
Hydrogen Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"Hydrogen's versatility means it has the potential to disrupt many avenues of our economy, from energy production and storage to transportation and industrials."
"In 50 years, I believe that hydrogen is going to be a very integral part of our life. If we are serious about decarbonization, we just have no choice but to have hydrogen in scale."
"Hydrogen is part of the solution for a zero emission future."
"Hydrogen is this magic molecule... when you master... you're basically having the best energy you can have."
"Steel production accounts for about seven percent of global greenhouse gas emissions... SSAB has built a first of its kind pilot plant... uses green hydrogen in place of coal."
"Beyond heavy industry... hydrogen could offer a compelling option for trucks, buses, trains, and ships."
"Zero Avia has developed a system to power planes using hydrogen fuel cells... turning hydrogen and oxygen into water together with electricity that powers a motor."
"Hydrogen can be made from various energy sources, offering versatility and environmental benefits."
"Hydrogen: a promising clean energy carrier for the future."
"Hydrogen has been called the fuel of the future for as long as I can remember, and for good reason."
"Hydrogen might fill that gap where electrification doesn't make sense."
"The sensation was so great that when Henry Cavendish who was the first person who defined this gas hydrogen had been known since the Middle Ages."
"The gun barrel experiment, proving hydrogen present in water."
"Hydrogen fuel cells: A viable solution for various applications."
"Hydrogen is a low emission fuel that's catching on around the world, especially when it's sourced from renewable options."
"Just as electricity is an energy carrier, so is hydrogen. Hydrogen is an excellent way to transport energy in a usable form."
"Hydrogen, on the other hand, is easy to produce, cheap, and it provides about 8% more lift."
"When hydrogen and oxygen come together, they like to share electrons—it becomes energetically favorable for them to stay in that state."
"Hydrogen, the simplest and most abundant molecule in the universe, has become a focal point in the quest for sustainable energy solutions."
"Hydrogen as an energy carrier has long been considered as a potential solution for various energy-related issues."
"Splitting water molecules to create hydrogen for energy storage."
"Hydrogen is the universe's most abundant element."
"...hydrogen is key to us moving to a clean energy future."
"...hydrogen may pose the answer to our climate problems."
"...hydrogen is only as clean as where it comes from."
"...green hydrogen produces no harmful greenhouse gas emissions."
"...hydrogen can be used to store renewable energy."
"...hydrogen still has another major hurdle to overcome: energy density."
"...hydrogen might take up 20% of that space but something like methane or a fossil fuel takes up just 5%."
"Toyota's emphasis on hydrogen and water-powered technologies challenges the norms within the electric vehicle industry."
"Despite challenges, there's a lot of excitement about the potential of hydrogen engines to change the way we think about cars."
"South Korea's hydrogen road map has been a major disappointment."
"Toyota is doing everything they can to make hydrogen The Long play."
"Hydrogen is widely used today. It is a Fe stock chemical for many different heavy Industries, fertilizers for example."
"Oddly enough, one of the biggest users of hydrogen today are actually oil refineries."
"Uranus' atmosphere is full of hydrogen and helium, but with abundant presences of methane, ammonia, water, and hydrogen sulfide."
"...the coolest thing about running in hydrogen only mode is that it has no emissions."
"Hydrogen is seen as a leading solution in areas where electrification is particularly challenging."
"Hydrogen offers great opportunities for dispatchable low-carbon power, especially when renewables aren't generating."
"Hydrogen is going to be very much place-dependent, and you need to look and see what industry is there and how can you build a picture using hydrogen that joins all the various assets together in a particular cluster to get the best solution."
"We're producing hydrogen cookers, hydrogen boilers, and hydrogen fires to demonstrate that you can actually convert in effect a methane burner into a hydrogen burner."
"The glow of hydrogen, deuterium, and tritium induced ampules under the influence of a strong electromagnetic field is mesmerizing."
"You should produce hydrogen locally. Shipping hydrogen is really terrible. It's really, really hard to compress, contain, and pump."
"Making hydrogen currently generates about the same emissions as all flights."
"...hydrogen comes in which has a number of benefits first of all it is genuinely zero emission particularly when it is used through a hydrogen electric powertrain..."
"Hydrogen has a regulatory role within our cells."
"Hydrogen seems to be a smart molecule that knows what to do at a given time."
"Hydrogen will play an important role in future energy systems."
"One of the most useful things that we have in radio astronomy is the fact that neutral hydrogen gives out radio waves; gives out radio waves at a wavelength of 21 centimetres."
"Hydrogen is the lightest gas in the universe."
"Hydrogen only has two [electrons] but that's fine because remember the first shell only needs two to become full."
"He also discovered hydrogen, which he called inflammable air."
"Hydrogen, the fuel that will, when burned, only produce water."
"It takes several key elements to come together for hydrogen to be made economically and to facilitate the transition to zero emissions production and zero emission vehicles."
"Hydrogen is a big bright shining star to help us decarbonize quickly."
"Hydrogen is not very intensive in terms of the water it requires."
"We have a really good safety record with hydrogen... it just has to be very well managed."
"The best material for blocking radiation is actually hydrogen."
"Hydrogen is a potential fuel for the future... when you burn it, it produces no carbon dioxide."
"Hydrogen is the future, hydrogen is the next big boom."
