
Divine Trust Quotes

There are 226 quotes

"He's still good, and He's still faithful, and He still is who He said He is, even when things aren't the way we would prefer for them to be."
"If you can't be faithful with the little, how on Earth can God trust you with a lot?"
"Trust in my love, for I have a future of peace and joy prepared for you."
"Let us be known for our faith, our love, and our unwavering trust in the God who holds the future in His hands."
"I know He can, I hope He will, but if not, I still am going to trust Him."
"Trust divine timing. Time in itself doesn't really exist."
"Let's fight on our knees and let's believe God."
"Trust should be earned, the only person who has to trust is God because he's perfect he has no conflict of interest."
"Just say Lord it's yours, Lord we yield it to you."
"Trust in the Divine Plan. Everything is moving in the right direction."
"Trust your heart, trust your gut, trust your instincts because that instinct is who God made you to be."
"Trust in me alone, and I'll become a sanctuary for you."
"God wants you to come into that rest where you fully trust his forgiveness."
"I'm not running God; I'm praying, trusting, and believing You."
"God wants to know, can He trust you with what He's about to release in your life?"
"Faith is acting upon an instruction from God and trusting Him for the outcome."
"If God trusts you with something, do not allow other people to put an expiration date on it."
"I trust not in my ability to receive from heaven I trust in God's ability to give from Heaven."
"Have faith in God regardless of how the odds may look against you."
"Surely he shall deliver thee... trust in Him."
"Trust in the divine, trust that everything's going to work out."
"Trusting God means accepting that His ways are higher, His plans more intricate."
"There ain't but one thing you can believe and trust in this world today and that's God's word."
"Resistance is belief. It is believing what God says about you."
"The true cost of freedom when walking with Christ is whether or not you will trust him to do what he said he is going to do."
"God holds your tomorrow, and we should cast our burdens on Him today."
"Trust in the divine plan that unfolds before you and have faith that every experience holds purpose for your soul's growth."
"Embrace your karmas. Take shelter of God at every moment. There is truly nothing to fear."
"It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in mortals."
"Whose report do we believe? We will believe the report of the Lord."
"Faith is not believing that God can do it. Faith is believing that God will do it, and He will do it for you, and He'll do it right now."
"The most freeing thing in the world is to be completely delivered from people and delivered to depending on God for everything in your life."
"Take it. Don't worry if it doesn't seem practical. The divine is so much more important, intelligent, and capable of genius than what mere logic would have us believe."
"Hold fast to your faith, walk through these doors courageously, be strong and courageous."
"Trust in me, believe in me, people, because He loves you very much."
"You must trust God and refuse your current level. Lord, I am tired of this level, I'm tired of the limitations, the mediocrity, the mediocrity that comes with this level."
"Trusting God and knowing that you are divinely protected."
"Once you've done everything you can to achieve a goal, turn the situation over to the divine."
"Put your trust in the Most High and believe in his promises."
"The God who ordained the beginning can safely be trusted with the end as well as with all that lies between."
"Trust in the boundless love of God in times of uncertainty; God assures you, maintain your hope for deliverance is nigh."
"Read the complete Bible for yourself and trust in Yah to fulfill every word."
"Whatever happens, the last thing any Catholic should do is turn around and say, 'God has failed.'"
"Our hope is in God, our hope is in the Sacred Heart of Jesus."
"Faith is simply taking God at His word and believing what God says."
"Salvation is trusting in Christ, who is God, trusting in what He did, not in ourselves or what we do."
"It's not what you do that gets you to heaven, it's whether or not you've trusted in what Jesus did."
"Keep your eyes on the Lord, even in dark times."
"Do you believe God and take him at his word or don't you?"
"Faith says I can face the unknown, faith says I can face the deepest trials in life because my hand is in the hand of the Living Christ." - Emphasis on trusting in divine guidance.
"Joy is a sense of jubilation based on a revelation that my well-being rests securely in the hands of a God who's producing a favorable outcome for me."
"Gratitude anchors us in God's promises, reminding us that he is in control and that we can trust him with our day, our worries, and our dreams."
"Trust in me completely, and you will experience all the abundant and wonderful blessings I have for you."
"I want your will. See, some of you don't think you can trust Him like that, but you can trust Him like that."
"Trust almighty God who created you and has equipped you to do what He has called you to do."
"You can tell how much God trusts you and trusts the work that he's done in you by what he has entrusted to you."
"Thank you for your protection, preservation, provision, compassion, and grace towards us all."
"Thank you for letting us gather. We commit Our Lives to you who are the god of history and we trust you to watch over us as you unfold your plan."
"The stirring of your emotions can never bring about on their own a move of God instead we rest in his nature, We Trust in his power, we trust in his presence knowing that he is that gentle Dove."
