
Thematic Consistency Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"The 1975 is the track one on all the records; it's sort of like a treatise of what is both on your mind and sort of society's mind."
"The color scheme of all of those photos fits perfectly into the whole aesthetic she's known since at least then."
"You may be destined for One path but you can still Forge your own which again fits perfectly with the themes that we've already had established in this story."
"Your story should have a purpose, a theme - everything should wrap around this common theme."
"It's so impressive to me, these designs man, they capture the feeling of a UB perfectly."
"The consistency of the soundtrack's atmosphere and use of leitmotifs to reflect specific characters and places is in perfect balance."
"From bugs to motors, it's all about creating a believable universe."
"Control is a recurring theme over and over and over again."
"It's only right that the three main themes of the series are perfectly captured and represented through Luffy's character."
"The theme that they are doing variations on is the theme is the rhythm that Kevin Conroy was playing."
"Every action full circle and end the show with what is arguably the most brutal yet thematically congruent conclusion in television history."
"It's an over-the-top crazy movie and it works within this universe."
"This version of Velma dress up as Ruth Bader Ginsburg which feels incredibly on brand for the character."
"The Blade Itself tells you a lot and certainly matches the tone of the story you're about to read."
"Significantly better than before, Night Lords are... They play a lot like Night Lords should play."
"They stuck with that family theme throughout."
"It represents the rest of the album really well."
"There's really only one rule in terms of the things that Mario does: generally, he's more on the blue-collar side."
"Broken Reality is vaporwave, the video game for good and for ill."
"Every level is talking about the same theme."
"The Theme is what holds the whole group together and holds the whole campaign together, and that character just simply didn't fit in it at all."
"Paladins are the best thematically speaking."
"Mowing down hordes of deadites with this baby feels just right."
"You have to plan when you're writing a soundtrack with themes and light motifs like this. You have to know what the story is who the characters are how everything is related and what's gonna happen."
"The violence in The Last of Us, even though it is insane, never feels out of place."
"It's atmospheric to put it lightly and each theme fits its locale flawlessly with very few pieces missing their mark."
"The first melody is also the show's last melody."
"Big proc damage, cool visual effect, and it just really fits the theme."
"Loki being the person at the end of all this really does fall in line with the ideal of his glorious purpose."
"Overall, it's a hell of a lot of fun... class fantasy is going to be quite the running theme throughout this video."
"Alright, so it wouldn't be Diablo without going to hell, right?"
"Made in Abyss delivers on the darkness that it initially advertised."
"Rampart's personality is all the way through this thing."
"It felt like a Dune movie more than the other one."
"I absolutely love when the games get creative with level themes while staying consistent with the overall game setting."
"A story should have a deliberate framework of themes and it should never leave that framework. Everything serves the theme."
"Everything about it is really thematic though, I like that it's very thematic."
"Should comics have an adult line be entirely adult themed? Yeah, I think so."
"Narrative and thematic consistency that is unparalleled in most other media."
"The tracks from start to finish are carefully chosen to match each area and boss with expert precision."
"A fairly strong thematic throughline defined by these phantoms."
"Luffy defeating Kaido with a new power aligns thematically."
"Fits the aesthetic of BioShock Infinite absolutely perfectly."
"I think the inclusion of adult Timmy does a good job getting Timmy to that point thematically too."
"It's like a new Direction but it's still rooted in kind of the stuff that made FNAF interesting."
"Every gameplay choice is in service to that 80s pulpy tone."
"The theme is great and I'm glad it has that theme."
"The themes themselves feel cohesive, carried through in the environments as well as the critters within."
"It wasn't just like giving us around a bit of everything, everything that they gave us was relevant to the pack and the pack theme."
"A Good Zelda Dungeon is one that utilizes a unique theme, that not only helps bind all the elements of the dungeon together, but also helps it stand out from the rest of the dungeons in that game."
"The tone of the game seems so far very fitting neatly into 40k."
"Never too dark, just as strange as we were all hoping it would be."
"Heavy machinery demands more precision than earlier 2D levels. You're threading the needle between hazards which makes it feel claustrophobic, a perfect fit for the industrial theme."
"The lighting choices work perfectly for each of their respective themes."
"You definitely had a theme, you stuck with it, and it was just creative all the way through."
"Just one last thing as well the car itself can impact the event sort of when it comes out we try and tie in a car with the event that makes sense."
"Looking forward to many good times with the new games from E3, Banner Lord, Battlefront 2, see a theme, same few."
"Symbolically and narratively fitting to happen at the end of Wano."
"It fit great with the whole theme they were going for, since it was just straight up giving him what they wanted his theme to be."
"In looking at all of the different Pokemon starters, they all had something that they're anchored to."
"Designs that feel like they belong in a living Universe."
"It's not often that you can apply a theme to a project and to the people making it."
"Was not expecting it to be this capable off-road. Let's continue the American theme with the Gladiator."
"A lot of natural pairings... fit fantasy-wise."
"Nothing you see in Breaking Bad is an accent. Every piece of clothing, the colors of the backgrounds, the props... all of them work together to tell a single cohesive story."
"That really goes with the vibes of what this area is going to be."
