
Ancient Civilization Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"Archaeologists in southern India came upon a rusted old iron dagger that might not seem like much, but it may just provide clues about a lost civilization!"
"Found near Tamil Nadu, the area was once home to the ancient Keeladi civilization."
"The golden city will help researchers better understand life during ancient Egypt's golden age."
"Our studies prove that the structure does not cover just the top but also wrap around the slopes covering about 15 hectares area at least."
"This is the biggest ancient library in the history of the world."
"The dropa stones: relics of an ancient civilization or evidence of extraterrestrial contact?"
"The baigong pipes: remnants of an ancient advanced civilization or natural geological formations?"
"The earliest actual organized civilized community that has been discovered is here in Mesopotamia, hence it's sometimes called the cradle of civilization."
"New excavations reveal advanced civilization on a remote Greek island, potentially rewriting history."
"Writing was invented in Uruk in the 32nd century BC."
"The mysterious demise of the Indus civilization, a Utopia without weaponry or kings."
"The sphinx may be significantly older than the dynastic Egyptian civilization."
"Clearly a remarkable artifact left by a remarkable civilization."
"Could an ancient advanced civilization live in secret within a network of cave systems deep underground?"
"An eight-year project has discovered a secret tunnel beneath the third largest pyramid within the area autono which archaeologists suspect will lead to a royal tomb discovered in 2003."
"Archaeologists were stunned earlier this year when they discovered ancient Egypt's largest known city to date, known as the Rise of Aten. The lost metropolis dates back roughly 3400 years to the reign of Amenhotep III."
"This was a real civilization right in the middle of the Sahara."
"The Great Pyramid's construction challenges defy conventional explanations, suggesting lost ancient high civilization."
"The lion City first flourished during the Tang Dynasty... it's one of the most incredible underwater ruins to date."
"Invaluable historical landmarks are found in one place: a city that during the Late Bronze Age constituted one of the biggest metropolises in the world."
"The ancient Sumerian city-state of Ur was founded in 3800 BC."
"Perhaps one day Peru will reveal its ancient Secrets an astonishing collection of ancient evidential items and rediscovered historical factors have allowed the argument for an once lost history to have existed all but now a foregone conclusion."
"The city will provide us a unique look into the lives of the ancient Egyptians at the empire's heyday."
"Perhaps it wants us to think that this all belonged to an advanced civilization."
"Minoan settlements extended beyond Crete, showcasing their influence."
"Step back in time and become the ruler of Ancient Egypt in Pharaoh: A New Era."
"The Lost Golden City of Luxor, frozen in time like Pompeii."
"Sigiriya: one of the greatest examples of ancient town planning."
"In Palmyra, archaeologists discovered one of the longest and best-preserved column-lined avenues of the ancient world."
"Often called The Eternal City, Rome is a place where Emperors once ruled, Gladiators once battled, and Legacies were etched into stone."
"This New Kingdom Empire of Ramesses II was one of the most formidable empires of ancient times."
"Mycenae, a city recorded by Homer as having an abundance of gold, its monumental gate overlooked by two lions still inspires awe."
"The Phoenicians were the first to invent an alphabet, a factor that proved indispensable in establishing their great trading network."
"Indicative of a far more advanced, far more ancient civilization."
"Seeing it was almost like traveling back to the dawn of civilization."
"That to me is a very profound insight because it does suggest that somebody once upon a time was able to measure the earth size and shape with that level of precision."
"All the evidence indicates it took twenty thousand people to build the Great Pyramid in about 20 years."
"The story of Atlantis is thousands of years old, described as a city inhabited by a great and highly advanced civilization."
"Greece was one of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world."
"Ruins found upon the Isle of Tears, the Isle of toads, and Ax Island hint at some ancient civilization."
"The architecture, the text, and funerary objects are crucial for an understanding of the fundamental concept of divine kingship in Egypt."
"The whole world UNESCO come together and they could not duplicate what ancient Kemet did 4,000 years ago."
"Those people living in the anti-deluvian world were high caliber human beings, high functioning human beings, firing on all cylinders."
"The entire ceremonial site was made up of a central mound with a timber structure next to it dating from the Mesolithic period 8,000 years ago."
"I'm an architect and a contractor, so I do know what buildings look like, even if they're under water and covered up somewhat with sand, and that's what we have here-- an ancient culture that nobody knew that was there."
"Eventually someone has to come out with the right theory of what the pyramids were used for, how they were created, and most importantly what they were for."
"Moreover, he tells us that this vast power was gathered into one, that is to say, from Egypt to Peru it was one consolidated Empire."
