
Emotional Freedom Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"Are you ready for a rapid and profound transformation? Don't miss this unique opportunity to discover how to free yourself from invisible shackles and build stronger, healthier emotional bonds."
"Interior freedom refers to a state where our emotions are not unduly fixed or pulled in one direction, allowing for a genuine choice between goods."
"Mentally and emotionally, I don't have shame. When you have shame, it locks you down."
"Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive, both men and women should feel free to be strong."
"Forgiveness equals closure, closure equals clarity, and clarity equals freedom."
"There is a freedom and love and joy and beauty in this song that just feels like summertime."
"You're setting yourself free from many things in the month of October."
"Passion, joy, love is going to kind of set you free."
"Real love feels like freedom, soaring on the wings of joy."
"When a guy comes along who doesn't need any of that, all of a sudden she's free to focus on herself and her own needs."
"Significance enslaves you to the opinion of others."
"Cry if you want to cry, or don't. Watch romance movies if you want, or don't."
"When the bomb drops, you're left with your character, your heart."
"And it doesn't matter where you stand on the political spectrum, let yourself have emotions."
"We are free from our fear we are free from our shadow we have conquered it."
"I feel free. I feel like it's just a weight lifted up off of my shoulders."
"You feel liberated when you don't have fear."
"The forgiveness is for me... it's so that I can now be set free from those emotions."
"Even if you're like well I don't know how to forgive... the forgiveness is for you it's not for them."
"I am free from all negativity, I am free from all negative energy."
"If you can't have a conversation about how you feel, there's no way there's freedom to me."
"Forgiveness doesn't make them right, it just makes me free."
"Sweet surrender is about completely and utterly letting go of all control."
"Find the love, find the road to forgiveness, then the person doesn't have any power."
"You are allowed to feel things, whether you are, you see as a non-binary, you are allowed to do things, you are allowed to express how you feel."
"Is it possible to live in peace... completely free of fear, toxic emotions, addictions, and all soul ties?"
"All the data says he's wrong. And the reason is that a paid-off home sets you free in so many ways emotionally, spiritually, mathematically, everything else, to be able to go on and live your life in a way that you can invest." - Dave Ramsey
"I am free from the fear of rejection, I am free from other people's opinions of me."
"I'm so relieved, I don't feel held hostage anymore."
"Dance because it will shift you into a beautiful state. Fear lives in the head, but dancing is the gateway to freedom."
"It just basically feels freeing, I feel so much lighter and so much happier."
"It's okay to laugh and be free. I am just... yeah, I've been cooped up."
"In you is mercy and love, in you is the healing of the Nations, in you is freedom of worry and freedom of pain."
"You've got to value your house in order to maintain it. Oh God, my heart is free. Do you understand what I'm saying? That's right."
"The way out of apathy is to remind ourselves of our intention, which is to get higher and freer."
"You're meant to break free from old emotional connections."
"Forgiveness is really not about the offender; it's about you."
"Understand that on the other side is the feeling of relief, is the feeling of freedom."
"This place of freedom from revenge and all those things."
"Hurt people hurt people, but guess what? Free people free people."
"I didn't feel remotely guilt honestly it was guilt that prevented me from getting there."
"The upside to being a scapegoat is that it's easier to break free from the narcissist."
"Move your hands together, inhale, maybe happy, maybe free, free from suffering, free from pain, experience real love, real peace, and real joy."
"Speak your truth. It's liberating and it will liberate others."
"Let yourself feel whatever you need to feel."
"Finally, after 31 years of that garbage, I am free at last."
"Set yourself free from self-imposed restriction."
"It's a liberation... very liberating, the south node energies."
"I feel like a sense of freedom, like a little burden got lifted off of me."
"The moment you completely release and walk away, this person is going to come in and step up."
"Once you see how certain things connect, you can release yourself from this self-imprisonment feeling trapped in a certain way of being."
"Your dreams are supposed to feel liberating, not suffocating."
"It felt immensely liberating to be completely honest about our marriage."
