
Dialogue Importance Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Talking across the divides is so important now...realizing that another party that has different views from you is generally not evil."
"Dialogue is a crucially important area in an RPG. It's how you can express your character, make your choices, understand the world, and much more."
"By not bothering to engage with this, you open up the floor inevitably for only one side to dominate."
"Race is completely made up but we should absolutely be talking about it."
"You guarantee they entrench their views, never have a conversation, it never develops, and then confidence will never come back, never."
"Dialogue, if done well, had its place within the genre."
"As Americans, we should not be getting violent. We need to talk to each other, listen to each other."
"Good luck with that. The man's platform is massive. He cannot be censored. And he should be engaged with, given credit for the fact that and I will give him a lot of credit, he's willing to talk to people with different ideas."
"We have to know how to sit down and talk with one another when we don't necessarily agree."
"Stay sane and stay open... to having dialogue."
"I think it's time where you have to have these conversations."
"The first step to convincing people is having a discussion, not disassociating."
"We should all be able to have a conversation, you should be able to tell me the facts."
"It's a bit of a mess of a situation, the champion wants to move on, they're essentially begging him to stay."
"We as human beings are the speaking beings dialogue is what differentiates us from the beasts."
"We need to be on sure footing as we have those conversations."
"And our whole point of this is beyond the First Amendment is that the four of us walk away better people today after this conversation."
"If we can't even have a discussion and everything everyone says is disingenuous, then there's no point in having a discussion."
"The only way to start that change is by having a conversation."
"The dialogue in this game is the reason why you play this game."
"The characters actually sit around and they have a meaningful conversation for once."
"Information creates a conversation that needs to be had."
"This conversation is incredibly important because you bring out the incredibly the issues that are at play here."
"Differences of opinions are very important to move a conversation forward."
"That notion of our luck is I think what I want to leave as a central part of our dialogue here."
"I believe a conversation needs to get started."
"I would want to hear these people and why they think what they think even if it's unedited and not interrupted."
"Dialogue and having calm conversations about this is very important."
"You have to have contrarians, you have to have people who will disagree with you."
"Having criticisms doesn't equate to animosity; it's about having necessary conversations."
"It takes conversation to mend all the issues we have in society today."
"The truth has a certain sound to it, and this isn't it."
"I believe that most of the people who disagree with me, if we really sat down, we would probably agree on about 80% of that stuff."
"We must have the conversations. It's only when we engage each other that we can begin to open our eyes."
"I think the world needs more of this kind of conversation."
"Every line needs to serve at least one purpose, and the mark of a great writer is writing dialogue which serves several purposes all at the same time."
"Dialogue could save the world." - Lewis Hill, 1942
"We have to be able to have conversations and learn from people and to be able to disagree."
"We want to understand each other's opinions and come to a positive or realistic conclusion."
"When people sit down and talk to me, it's a beginning not an end."
"Mental health is so important, and we don't talk about it enough in education."
"The most progress comes from talking to people, from challenging ideas."
"There is no true victory unless you convince people who disagree with you why they were wrong to disagree with you in the first place."
"Constructive conversation will always beat out blind loyalty."
"Let's treat dialogue as an integral part rather than just a thing to expose facts and information on the story via clicking the window."
"We're in a very challenging frontier of communication where we have to learn how to continue talking given the fact that every single word you choose can be objected to by somebody."
"Every scene every line of dialogue everything a character does has a set meaning and importance behind it there is hardly an ounce of fat anywhere to cut in this anime."
"Dialogue is hugely important to good storytelling."
"You've got to engage with people and respect other opinions."
"But are you sorry crazy um you know I I think that like what it my whole point was that cancel culture is wrong"
"A thirst for actual long-form conversations."
"If you do find these places always remember to talk to NPCs until they start repeating their dialogue..."
"The most important topics are the ones we never discuss."
"If we can't even talk about it, you will never get to the place where you even admit that there's an issue there."
"When you start talking freely, you find the truth."
"So, if we want to be able to speak freely, we have to stop being so sensitive and emotional as men. That's number one. Number two, we're gonna have to start having healthy dialogue that we're not so showboaty."
"It's not about you agree it's about you having a willingness to have an actual conversation."
"You want free dialogue, you want free speech, this is how it works: someone speaks, you listen."
"Dialogue is extremely important, and the dialogue in fiction in books is stylized; it's very different from how we speak in the real world."
"As long as they're talking, things are moving in the right direction."
"You cannot take a step towards any resolution unless you see the person on the other side of the conversation as someone who is valuable."
"Dialogue, talk to them. That's precisely what we need."
"All it takes is a conversation in a smaller setting."
"That's why these conversations are important."
"Communication needs to be an open line."