
Aversion Quotes

There are 418 quotes

"Political sectarianism consists of three core ingredients: othering, aversion, and moralization."
"The bathroom is my enemy I just hate cleaning the bathroom."
"Honestly, I'm opposed to going to the floor of hell."
"Many shoppers said they would rather give up sex or do their taxes than go through it."
"People are put off by the cold and have an aversion to danger. They don't realize that there is much to explore beneath the icy exterior if you're willing to spend the time and energy."
"Those guys didn't talk about fighting and those guys didn't like that word."
"This is somehow scarier than that though, I don't like that lady."
"Drama sucks. I don't like being in it. I really don't like having bad blood with people."
"I mean, war is inherently an unpleasant thing that we would try to avoid."
"Letting go doesn't mean we don't still act to improve our circumstances, we're just dropping the opposition, the aversion to what's here."
"The color is repellent, almost revolting. A smoldering unclean yellow, strangely faded by the slow-turning sunlight."
"I don't see that silicone City again, it'll be too soon."
"That’s why MacGyver doesn’t like guns: because he swiped his dad’s gun when he was a kid, which led to his friend being shot and killed. It’s not a bad reason for hating guns."
"Real violence is ugly... not what most people want."
"As people understand violence more, the less they want to be involved in violence."
"I used to love eating cakes more than anything, but now they just give me PTSD."
"He hates it so much he'll do anything to stop it."
"Flesh is one of those words that's on my Hit List."
"I hate losing so much more than I love winning."
"I don't like hurting people, and I don't like seeing people hurt."
"I'm too old for drama, I don't like drama"
"Matthew hates war, he hates the senseless killing."
"No one wants to see more bloodshed."
"I don't like flowers in the house; they're for funerals."
"I'd rather eat my shirt off my chest than eat the coleslaw."
"Just the idea of it makes my stomach hurt."
"Do not contrive evil against one another, and do not love perjury because those are things that I hate, declares the Lord."
"That kiss was without exception the most disgusting thing anyone's ever done to me."
"I'm also non-confrontational to a fault."
"My version of a perfect world is one where there's no insects."
"Yeah, so like this. So like, if you were to go out to a steakhouse and have a ribeye and a glass of wine, it smells weird, tastes different, it's not appetizing to me anymore. Not only am I not craving it, I'm actually turned off by it."
"Nobody hates snakes more than I do."
"That's so cringe, I hate when people are like that about music."
"But you couldn't pay me that to play a game."
"There is something he hates more than germs, and that's losing."
"Oh, gosh. Oh, I hate mummies. That's too much for me."
"Batman doesn't like unfinished business Alfred can you finish this soup for me I think it's gross but I don't like unfinished business."
"I never want to go back to that warehouse again!"
"Oh my God, Casey saw the Waterworks that was coming from these slime balls didn't want any part of it."
"It's never been a chore to me, I hate it."
"I don't like the idea of delivering packages to them at all. I do not want to be anywhere near Tommy."
"Sounds nice, right? Well, you couldn't pay me enough."
"There wasn't a single building I dreaded more than this place."
"I didn't even like either of you. I hate all of you."
"Everyone's outside and no one cares about the rain, and it's just muddy and dirty, blasto you bro. I've never done it, I don't want to, my guy."
"I do not like it. I do not like it, Sam I am."
"Do you need to go to the dentist, Ron? I don't like dentists."
"I know some people might be upset, but, ugh, it's gross."
"I can assure you they will never get me onto one of those Dreadful Starships."
"No way I hate spiders I hate moths."
"I don't want to be alive if it means I have to be like Uncle Kyle."
"First, because that's where all the pheasants are, and second because I don't like Mr. Victor Hazel one little bit."
"I'm not going to lie, that smells pretty spicy and you know I don't like spice."
"I hate Star Wars, I hate it so much."
"Look at all that red meat on there. Yuck."
"I just couldn't say it man I just couldn't say it I just can't get behind alcohol."
"What I hate the worst thing is headlining."
"People want to communicate they hate silence."
"I hate ground beef right now but I'm going to try to make some meatballs this week and not throw up."
"I just don't like the idea of stuff falling on my body."
"Nothing will make me scream louder. I hate spiders."
"No, no, no, don't eat that! Don't eat it, it's disgusting!"
"Kurushi is the embodiment of hatred and fear towards cockroaches."
"I hate waste. I hate hate hate hate waste."
"I don't want to wake up and stare at that thing."
"I don't do the whole Black Friday shopping deal. Can't stand the crowds."
"I don't like being stopped, not by psycho nerds. It's kind of feral, you know?"
"I feel like this was what was happening here 'cause I just don't like shrimp."
"That's creepy, I ain't trying to have no bed and breakfast there."
"I don't think I could watch that ever again."
"She would rather die than be like her mother."
