
Divine Approval Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"I know that God is proud of me; there's nothing that God hates more than sloth and laziness."
"By the mercies of God, walk in a manner worthy of the calling by which you have been called."
"My purpose is to hear well done that good and faithful servant."
"God testified concerning him: 'I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.'"
"I am more interested in God's approval than I am even in His love, which I know sounds to many of you heretical practically, but I must say I think it's the best."
"The greatest of all rewards will be to hear him say, 'Well done my good and faithful servant, enter into your Master's happiness.'"
"Out of darkness the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth which I the Lord am well pleased."
"If a movement persists and it lasts for a long time, it may be an indication that God has given his imprimatur to this movement."
"Those who abstain from immorality are the ones who have pleased their Maker."
"Welcome home beloved sons and daughters well done and so it is."
"Blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing."
"The truth is, when you see that you're right with God, the same voice from your Father comes to you: 'You are my beloved child in whom I am well pleased.'"
"You don't need recognition from people, you don't need recognition from man, you need recognition from God. That's the only recognition that you need."
"God created man in his own image... and god saw that it was good."
"Accept this new beginning and the divine is watching and approving."
"I focus on relationships... your words and actions don't line up, I want to do no business with you because I know that I'm pre-approved by God."
"God doesn't validate based on performance. He validates based on relationship."
"For when he has been approved he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love him."
"It's no small thing to be a Christian and to be owned and approved of by God."
"When the Lord looks at you, he's pleased, he delights in you."
"Imagine the joy of God the Father, how He will greet you when what you have to present to Him is the fact that you helped save His children."
"My goal for myself is to have Him [Jesus] say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.'"
"I live my life to get God's approval. I ain't looking for nobody's approval in no form. Give me God's approval, that's it."
"If anyone's got God's stamp of approval, it's Jesus."
"What Jesus did makes us pleasing to God. It's not about our own good works."
"How does one know that Allah is pleased with them?"
"God's hand is upon Elijah... God approves by sending the little cloud from the sea."
"The glory is when heaven looks at you and sees you depending on God for everything."
"You want to hear God say, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant.'"
"If you truly believe in Christ as Lord and Savior... if you've truly turned from sin to pursue Christ you have been made right in God's sight because of the blood of Jesus Christ."
"Don't take 'no' as an answer to something that Jesus had said 'yes' to."
"He would rather wait on God and be late than do nothing without having God's approval."
"I want to end well. When I go to Glory, I want Him to smile."
"Greatness always follows good because a great name is not what men give you, it's what God gives you."
"When we have a sincere try, that is when He's most pleased with us."
"This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased creation was given an instruction hear ye him."
"You can't please everyone. But you can win the approval of God."
"Thou art my beloved son and thee I am well pleased."
"God says, 'That is good' when it fits and matches what He wills and intended for your life."
"I wanted to feel at peace, and again, I just wanted God to approve of me."
"You know, nothing makes God happier than when two people, any two people, come together in love."
"I just want to know if I continue doing this for the rest of my life and I meet God, is he going to be pleased with my decision?"
"When Jesus gets through with you, it does not matter who likes you or who does not like you."
"We appear fools to the world, to angels, to devils, to mankind, but to God, he said, 'I like it.'"
"And God saw everything that he had made and indeed it was very good."
"If God speaks well of a person, you better change your opinion about them."
"Favor is approval from God. Grace is unlimited favor."
"Jesus is God's son because God said Jesus was God's son in whom he was well pleased."
"You're going to be always found faithful before the Lord no matter what you do here on this Earth."
"He wants you to know you're pleasing Him."
"I feel like I need to tell you, and He just wants you to know you're pleasing Him."
"It's creation, so far everything is good. God says it's good, seven times in the first couple of chapters."
"If the people are displeased, Allah is pleased then alhamdulillah we are heading in the right direction."
"Dorcas being raised from the dead was God's stamp of approval upon her life and her ministry."
"As long as God is pleased with your life, that is good enough."
"If God's word approves it, you can run with it."
"God's approval of me had nothing to do with my performance. It had everything to do with my relationship with His Son."
"...as long as you're doing your part, then God is happy with you."
