
Presidential Election Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"Americans...are looking at the possibility of a Biden-Trump rematch and saying that is a lot of old people who are running for president of the United States with a lot of baggage."
"There's only one Republican who has announced their run for the presidency, and that is Donald Trump."
"We need a president who respects our laws and the privilege of public service. Who reflects our values and cares about our people. We need a president who will restore the soul of America. We need Joe Biden."
"All of this is to try and get his eye off the ball get his eye off the prize make him stumble as he's trying to run for president."
"There was no end game, and there was no collusion on the part of Trump with these extremists."
"What's insane is that the current occupant of the White House got 81 million votes."
"The 2023 presidential election is the most credible since 1999."
"Vance is too isolationist... that would prevent Florida's 30 presidential election."
"If President Trump wants to win a second term I would suggest that we start talking in serious fashion about those deficits at some point that the burden comes due."
"I will be best positioned to reunite this country as our next commander-in-chief."
"I am here to tell you wholeheartedly that I believe that choice should be Senator Bernie Sanders."
"I love this president, I love his agenda, and I love the fact that on November 3rd, we're going to put him back in the White House."
"It has never been more clear that we need Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House."
"Most Americans aren't interested in seeing a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in 2024."
"The American people elected President Joe Biden."
"I'm not going to lie and claim that Biden is president-elect. It's just not true."
"For the first and at least for now only time in history, a president had been re-elected for a second non-consecutive term."
"It takes a lot of courage to run for president."
"I said I wouldn't vote for Trump in 2016. I'm gonna vote for him in 2020."
"Trump in his element... unless someone can match Trump on this sort of stuff, he has a very good shot at running away with the 2024 nomination."
"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have won the 2020 presidential election."
"Vladimir Putin won a fourth term as Russia's president."
"I'm proud to endorse Joe Biden for president."
"If I'm in the health I'm in now, if I'm in good health then in fact I would run again." - Joe Biden
"Joe Biden is going to be the 46th president of the United States. It is over."
"Donald Trump has lost the election, Pennsylvania has been called for Joe Biden, and Joe Biden has been named the president-elect of the United States. He will be the 46th president of the United States of America."
"This plan is likely increasing in pace because in 2020 Sandu won Moldova's presidential election against the pro-Russian incumbent."
"We are the Lincoln Project, and we have endorsed Joe Biden."
"It's a wild headline for an article about a poll that actually shows President Biden beating Donald Trump by four points."
"A large plurality of Republicans want someone other than Donald Trump to run in 2024."
"Joe Biden won the last race to the White House because he was not Donald Trump."
"Former Vice President Joe Biden will become the 46th president of the United States."
"This election is really a referendum on the president and an election around the nature and quality and character of the country."
"Senator Barack Obama of Illinois will be the next President of the United States."
"Merry Christmas to you this was an amazing gift we've all been given you're going to see people rally around Trump like never before I do believe you just saw the 2024 election one def facto."
"A movement like this picks the president... all the ingredients are there."
"This is why hardcore Democrats black Democrats voted for Trump."
"I think that maybe probably neither presidential candidate will clinch the presidency on Tuesday night."
"Trump DeSantis 2024: Tears in my eyes, fear in my heart."
"Tulsi Gabbard is the 2020 presidential elections most misunderstood candidate."
"Joe Biden is going to be your president. I'm sorry if that causes you concern. There is no scenario."
"I've voted Democrat my whole life but they have gone crazy and I'll be voting Trump this year."
"Trump 2024 baby, let's go let's go let's go!"
"Trump said there is hope for 2024 presidential run."
"I have said since January 6th that I will do whatever it takes to ensure Donald Trump is never again anywhere near the Oval Office, and I mean it."
"You run for president because you believe you would be the best candidate, because you believe you'd be the best president of the United States."
"It forces a presidential candidate to have appeal across different regions."
"I'm asking everybody here, I'm asking everybody watching this nationwide to waste your vote on me."
"You can't just say vote against Trump by voting for Biden, you have to give people a reason to vote for Biden."
"With profound gratitude and great humility, I accept your nomination for presidency of the United States."
"Says something good about our country that we elected a black man president of the united states in a majority white country. That's a pretty amazing thing that's unprecedented in virtually all of world history."
"We're tired of being sold out... so yeah we're gonna send in President Cheeto just as a middle finger to the Washington establishment."
"Looking at the approval rating of Biden looking at the discussion around 2024 it is evident here that there is no clear consensus as to which party is leading."
"I cannot wait for 2024. If they put him in jail, he will run his presidential campaign from jail."
"The vote winner should be president, seems pretty obvious."
"I am officially running for president of the United States and we are going to make our country great again."
"Trump must be the nominee in 2024, and furthermore, he must win."
"Bernie Sanders would be an incredible president."
"Trump 2024 January 20th, 2025 will be a great day."
"If we vote like never before, we will elect Joe Biden, President of the United States."
"I have never ever wanted someone to be president so bad in my life."
"I expect there's a very high chance that Trump gets reelected in 2020."
"The easiest way to tell who's going to be the next president in the United States is to envision yourself throw aside bias."
"Texas is pivotal in this election. If we do well in Texas, Joe Biden becomes the president."
"Bernie is a radical he truly is now that doesn't mean can't win I would say right now he has about a 40 percent shot of being President"
"I'm not running to be president. I'm running to do something as president."
