
Cold Quotes

There are 626 quotes

"It was so cold that day... literally icicles forming on the launch pad."
"By this time, night had fallen and it was starting to get cold."
"My, my, my... You look like you could use some ice."
"It wasn't like they were freezing, they were just acting very peculiar."
"Look at all this, look at, and it's gonna be nice and cold. Oxygen, it's gonna be so cold, it's gonna be brrrrrrrigid and so cold."
"A killer with ice running through his veins."
"It's a very cold weather region and an inhospitable location, understatement of the year."
"It was frightfully cold outside that night."
"'The cold never bothered me anyway.'"
"My breath turned to visible vapor as it left my lips, and the cold air felt like an ice cream blanket on my skin."
"It's been very cold here, as you can tell, we are snowing into winter now."
"Vostok Station, this is officially the coldest place on Earth."
"It's cold in Canada, baby, and you need toques or beanies."
"The cold doesn't bother me anyway."
"It's freezing my teeth; it's so cold."
"It's quite beautiful as long as you don't mind the cold so much."
"Most of the universe is cold and with no air to breathe, we would die in seconds."
"I felt my entire body grow cold in an instant."
"The water is colder than I had anticipated, sending an icy jolt through me as soon as I made contact."
"My teeth shattered and my breath steamed in the air as I waited."
"Revenge just replaced turkey on the menu and it's going to be served cold."
"Cold therapy: mental and physical benefits and simple protocols."
"If we don't get out of here pretty soon, I'm going to turn into a gopsicle!"
"What a lovely meal free happy four years babe fing freezing it is quite cold."
"It's such a cloudy day in Birmingham like I've missed I don't know if it's because we're North or what but it feels cold off on at those freezing cold again."
"That was terrible. That was freezing."
"You want to be absolutely butt naked when you're sleeping in the cold?"
"Honestly it it's getting cold guys it is really getting cold here."
"...definitely he has gained a little bit of weight but yeah they naturally put on weight when it gets cold."
"...we can all feel the cold it affects things that even aren't alive like our cars and the buildings."
"It felt like I was just surrounded by a freezing cold bubble mate."
"She does not like the cold and certainly not combination of cold and wet."
"That AC blows so cold, I absolutely love it."
"Oh cool, I'm cold. Put on a jacket!"
"We're only 300 miles in I'm whooped it is so cold."
"I feel very uncomfortable like literally right where I'm standing, I'm starting to feel really cold."
"It's cold here in anger I, um definitely need a coat today."
"Summer is here in America, but things are about to get deathly cold."
"The hotel seemed far colder than usual, but the kind of cold we'd felt the other night, bone-chilling cold. It was dreadful."
"I was cold now, I don't know if I'm just cold because I'm thinking about what I'm about to do or just because I'm really just cold."
"It's like 5 a.m. Everybody's asleep with me. We must have drifted away from the sun because it's like 20 degrees out here."
"He's kind of cold and empty and just willing to walk through hell."
"It's cold, really freezing in the fog."
"Your immune system is high when you get a cold and when you get a fever."
"Sometimes all you need is a little bit of cold temperature to just snap out of it."
"Man, is cold. Why is this guy not been riddled with bullet holes already?"
"Revenge is a dish best served cold, well, or in this case, ice cold."
"It's really good for cold weather."
"I'm just laying in the snow like every cold oh yeah I like turned I had to turn and face away from the snow for a while and put my hands in my pocket dig my hands way down yeah and just try to warm up."
"I think I need to go out and buy a jacket later today if I have time because I have never been so cold in my life"
"That's pretty cold, Burger King. That is pretty cold."
"I so much cold hand, isn't it? Everything is cold, tied up."
"Okay, I'm just starting out on my 19-mile ride now I'm on the road actually I'm about a three quarters of a mile down the road because I didn't anticipate this but the batteries for the GoPro are so cold down here in the bottom of this Canyon it's about two degrees at the moment."
"We're freezing our nuts and tits off and that's it for us today."
"Maybe all it took was a taste of leadership for the guy to let it go and realize that the cold never bothered him anyway."
"It does get cold here in Houston."
"The pool is literally frozen right now, this is crazy!"
"My balls are gone, just start peeing, it'll warm you up."
"I've had my water down here chilling for about five minutes, and it's pretty cold. If I stick my whole pour down there, it's bloody freezing."
"How cold was it? Like way colder, bone chilling cold."
"It's time to get moving before we freeze."
"It's saying yes to all that right now, right here, it's right here, we're in here. Oh, it's substantially colder. Yeah, whoa, it's chilly right here. That's weird, yeah, yeah."
"The ice cream's so cold your tongue will stick to the metal."
"A bone-chillingly cold morning to be hiking up and down steep mountain ridges."
"The winter of 1915 was one of the coldest of the whole 20th century."
