
Stages Quotes

There are 223 quotes

"Every stage has a gimmick, and I'm sure you'll be familiar with this next one."
"This stuff applies throughout the whole game, almost every stage has two or more ways to get through it."
"Onision gives me the impression that he has these stages of plans in his head... he can move on to the next."
"Are you interested in a relationship? That's just the end of Act One."
"This is amazing, it's the kind of stage that is super fun for casual and competitive players."
"The Graco DuoDiner... longevity and versatility... broken up basically into six stages."
"There's an infinite number of variations on how your gradient can look."
"Everything you do... is a journey... you have seasons and you have stages of growth."
"Dragons in orbit, first stage did its job and will now perform a six and a half hour propellant conditioning test."
"Plants really kind of go through about three different stages in the growth process: they are creating a lot of leaves, they are developing a strong root system, and then they flower and produce their fruit."
"You can't get the second or third until you first touch first, and first is having a self-discovery conversation with yourself."
"These upgrades are even more apparent when it comes to the stages."
"Sleep is divided into multiple stages but it's a state of inaction. No surprise there."
"John sees the process of transmutation occurring in seven stages, with an eighth chapter dealing with the construction of an alchemical furnace."
"This boss fight is split into a few different stages, the first one being a little section where you have to reroute the power and open the gates."
"Your hair will have to go through this brassy stage."
"Project Life Cycle involves initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closure."
"We do a lot of rooms in stages... it can be a really helpful way to approach rooms."
"Each stage of sleep is characterized not only by changes in consciousness and behavior but also by a specific pattern of electrical activity in the brain."
"In possession, the liberation process is in six stages."
"The mystical journey involves stages or phases which are not always linear and usually involve some kind of oscillation between pleasure and pain."
"If you put extra care into those earlier foundational stages, it actually makes the following stages become much easier and faster."
"Project management breaks down each project into stages, activities, and well-defined outcomes."
"The first stage, the social stage, is an interesting one, because it's an important one."
"Humans require a whole development of the brain that goes through many stages of development and takes decades of experience to have an adult brain."
"This is the fourth stage of the worst day cycle: denial."
"But if you've laid a foundation of trust and honesty every stage I found is wonderful, it's full, it's exciting. I don't miss any stage of parenting my girls."
"The rounds, we've been through a lot of stages."
"There're two times to get a boys' attention... between the ages of one to five, and then between the ages of fifteen to twenty." - Albert Mohler
"There's beauty within every stage of our life."
"It feels to me like there's this kind of sequence that people often go through..."
"One thing that really got me is the van build was in three stages, so psychologically was the first 10 percent, the second 80 percent, and then the last 10 percent both felt like even thirds."
"...and compatibility is the final level because if you have all four of those things you can have a long-term relationship."
"The creative process has two main stages: idea generation and evaluation."
"Every stage of Destruction can ultimately lead to a higher Divine Purpose."
"Those stages that seem arbitrary, that seem like optional stops along the way, while they're just as imperative as the air you breathe, they are not somethings, they are everything."
"As you move through the different stages, the probability of the sale increases."
"So Tuckman fan. So I teach that you form and then you storm and then you norm then you perform and you're over, right?"
"The physical world operates in stages and levels, but the spiritual realm operates in dimensions."
"Stage five is a stage of self-knowing."
"Tuckman's five stages of team development are forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning."
"Memories involve three stages: encoding, storing, retrieving."
"Salah contains three stages: the standing part, the kneeling part, and the bowing part."
"If you can express this to your ex, you can often get that opening just enough that your ex kind of moves from the wall reactant stage into the second stage, and this one is called the test-drive stage."
"If we apply a really simple structure, if we think about things in stages, suddenly we can actually progressively build up our sketch in a way which is interesting, fun, and reliable."
"Each of these develops according to an octave: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti."
"They say there are five stages of grief. Well, I'd like to add one more: revenge. My mind, so powerful."
"Ankle fracture rehab gets broken up into several different stages."
"Stage four is when you feel like you're literally flying. Like, it's an indescribable feeling. And guess what? Stage four, perhaps nothing in your reality and your circumstance has changed. But you've changed."
"The responsibility should only increase at those stages."
"Healing is not just an event, it's in phases."
"We got all three levels done, we got the first floor, we got the second floor."
"All learners acquire language in a certain order."
"I just find that each stage of babies and kids are so cute in their own ways."
"Alcoholism is a disease that has three distinct phases to it."
"Understanding these stages offers some insight into how children and adults make moral choices."
"I feel like I've been watching the different stages of grief play out."
"You better have some warrior in you before you go to the lover stage."
"That was just stage one, just stage one."
"This is practically a final highlight stage."
"Kohlberg's moral development has three levels: preconventional, conventional, and post-conventional."
"...a lot of these are definitely really good for different stages in real life."
"Don't take them long to get out of that stage, before you know it they're old enough to be yapping that jaw back at you."
"I've had about six really important relationships in my life and each one of them were pivotal to me as an 18-year-old guy, as a 22-year-old guy, as a 27-year-old guy, as a 32-year-old guy, right? Going through these different stages of my life."
