
Extraterrestrial Theories Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"They had some advanced knowledge, and that's why, as ancient aliens teaches us, that ancient astronaut theorists believe extraterrestrials built the pyramids."
"You cannot explain the appearance of life on this planet without the physical intervention of actual offworld beings."
"Aliens before the Big Bang, we have no idea."
"The truth about aliens visiting planet Earth is much more profound."
"The dropa stones: relics of an ancient civilization or evidence of extraterrestrial contact?"
"One of the most feasible reasons for alien life seeking the ocean's water is the possible harnessing of energy which could power vehicles or civilizations."
"We're being visited... there's a breeding program going on."
"I can't rule out the idea of extraterrestrial visitation."
"What if Elijah's experience was an alien abduction?"
"Wouldn't it be cool if the actual history of the planet was that aliens came to colonize a perfect solar system?"
"Humans are a genetic creation of an extraterrestrial race."
"In my opinion, we're looking at some kind of extraterrestrial craft that passed over the city."
"In my opinion, I think that not only is there an alien code, but that whoever is behind this code is leaving further clues to help us solve it."
"This means that if this was indeed left by a craft the beings who made it would now if still in existence be unimaginably more advanced than the modern man of Earth."
"Is there an alien agenda or are there multiple alien agendas? These are not crazy fantasy questions any longer."
"Some ufologists have wondered if it is possible Grays are related to humans and even considered that they could be time travelers from thousands of years of the future."
"I'm mad. Look, I am so down to storm Area 51 with you guys, but what is actually there in Area 51? I feel like we should know what's at stake here."
"I think it is very interesting that so many cultures Egyptians have depicted very similar alien looking symbols on their caves."
"Blue flash of light in Wales - probably gonna change your mind about extraterrestrial activity."
"Many believe that whoever built these structures received help from another race that was far superior at stone masonry than ancient humans."
"Finding fossilized remains in ancient rock is one thing but how about a hundred million year old screw that isn't even from this planet?"
"Could this DNA evidence shed light on connections between humans and potentially extraterrestrial beings in the distant past?"
"The ancient astronaut theory: humans are either descendants or creations of extraterrestrial intelligence."
"It’s almost as if the Greeks actually happened upon some big mechanical man, perhaps brought down from the heavens by visitors from outer space."
"Some skeletons are so bizarre looking that researchers concluded that they might have belonged to aliens."
"I'm open to the idea that some of the things people are seeing might be extraterrestrial."
"Many believe that extraterrestrial visitors may well be the reason for the vanishings."
"These Advanced beings, these Sky people in the distant past arrived in what you and I would call an invasion. There is a light and a shade in many of the world's ancient stories of contact."
"Indeed, an ancient and hidden extraterrestrial code in human DNA would be the most astonishing out-of-place artifact of all time."
"The pyramid may have been built by intelligent beings."
"I like the idea that there is ancient extraterrestrial power on Earth."
"Multiple unidentified objects confirmed in Earth's atmosphere - speculated to be of extraterrestrial origin."
"Was 'Oumuamua natural or artificial intelligence disguised as a comet or an asteroid?"
"Either it was a coincidence that all these different people solved the same mathematical equations and astronomical theories thousands of years ago, or they got help from an undetermined outside source."
"The theory about why aliens haven't contacted us is because they have observed our planet society and determined that we're still too primitive."
"They had concluded by 76 that some of these visitors very well might be multi-dimensional in their source."
"The writings and the pictorial evidence left behind by the Sumerians going back 6,000 years speak and depict people who came from another planet."
"Extraterrestrial intelligence or far future human would be indistinguishable from god because think of all the attributes we give to god."
"The idea that humans could learn advanced technology from beings from other planets is both shocking and exciting. It makes us think about what else is out there in space and how learning from aliens could jump-start our own technology."
"My sources are telling me we might see some kind of first contact event going into April."
"Aliens, man. They're here for sure. I think they're either underwater or in Antarctica."
"Biological SETI Theory suggests that aliens encoded our DNA with evidence of their existence."
"Maybe we can't find aliens because they've already found us and are actually walking among us, and we just don't know."
"An extraterrestrial presence makes a lot of sense."
"He's convinced that this thing is from an advanced ancient civilization or from an extraterrestrial race AKA aliens."
"By and large, all extraterrestrials have the same agenda in terms of testing, elevating, and helping Humanity."
"The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets."
"If they're advanced enough to visit us and wipe our memories, then there's no way we can hide."
"Could ancient extraterrestrials be responsible?"
"There might be more to this alien theory than previously thought." - Dr. Constantine Korotkov
"In retrospect, almost everything he revealed about extraterrestrial interaction with the US government... was entirely accurate."
"Chasing these bizarre objects that are doing maneuvers that we don't have the capabilities to even do, that is really, really something interesting."
"An advanced race of extraterrestrials described in many ancient religions as superior beings."
"Are the objects captured in these works of art records of religious devotion or evidence of the church's connection to spacecraft and perhaps even creatures from another world?"
"The entire holographic universe was given to him in a telepathic download by the extraterrestrials."
"Was the V2 only a weapon or was it a means to send the signal to extraterrestrials?"
"Outer space mystery: scientists searching for answers amidst speculation about alien origins."
"At a baseline, the fact that there are craft and that the craft might be driven by folks who are not from Earth, I think that bridge has been crossed."
"Supporters of this idea believe that nearby architectural features including channels, tunnels, filters, and reservoirs represent evidence of sophisticated planning done by extraterrestrials thousands of years ago."
"That makes me think it's possible that it was just some type of like a super deep cover alien interaction."
"George Nori: 'Jason, so they needed to mine gold from this planet, god knows how many tons of gold they pulled out of here...'"
"There is no denying extraterrestrial intervention or some type of non-human intervention."
"There's a lot of circumstantial evidence that they have been here for thousands of years." - Ron James
"Negative extraterrestrials have been forced to leave our solar system."
"Not all reptilians are bad. There are split off groups that are high vibrational and are traveling far and wide across the universe to help civilizations like ours."
"These speculative theories about extraterrestrial activity in Antarctica have captivated imaginations worldwide."
"Nazca may have been a landing field, a base camp from which ancient astronauts took off to explore the planet they had found."