"This is the view out my window, it's cold, I've opened the window up, the air is really cold but it's so cozy inside."
"damn cold ass [ __ ] why can't you call your mother"
"Revenge is a dish that is best served cold."
"The cold shatters you, and you feel the ribcage break like brittle glass on the inside of your chest from the blast backward."
"I honestly prefer folding over hanging it is about to be so cold outside."
"It was another clear night and the thermometer fell to 22° below freezing."
"Welcome back to another cold day, it's almost -10 today."
"The only thing I know about Michigan is the Great Lakes are there, and it's cold. A lot."
"It is bitter cold and I am sick at heart."
"It's quite cold here, it's windy, and we're keen to just get up into some warmer weather."
"Revenge is a dish best served very cold."
"Revenge is a dish best served cold, huh?"
"A cold can literally kill a six-week-old baby."
"Super cold substances that can even stop light in its tracks."
"It's so deadly cold out here and there's all this poor frost on the trees."
"I love the look of winter clothes, but actually being in the cold is literal hell."
"Chickens don't really get cold unless you're talking like -40s -50s Celsius."
"You need to be able to actually run at night, to not get lost at night, to deal with the cold."
"It's actually really cold today that I've had to put my jumper around my around my shoulders."
"Nothing hits like nothing, only on a very cold crisp beautiful day like today."
"The temperature is dropping very, very quickly as you can tell. I've got my puffy jacket on and it is freezing cold out here."
"I don't know if I have to I might but that's no fun to be stuck up somewhere and it was cold really cold."
"The stars paled in the bright moonlight; bitter cold seeped through the cockpit apertures into the cockpit."
"This person's cold and stoic they're trying to be like the strong person that I feel like their their dad was cold or detached or something like that and they're they're playing that out in their own life."
"...if you're not going to stop the wind with some sort of membrane, something to keep that wind from blowing through you and taking your warm air... you're gonna get cold and you're gonna get colder probably faster than you want to."
"It's going to be really cold, it's going to be really lonely, and it's going to be really wild. Bring it on."
"For the briefest moment, you shudder to the marrow of your bones with such intense cold that for that moment, heart, breathing, feeling, life stops dead."
"It's so nice and cold, my friend. I hope you like cold water."
"I'm psyched it's cold man let's go."
"Not one bit. That's why he throws himself Frozen like a popsicle."
"It's still cold even in the summer."
"All of our stuff is cold here if it doesn't come out of a fridge or a like a freezer or something we don't take it."
"It's getting colder and colder every day, we need this."
"It's very cold, it got really cold real quick."
"...the battery was kind of cold soaking all night long..."
"It's cold as [ __ ] in New York City."
"I gotta get out of here, it is freezing!"
"It's not even November, dude. It's freezing out here."
"It's freezing, I definitely took an L today."
"It is so cold, we are getting ready to have a huge snowstorm."
"So sometimes if I have a cold, it'll last up to 7 days, but when I take Elderberry and really use these medicinal remedies, I find my colds only last for 2 to 3 days and they're much less severe."
"Minnesota guy but still it's cold hard anyone can cold like here you got cold wet rainy unknown hopping snow."
"I leaned over to pull the passenger door shut and was surprised to find the handle was icy cold to the touch."
"As I continued to walk on, it grew colder and I started to shiver big time."
"Who is this monster? Why does he do what he does? How does someone become so cold, so vicious?"
"It was like this cold numb dread just washed down over me."
"Well, there's no story. The match is cold by and large. It was just a match between two guys, smaller size, they are talented, yes, but there was no story."
"The weather is looking stunning, nice wintry cold weather."
"It's cold today, but at least we don't have the precipitation."
"She should never have gone out in the cold like this."
"I'm probably going to bring the hoodie anyways because I get super cold."
"There's no such thing as being cold, there's such thing as absence of heat but cold is just a mindset."
"Eventually a cold will just be the coronavirus, will be a cold."
"This mountain especially overnight was bitterly cold."
"You would feel cold because the density of those atoms in that volume of space is very low."
"It's definitely chilly out this time of morning, gotta get that big old cup of coffee."
"I think it's pretty cool. I think it's pretty damn cold."
"I must say as well, it's really cold in here. We need that fire for warmth, if anything."
"Hands get cold really fast and that's one of the first things that if they're too cold can stop a run dead in its tracks for me."
"can't feel my face can't feel my fingers"
"Boost weather is here, it is freezing cold right now."
"Look how cold it is, it finally snowed."
"It's been super super cold outside where I'm at the past couple days."
"But it's about 18, 19° with 15 to 25 mph winds and it feels like seven or eight, it's so cold."
"That psychic cold that struck through jacket and mackinaw, knee-high boots and heavy socks. I huddled closer to the fire, resolutely turning my eyes to the leaping flames."
"...scientific and so it's like it's like FR it's like frigidly cold horror..."