"Recovery is a lot more layered than you think. If you can understand that these different stages of recovery and you realize that recovery is a lot more layered than you think, you'll be set up for success."
"I've gone through stages of being really glad and utterly terrified."
"Once I got over the frustration and the anger I went through the seven stages and girl denial depression acceptance."
"One song for each stage, music is a way to convey information in a tuneful way."
"Infidelity relationships have stages that they go through, which a normal relationship has a stage that it goes through as well."
"The nature of marketing in the first half of this journey is very different from the marketing that gets done in the back half."
"So today's question comes from Trevor in Idaho. I'm looking for advice on transitioning between Baby Steps two and three."
"There are five typical stages in the team building process: forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning."
"Stage three generates the ego ideal. So what would stage four look like? Pure atheism."
"The Adolescent stage goes from six months to 18 months."
"When we start looking at everything and what Dr. PJ was talking about with the fractal, everything is in three stages of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh."
"People sort of move through stages of intimacy."
"So, this is the final stage, obviously, that goes through a lot before that design and approvals and all sorts of stuff."
"He's in the phase where he just wants to chew on everything and he gets really hyper."
"It does separate pretty quickly and it becomes this suspension, right? It's kind of a Duo phase, by phase."
"Life with the children has happened in stages."
"We use stages to help to kind of help us to define what typically happens, but knowing that it's a fluid process where people can go hop around within the stages depending on where they're at with things."
"Here's the thing, right, natural progression of time, right? You're a kid, little school, big school, uni, marriage, kids, dead, yeah?"
"This is particularly important because while people think about ads as awareness campaigns, they can be really effective in the consideration or decision stages of the buyer's Journey as well."
"Enjoy each stage of your life and stop rushing."
"These four stages of internal shifts are going to be very, very crucial for you."
"The only thing you're looking for with human development questions is an age or a stage in relation to a behavior."
"All together, six stages of moral development."
"The signature of falling in love looks an awful lot like the early stages of a methamphetamine addiction."
"There are five stages of communication: creating the message, sending the message, receiving the message, confirming receipt, and providing feedback."
"Dementia should be thought of as stages because it really allows us to monitor the symptoms, plan for the future, and help educate families of what to expect next."
"What stage of dementia am I in or my father is in? Is it mild, simple? Is it early, late, or mid-stage?"
"Our stages are critical to the live entertainment ecosystem and local economies."
"So fun stage one, alcoholism. Stage one addiction. Stage two: fun plus problems. It's still fun, but you start to have problems."
"From being inside the egg to becoming a mature bird, each stage is precious."
"...the administration of forgiveness must be done in stages."
"Real love happens after the infatuation stage."
"Everybody that I meet that has recovered even on their own go through these four stages."
"The stages of rehab aren't distinct. You're not in the early stage of rehab one day and suddenly in the mid-stage of rehab the next day. There's going to be some overlap because it's more of a continuum."
"A relationship has stages. All the music, all the movies are written around stage one."
"If we can recognize these eight stages, we could prevent another woman being murdered."
"Life is a story with at least two stages: a problem and a solution."
"Each state has three stages of development within it."
"It's only the nth harmonic where n is the number of stages that matter."
"I don't actually think it's not very possible to skip stages. I think that you do actually need to take each of those steps in order to get to that overhaul."
"Victims who go on to become survivors of an abusive relationship progress through a process of five stages before they finally break free from the restraints of their toxic relationship."
"We're trying to figure out how each stage and what observational signatures we could get from each of those stages."
"The early Christians believed that our salvation comes in two stages."
"My plans are bigger than this this is just the preliminary stages."
"That's why we're breaking this up into stages, so that at each stage I can take a moment and really think about what I want."
"I think it's gone pretty well, there are lots of interesting routes that you can take along the stages."
"There really are four different phases when it comes to a service business."
"The product life cycle is essentially a series of stages that products go through from growth to maturity into eventual demise."
"There are four very different stages in the life of a butterfly."
"Once you deploy, so there's various stages of deployment, there is internal, there is alpha, there is beta, and there is production."
"You need to plan it in a way that it satisfies and responds to your needs at each and every stage of your life."
"Big picture, we're in the relationship pipeline."
"I'm looking forward to the next few stages."
"Every great magic trick consists of three acts: The Pledge, The Turn, and The Prestige."
"It's like the stages here are some of the best we've had, so to finish the race in Chatel is really special."
"The tree structure allowed us to break this problem up and think about it in two stages."
"As a beekeeper, you need to be able to recognize the various stages of brood."
"You guys aren't at the stage in your relationship where you're talking about openness, you're at the stage of a relationship where you're trying to negotiate trust."
"Change involves progress through a series of stages."
"We have to let them know that we are offering programs for whatever stage they're in."
"The first stage is to build the application, and the second stage is to deploy the application."
"The five stages of grief are mapped out in the movie."
"The earth produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear."
"The first stage I call infatuation."