"Converting hydrogen to helium is how fusion exists."
"Hydrogen is no less safe than gasoline, it's just different."
"Hydrogen in a fuel cell is clean, it is completely green, and you give off water."
"Hydrogen is a much better candidate at doing that."
"Hydrogen is the simplest atom and all of us know this element very well."
"We made the atomic metallic hydrogen."
"High-resolution proton NMR tells us information on how hydrogen atoms are arranged."
"Hydrogen will have an oxidation state of plus one when bonded to a non-metal."
"For every two moles of aluminum that reacts, three moles of hydrogen gas are produced."
"If it is unsaturated, that means it's not full; you can think of that as missing hydrogen atoms."
"Hydrogen is the simplest and most abundant element on earth; it consists of only one proton and one electron."
"It comes down to two simple premises: one is that you can make hydrogen from an oil field... and the other aspect is, are there ways to separate hydrogen from a mixed gas stream."
"This is hydrogen which is CO2 free at surface."
"If hydrogen is less expensive than crude oil and easy to use, why wouldn't people change?"
"Hydrogen makes more sense the bigger the application."
"For hydrogen, the process is more complex."
"This truck runs totally on hydrogen. As it goes down the highway, it is producing nothing but water. That is certifiably awesome."
"If the use case requires going over about 400 kilometers regularly, is for heavy vehicles, or a vehicle that requires near-constant use, hydrogen is going to be the winner."
"This car has proved that hydrogen power works, and is a genuine marvel of engineering."
"Japan aspires to become a hydrogen producing powerhouse."
"Hydrogen is an increasingly important pillar of the Japanese government's energy strategy."
"We are getting highly pure directly compressed hydrogen directly from the stack."
"Everything has a reaction; if you put two hydrogen molecules with this, it's going to create this reaction."
"I believe in proven technologies; hydrogen works."
"Hydrogen is plus one in a compound, except when it's bonded to only a metal."
"Hydrogen is a basically carbon neutral way to produce electricity as long as the hydrogen is produced sustainably."
"Hydrogen is the most abundant and lightest element in the universe."
"Hydrogen fuel cells, it is definitely a technology of the future."
"By 2050 we will have a whole new use of different uses for this hydrogen that will generate a new industry."
"Deuterium is sometimes called heavy hydrogen."
"Every second in that sun, 14 billion tons of helium gas converts into 12 billion tons of hydrogen gas."
"You want the highest exhaust velocity and higher ISP, which hydrogen provides."
"Hydrogen... the only product we produce is water."
"Hydrogen has a really vital role to play."
"Hydrogen as an energy storage technology will be part of the solution."
"Hydrogen mitigates some of that by accelerating the development process and that just makes it less expensive and more accessible overall."
"The oxygen atom bonds with two hydrogen atoms to fill its valence shell by sharing one electron from each hydrogen atom."
"That little pop or that squeak is just a mini explosion because hydrogen is explosive."
"The light that split with a pop, it's hydrogen."
"To understand the properties of hydrogen, we need to solve that equation and calculate the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions."
"Each hydrogen's happy because it has two electrons in its valence shell for helium configuration."
"Reduced NADP provides the hydrogen needed to reduce the GP into TP."
"Acid is a substance when you dissolve it in water, it increases the concentration of hydrogen ions."
"Hydrogen is just like the smallest reducing agent possible, amazing atom economy."
"The correct answer is that hydrogen is produced at the cathode."
"We get graphene and about 65% of the available hydrogen atoms come out as H2, so now we're making hydrogen, it's a beautiful fuel source."
"We were able to explain how spectral lines came about, just from understanding the basic structure of hydrogen."
"Hydrogen is widely considered to be the fuel in the powering of non-polluting vehicles, domestic heating, and aircrafts."
"Amongst different sources, hydrogen has been recognized as an ideal energy carrier and environmental friendly energy source."
"Hydrogen accounts for 92.1% of the atoms in the sun."
"Deep inside both these ice giants, pressure and heat builds until gaseous hydrogen turns into liquid metallic hydrogen."
"Different countries will have advantages in making hydrogen locally."
"As the industry grows, as the costs come down, it will open up new use cases and more customers will be able to afford hydrogen."
"Hydrogen has a wide range of potential uses, some of them more valuable and more urgent than others."
"The UK was among the first to set targets for hydrogen."
"When it comes to clean energy solutions, hydrogen has been talked about for decades, but has its moment finally arrived as a carbon-free solution?"
"The spectroscope indicates the gas to be hydrogen and moving towards the earth with enormous velocity."
"Hydrogen molecules have a purpose."
"Hydrogen can transform a whole industry and make it sustainable."
"Hydrogen is a very fertile ground for effective field theory."
"By creating an interior that allows hydrogen to stick onto the internal surface, now you can compact all that hydrogen into a much smaller volume."
"As escape continues, more hydrogen is lost, less deuterium; the ratio of deuterium to hydrogen of what's left behind increases over time."
"Hydrogen... it's clean, it's renewable, you can pretty much do it anywhere where you've got sunlight and water."
"It's a very exciting time to be in hydrogen."
"Hydrogen fuel cells have been playing with for decades."
"Hydrogen is part of an anode, and oxygen that's the air is part of the cathode."
"I think in 10 years time, hydrogen will be far more advanced than it is now."