
Ancient World Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"I have single-handedly discovered many aspects of the ancient world and connections between its sites no one had seemingly realized before me."
"Beyond history, beyond memory, the ancient world conceals many mysteries."
"This region of the Mediterranean has a glut of evidence from the ancient world, not just settlement sites and outposts, but vast metropolises of the ancestors in abundance."
"The long-disappeared world of The Iliad and The Odyssey seeming to come back to life."
"These Clues paint a picture of a world so far from our own."
"Out of all the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, there is only one that remains a mystery to this very day."
"While this fantastic discovery may not completely rewrite the history books, it does make us reimagine what the world looked like over 100,000 years ago."
"There's something in this in the history of the ancient world that goes all the way back."
"A monument was built on a tiny island that could rival anything in the ancient world."
"The Harbor at Carthage was the gateway to the known world at that time."
"This line of fortifications was truly impressive, a fact which led archaeologist William Adams to proclaim them, 'a chain of the mightiest fortifications ever erected in the ancient world'."
"The Great Library stored, depending on the source, from 40,000 up to 500,000 papyrus scrolls, including the entire knowledge of the ancient world."
"That there has been some kind of a universal system at use in the ancient world."
"The study into these strange subjects offers a window into the undiscovered ancient world."
"The Barbagal Mill has been called the greatest concentration of mechanical power anywhere in the ancient world."
"It remains one of the most impressive sites of the ancient world."
"The best and worst of human nature was on full display in the ancient world."
"The Great Library of Alexandria was supposedly the biggest repository for knowledge in the ancient world."
"It's the first known Western reference to an anal suppository which was actually shoved up the bum of the emperor Marcus Celus at the end of the 2nd Century by the elite, and celebrity kind of Dr. Michael Mosley sort of character in the ancient world, the doctor Galen."
"Petra... stands as one of the most astonishing wonders of the ancient world."
"The port of Alexandria quickly ascended to become one of the ancient world's most crucial trade hubs, buzzing with the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures."
"The empire over which Cyrus ruled was the largest the ancient world had ever seen and may be, to this day, the largest empire ever."
"A second century Greek traveler and geographer mentions two buildings resembling pyramids in his writings."
"Being a leader was a dangerous occupation in the ancient world, even if you weren't at war with your neighbors."
"If you revel in the ancient world, you know it's full of the good weird stuff."
"Kings created some of the most complex irrigation systems of the ancient world."
"Understanding this helps us see how different religious ideas mixed and merged in the ancient world."
"No City in Antiquity could have functioned without slaves, their muscles were the engines of the ancient world."
"...one of the ancient world's first acts of genuine globalism..."
"Buried in its Sands are the Intimate Secrets of an ancient world."
"Look it up for yourself. It's not like the ancient world was hard to get your hands on a book."
"The ancient world hasn't been forgotten."
"Stay tuned as we delve into the Heart of Darkness to uncover a story that Bridges Millennia reshaping our perception of the ancient world and its enduring Mysteries."
"...everybody in the ancient world knew that the cloud Rider was a title you applied only to a god, a legitimate deity figure."
"It was the discovery of a lifetime, a tomb sealed shut for 3,000 years and a glimpse of an ancient world that time itself had passed by."
"We were trying to include everybody, but we have to overcome certain facts in the ancient world."
"The Lord of the Rings story fits into this vast and ancient world."
"While Hannibal was crossing the Alps into the Roman Empire with elephants, the Great Wall of China was in its initial construction phase."
"I think it offers a lot more specificity but a lot more interest into how we reconstruct the ancient world."
"Why does it matter? Because it's all our past. The ancient world belongs to all of us."
"The palace at Constantinople overlooked the straits between Europe and Asia, and so occupied perhaps the most strategic place in the ancient world."
"For more than 2,000 years, they were among the greatest mysteries of the ancient world."
"I hope that I can give you an introduction to the ancient world which will be useful to you."
"Those architectural forms revolutionized the ancient world and exerted a lasting influence on the architecture and the architects of post-classical times."
"We've really shifted our perspective on what took place in the ancient world since our first videos."
"The Madaba Map offers a glimpse into the world as it was over 1,400 years ago."
"The ancient Mediterranean is not a white space; it's filled with people from all over."
"The world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished."
"The seventh day must be seen as the launching pad for the most exceptional and ambitious project of social justice in the ancient world."
"...the ancient world made saints of captains of armies and princes of republics of people who were filled with worldly glory."
"There once existed a 95 million-year-old land bridge that connected Antarctica to other continents."
"Once there, he found a vanished world begin to speak to him."
"The world that existed long before the world that we know today, a world that's more like Wonderland than what we're used to seeing."
"Ultima Thule, the icy farthest shore of the ancient world."
"Everything in the ancient world had meaning; nothing was by chance."
"There are still many unanswered questions and mysteries about the ancient world."
"Fed by the Euphrates River, Babylon was a major center of the ancient world."
"Greek became this sort of lingua franca of the ancient Aegean area."
"It was the tallest man-made structure in the world for nearly 4,000 years."
"The sheer scale and weight of the Balbec stones showcase an unparalleled architectural ambition in the ancient world."
"The Balbek Temple complex with its colossal stone blocks stands as one of the greatest engineering achievements of the ancient world."
"The great pyramid is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world."
"My primary interest, I'll admit, in the ancient world is the history of religion."
"The parliament of trees... guardians of a world far older than mankind itself."