"It was the second of three stages of the so-called triangular trade."
"We see him go through the five stages of grief."
"Theosis has stages; it begins from the lowest and progresses to the highest."
"Life comes in stages and life comes in chapters."
"There are different stages to relationships: we have our dating stage, our honeymoon, our power struggle, our stability, commitment, and then bliss."
"Photosynthesis has two stages to it, the light-dependent and the light-independent reactions."
"With OET, we like to think of there being three stages of writing: select, organize, transform."
"When you decide to make a change, there's six stages that people generally go through: pre-contemplation, contemplation, determination, action, relapse, maintenance."
"The process is one of orderly growth, having its sequential stages, like the growth of a tree."
"Celebrate every stage, good or bad."
"Every single relationship dynamic has different stages to it."
"Meiosis consists of meiosis one and meiosis two."
"Any product goes through various stages of development including planning, design, and engineering, manufacturing, transportation, providing service, and dispersal or recycling."
"The making of any movie is always a two-stage process: there's the shooting of the film and then there's the editing of the film."
"We celebrate every stage of the journey, the very scary beginning, the messy middle."
"She believed people responded to death in stages: denial, anger, bargaining, and acceptance."
"In a partnership, there are four major stages: formation, operation, dissolution, and liquidation."
"After recognizing eight years working with hundreds of husbands, I saw the guys that I helped get their wife back sequentially went through each of these stages."
"The tea process takes about seven stages."
"There are three stages to fatigue: crack initiation, crack growth, and then final failure."
"People say that all truth passes through three stages."
"What I like about this process is that you have different stages that you can stop at that provide you with useful resources in your pipeline."
"The first stage is the honeymoon stage, then the second phase is when you get comfortable, you get to know what the other person is like."
"There's something important to learn in each stage."
"Chess is a game of three stages: there's an opening, there's a middle, and there's the endgame."
"What I want to do with these videos is allow you to have kind of inclusion in each little stage."
"Denial, bargaining, anger, depression, acceptance." - Narrator
"This is a stage; your paintings will have stages."
"What's black when you get it, red when you use it, and white when you're through with it? Charcoal."
"The MPPT has three stages of charging: constant current, constant voltage, and float."
"Piaget wrote a lot... usually what you hear about if you study Piaget in North America is his stages of development."
"When it comes to data, there's basically five main stages: capture, maintain, process, analyze, and communicate."
"Marriage is about developmental stages."
"Lyme disease is a multisystem infection that typically occurs in stages with different clinical manifestations at each stage."
"The fine art of grave robbing involved a technique of several stages."
"We got this awesome result with you in real time of course in the most important stages."
"That's really like high formal stages of awakening."
"It is followed by continuous feedback and monitoring at all the stages."
"A typical CI/CD pipeline will have these three stages: build, test, and deploy."
"Code analysis could be run on different stages of development."
"Every stage just feels magical and the best."
"Life has a beginning, a middle, and an end."
"We managed to dig it out and get to the group stages."
"When we hear about the stages of the soul, we hear about three which is Amara, Lawwama, and Mutma'inna."
"We can learn from everybody at every stage."
"You see all the stages so beautifully played by this actor."
"You're going to get every single stage of exactly who I am."
"I'm so glad that we get to go through life together, whether at the same stage of life or completely different phases of our life."
"Rostow's stages of growth... are five stages the first begins with little development with traditional agricultural practices."
"The four types of Mukti are different stages, but what the Guru is giving to us is the supreme type of liberation."
"They have your full stage one through stage three tunes for this build."
"A scaled-down version of life, with the beginning, a middle, and an end."
"Love actually has different stages."
"Criminal behavior is best understood in three stages: the pre-crime context, the actual offense itself, and then the post-crime behavior."
"Affliction, incubation, creation, proliferations, ramifications, preparation, annihilation, and salvation."
"There are so many eminent stages that are just chef's kiss."
"Our ICO is going to have two stages: the pre-sale and the public sale."
"I like this stage of a relationship where you're more comfortable, I don't like that whole first time dating chasing each other excitement game, is too much for me."
"Fury and Talos's relationship to be the most interesting in the film since they're both similar characters at different stages of their lives."
"Every person that must advance to these three stages of the interior life... everyone goes through these three stages."
"All the world's a stage, and its people have their exits and entrances; and one man in his time plays many roles."
"There are different stages in the component like our initialization and content creation."
"This was a fantastic brutality match, we had amazing stages."
"Acceptance, understanding, wisdom, enlightenment, it's that four-step process."
"I'm a firm believer in loving yourself at every stage."
"I just want to give you mamas just a little reminder. I know some of you guys are knee-deep in like toddlers and babies and a messy house and there's toys everywhere. This stage does not last forever."
"There's different stages of love and different types of love that we experience with different people."
"It's a nice stage where you can just enjoy the baby."
"I just think that stage is so fun."
"Achievement or ambition is broken down into five stages: learn, experiment, perform, struggle, thrive."
"It's all about confidence in every single stage, really."
"In the development of a human being, we have three ages."