"You'll learn real fast after you have one adventure where you freeze your ass off."
"It's better to be a little too cold than a little too hot."
"The trick is to put like cold water or you could put iced water but I just put water from the fridge."
"No wonder my hands are like this, they're like some monster's hand, I can't even hold my stick, it's too... I'm so cold."
"I've actually had to put on my dressing-gown, it's so cold, it's unbelievable."
"Just put that out there. Can't get mad at me in the comments. I've lived in Erie, Pennsylvania for 17 years of my life. I know what miserably cold is."
"Now it was so cold when I came out of that water. It was all shriveled up like you hope."
"That's really cold, perfect for a hot day."
"So what will you do when the air gets cold? Won't you quake in your steps and hurry on?"
"I love a good winter moment, but I wasn't expecting it to be this cold."
"How do you fight a mist, crow? Shadows with teeth, air so cold it hurts to breathe..."
"Our house is always freezing. It is cold down here. Out here, I mean. And I think the diapers are just the worst, yeah."
"It's like a little it's like on the side of cold."
"It's definitely colder, you can't say it's not cold."
"Revenge is best served cold, they deserve it."
"All three of them were shaking as if it was extremely cold where they were."
"It's never too cold for an iced coffee."
"Honestly, so we've had our first like crazy bout of cold weather."
"AC is ice cold though, she is, she's got cold air."
"I shall claim what is mine. In this cold North, you will find only death."
"Don't ever come and try to tell us we've never suffered, understood?" said Naruto, his tone cold enough to freeze hell.
"It's my favorite water bottle. It keeps it cold all night."
"I constantly had a slight feeling of being cold, and the skin on my feet and legs hurt for a long time."
"Cold refers to whether or not there's evidence of hypoperfusion."
"I'm all bundled up because it's going to mutually went out there. I'm not used even like 50° feels so cold to me."
"Good morning from Vegas and Minnie. It is -47. I hope you're in flannel, I hope you're in bed."
"The flavor of that so cold on my teeth."
"I'm freezing, is the next person."
"I'm probably going to be freezing."
"The temperature was dropping more and more below zero each night, and I was starting to worry about the kid's safety."
"It's always cold, it's really old, and I have had a lot of weird experiences for years."
"The fog had reached the building and we were surrounded, an icy cold draft seeping underneath the door and dark figures shifting within the mist."
"The nights are turning colder. Soon the falling of the frost. Soon the summer will be over."
"It was icy cold and deliciously refreshing... as though he'd walked into an industrial freezer."
"I just love winter, I love the cold."
"Overcoming obstacles: 'Even if it's freezing, we're still having fun!'"
"It's been the coldest winter in 10 years."
"And look at that, 42 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale, how about that, beautiful, that's nice and super cold, I like it, good to go, operation success."
"The sun's going down, and it is getting chilly out here in the wind."
"Your feeling of cold is 100 a perception, everybody gets cold the same way."
"Extreme cold is like the best way to store a battery."
"Ah, how cold it was in winter when the skies were steely black and the giant stars sparkled icily."
"The nights are getting real cold... it's already saved our ass so much."
"It's very cold but it is kind of nice just to be here and have the holiday lights on."
"I mean it is cold but there is a special kind of magic to being here."
"The air is very crisp. When you breathe out, you can see your breath because your breath is so warm when you breathe out in the cold air."
"It's freezing. Should we go inside?"
"I'm too cold for the body chill, I'm hypothermia."
"This has just been fantastic even though I'm freezing."
"I've just been looking at the weather forecast and actually I thought it wasn't going to get cold until next week tonight's going to be zero."
"It's so cold, but it's so Christmassy."
"There was a chill in the air, that lingering, biting cold that would gnaw at your exposed skin."
"It's cold outside, snowy outside, icy outside, dark outside."
"It's about four degrees Celsius right now, seven a.m., seven Masala Chia to warm up."
"I never thought you'd be the kind of person to throw a child out in 10° F weather."
"Although it was April, a freezing wind blew through the streets of the city, and overhead the snow clouds moved across the sky."
"The wind chilled us to the bone, but we had something good to look forward to."
"Bitter cold, bitter cold, bitter cold," chuffed Toby.
"It's supposed to be frosty tonight, frost warning in May."
"I flinched as my bare feet touched the cold floor."
"I'm in the bloody North Pole. What is this, Santa's view?"
"The activities look way more fun in the cold one."
"Hypothermia is evil, nasty, and ugly."
"The winds have calmed down, it's cold but it's beautiful, what a place to come and camp for the night."
"It's like cold but refreshingly cold."
"It's got very much a wintry feel today."
"It all started on a bitterly cold night."
"The night was very cold and the hands began to feel numb after starting to walk early in the morning."
"It's cold, it is really, really cold, but so beautiful; it feels like we just came out of a Hallmark movie."