
Revolutionary Ideas Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Your subconscious mind will create such unbelievable shit, and then when you get up, fucking write it down because it might be revolutionary."
"The only revolutionary idea in government anybody ever had was that people should be free."
"It's a mind-blowing idea because it completely just wipes out everything that we know."
"Revolutionaries recognize that the youth are the future."
"In a world with no private life, abandoning social formations was a major revolution."
"That's how all the best revolutions happen, somebody says Seth you screwed up you're wrong."
"I think Adams was the revolutions greatest man of ideas."
"You need a revolution within the way that we teach our children."
"All you need is one revelation to create a revolution."
"How can one person change the world? By tearing it down."
"If the people knew what the banking system is up to, as Henry Ford said, there would be a revolution tomorrow morning."
"I don't think short-term, I'm talking real global American Revolution."
"Rubin is also able to present his ideas as new and, in some cases, revolutionary."
"Is it time for a workplace revolution? It is."
"Normalcy is what allowed us to come here. The systems that were normal, the institutions that were normal, the beliefs and the ideologies that were normal have led us to this moment, and nothing should be the same ever again."
"The nature of the ultimate revolution is precisely this: getting people to love their servitude."
"Reform without revolution is inherently insecure and will be taken back."
"You are definitely here to change things up, all right, to change the game, to change the system, to rewrite the coding from within the system itself, to tear down old paradigms, and restore the balance within the earth plane."
"Separating money from the state: a revolution in the making."
"The revolution has begun. Perfection is here."
"You want to change the world you want to change the government and change the king but if you want to change the king then change the Kings parents."
"We don't need that revolutionary at the forefront anymore."
"Think big, create big. I'm reluctant to use words because of the climate we're in right now, like tear it down, burn it down, you know like that kind of stuff, but you know, I mean, but that's the sentiment that's out there."
"There has never been a more revolutionary idea on this planet since his time. Nobody has come up with a more revolutionary idea than this."
"I like Mavericks, I like revolutionaries who like to push limits and change things up."
"Professor Hapgood's work... should have entirely turned the story of the history of human civilization onto its head."
"It straight-up says look all of the people keeping us down on a flesh and bone they're not better than us they bleed just like we do these hierarchies can be dismantled a better world is possible."
"The idea of every adult male regardless of what tax they're paying getting a vote sounded extremely revolutionary, extremely liberating, extremely egalitarian."
"The revolution is in your weakness, in your fragility, in feeling vulnerable."
"We will establish the new American Republic on its ashes."
"This is a revolutionary in the dream and then listen to the sound all come on to that."
"If you want to save the Republic, you got to kill the empire."
"We need a revolution, not just reform, to revive the ideals of 1776."
"His catchphrase embodied the 3 key tenets of his revolutionary vision . . . Distrust the bourgeoisie, control our own leaders and have confidence in our own revolutionary forces."
"A teenage Stalin was immediately hooked on Marx and Engel's words."
"Welcome to the reality... we return revolution now."
"The next two decades will usher in an absolute revolution."
"You better become a revolutionary very fast because this is the dominant form of value which operates in our society."
"Write down your dreams; even the craziest ones have started revolutions."
"This shit is so revolutionary it's not even funny."
"Truly revolutionized the way people think in the field."
"If people knew what the banking system is up to... there would be a revolution tomorrow morning."
"I feel I am, daddy. I think love is the greatest revolution."
"Money was the root of all this evil, and so how do you take down Goliath? You destroy their mechanism of control."
"He saw comics as a means to introduce the mass populace to revolutionary ideas."
"More reason why we need another French Revolution, right? We need a counter-revolution to rebuild them and then another one to a revolution to take them over." - Paul Prescott
"An idea so revolutionary that at first no one believes it could be true."
"Thomas Paine had written and published a pamphlet called 'Common Sense.'"
"These two moves would really revolutionize the world we live in."
"Bernie's message of a political revolution as an open socialist has resonated in the heartland of America."
"The only way to change, fix, or change the current system is to tear it down and rebuild a new one."
"Death to the real [ __ ] consciousness 'cause it's revolutionary to be opposite of what the system has told you to be."
"It would literally rewrite human history like it would completely change everything."
"Revolution in the United States and maybe globally."
"Stieglitz believed in the revolutionary idea that women could be outstanding artists."
"Coffee houses were open to men of all classes and the emphasis was on discussing the revolutionary ideas of the day."
"Just the concept that Jesus is God was revolutionary."
"Every war, every revolution, every evil starts with wrong ideas."
"He was pushing people to the idea of a revolution."
"Many slaves began to use the same ideas and arguments of the revolutionary era to try to obtain their freedom."