
Narrative Conclusion Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"The final shape and its raid will provide a climactic conclusion to the light and darkness saga."
"How you handle this moment will define how your story ends."
"This is where the game reaches its conclusion."
"Playing games is the best way to make money, obviously."
"A lot of people died, and a lot of stories were wrapped up in this arc."
"The good ending is us breaking out of this loop."
"For Zoro, getting conquerors hockey should be the conclusion to his character arc."
"It all concludes here in a really fantastic way."
"Rebellion brings a harrowing journey to a haunting conclusion."
"And Stanley was happy. So that's how the game is supposed to happen."
"Max Payne's absence from the current realm of Triple A games is sad, but when one evaluates what the series managed to accomplish while it was alive, it's hard not to be appreciative of how it went out."
"There's so many conclusions to different plot threads, an end of a journey, and set up for new journeys for all of our characters."
"The movie for me was a good conclusion... doesn't really validate anything to do with 8."
"So yes, finally done. I hope you enjoyed this crazy long adventure." - And looking back, it's kind of funny how much hate this game got when it came out.
"The evidence is all in the final cutscene. We have to break the cycle."
"It feels more like it was there to tie up Daniel Craig's tenure as Bond."
"After everything, after all the running away, all the trying to escape, all the thrill and adventure, the true beauty of Uncharted ends up being the ability to share that story with someone you love."
"Is this the end of House Targaryen? Pretty much they're trying to say that Daenerys is dead and then Jon Snow is probably not going to father more children so effectively it's the end of House Targaryen."
"It quickly became one of my favorite books in any series that I've ever read because it's just such a good conclusion."
"It’s a crushing character moment that matches a similarly crushing moment for the audience: It’s over."
"The whole last chapter is basically reflecting on the whole story with each character. Oh my God, I'm gonna cry."
"This was a really well delivered ending to Marston's legacy."
"The ending of Stone Ocean served as the conclusion to the original JoJo series and the end of the conflict with Dio's legacy."
"How was endgame able to provide a fulfilling conclusion to so many narratives?"
"We're thinking this one's a tie. They both deserve a happily ever after."
"And now, the conclusion of the tale, or at least I think it is."
"I just can't express how good this ending is; it's perfect."
"We figured it was kind of a fitting end to the story, you know, it's like of course this thing breaks down at the end."
"This ending makes Batman just flat-out give up."
"This is without a doubt a real satisfying moment to conclude this story."
"Guild Wars 2 delivers a pretty satisfying conclusion to this 10-year story arc."
"The finale though puts a bow on all these stories weaving together the narrative threads of each one to cap off a season-long arc."
"Despite his ultimate soul power, he eventually does die during the fire in FNAF 6."
"Arya's ending is a rewarding end for this beloved character."
"Sansa's ending is the perfect conclusion to her impressive tale."
"The end of this saga has to feel surprising but also inevitable."
"The ending leaves you with a very uncomfortable feeling."
"Unfortunately, I feel like Harry's gonna have to die, but I'm really happy that him, Peter, and Mary Jane are now together because that's all I ever want."
"Cody Rhodes finishes the story, he is a new WSC Hardcore Champion."
"The conflict between freedom versus an authoritarian force will be the concluding battle."
"It's day 100, the last day of my journey. A capital city has fallen, and I have become the new king of Norway."
"The saga of V has come to an end... or did it?"
"No matter what ending he decides to come up with, the fans are gonna speculate it and try to figure it out."
"This is the way the world ends, a victory for the golden Legion."
"I can't believe he already saved everyone, what a great hero."
"Metroid Dread is the conclusion to Metroid's 2D timeline."
"It all comes to a close in the grand finale collision."
"They wrapped up all the emotional moments... that you always wanted to have wrapped up."
"One of the most amazing endings ever... stick around for that."
"The end of the book is all of them being like a happy he he ha family in the rebel compound."
"It was an unsure ending but I think it was a very happy ending."
"The ending went in an interesting direction and I liked where it went."
"She was no longer mean, and they lived happily ever after."
"It adds another compelling layer to the conclusion of the criminal story, suggesting that Hill's personality won't mesh well with civilian life."
"The big question has been: Is this going to wrap up the story?"
"One major reason would be that with Endwalker we were able to bring one big Saga to a close."
"The final cinematic of Cataclysm was a sad scene of the dragonflights fulfilling their guardianship of the planet."
"It’s a bittersweet ending that does really well to encapsulate the actual messiness of coming out."