"Apostolic Christianity is the only kind of Christianity that God places his hand of approval upon."
"The approval of God sets us free from the disease to please."
"I believe if we all look back on these weeks and the revivals that we've had these past couple of days, I believe we all will agree that God has approved, come on somebody, God has approved."
"God is not ashamed to be called the God of those who long for a heavenly country, for He has prepared a city for them."
"God's anointing is his approval on what you are doing with the gifts he gave you."
"We're all doing what's right and right in our minds is to worship God on the high places but God says no the one who's right in my mind is the one who chooses to just sit in the threshing floor and let my spirit blow all of the chaff out of their life."
"God's proud of you for surrendering in a new level."
"God's approval matters more than all others."
"God saw the light that it was good, and God separated between the light and the darkness."
"The more you love people, the more God is going to smile on you."
"You present yourself a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable and pleasing to God."
"Nothing matters anymore but God's approval of you."
"Jesus Christ is a man approved by God to perform miracles."
"God has already said yes about that thing, but God is looking at our hearts tonight."
"Go eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works."
"I'm just trying to hear Jesus say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord.'"
"Heaven opens; this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
"The most important sustaining vote is the one we receive from God Himself."
"I have found a man after mine own heart, who shall do all my will."
"The goal is to be approved by God, not of men, and you do that by studying His word, rightly interpreting it, and applying that to your life."
"And so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man."
"The light you live, you say it, you should, that's what I want to say, and what the Lord will say, 'Well done, very well done.'"
"We speak not pleasing men, but God, who examines our hearts."
"It's God's smile that I'm after, not men's."
"God has seen everything. God is very proud of you. The Divine is very proud of you."
"The only gospel that God approves and blesses is the gospel of the grace of God."
"We speak not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts."
"Is it acceptable to God? Can God's Word verify it? And if God's Word can't verify it, it's not acceptable."
"Whoever lives only for themselves... can't receive the approval of God."
"Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs."
"A man approved of God amongst you by wonders and miracles and signs, which God did by him and you witnessed to it."
"Go to sleep knowing that if your mother and your father are not pleased with you, then Allah is not pleased with you."
"God is not obligated to endorse that which he didn't construct."
"God is pleased with you because of what Jesus did for you, not what you do for Jesus."
"Every major decision that Jesus took, he always would think, 'Will this glorify the Father or not?'"
"I would rather be unpolished and undignified and hear the voice of my Father saying well done."
"Who are you and what do you want? That one day I see God face to face and he says, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant.'"
"When God says you're right, it doesn't matter what man says about you."
"Jesus shows up because he will sign and stamp and approve whatever you agree on."
"It brings glory to God because even though no man sees it, God sees it, you're looking for His smile, His approbation, His approval."
"The Holy Spirit descends in the form of a dove, and a voice from heaven says, 'This is my beloved Son, in whom I'm well pleased.'"
"I will preach until I hear him say, 'Well done'."
"This is my beloved Son, in whom I'm well pleased; hear Him."
"I want to stand before God and I want Him to say, 'Well done.'"
"Faith is what pleases God. Faith is what gets God's attention."
"It's enough to build the kingdom and it's enough for God to be proud of you."
"The gods have seen and judged, and they love what you have done."
"David was called by God a man after His own heart."
"It pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this."
"Go, eat your bread with enjoyment and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do."
"I would rather have God's approval than all the honor of man in the world."
"The skies will part, rain will fall on your fields, and the Lord will be pleased with your artwork."
"Lord, make us marked, make us stamped with Your approval."
"Go then, eat your bread in happiness and drink your wine with a cheerful heart; for God has already approved your works."
"The consciousness of being well pleasing to God, and in the power of blessing others."
"Lord, teach us that we're not called to be man pleasers but to be pleasing to you."
"We want a 'well done and good and faithful servant' kind of a dream, amen everybody?"
"God says, 'Okay, you testified to me, good job.'"
"For not he who commends himself is approved, but whom the Lord commends."
"Christ is the only one God's ever said, 'This is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased.'"
"Live for the applause of nail-scarred hands."