"The minute you don't care anymore, it's amazing how you ki it's like a superpower you attract."
"You are always allowed to let go of everything you're feeling and just be free and relax and live your best life."
"Self-love is being able to say whatever needs to be said and express yourself, and not worry how it's going to affect the people around you."
"There's something so incredibly freeing about really, truly realizing that I am so powerless over people, places, things, situations."
"No one has power over me. When you take your power back, you release the mental and emotional hold on you."
"Forgive them, let them go because this will actually set you free."
"Release themselves from some self-imposed bondage."
"I'll always be the ghost of him. No matter how hard we try to ignore it. And you… you deserve to be free from that person."
"I feel so liberated, clean, and clear-headed."
"For your heart to truly be free, for your trust to truly be earned, you must let go and soar together."
"Love that has none of those sort of like strings attached then everything's going to be okay."
"Gift of freedom: break away from your attachments."
"I feel more free than I have felt in so long."
"To laugh, to love, to burst open our hearts and let our souls fly free."
"Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting or excusing wrongs. It means letting go of the pain and resentment that binds us."
"The moment the person overcomes that emotion, they're free now to create a new future."
"Feel everything you want, feel it, feel it, yeah!"
"Forgiveness is truly the gift you give yourself to set you free from this pain."
"Forgiveness liberates your consciousness because when you forgive others, you free stuck energy that has blocked you and your power."
"Once you let go of the outcome, you'll be able to release all the emotional constraints that have held you back."
"Your life will be better when some of these people are not weighing you down."
"I think hope is such a universal message and feeling and... these songs make me feel free"
"You must forgive that person to an extent where it is released from your heart."
"You'll feel that weight has been lifted. You will feel unrestricted."
"Give yourself that freedom to be in the emotional state you need to be in."
"Go with the flow, don't try to control, don't let past hurts imprison you in fear."
"Vulnerability gives you the chance to find a strength that will bring you freedom."
"The discipline of giving freedom: forgiving, forgetting, and flooding."
"Forgiveness isn't for that other person, it's for you. It's to set you free."
"You are stepping into higher faith and higher love, and I'm also hearing this is the space that you belong, the space of freedom from emotional and mental drainage."
"Your heart is in a cage, but there's a level of freedom waiting for you."
"You're allowed to grieve it. You're allowed to be sad and you're allowed to feel all the things that you feel without trying to push them away."
"Detachment is the key to freedom. Detach, remove, separate."
"Turn away, break free, nobody is raining on your parade anymore."
"Let go of what's holding you back for true happiness."
"Practice forgiveness, make the choice to forgive. It's the key to unlocking new beginnings."
"Forgiveness isn't just for the other person, it's for you. Let go of unforgiveness and walk in freedom."
"Free yourself from this, and reap what you're about to, which is true love."
"It's the biggest, most freeing feeling in the world."
"Set your focus on what is good; positivity leads to freedom."
"I felt truly free. It's weird how embracing that vulnerability does make you feel very free."
"If you don't let go of the past, if you don't let go of the chains that bind you, you're gonna continue staying within those chains, those things are not going to change, you're gonna be stuck."
"She told me that I could feel however I wanted to. She didn't want me to dislike anyone for her sake."
"Don't hold back anymore, let yourself be free."
"Even if it hurts, embrace the liberation and the freedom that comes with that."
"This lunar eclipse is really about dealing with our old emotions but it's also about freedom from old dark that we no longer want to have power over us because the longer that we don't face it the more we give it power."
"The key to this whole process is letting go."
"Nothing outside of me has power over me. I decide how I think, feel, and do things in my life. I have full ownership and I feel free."
"Assumption to me implies letting go of baggage."
"There's a freedom in letting go that will bring you out of this cycle."
"The biggest benefit of forgiveness is really freedom."
"Accept that you can't change people's behavior... and do not allow any rain to stop you from enjoying your love parade."