"The Watcher tries to wrap things up together they lived happily ever after but he blinks."
"That's how the Inquisitor's story should end."
"You let me play once in your garden. Today you shall come with me to my garden which is Paradise."
"It's such a fitting end... he doesn't have to die to end his story."
"The ending for Joker... well, that went well."
"A bittersweet ending to a powerful season that explains so much about the meaning of numbers."
"Hell yeah, good ending. Karma somewhat restored."
"It's a really morally grey ending in both cases and it makes for a great mission. The gameplay is lacking a bit in some places which is why it's not higher but it's still a damn good story and a very fine conclusion for the character of Ra's."
"Memory of all beings... makes sense for the last storyline we experience. Dude, that's wild!"
"The Godfather Part 3 may be a disappointing sequel to a series of two films that are basically one but as the death of Michael Corleone, it is a fitting epilogue to one of the greatest single films of all time."
"Shadowland's narrative in the epilogue, we close the veil between worlds for good."
"Welcome to the final part of the SCP - 1730 Saga, as we close the book on one of the most deadly locations in the Foundation multiverse."
"The ending pleases me, it satisfies me, and that's really big."
"Eventually, the Rookie merges victorious and neutralizes Seed before Sheriff Whitehorse finally arrests him."
"They actually tell their story. They do so in a way to pay off the character's arcs and just bring the whole thing to a satisfying conclusion."
"All the other universes were brought back and the tournament of power concludes with a peaceful ending."
"We ought to be rejoicing, encouraged, and excited because we know how this story ends."
"The lack of a good ending actually fits. When you say you feel nothing and you're pissed off, you don't have a choice."
"This was all about Richtofen's journey, the paradox, the blood vials, all being resolved in a very emotional climax."
"After this comes the credits with you and your great white shark reunited."
"Victory! We have saved Rendar. All we can do now is sit back, relax, and enjoy the cheesy ending."
"Most of the characters got their happy endings."
"The ending that makes the most thematic sense for Game of Thrones is for the White Walkers to win."
"You're going to get three pretty sizable endings in a row."
"Join us next time, as we conclude our analysis of the death rituals of the Lands Between, and reveal Queen Marika's role in this story."
"The human Covenant War has finally come to an end."
"Gama's journey reaches conclusion when he faces his older brother a 1o1 beta who has now been rebuilt in his mach 2 body."
"I just want for fan sanity and love and hearts for things to stick the landing."
"All the storylines just tied up nicely for 2022."
"A happy ending-ish... we're making great steps."
"We were all happy about it, and that was the end of the saga of Andrew."
"That was an intense battle mostly because I was under leveled that was cool though that's the end I think there's probably more."
"To see Kendall win at the end of it all really would go against much of what the show is saying."
"The final shot of the series gives me so many feels."
"We are in the final five minutes of this story."
"So here we have the final and complete and tragic story of the ghost girl."
"I think it's gonna be a great movie that a lot of people really enjoy. I don't think it's the end, but it is an end of sorts."
"This is the end of the story bro, is the easy one, easy light work."
"It's the best ending I could have thought about."
"Now it's finally over, we all made it out alive and our story is capped off with the second-best line in video game history: 'Come on, time to leave.'"
"We end off what could have been the final Ratchet and Clank game with our heroes sticking together looking towards an uncertain future in the cosmos, certain that as long as they had their family it'd all be all right."
"They legitimately concluded the saga after 15 years, that was awesome."
"The battle actually ends not on the plains of Morgoth, the battle not in front of the black Gates, it actually ends on the doorstep of Bag End."
"So my thoughts on this, at least based on the current chapter, it really seems like Gabby's whole arc is coming to a close."
"I hope you have enjoyed the journey, the mystery, and the unraveling of this complex and occult group of entities known as the Deep Ones."
"So that, ladies and gentlemen, is the story of Naz."
"Well, that's the end of my story, I hope you enjoyed it."
"For tonight, at last, his journey had ended. For tonight, at last, the future could wait. At least until tomorrow," the narrative concluded.
"I loved the conclusion to the storyline, I thought it was a great way to just bring everything back together."
"This world line is where the true end of the main plot occurs, dubbed the Stein Gate by Okabe."
"This is the final chapter of the malevolence arc."
"At least we get some closure on what happened to them."
"He was never mean, cheap, or greedy again," the narrator concluded.
"I'm really impressed and happy with the conclusion to this saga."
"...maybe a sad ending, but it is not a bad ending."