
Spiritual Beings Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"We are infinite spiritual beings having temporary human experiences."
"Behold, he cometh with ten thousands of his Holy Ones to execute judgment upon all."
"Fairies are thought to be magical spirit beings far more ancient than humans who possess the ability to manifest themselves in our physical realm and interact with everything here."
"You are living in a world where we coexist with spiritual beings."
"Principalities are the highest angels of the third sphere. They oversee entire nations."
"The angels of God are God's messengers, enforcers, ministers, and they're heavily used in scripture."
"There are more angels than there are demons."
"We are light beings literally, and the sun itself as it brings those photons which energize and interact directly with our DNA."
"Angels have real power, these are not weak, chubby, twinkie-eating angels sitting on a cloud."
"Angels according to scripture are known for their power."
"Angels are part of a civilization, not just ethereal beings, engaging in various activities including eating and drinking."
"If you believe in God, you acknowledge that there are intelligences that don't have a body. Angels and Demons flow from that."
"For many native cultures, Sasquatch is a spiritual being and a real flesh and blood creature."
"Christ beings are full of love... they want to liberate, to free others."
"The spirit of the living creature was in the wheels."
"Angels are spiritual persons, incredibly more intelligent than we are."
"We have to tread these waters carefully and not boss angels around."
"Redemption is possible, and in some rare cases these fighters have managed to outgrow their past personas and become some of the most beloved in the sport."
"If you're relatively new to the sport of MMA, you've probably noticed that these days trash-talking and social media hazing is part of the fight game."
"The Quran repeatedly talks about humans and jinns."
"The Quran mentions humans, jinns, and angels."
"The number of Angels compared to the number of jinn is dramatically different."
"There are saints walking the globe, but not as humans."
"Spirits with their own consciousness, they're going to behave differently every single time."
"In both Islam and pre-Arabian concepts, the Shaitan appear to be evil spirits."
"Demons and angels actually do have a connection to God they have some sort of connection back to Creator Force because they were actually created by God originally but aliens were not."
"The world was enamored with these beings but God was showing he's actually the creator of them all."
"Did you know that the Bible mentions Spirit creatures that are women? Zechariah 5 verse 9."
"Few realize that at the present stage of civilization there are illumined souls who walk the earth."
"We must understand that principalities are the spiritual class of spiritual beings."
"To get really magical results, you need the collaboration of a spirit. An angel, a demon, whatever you like to call them."
"The eyes of the Lord are God's heavenly agents who watch and keep watch over people. The eyes are the spirits of God's presence. They report right back to God."
"God is interested in man. Satan is interested in man. They'll keep coming."
"Angels are on purpose. Angels are on assignment."
"We are all beings of light and unconditional love."
"The belief in fairies started a long time ago and was very different from what it is today; fairies were not winged beings with magic wands but rather the spirits of the unknown dead."
"At the origin of human civilization is really the incarnation or the manifestation on the physical plane of some higher spiritual beings."
"We are becoming aware of who we are and our identity as divine beings."
"These are the four spirits of the heavens which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth."
"We are spiritual beings who have come here to have a human experience."
"...we're dealing with spiritual beings who by nature are not embodied and yet they can assume some sort of embodiment."
"There are dozens of angels who are eager for you to succeed."
"Ask your guides which archangels would be most beneficial for you to call in or work with right now."
"The great serpent, the alligator, two ruling spirits of the cosmology of the historic American Indian cosmology."
"I think both of these, both the serpent and the alligator, are shrines to these powerful underworld spirits."
"I just didn't want to stop looking at that Archangel."
"We have the ability to create lethargic angels and we have the ability to create energetic angels."
"Trust in your angels, guides, and ancestors."
"Ask for help; angels are ancestral beings who protect everyone."
"Are angels and demons real? Do they exist?"
"Every creature... was saying, 'Blessing and honor and glory and power be to him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.'"
"The existence of the angels is an essential truth of the faith."
"The associates of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu are all eternally perfected beings."