"God was like, I approve of you, what you're doing is great."
"Seek the approval of God primarily, and not the approval of the community."
"You preach for the smile of God, not for the smile of man."
"Allah loves those who give Sadaqa and charity."
"I want to hear 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant'."
"The only person you got to please is God."
"I just want the Lord to be happy with me, I just want to rest in his presence."
"When it's all said and done, I want God the Father to say, 'I'm pleased'."
"Everything we do, we want it to be endorsed by God."
"When I meet the Lord, I want to hear 'Well done, my good and faithful servant,' I don't want to hear 'Your judgment is eternity somewhere else.'"
"Make up your mind that you're settle for nothing less than the approval of God upon your life."
"There's only one person you should care about what they think, and that's your Lord, that's your savior, that's the head of the church, that's your father God."
"This is my son in whom I'm well pleased, that's what we should be longing for."
"I'd rather be canceled and criticized by the world and be accepted and promoted by God."
"He hopes he's making Kami proud and doing the position well."
"Do what is right and good in the Lord's sight, so that it may go well with you."
"Just having that little act of faith to even say a prayer is enough for heavenly father to be like, 'That's all I need.'"
"Joseph's willingness to humble himself to do a job nobody else wanted to do makes him great in the eyes of God."
"For the approval of God is of ultimate importance."
"Just be happy with yourself the way He is happy with you."
"I would rather hear on Judgment Day... 'You are making me proud; you were doing what I put you on this Earth to do.'"
"Justice pleases Him when that justice is executed."
"At the end of the day, I want to hear Him say, 'Well done, thy good and faithful servant.'"
"If we live by God's word, we can gain His blessings and approval."
"To believe in the Lord is to experience and practice His word and understand His word, then we can keep the Lord's way and receive His approval!"
"For when he received honor and Glory from God the Father, and the voice was born to him by the Majestic Glory, 'This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.'"
"The only one you have to please is God, and God is the one who will direct you with what to do and how to do it."
"The sacrifice of all earthly things leads to knowing that the course you're pursuing is pleasing to God."
"More important whether I'm pleased with myself is this: if God is pleased with me."
"The fog, the haze, the drama, the chaos, all that stuff is coming against you, but it becomes noiseless chatter when you hear the Father say, 'You are my son in whom I'm well pleased.'"
"Allah will only allow something to spread if He is pleased with that thing."
"I'd rather have God's approval on my life than man's approval any day."
"You will speak over your family and heaven will stamp it."
"Such a person's praise is not from other people, but from God."
"I'm not on this Earth trying to please a bunch of people, I'm here winning the approval of God, he's what matters to me."
"The anointing is your green light from God."
"God loves me and that's the only one I'm out to please."
"Your vindication does not come from the approval of men, but from me, your Lord and Creator."
"You need to get up and work so hard that even in the eyes of God, He is proud of you."
"Jesus from Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by wonders, miracles, and signs which God did through him, as you yourselves know."
"If both are combined, God Almighty will consider it as worship."
"For am I now seeking the favor of people, or of God? Or am I striving to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a bond servant of Christ."
"Our goal is not to just make heaven; our goal is to hear 'Well done, my good and faithful servant'."
"Then each man's praise will come from God."
"At the end of that judgment, the angels say, 'Just and true are thy ways.'"
"We just want to hear you say, 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant.'"
"You have run the race; you have kept the faith. These are the words I long to hear my Savior say."
"This is my beloved Son in whom I am pleased; listen to Him."
"It's the Divine saying yes to you."
"The approval is already there from Source, all somebody has to do is have childlike faith."
"God will look, and He'll be pleased, and His favor and His blessing and His delight will rest on you through all your days."
"God is trying to tell you that I already approved you."
"Your hard work is paying off, the Divine is proud of you."
"With all the conviction of my soul, I testify that He did please His Father perfectly and that a perfect Father did not forsake His son in that hour."
"God has already approved you and everything is perfectly lined up for you."
"When God approves you, people begin to see you the way God sees you."
"Resting in the confidence that we are God's beloved redirects our need to seek approval from others to knowing we are approved by God."
"When God says yes, who the hell can say no?"