"I instantly hated him on a physical level, like I could feel it in my bones how much I hated this man."
"I had almost rather die than do something I am humiliated by."
"Addictions have been described as never getting enough of what you don't want or what you despise."
"I hated that apartment, and in some ways, I still do."
"Most likely there is a time in our evolutionary history when reacting with visceral revulsion to such sounds afforded us a greater chance of survival."
"I really hope to never see you again and especially on Halloween."
"Why would you put a clam in it? I don't want to drink a beer with a clam in it."
"I feel like I want to throw my chicken bacon ranch right now."
"She's just very, very adamant about not watching horror."
"Just the thought of eating one again almost made Conor puke. That rubbery flesh, the putrid taste, and the smell, oh, that was the worst of it. Gagged, disgusting."
"I hate glitter. It is my arch nemesis. Saying the word makes me angry, hearing the word makes me nauseous, and finding it on my hands and my face, in my private parts six days after thinking it's gone, makes me livid."
"I actually physically can't, like I actually want to throw up."
"I do not like feet; it's just the opposite, they disgust me."
"Oh, the garlic, the garlic was the worst, hands down."
"At no point in my life was I ever into the idea of like getting the arm in the face, you know? Like unexpected like, I don't, I don't understand the appeal."
"I don't want to be friends with that, right?"
"I hate her. I really do. Her mom makes me so sick."
"I value honesty a lot. I hate lying."
"Genuine hatred is manifested towards sin in our selves."
"Look if we tie everything together, people hate that."
"It's really frustrating to hear people say, 'Oh, well, if you work through it this way, or da da da, purity culture would allow you to...' No. When people express that they have an aversion, believe them."
"That's really weird. I don't like that."
"All this fake stuff, man I just like real people around me. I just can't go around the fakeness."
"I don't see any more. That's nasty."
"I hate fighting, but I know if you don't prepare yourself, you can get the worst of it."
"People will do more to avoid painful things than they will do to gain pleasurable things."
"It just seems like a nightmare to me."
"I've seen all I wanted for today. Gives me the willies."
"A combination is disgusting, it's nasty."
"I can't stand to look it over, it makes me kind of sick."
"I'll never set foot in one ever again."
"I don't think anything sickens me more than manufactured enthusiasm."
"I don't want anything to do with this stink of death."
"You must be talking about the thing with the boiling water. Ugh, that was awful, even remembering it is just terrible."
"Anything but fractions, I'll do push-ups."
"...oh, I don't like it at all, I don't like it at all..."
"Nobody likes it, but it is so. Let us never speak of this again."
"Grenky hates awards and attention so much."
"It's difficult to do something for long and hate it. You either stop doing it or stop hating it."
"...for me, I hate waking up with an alarm clock and that was one of the things that I have like kind of flagged is like I don't want to have to do that in my life."
"Why would you think I would want to come back to that location of Syntek? The one that made me feel like I wanted to die every single day?"
"I do not want poverty. I remember I've been in poverty and I did not like it. Wasn't a good place to be. I do not want to go back."
"I wouldn't wish this cake on my worst enemy."
"I just don't want to be involved with mudslinging and just consistently going on and on and on throwing mud back and forth I'm not interested in that."
"I'm not like 'oh let's go check this out let's go see what's going on no I'm out that [__] you're ever watching a movie or like a TV show that's a horror and you're just like holy [__] please get this off the screen now."
"Disgusting really, but there we go."
"I hate it so much, I don't want to ever play it again ever."
"I'll always love you, I just won't love the fly."
"I don't like messing with no dang fringe."
"I don't have black in my palette, okay? That's one thing I hate to use no matter I'm painting oil or watercolor."
"I never liked this boogey man I didn't like you."
"Dude, you know what it is? I f***ing hate fishing."
"I hope to never see that grinning face for as long as I live."
"This pumpkin project is many things and one of them is my aversion to waste."
"Venom could, you know, technically produce carnage, but come on, I just don't want to do that."
"I was still terrified of weed even the scent of weed I'm like - this time you guys -"
"I'm about to gag just thinking about it."
"I wish you know I I don't like toxicity."
"If I can live to where I never have to hear that name again I think I'll be a pretty happy guy"
"The thought of eating anything sickened me."
"It's a tough watch, you feel me? I tried to put it on the other night, I was like, 'Oh God.'"
"...there's just something that kind of repulses me turns me off doesn't want me to embrace someone who has dirty hands..."
"When something becomes fun for me, I stop doing it and do something that sucks."
"It all works. Don't do the stuff that makes you want to kill yourself though. Don't do the stuff that you dread, like sales calls. That's not my jam."
"You are absolutely the last person we want to hear anything about."
"Screw six, yeah specifically I hate it."
"I hate cat and cat hates me, and we realized that after being in the same room together, we could not do it together anymore."
"He stared down at the eggs on his plate, contemplating whether he could choke them down."
