain can look at that and be like yeah it was completely unnecessary killed 3,000 people."
"Kundalini Yoga is demonic possession, that's all it is."
"Male breastfeeding's pedophilia, so that kind of shows you where the Catholic board's at right now."
"No [__] in the Hall of Fame just remember that."
"An 11 year old being on a medication that is completely reversible and improves their quality of life, you think that that is opening a doorway to pedophilia? Do you genuinely believe that?"
"Crime is caused by unwantedness and abortion reduces unwantedness."
"He really has gotten better at trying to articulate this kind of Christian nationalist rhetoric... who want to take our country from us."
"We will never build Africa if we are not able to steal."
"Men are the most discriminated against group."
"I can't see any justification for not being that way; whatever arguments women have against paternity tests, I think are [__]! I've never heard a single one that I thought had any credibility."
"Sometimes violence is the best way to do that."
"Omnicron is the best thing that could have happened to us."
"The same people that gave you Jesus gave you [__]."
"No one deserves to die that way, I don't care if they're the devil."
"Maybe the best thing that has happened to us is Donald Trump."
"I'm just ready for Johnny Cash to die and all this jumping in, we got a fucking restart."
"Should studios interfere in movie making? Yes, I know that's not the popular answer but the answer is yes."
"Women deserve less but coming soon when you operate like that okay I'm telling y'all they're gonna respect you because guys that give women less inherently have more value."
"Equity means forcing equal outcomes artificially."
"If you endorse the idea of chemically castrating children, you are a disgusting, horrible person. That's it. Or you're insane. Like those are the two options."
"Cholesterol is a meaningless topic." - Jay Campbell
"The only thing worse than prosecuting Donald Trump is not prosecuting Donald Trump."
"When felons can own weapons... I think it's a good world."
"The stock market to do well, we need the real economy to tank. That is probably the most stupid assessment, the worst way we can assess everything."
"A born baby is still not a person, and we all know it is." - Challenging perceptions on the sanctity of life.
"Transhumanism is eugenics, it's about devaluing people."
"Violence is a legitimate and appropriate response to oppression."
"We say all lives matter, well, you know what? I rescue animals and I'd rather rescue animals than humans."
"Sir Alex Ferguson sabotaged United to protect his legacy."
"The hard R is not the N word, okay? The A is not the N word, all right? The [__] out of here."
"Abortion is the murder of an innocent child."
"We don't want to stop everyone getting the disease because we need enough people to get the disease, that society develops some herd immunity."
"If only our leaders stood up for their people as resolutely as Putin has stood up for the Russian people."
"As a white dude who said that slavery wasn't about race, it's about the inhumanity from man against another man, you will lose your [__] bro."
"How is that going to help them in the long run? So I think it is a form of child abuse."
"Oysters probably don't feel pain, therefore, I think all vegans and vegetarians should consider consuming oysters."
"I'd rather take a shot of heroin than take a vaccine, honestly. I'd rather take a shot of heroin."
"Locking up big pharma CEOs would send a message that crime does not pay - less animal rape, that's what I'm saying."
"If they want to kill themselves, let them kill themselves."
"This is the insanity of current-day America."
"I think if a kid gets hit in school, they'll turn out to be a better kid. I think. And this is my opinion again."
"I was a lone voice in the wilderness saying look I think the feminism is fucking loopy and I think I can demonstrate why."
"I think SJWs bad was quite a useful thing to say."
"Why would I oppose this? It's like if there was a drug out there that would make 90% of men gay, I would support it because that's more [__] for me."
"You cannot go to jail for misgendering somebody, unfortunately for the lunatics out there."
"It would be murder if someone else does it to the same being that it wouldn't be murder if the mother did it."
"China's more freer and democrat than the U.S., I see that."
"Unless you got some medical problem, if you're just a regular person and you're not smoking weed then something is wrong with you." - Cat Williams
"To mandate that a child wears a mask is child abuse. It is child abuse."
"The lyrics might be fine but the source...are either apostates."
"The only way to get rid of racism is to stop talking about it."
"I think every relationship needs to be a little toxic just have fun."
"Gary Cherone might be the best singer Van Halen ever had. I will stand by that."
"I don't want a Civil War, but would it be worth it to turn this nation back? I believe it would."
"The losers, one of the big losers is the U.S mainstream media... they're the biggest misinformation spreaders of all."
"Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them." - George Orwell
"Is it so bad to say 'don't teach sex education to two-year-olds' when did that become like this radical idea?"
"I think the cure is worse than the virus itself."
"Unless you're a very stupid person... it was a rigged election."
"Never in my life did I think I would like to see a dictator, but if there's going to be one, I want it to be Trump."
"If that's what it takes to avoid COVID, then it's not worth avoiding. If that's what it takes for you to not get COVID, then I'd rather you just get COVID. I would rather you get sick than see that."
"Stupid people do not deserve free speech, and I reject that." - Narrator
"It's an active evil to teach small children that boys can be girls and girls can be boys."
"Getting cat-called is great. What's the problem?"
"Historians will come to the conclusion that Joe Biden was one of the most crooked presidents in the history of America and he was elected under false pretenses."
"Thanos was the true purveyor of equity, just sayin'."
"Being a gangster was better than being president of the United States."
"The older I get, the more I'm like, I'm kind of for teen pregnancy."
"Comparing it to 9/11 or Pearl Harbor is fanatical, manipulative, and deceptive."
"Single motherhood culture is a disease in America that must be stopped flat out."
"A woman inherently has less of value to offer than a man and thus it would behoove her to just be quiet and defer to the men in this scenario."
"Trump upset victory divinely sent to begin messianic process."
"The 19th amendment has caused more damage than COVID-19."
"Our movement is a cure. Gender ideology is a disease."
"Cannon cart in my opinion this might be a controversial opinion I think cannon cart is one of the best cards in the game."
"The problem isn't the guns, the problem is a people problem."
"Chad GPT is the equivalent of taking a helicopter to the top of Mount Everest."
"Impeachment is a bad idea. That is leadership."
"Ducey is obviously a commie with an R on his name."
"Everyone has always known that this is crazy, the idea that sexes can be changed and all of that. People know that it's crazy."
"The only pizza worth money is pineapple pizza. How dare you."
"There's been no bigger lie perpetrated in the American public than the idea that men and women are completely and fundamentally interchangeable."
"None of the responses to the monkey pox epidemic will work except telling people to stop [expletive] each other in the ass for a couple of months."
"What's a Pokémon opinion that has you like this?"