"Trust in God's understanding and in His omnipresence."
"Trust only in Him, and He will see you through."
"Trusting in God's plan means being patient and waiting on his timing."
"I will not fear, because God has already done."
"Trust in God's plan, surrender to the most high."
"Thank you, San Delfon, for delivering my prayers to heaven. Trust that your guides can hear you, trust that everything you want is being taken into careful consideration, and what serves you the most is being delivered."
"Trust God, do what He says, even if you don't understand."
"He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in him I trust."
"Trust in the divine. When you place attention on your own spiritual development, you get a passionate interest in the true purpose of your life on Earth."
"Get into the energy of trusting in the divine flow of energy of trusting that what's meant for you is flowing to you."
"Trusting in God's timing is an act of faith that challenges us to believe in the Unseen."
"Faith is not rubbing a lamp and having the genie come out. Faith is having a close enough relationship with Christ that you trust his will in all things."
"Pray like only god's opinion matters... trust in jesus and his character."
"Amen means I believe, but in such a deeper way, it means I stake my life on this truth that you, God, are faithful, you are the god of Truth." - Father Mike Schmitz
"Your confidence should be in the word of God, not in man."
"It's renewed our faith, it's renewed our trust in God and his plan."
"Trust in him at all times, o people, pour out your heart before him."
"Faith is absolute trust and absolute certainty in God that he is who he is and he will do what he said he will do."
"Trust in me beloved child trust that I will always be by your side even in the darkest moments when you feel discouraged."
"Be open and receptive, trust in the divine; it's about opening your heart space."
"Trust in the divine to make things happen for you."
"Job's reaction was to trust God and to bless him."
"Trust the sovereignty of God and just keep moving forward, keep planting, keep harvesting."
"Our responsibility is to deliver the gospel, and then we leave the results to God."
"Trust in my plan for your life, and I will continue to pour out blessings upon your life."
"We need to trust Him as our Father and surrender to Him."
"What was going on inside of me was a calmness, and assurance that God can do it."
"The commitment to truth spirit means that you are willing to remove false reality bubbles and egoic conditions, placing trust in God that you are willing to see the truth no matter what it presents. It is the truth that sets us free."
"When you start making decisions, you're telling God, you're telling the universe, whatever happens, I know you got me."
"They surrender their power to the divine with complete trust."
"God has entrusted us with an invisible, invincible, immortal, Eternal weapon."
"Trusting in His goodness and surrendering to His plans and purposes are the keys to life and blessing in His kingdom."
"God believes in each and every one of us regardless."
"To doubt the Lord is to doubt His character."
"I live by my good memories and faith in God. No matter what, I know he's gonna pull me out of it eventually but it's never when we want him to."
"God trusts you to handle the challenges of life so that somebody else can be changed by how you handle crisis."
"Real faith is not perfect faith, but their faith was in a perfect God."
"God has to trust you with anybody before he'll give you everybody."
"The measure of somebody that's going to be able to carry their yoke provided they give it to the good Lord."
"He trusts in the name of the Lord and relies on his God."
"God is faithful even when we don't see it."
"Trust God with all of your heart."
"God has never let me down, not one ounce."
"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much." - Mother Teresa
"It is a call for us to trust in God's sovereignty, to remain spiritually vigilant, to engage in prayer, to realign our priorities, and to be bold in our witness."
"Sometimes you just need to let go and trust God."
"I believe that God got me, I believe that."
"I'll do what I can do and trust God to do what only he can do."
"Everything should be in God's hands."
"If you cannot stay consistent in disciplining yourself to always be faithful in paying what God says is His, God says I can't trust you with more."
"God is good and that God can be trusted and that His ways are right, His ways are righteous, and that His law is good."
"Listen to God, God knows what he is doing."
"The battle against the dark spirits requires fortitude, faith, and an unwavering trust in the Divine Providence."
"When my faith is truly in God, no matter what the opposition or circumstance, I am not shaken from believing His word."
"He who plows and the soul sows a field of grain or plants a tender seedling in the soil, relying on the sunshine and the rain, is trusting God."
"I trust God's will in all of this, including his power, process, and pace."
"God only commits His best and most important work to faithful or trustworthy people."
"Being promoted in the kingdom of God and being entrusted with Kingdom responsibilities."
"God wants us to let go, to trust him, to trust his leadership, his love, and his control in our life."
"Have faith in God, for God never fails."
"Let's trust God at His Word; let's make this happen because this is important."
"My faith has found a resting place, not in device nor creed; I trust the ever-living One, His wounds for me shall plead."
"...he knew that his life was in God's hands."
"Don't get your hopes up for what man's saying; always have your hopes up in the Lord."
"Living with complete confidence in God leads to living with total dependence on God."
"The world would be a wonderful place if everyone would leave to Hashem everything."
