
Primates Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Genetic similarities with primates may not be due to natural selection but instead due to a creator's methods of creation."
"I have a profound love for non-human primates that is 100% real and 0% facetious."
"Tarsiers are among the tiniest and most adorable primates in the world."
"I believe there's a creature to be a primate of some sort."
"Humans are not all that different from the other great apes."
"I think they're some sort of primate we haven't really figured out yet."
"What do apes eat? Berries and stuff, nuts, bugs."
"These early primates were all but forgotten but what wasn't forgotten was the civilizations that came after them."
"He's worked on primates and neurobiology and a host of other things."
"Monkeys have tails, and apes don't, right? That's chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, orangutans, and do you know we're apes, too."
"The fact that gorillas are not known to manipulate stones shows that stone tool use is a convergent behavior in monkeys and humans."
"Our separation from our chimpanzee cousins."
"Even in the 21st century, there are new primates being discovered every year, it seems."
"Big cats, snakes, and birds of prey are just a few of the predators that will hunt and feed on primates."
"Leadership is something elemental, primates choose leaders, groups of 5-year-olds choose leaders, it is in our DNA."
"It would have been two separate groups of primates breaking off that made our two separate species."
"It's one of those little refrigerator magnets as you were coming in the Leakey foundation sort of celebrating the fact that we now have evidence of chimps actually using tools to hunt little Bush babies in these in these dry areas of West Africa."
"Orangutans share 97% of their DNA with humans. Yes, these remarkable primates are our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, possessing a profound connection that stirs our curiosity."
"Dr. Jane Goodall dedicates her work to campaigning for primates."
"In primates, smaller guts lead to big brains."
"An ape isn't a monkey, oh, it's an orangutan."
"Human microbiomes are distinct from those of non-human primates."
"We're conducting comparative analyses of primate gastrointestinal microbiomes."
"Bonobos have the most sex out of any other primate species. They engage in sex for pleasure as well as reproduction."
"...he gives us a mirror on ourselves by looking at our closest primate relatives."
"Do you think advanced primates like chimps and apes should be afforded some degree of human rights?"
"Chimps and bonobos never hold your eye, but gorillas really look as though they're trying to figure out what are you thinking."
"The lion killers were able to commit such feats of strength and prowess due to the fact that they were reportedly bipedal 6'5" chimps with the heads of gorillas."
"The genetic revolution showed us that humans are more closely related to chimpanzees than chimpanzees are to gorillas."
"Wow, a primate with echolocation powers, amazing!"
"We often think of our fellow primates at the top of the intelligence list."
"I'm still a curious primate; I want to know more. I've seen them, I know they're real, I just want to know more about them."
"The muscles of facial expression are particularly important to us humans and other primates; they've evolved to convey emotions and that sort of thing."
"Great apes are some big lads, at least compared to the other primates."
"All apes have an incredibly reduced vestigial tail bone; this is easily the most simple way to tell apes and monkeys apart."
"The apes' longer arms compared to their shorter legs give it a hunched over gait."
"Apes also generally live twice as long as monkeys."
"Apes are pretty smart; after all, they do have a remarkably larger brain to body ratio than most animals."
"Great apes can also more easily imitate, as in repeat behaviors and acts others do, than other primates."
"What is the common name of Nasalis larvatus, a Borneo monkey that has the largest nose by far of any primate?"
"We are a green vegetable dependent animal like the other primates."
"I've been hanging out with Jane Goodall and [__], because these apes, man, they're coming down from the woods."
"The Western pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world."
"Part of our story of being human is really related to how our family of primates have evolved over the last 65 million years."
"Primates are very social, and we create and build social bonds through food sharing and grooming."
"The age of mammals, which also means the age of primates, is when our story really starts."
"We do culture in a way that is so much more elaborated than other primates."
"The attachment between a mother and her newborn baboon is quite profound."
"Gorillas live in social groups, families; they see, hear, and smell the world, even walk as we do."
"New species are continually being discovered, meaning that an undiscovered large primate like Bigfoot is not out of the realm of possibility."
"We have good evidence for time travel forward in a planning sense for primates and for birds."
"These are two male chimpanzees who have been in a fight. And one of them holds out his hand and begs the other for a contact, and about a second after I took this picture, the males came together, and they kissed and embraced each other."
"Monkeys are some of the most intelligent animals in the world."
"The smallest fossilized monkey ever was just discovered in the Amazon jungle."
"Our current understanding of evolution is that we've evolved from a common ancestor which is a primate."