"A society who in total barely numbered 30,000. They call it Nan Madol. And it’s one of the most impressive places on earth."
"Ebla was an ancient city that saw its peak once in the 3rd millennium BC and again around 1800 BC."
"Archaeologists have used satellite images to prove that there was once an ancient civilization thriving here."
"The Incas managed to build the ancient fortress known as Sakai Haman in Cusco, Peru, with no access to advanced building machinery or tools."
"You had this peculiar kind of thing where what Plato was driving for in his Republic, the idea of philosopher king, was a reality in Kemet."
"Every temple in Kimet had a library, every library had thousands of books, papyrus scrolls, on knowledge associated with every aspect of human endeavor."
"One of the puzzles to really mystify researchers is Rongorongo, a system of glyphs whose meaning is now lost to time and is yet to be deciphered."
"The people of Kenyan were almost infinitely ancient and that they had come from a distant part of space."
"The Sumerians were among the first to develop a Luna calendar keeping track of time based on the moon's Cycles."
"The Sumerians were also math wizzes, inventing the sexagesimal system which is basically a fancy way of saying they used Base 60 instead of our usual base 10."
"The paintings created around 12,000 years ago show ancient humans and enormous Ice Age animals living side by side."
"A site that has turned our understanding of early human civilization on its head."
"We did what we had to do, but now we have a greater responsibility. We alone bear the burden of the ancient civilization secrets."
"Dendera temple provides baffling discoveries with respect to ancient stone cutting techniques and advanced machining in the ancient world."
"Yet if you look at the extraordinary sophistication and genius of the ancient Egyptian artifacts and temples to think that those engineers were still not advanced in their stone tools in thousands of years or did not improve their techniques."
"The Olmec mysteries of Mesoamerica—thousands of years ago, bizarre people who spun one of the biggest mysteries on the planet settled in the part of the world we call Mesoamerica."
"New baffling discoveries made in the colossal ruins of Balbach Lebanon provide evidence of a past super civilization so technically advanced in ancient times that many researchers are left speechless."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza's precise architecture is a testament to the remarkable sophistication of an ancient civilization."
"The mother flame sounds like the ancient civilization's fuel source."
"The pyramids' mystery and majesty continue to amaze and astound us."
"Plato describes the palace of Atlantis as an Acropolis sitting atop a Great Hill."
"Archaeologists have discovered the remains of an ancient palace on the Mediterranean island of Crete."
"The ancient Kingdom had a similar scientific understanding of light as well, having been able to develop their own sun as a source of endless energy."
"Dwarka was a Marvel in ancient urban planning."
"Egyptian civilization is so ancient that it is difficult to imagine this ancientness correctly."
"Ancient mountain castle ruins have been found in Turkey, linked to the urartu civilization."
"The Egyptians were masters of making sense of their world."
"Adapa wasn't just a figure of Royal admiration; he was a core symbol for ancient sages, outliving even the great assuran Neal by nearly a thousand years."
"...suggests that some ancient technologically advanced civilization was responsible for buildings such as the Great Wall of China."
"The archaeological ruins of Capernaum today take us back to an amazing set of remains from the first century."
"An ancient civilization helping to lay the foundations for modern Transportation... all while its own story was buried in Oblivion."
"This was a society that had its unique script still undeciphered and urban planning that could rival any contemporary city today."
"When local authorities were alerted to the find archaeologists rushed to explore this underground Marvel they were astounded to discover that Daren cuyu could have supported as many as 20,000 people along with their animals and stored food."
"Ruins made of well-crafted bricks in the Punjab region... the remnants of the Indus Valley Civilization, a society that had vanished thousands of years before."
"There are references to the civilization of Hollow Earth in texts dating back to ancient times."
"We have detected traces of an ancient unknown civilization on the nebula ships."
"Mother-daughter mummies: a 900-year-old mystery, buried in an unknown medieval culture."
"Not for the first time and not for the last I was overwhelmed by a sense of contact with an ancient intelligence."
"This was definitely built by a pre-flood civilization, some mysterious group of people even before writing was invented."
"...with a vast network of fields and a massive strategically placed Hilltop enclosure, this was more than just a simple Farm."
"Nebuchadnezzar II was one of Mesopotamia's most illustrious Kings."
"The Hanging Gardens did exist in Babylon, it's suggested that Nebuchadnezzar II built them."
"The mud that was holding this curious roadway together was over a meter thick, which was an indicator of long-term use by an ancient civilization."
"It's one of the most ancient cultures in the history of humankind."
"There was a somewhat advanced civilization back in that period of time that was wiped out by that event."
"Their powers come from an ancient civilization that lived on Earth during the time when the continents were all one under the name of Pangaea."
