
Critical Questioning Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"One of the biggest tragedies, I think, for our societies is that it's only now, when it might be too late, that we are asking the questions we should have asked before day one."
"The government's corrupt; what does that mean? Who's corrupt?"
"It is a practice of critical self-questioning, of unmasking the social construction of supposedly the natural order of things."
"Did they give the same treatment to Dorothy Thompson or that other American journalist that interviewed Hitler?"
"If it's true, would you denounce that? If it turns out that's true, which it is."
"Britney's security detail, sympathetic to her, was removed if they questioned any of the extreme measures taken to control her."
"How did she wind up in that river? What was her cause of death? What was she going through in her final moments?"
"Who benefits from this thing being pushed onto a population? It's just who benefits. Qui Bono."
"How many individuals does it take before it's not the individuals who are prejudiced but society itself?" - Mallory Blackman, Noughts and Crosses
"Should we refer to all single parents as women for example? Should we refer to all couples as heterosexual?"
"What is the job of an economic hitman? You just asked the key question."
"If someone is trying to make you believe something that doesn't gel with your intuition, don't be afraid to ask a direct question."
"Here's Bloomberg asking the most obvious question in human history and Bernie having no answer..."
"Are you not supposed to point out lies of politicians?"
"Trust your intuition and don't be afraid to ask the tough questions."
"There are far too many questions about how this case was handled and why it took 74 days for two of the killers to be arrested and charged in our Barry's death."
"Who is this policy for and that's what I always wonder about."
"Do you realize you are describing a coup?" - Navarro
"Tucker Carlson often brought to the Forefront some of the most important information and asking some of the most important questions about the regime."
"Why don't you trust your institutions? That's what's scary."
"Everybody agrees with hashtag forced to vote. The people who are against it, it's inexplicable. And you're not supposed to question their motives. I question their motives. Jank Uger is on the take."
"It's important at least to raise the possibility that you can criticize something which everybody has accepted as uncritical."
"The $6 million question is how do we change this? How do we change course given this state of affairs?"
"It's a fairy tale that we've been asked to believe." - Challenges the official narrative of the events of 9/11.
"How many massacres would get you to alter your position? It's a fair question."
"What's the most important question you can ask in an interview? Why."
"So were white people in existence during this time and were they the perfect model citizens or were they doing bad things too? How come you didn't go through and come with foreigners? How come they were used to enslave us?"
"At what point will it ever be enough? That's the big, that's a more serious question."
"Our documented history only goes back five thousand years...who's writing the history books?"
"What's your empirical evidence that truth should matter? That's a good question."
"Some people need to go to that place where they ask really hard questions about what they believe about the Bible, about God, about gender, about sex, about marriage."
"No one is above reproach and everybody should be questioned and investigated."
"Why can't your God just come down and say, 'Yup, he's right, I designed that tree.'?"
"How many more lives are we going to allow to be taken while we're content to make progress rather than actually solving the problem?"
"We no longer live in a self-governing republic if we can't get the answer to this question."
"If this had been you without the protections offered by a badge and a gun, do you think the courts would have been as lenient?"
"Stop treating these people like they're friendly start asking some incisive questions."
"I made a note because I just had to see it: seven minutes into the film, there are 10 vitally important questions that have been raised."
"The real question is, do you not understand that the key issue is naturality?"
"Is the creation engine holding Bethesda and Starfield back? Yeah, that's a pretty loaded question."
"Why would these disciples hallucinate something that's totally out of accord with their religious tradition?"
"Why is Mickey D's possibly more important than fixing your life?"
"Instead of worrying so much, how much money do you have? It's like how [ __ ] stupid are you?"
"How much manipulation are we seeing in the NFT market for the people running these platforms? It's a very valid question."
"What on God's green earth is the endgame here? It is one of the great questions of modern American politics."
"We're really on the path to war and I think we ought to start asking some hard questions."
"My thought was if my faith can't stand the scrutiny of any given person on the planet then what does my faith matter?"
"Are you for or against American democracy? Can't be avoided indefinitely."
"Are we dealing with poor and rich equally? Are we dealing male and female equally? That is justice."
"What's the point? What do the communities get from this?"
"Have they literally learned nothing from their history?"
"How the hell did this whole thing start? What got us here today?"
"Why hasn't anyone got footage equal to this?"
"What the hell was in that bullet?" - questioning the unknown.
"The big questions in life are tough, but if people believe in [__] douchey liars like you, we're never gonna find the real answers."
"Asking the question 'Are we doing enough' regularly and repeatedly is really critical."
"Be intentional with the questions that you ask, look at don't don't live in the bubble, pay attention to things that would be a red flag in the real world."
"That question is a devastating question. It is, sir."
"Why do we have to keep going to these extremes until the world can find the middle way?"
"What are you doing and why? These are the questions that you should know first and foremost when it comes to the markets."
"Why is only coronavirus worthy of covering but not cancer but not anything else? It should all be covered."
"A scientific approach never closes the door through belief, a scientific approach is then more open to ask specific questions that people that are puritans don't want to busy themselves with because it makes it impure."
"Every day I watch those, and it's so frustrating to me because I wish I were there to get to raise my questions to ask of these people."
"It's always healthy to question your Thalmor overlords."
"Was this an accurate reflection or just an evil facade?"
"What journalists should be doing is focusing on the why and how questions when all they seem to care about is the what."
"The commentary raises questions about the level of accountability within the system."
"Where were y'all in the reparations conversation?"
"What the fuck is up with these teachers? That's what I'm saying."
"Rick Santorum raises a great question here this is a brilliant question that a lot of times you don't really hear in pro-life advocacy."
"Not being allowed to question teachings and being encouraged to disassociate from family and friends that do ask questions, that is textbook cultism."
"But are they trimming the right grass? This is the question."
"The most high starts bringing all these puzzle pieces together, and now it's time to start asking these kinds of questions."
"Is it not then racist if by statistics according to actual data one certain race... is it not then racist to restrict them from accessing basic services like restaurants and other things?"
"You cannot ignore this and overlook it. This is the most important question of any storyline."
"How many of you know that the Thessalonians 4 is a lie that there is no Rapture?"
"Why have black Africans failed to build strong systems?"
"It blows my mind that we're not like continue to ask these questions."
"People are waking up and asking how is this possible."
"Yeah, 'How do you know' has been a lifesaver for me ever since I discovered it where it's like you know they give that opinion you go 'How do you know?'"
"The same mainstream media that lied to us for years on a daily is certainly being honest with us about this COVID situation? Nope. Come on, man."
"The bottom line is... if you can't even bring yourself to question things like NASA... it's a far more tragic reality."
"It's the idea of putting it under the guise of 'needing,' right? Name another right where we use that same standard."
"These are navy seals, and they think it's reasonable to ask the question why."
"How does it sound that you say I don't support that because it's divisive? Divisive to who? Make it make sense."
"Why did Bill Gates choose the name luciferase technology and the patent number 060606? He wants it to be obvious."
"Curiosity feeds the cat. The questions you ask at the end of the interview may make it or break it."
"If we really care about fixing our industry, we need to be asking these questions."
"There are so many lost leads that were never followed up on, there were questions that were never asked, there were people that were never interviewed that should have been."
"Why can't they seem to see how harmful their belief system blatantly is to so many others?"