"Being free of psychological time, you no longer pursue your goals with grim determination driven by fear, anger, discontent, or the need to become someone."
"Love, joy, and peace cannot flourish until you have freed yourself from mind dominance."
"The person who's willing to go through the emotion and keep working on lowering the volume to it... they just break free from the emotion."
"Forgiveness is the most powerful technique ever discovered to free yourself completely from negative emotions."
"The moment you take back your emotional freedom, you take your power back."
"Regardless, remember guys, this is gonna be crucial. The moment you take back your emotional freedom, you take your power back."
"It's going to free you from some sort of constraint or binding to your heart space."
"When you forgive others for their errors you feel more forgiven for your own."
"I am free from this emotional prison that I locked myself in due to her."
"I see you feeling more free when you go to this place and just feeling very rooted, feeling like a big sense of belonging."
"You are entitled to all the feelings you would like to have, all of them."
"Love carries no weight, there is no weight in love."
"You are everything I want to be; love has set my heart free."
"Huge Freedom, huge Liberation, huge weight off your shoulders."
"It's freeing, it's really freeing."
"I abandon contempt. I can live without it. I'll be better off without it."
"I am absolutely free from any emotion of anger or bitterness or hurt that other people have caused, for the same reason."
"This is freeing me up; this is like putting that internal smile back on."
"True liberation lies in the liberation of our true feelings and self-worth for once and for all."
"Maybe we don't have to feel any way at all."
"Let everything go, let all your emotions, your body, your energy, let it all go."
"Through the pain and sorrow that he has faced, Abel's final destination is where he will be free from all pain, both physical and emotional."
"It's okay to feel however you feel."
"We're allowed to say things like this, we love love."
"Peace means freedom from disturbing thoughts or emotions."
"We forgive for the freedom of our heart."
"When we acknowledge that transparency, then in that very moment, to that extent, the heart is freed."
"Perfect love casts out all fear because it involves torment."
"...we simply carry some of those fears with us which as you do that they become less important because they're not controlling your life anymore."
"I'm going to laugh when I want to laugh, I'm going to cry when I want to cry."
"I remember just finally feeling free of the pain, the suffering, the stimulus from all of the energy and the knowings, the visions."
"She's free since she is not trapped by emotions and weighted down by guilt, unlike her."
"You're allowed to feel however you want."
"Let go, whatever is holding your heart back, it's time for you to let it go."
"Allowing yourself the freedom to feel what you need to feel."
"Happiness is freedom from our passion or emotional involvement towards things."
"You can experience unpleasant and pleasant emotions, and I'm urging you to give yourself the permission to experiencing joy and excitement."
"Choosing to harbour unforgiveness in your heart is choosing bondage over freedom."
"Don't let fear, guilt, shame, or condemnation rule your life another day."
"It felt so grounding and freeing."
"Don't feel bad for feeling bad. Don't feel bad about gaining weight if you want to feel bad, then do that. It's down to you, man."
"If I don't leave behind me my bitterness and my unforgiveness, I will walk through this door to freedom and still be in prison."
"...you're also going to set your heart free, why? Because you overcame a huge obstacle..."
"Allow yourself to indulge in your own emotion. There's no wrong thing."
"The past let it pass, don't let past emotions bind you."
"Reduce stress and free oneself from symptoms and emotions such as fear, worry, jealousy, hatred, anger."
"This energy that jumped from your dream has something to do with emotional freedom."
"Burdens being lifted, it's an energy of someone releasing burdens, releasing things."
"The Divine Feminine rules intuition, she tends to be more emotionally free in her sacred feminine state."
"Human beings are very complex, and when you start to understand you're not just one thing, it gives you freedom to ride the waves of feelings."
"If there is a disconnect, all of us have a right to feel how we want to feel."
"We are seeking a win-win solution that will free us emotionally and bring us into a new level of self-love and inner security."
"True emotional freedom is liberating and its ability to embrace individuality in yourself and others."
"You're being healed from guilt and fear; such emotions will no longer steal your personal power."