"They should have just named this album vibes because that's what I'm picking up every single time."
"There's a reason we got a whole pirate game to try and capture the same magic."
"There is a good chemistry there... it communicates the urgency even just through that motif."
"In Guacamelee!, every mechanic suits the theme perfectly, making you feel like a true luchador wrestler."
"The main theme then becomes this like lantern in the dark that helps see you through all of these disparate places."
"Heartland wouldn't be Heartland without the horses."
"It really feels kind of thematic and holistic."
"The dialogue is extremely corny, but it fits with the general theme of the game."
"Make sure your level theme goes well with the gimmick. Don't just have it be underground for no reason; make the theme fit the level."
"That empowerment is a running theme throughout the series."
"A great thing about Rivendell is that it appears in both trilogies and it’s a location where a ton of characters can pop up and make total sense."
"The ending that makes the most thematic sense for Game of Thrones is for the White Walkers to win."
"Everything blends together and that is something that you will notice with this park."
"Chica's insatiable hunger in food-based theming comes off as sweet in marketing."
"I think with this album there's definitely a theme that kind of flows and it's really about being grown and sexy and in a relationship."
"That's a watch that kind of carries forward that theme."
"I think the theme of friendship remains as strong here as in the previous game."
"I feel like they tried hard with these parts to make it feel like Firewatch."
"It's all very cohesive; there's a running theme throughout the house, and it all feels very intrinsically me."
"It's very fun, very thematic, they're doing a great job."
"Everything fits together from this; they had to switch away from like a second Ionia."
"Peace is the one-word theme for Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker."
"This chapter also does things like establish even more strongly a lot of the canon aspects of film red."
"For how much I love the ideal version of the Assassin fantasy, Syndicate has a lot more Assassin DNA than I expected."
"Ultron, a perfect card to the lore that is Ultron."
"It's a perfect representation of not just AC1, but the core elements of this series."
"I'm definitely enjoying doing this theme of videos on my channel."
"Designers have really locked in on the style of the Vandal; their ships are becoming very distinct and very threatening and cool-looking."
"The presentation is incredibly well done and fittingly atmospheric in a way that sells the setting perfectly."
"Making assets historical like this that really fit in with your theme and the aesthetic makes a huge huge difference to the way that a High Street looks."
"Middle Earth will always be the primary foundation and platform of Zorpazor."
"Each level has its own consistency graphically and themes throughout that resonate from massive mansions and murder mysteries to a solitary train ride."
"The overall game I think is really well put together. It looks like 40k, sounds like 40k, and the mixture of chess and a tactical battle game is intriguing."
"Agrabah really commits to that familiar atmosphere."
"Pack-a-punch elevates the player to become a powerful zombie-slaying machine, and it's an addition that sits perfectly parallel to the ridiculousness of the playable characters."
"Does that inform the way you finish the film?"
"Joel's tracks always have one main Core theme or idea."
"It's interesting how we've kind of seen that all of his films deal with that similar kind of theme, don't they?"
"Midnight Mass still feels very much like a Mike Flanagan production."
"Every part of the show comes back to at least one of these themes in some way or another."
"It's cohesive, all very similar themes. They all kind of relate, they go together."
"the album justifies that title as a start-to-finish body of work"
"...as I said, it remains consistent, but in a way, it's always shifting, and it's always keeping me guessing. New ideas are always coming into play, and yet it feels just also just very solid, more solid thematically for me."
"I realized that I hadn't done a Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs scene for the food theme which seemed like an absolute travesty so of course we had to do another food theme this was definitely a fun one."
"Everything has been selected, created, or arranged in order to support the central theme of the image."
"I like the consistency and I like the theme."
"What makes an ending extraordinary... is that the ending fits the themes of the story and wraps up the character journey in a way that makes sense."
"It sticks to its themes and does everything that it does not only competently but extremely well beyond that."
"I love how the music that's constantly playing throughout the show always matches the mood and the theme of what's going on on the screen."
"I don't think I've ever been so on theme for a video before."
"The actions taken in the game are the story, and the theme should match the action."
"You got a theme and you're crushing it."
"The sky is the limit as long as you stay on theme."
"Walt Disney really did not like how a cowboy in Tomorrowland looked."
"Understanding the core themes of your story and having those ideas guide every creative decision you make."
"Every character behavior... should be related to that theme."
"You have to have a fine theme throughout your different stories, and each point or each slide has to be a specific topic that you're going to cover."
"Tonally, it does feel like Indiana Jones, which surprised me."
"The word 'love' seemed to be a constant theme in this family."
"And then this awesome artwork that's above both of the beds, of course, the headboard's kind of throwing back to that theming again that we keep talking about."
"Everything is done so well on these, like the theming and everything is so perfect."
"Have a theme that connects all of your essays."
"Some people say the journey matters, not the destination—but I think the destination should at least be thematically sound with the journey."
"The overall aesthetic just really does scream Jazz. I'm so happy with it."
"I think it's really interesting to see how this book already firmly establishes the dominant themes of the entire Earthsea cycle."
"It's consistent with the theme, and I think that's important."
"It's great that they didn't break the theme; they still found a way to kind of tie that in."