"I can't stand the smell. So as much as I want to keep using it, I literally never touch it because I cannot stand how it smells. It's so strong."
"No one cares about doing the boring grinding. That's the part that people don't like."
"We try to hold on to what is pleasant and push away what is unpleasant."
"That sounds so dystopian like freaking arus I can't arus I don't want to be there."
"I'm not really a fan of artificial sweeteners so I've been looking for something that would give me some flavor without having to have that artificial sweetener aftertaste."
"I ain't kissing no dead body. I know what lies beneath that makeup, let me tell you."
"I'm gonna puke just standing out there."
"Sometime you just don't like people."
"that that was terrible terrible I I never want to have that nightmare again"
"Courage is a good thing, isn't it? Any of you wanna be cowards?"
"If you associate something very distasteful with your loss of self-control, it will help you to stop the act."
"I can't think how insects and animals and birds like him. I simply can't bear him," thought Anne.
"I never want to watch this movie again for the rest of my life."
"The primary driver is an intuitive one, this kind of subconscious, intuitive aversion to the idea of male same-sex intercourse on the part of those who are not oriented in that direction."
"...I would never want to see anything like that anyway."
"I woke up this morning just like I don't want to do Monday."
"Trust me I can't imagine anything I'd rather not have."
"That is an automatic dislike for me. I do not like that."
"I hate mustard, like, it makes me want to throw up."
"That was my reaction: 'Oh God, I didn't want to see this.'"
"I feel like everybody enjoys watching drama and stuff like that but I hate drama."
"I don't want sea bugs like...what? What's..."
"I never wanted to go back to the desk job."
"I just want to play poker. I don't want it like this."
"That's insane to me. I would rather try any other way possible to get that card."
"Why do people have such an aversion, Christians especially such an aversion with the law of God?"
"I want nothing to do with that place."
"I hate losing, I hate mediocrity."
"That makes you feel like [ __ ] listen I don't listen I, I love that for you yeah I love that people love things yeah just don't I don't want it, get it away from me I don't know what I don't know about it, I want nothing to do."
"I'm not interested in running a freak show."
"I honestly didn't want to do business with her because she gave me bad vibes. She was rude."
"It's like everyone hates the word moist. I don't either, and I'm like, are you guys just saying this because like someone said it once?"
"I don't even want to watch it, it's gonna piss me off."
"If I go to hell, it will be someone playing chewing sounds on repeat at full volume just loud enough to make me think I'm gonna lose my goddamn mind."
"I feel like Tyrion's interactions with Jaime are going to be great, but I do not want to see Cersei. I don't want to see her smug little face."
"So I said I will, I'll pay somebody else to do it, I'll come over, I'll I'll cut your grass I cannot no I can't see this poor dead deer I've been on Xanax for a day and a half because of this thing."
"I'd rather not brush my teeth than know that."
"I don't buy Lego Friends. Never have, probably never will."
"The world of organized crime was foreign to me and something I had no desire to be involved in."
"I never read a novel, red, red, sorry, I thought I, I, I, wrong, okay, no because as I said, I did not like reading books, so if I have to choose between reading and watching, so I just watched, that I just watch movies because you know, I don't like reading much."
"...there's a lot of exponents that are just never going to want to join anything again that even smells like a religion."
"Every time I think of the beach, horrible images invade my thoughts."
"Who wants to hangover? Nobody. Literally, nobody."
"I don't know if any of us will ever go back there again. I mean, who would want to?"
"I hate it when bullies win... I hate it."
"That thing is my worst nightmare. You couldn't pay me all the money in the world."
"There was this weird druggie too that everyone just sort of knew of and hated."
"I hope to god we never ever meet."
"Everyone can eat and drink whatever they want, but pumpkin flavored things are gross."
"The smell of meat gives me the ick. Unless it's Korean barbecue. Any other meat smell I'm like no, get it away from me."
"Bigotry... literally just being scared and having an aversion to something that you don't understand and don't want to understand."
"I hate murder. I hate death. I love my family. I want my family back."
"I was never going to clip a bird's wings, ain't going to do it, never happened. I didn't like the idea, I didn't want to do it, I thought it would hurt him."
"Prison is not glamorous. Prison is not where people want to be at all."
"Happy birthday, Les. How did you know it was my birthday? I hate having birthdays."
"I hate politics and I don't just hate bad politics I hate all politics."
"I don't get on any groups, man. I'm in a few kayak groups on Facebook, basically just so I can if I have a question about a kayak or something or whatever, but I don't interact with nobody in Facebook groups. It's a cesspool, man. I hate Facebook."
"To his somber and cynical spirit, all popular applause was always abhorrent."
"I don't want people dying, man. I don't want people dying."
"I don't like scary movies in general."
"He couldn't stand the sight of suffering and he couldn't bear the sight of blood, and that remained with him for the rest of his life."