"The need to make certain that the president of the United States, if he loses this election, will abide by the will of the voters and leave office peacefully."
"So long as Trump is fighting, you can argue that Trump is wasting time and throwing a temper tantrum, whatever you want to say. I don't care. Until the electoral college votes, there is no president-elect."
"I am a McCain Republican, I am a Bush Republican, and I am voting for Joe Biden because I truly believe we are at a time of constitutional crisis."
"Strategically for the left for us to progress as a society, I think it's obvious that you have to get Trump out."
"I think this will be the most consequential presidential election, certainly of my lifetime."
"CNN projects Joseph R. Biden Jr. is elected the 46th president of the United States."
"You can't win a presidential election by being inauthentic. Who are you and what do you actually think? That's important."
"California is going to help choose the next president of the United States."
"I'm running because Donald Trump is the President and I think our democracy is at stake for real."
"Joe Biden, next President of the United States."
"Of course I'm talking about the presidential election in the United States of America, an election that could end with the return of Donald Trump to the White House."
"Americans have to decide whether they want a white supremacist in the White House."
"Joe Biden wins the presidency, he will go on to be the next president of the united states of america."
"Bernie Sanders is far more electable in the United States of America than Michael Bloomberg."
"Joe Biden has been elected the 46th President of the United States of America."
"Joe Biden wins the presidency with an electoral college margin of 290 to 248."
"This is election is a choice between a Trump recovery or a Biden depression."
"I completely agree with that. Go Biden, go! Please win."
"Voting for President Trump was a moral imperative."
"I fully endorse Cthulhu as the next president of the United States of America."
"President Biden is on a track for victory this coming November."
"If Trump goes up against Biden, which I think is the ultimate, ultimate, that's going to happen, I think Trump has a shot. I think Trump can win."
"Good we can bring that up in presidential debates I hope you guys are ready for this."
"Former president Donald Trump announces a White House bid for 2024."
"Former Trump manager Brad Parscale also said of a possible 2024 run for Trump, 'I don't think he sees it as a comeback. He sees it as vengeance.'"
"In writing this book, I wanted to paint a very clear-eyed picture of what a second Trump Administration would look like if he retook the White House."
"That officially makes Joe Biden the next president of the United States."
"If it wasn't for your vote, we would not have Joe Biden."
"It's the Buster Douglas fight... if someone's going to beat Donald Trump it's going to be like that."
"Donald Trump was my second choice for president in 2016... but when I didn't make it, I endorsed, supported, and campaigned for Donald Trump."
"With these hands, we will elect Senator Bernie Sanders." - "With these hands, we will elect Senator Bernie Sanders the next president of the United States of America."
"I think Trump's rise in 2024 is for the exact opposite reasons he rose in 2016."
"In the end, Teddy’s selfish attempt at a third term that year, breaking Washington’s time-honored tradition, guaranteed the Republicans would lose the White House for the next four years."
"Black people have routinely been the moral voice of this entire country... Joe Biden would not be president right there right now if it had not been for black voters."
"It's gonna be a Bernie Sanders file so that's who's good to be President of the United States in in 2021."
"Ron DeSantis represents the best possible option to win the presidency in 2024."
"There's a very distinct possibility that Trump runs in 2024."
"I will not be surprised if Trump gets in office again."
"Joe Biden is not Hillary Clinton, and against Donald Trump's favor, he is not the Donald Trump from 2016."
"It is now my deep honor and great privilege to introduce the next and 46th President of the United States, Vice President Joe Biden."
"What do you do I don't think Donald Trump is going to be able to win because it's not just Donald Trump it's the whole machine he's... fighting against."
"Marine Le Pen promises to pull France out of NATO... if she wins presidential election."
"I think it is vital that we elect Bernie Sanders as president."
"Hillary Clinton, I believe, does want to run for president in 2024."
"Our patrons are awesome. We talk to them every day on Discord."
"Will Trump be president in 2024? I don't think he will be."
"President Donald Trump announced he is running for president in 2024."
"Voting for a presidential election is the smallest thing you can do, but it doesn't really matter. It's not really up to me, you know? My power and responsibility end with Bernie."
"Kanye West says he's running for president in 2024."
"Welcome to the League's second presidential debate of 1984."
"Every single prophet prophesied that Donald Trump would win the United States presidential election in 2020."
"I am running for president as a Democrat, and if elected, I hope to bring forth major changes in national priorities. But let me be frank, I do want to see major changes in the Democratic party." - Senator Sanders
"...now did he know, because he, a Republican, a staunch conservative, the youthful face of his party and a likely contender for the next presidential election, was the man behind the idea, the composer making the music."
"In 1822, the Tennessee legislature nominated Jackson for President for the 1824 election."
"The Electoral College will no longer pick the President; American citizens will directly elect the President."
"It's history both ways. I mean, you got the first woman who could potentially be the president of the United States and the first African-American male can be the president of the United States, so either way, we're looking at history."
"We did it, Joe. You're gonna be the next president of the United States."
"Vote Shrub for president, and you'll have a friendly face in the White House."
"CBS projects that Senator Barack Obama of Illinois will be the next president of the United States."
"Harry Truman pulls off a miracle victory, a comeback victory that takes everybody by surprise."