"Your faith and your hope are in God."
"Help me, God, to trust where you are guiding me. I am yours."
"Take some pressure off of you, put it on God."
"Trust in the living God, that is the one thing required at every moment."
"Trust in the living God; God is not taken by surprise."
"Trust that God will fill your mouth once you have the courage to open it."
"Just remember, keep God in it, and you'll always win it."
"The primary function of the human will is to rely upon God."
"Take my houses and lands, change my dreams and my plans, for I'm placing my whole life in Your hands."
"You'll never merit it; would you just trust me enough to let me love you?"
"We give Him the glory before they write the story."
"I'm standing on the promise, I'm standing on the word of God."
"Patience is tied very closely to faith in our Heavenly Father."
"Trust fully in God. He never fails you. Ever cling to Him, for behind the shadows you are in His immortal arms."
"God will never fail those who trust in him."
"You can trust God with everything."
"Please help me let go of the situation, giving it in faith and trust to your divine wisdom and infinite love."
"Faith is believing God at his word, even when we don't see."
"I am good all by myself. I got me, I got God, I got my spirituality."
"Allah is asking you to trust Him and move."
"God is for you, He's not against you, and He can be trusted."
"Trusting heaven, you are safe; angels stand close, surrender your concerns and allow a miracle to occur."
"God will take care of everything."
"And so, dear father, increase our faith in thee and in thy beloved Son."
"When you're faithful in little, God can trust you with much."
"God's got this, and I'm gonna trust Him and His promises."
"Beloved, let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me."
"God anoints only dead people; He doesn't trust the living."
"Knowing God was all and was in charge of everything, I was just about letting my light shine every moment as a healer."
"Your faith will not fail you, and give God your faith right now."
"If we trust in the Lord God with all our heart... there's no good thing that He will not give to those who walk uprightly."
"If New England is ever going to see the kind of movements of God that it has seen in the past... we're not trusting that we pray, we're trusting in you, Lord."
"Faith is the result of evidence; it is loyalty or trust in God because He has given us evidence or revealed Himself in some way."
"We trust You to wake people up to possess their inheritance."
"We are called to be courageous, we're called to be brave, we're called to trust in God."
"Our confidence is in your unchanging nature and your steadfast character."
"God's love language is trust, God's love language is faith."
"When behind closed doors God can see you and God can trust you."
"Go out into the darkness and put your hands into the hands of God."
"Anything can happen; you put your trust in nothing except God."
"I'm going to start rejoicing before I even see the manifestation of my miracle because my hope is in my God."
"We don't know the day or the hour, but we have confidence that Jehovah is a God of truth and all the things he says he will accomplish."
"When things get out of your control, and you can't do anything about it, that's when we need to put our faith in God."
"Turn people over to God and leave them and go live your best life."
"Believe the Lord for what He can do for you and just hang on to your faith."
"God made you powerful for a reason; He trusted you with the power."
"Put your trust in God, put your hand in God's hand, and God will bring you out."
"Trust the Lord, watch what happens."
"I trust God to watch over His word to perform it, and I'm confident that God Almighty has the power to accomplish everything He has promised."
"How difficult it is to believe God instead of our eyes, especially when things are going so well for us in life."
"Fasting trains us to rely on God and trust Him to provide for us."
"Hold space for justice because our creator will never let you down."
"Do all you can and leave all the rest to God."
"It's like you lose the weight that's been weighing on your shoulders and you put it into somebody else's eternal hands."
"Every hardship and trial in your life that is not a direct consequence of your own sinful actions has been entrusted to you by God."
"I know God will never give me more than I can handle; I just wish he didn't trust me so much."
"My child, trust firmly in the Lord and do not fear the judgment of men when conscience tells you that you are upright and innocent."
"They didn't believe in us, God did though."
"Your faith and trust are in me, not infallible humans."
"Watch what happens when you put your faith and trust in God."
"I choose to give that burden completely to God."
"I don't come to you with a sword in my hand... I come to you with faith in the power of God."
"Then when we hit wilderness situations, we can remember not to grumble, not to panic, but to place our trust in God."
"Can God trust you to love people that don't look like you, don't sin like you?"
"God's got this, God's got this, God's got this."
"God would not have you in that situation if He did not know you could handle it."
"The more we trust God, the more He will give us wisdom as to what to do."
"Trust me to come through for you; I'm what you really need."
"Now I live in confidence, I know that God above believes in me."
"We should take care of the environment because we're the ones that have been entrusted by God to steward it."
"Keep your focus on the Universe, on God, and keep moving forward."
"We must have the faith that takes God at His word."
"With God, all things are possible, give your worries to God, absolutely don't stress out in this kitchen."
"You are my God, regardless the limitations I prevailed by faith."
"We are so thankful that we can only find hope in you, even when things are bad."