"The Nabta Playa is much older than Stonehenge, dating back over seven thousand years."
"Ephesus City is proof and testimony of the greatness and prominence of ancient civilization."
"Tuscany, the word means Etruscan, Etruscan. This was the Etruscan civilization five hundred years before Christ."
"This is the zugura in Zur, this dates back over 6,000 years."
"The Egyptian Empire was the greatest civilization in the world at the time, was extremely religious, and was fascinated with life after death."
"Looking at them, it's hard to believe that they were constructed nearly 4,500 years ago by people that lived, loved, and worked just as we do."
"Imagine discovering the remnants of an ancient civilization so advanced, their technology challenges your understanding of the universe."
"India's civilization is one of the oldest that we know and has played a part on the world stage for centuries."
"The Indus Valley was so technologically advanced and sophisticated that they were on par with ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia."
"Primeval China: An international team of researchers have just shed light on the lifestyle of primitive people living in China 40,000 years ago."
"Highly advanced ancient civilization once existed in Brazil."
"Elam was a region in the Near East... whose civilization spanned thousands of years."
"Others argue that the Yonaguni Monument is a man-made structure that was built by an ancient advanced civilization."
"Atlantis... is said to have been some ancient advanced civilization that collapsed and sank to the bottom of the ocean during some sort of cataclysm."
"The Ubaid civilization... might even have been the first people in the world to build temples."
"The Maya civilization was composed of different cultural and political bodies; it was more of a confederation than a nation."
"The Euphrates is the bedrock of ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Babylon."
"Ancient Egypt... a one-of-a-kind civilization that managed to endure for over 3,000 years."
"Despite all the archaeological discoveries and research, we are still far from having unraveled all the mysteries of this exciting civilization."
"The Indus civilization was even larger in terms of the area than the Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations."
"We're standing in the middle right now of the largest ancient earthwork city in the United States."
"A civilization that has been the cradle of knowledge for a thousand years."
"Loria was an ancient civilization said to be the beginning of higher consciousness on the planet."
"The ancient city is that of Zakiku, it was a marvelous trading center during the Matani Empire of the Bronze Age."
"The ancient city of Sanxingdui has given up proof of a civilization that had its own customs and rituals separate from any other in Chinese history."
"It was considered an international city in its heyday, people from Babylon, Sumer, and Akkad all lived together within its walls."
"The kingdom of Axum was a major player along a commercial trade route between the Roman Empire and ancient India."
"Petra was once the Wall Street of ancient Arabia."
"Petra is uninhabited today. But at its height, archeologists believe up to 30,000 Nabataeans lived in this protected canyon."
"The remains of the still functioning ancient civilization were a significant archaeological discovery."
"Plato's narrative described the civilization being punished by Zeus for moral decay which led to its Ultimate Destruction by natural disasters."
"The ancient Sumerians lasted roughly from 4500 BCE to 1900 BCE."
"Chanchan was once the biggest city in the Americas and the capital of the Chimu civilization."
"We were doing our first proper season of digging at the Rosemarkie Caves... we thought already this is well over a thousand years ago, Pictish metal working in a cave, this is different, people are going to be excited about this."
"The discovery of the Bonampak frescoes unraveled mysteries on the customs and traditions of a civilization that had developed over a period of nearly three thousand years."
"We used to believe that civilization lived next to freshwater around 6,000 years ago with Sumeria, but we recently found a site called Gobekli Tepe which dates back around 11,000 years."
"From what they learned, The First Empire was the oldest known civilization of Kenshi, ruled by highly advanced ancients."
"The Zocks were an ancient race, their civilization spanning millennia across the galaxies, revered for their wisdom and technological marvels."
"This must be the lost city of Krishna here."
"The amazing thing is that this precise idea of there being an ancient civilization that we knew nothing about, it occurred, it was the Sumerian civilization."
"The world of Minecraft was once home to an ancient civilization of builders."
"Nineveh was an ancient Assyrian City... settled as early as 6,000 BC."
"Our calendar is essentially the creation of the ancient Near East."
"These items belong to the earliest occupants of our capital city, allowing us to populate the ancient Roman streets with men, women, soldiers, traders, and children—the first people to call London home."
"A city of twenty thousand Mississippian natives lived here a thousand years ago."
"The discovery of this ancient city has led to wild speculation that perhaps the world was once ruled by the Annunaki."
"Researchers have found a 200,000-year-old city in Africa."
"These natural formations hid massive pyramids built by an ancient Bosnian society."
"Overall, Babylonia seems to have flourished under their rule."
"The overall narrative that we've been constructing was that once there was an ancient civilization of builders."