"Chimpanzees have entered the Stone Age."
"Humans are about the only order of primates that have given up the safety of trees."
"Slow loris is the only primate with poison in their systems in the entire world."
"That finger has a ball and socket joint that essentially gives a 360 movement."
"Chimps are the most similar species with almost 99% similarity."
"Gorillas are a close second with 98%, orangutans third with 97%, and gibbons bringing up the rear with 96%."
"These are your closest relatives."
"The primates had a long way to go before they were storming the plains of the Pleistocene, but they had to start somewhere."
"These were the first primates to possess grasping hands, used perhaps for plucking food sources from branches and bushes."
"Humans and chimpanzees are like cousins, and they have some common ape-like ancestor back in the past."
"Once the dinosaurs disappeared, the angiosperms became larger and larger, and this made an ideal environment for primates to evolve."
"Baboons are actually a species of monkey that are quite intelligent."
"I love monkeys, they got opposable thumbs and [__], their feet also have opposable thumbs."
"The primate intelligence was making a connection in the universe that was surprising."
"The most important thing that we share with other apes is opposable thumbs."
"We are more closely related to chimpanzees and more genomically similar to them than lions are to tigers."
"Slow lorises are the only venomous primates in the world."
"Capuchin monkeys are one of the smartest monkeys on the planet."
"We know that primates recognize kin very strongly."
"We share 96% of our DNA with chimpanzees."
"It would be awesome if there was another great ape species living in Africa that no one had found."
"We worked our way up from the other chordates through the vertebrates, all the way up to mammals, and ended with primates."
"We'll be able to find out far more than we know already about our closest living relatives."
"The fact that they see us as the tree-climbing primate, a predator that they need to get away from, it's very interesting."
"Now primates are fascinating, especially humans."
"Like the rest of the primates, we've always had more or less an omnivorous dentition."
"Chimpanzees belong to the Hominidae family together with gorillas, orangutans, and indeed humans."
"Research has now shown that chimps have the capability to learn and use symbols and understand aspects of the human language."
"Primates are not all that interested in the color of pencils; they want to know the latest gossip about their friends."
"I love primates. I love drawing primates."
"The zoo's home to a very, very impressive chimpanzee enclosure."
"Spotted hyenas are very, very, very intelligent; they're as intelligent as primates."
"Orangutans... they can look into the future."
"Orangutan brains are moving a mile a minute. According to some studies, they are the most intelligent of all the non-human primates."
"Interestingly, although we are in different genus from the chimpanzees and bonobos, I'm led to believe that we're probably strictly speaking should be in the same genus."
"Primates are social animals; they need to be with others."
"Monkey World in Dorset is the largest sanctuary of its kind on the planet."
"30 years of rescuing and caring for primates in need, the park's work continues, and the results are clear to see."
"Chimps have been documented to make spears and use them to actually spear galagos out of tree hollows."
"Primates especially when they're habituated to humans can be fearless."
"For primates, the process helps them build relationships and maintain strong family structures."
"Gorillas spend considerably less time climbing trees than other great apes such as orangutans or chimpanzees."
"The key to happiness for all the primates at Monkey World is companionship of their own kind."
"They just seem to be totally in love and they are always grooming and touching, hugging, and just having a lovely time together."
"Of all the world's monkeys, these are one of the smartest with large and complex brains."
"She discovered that chimps have very close families; mothers and fathers take good care of baby chimps."
"Squirrel monkeys are the smallest of Costa Rica's four species of monkeys and they're the only one that doesn't have a prehensile tail."
"It's the largest sanctuary for monkeys and apes on the planet."
"With highly expressive faces and rambunctious personalities, these charismatic primates are a hit in any zoo."
"This is Monkey World in Dorset, the largest open monkey rescue center on the planet."
"These rare and beautiful primates are the target of illegal poaching and smuggling trades."
"Here on Dao Tien, it isn't about the individuals so much as it is getting rescued primates back out into the wild."
"The team here dedicate their lives to rescuing and rehabilitating primates from all over the world."
"Dr. Allison Cronin and her team devote their lives to rescuing and rehabilitating primates from all over the world."
"Dr. Alison Cronin and the team dedicate their lives to rescuing and rehabilitating primates from all over the world."
"It doesn't matter how old or in what condition the rescued primates are when they arrive at the park, Alison and the team do their best for them."
"It's important all of the primates at the park are given the opportunity to live a life as close as possible to that which they might experience in their natural habitat."
"As long as there are primates in need of help, the work will continue."