
Decarbonization Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"If we are serious about decarbonization, if we are serious about going into a world which have zero carbon emission, there is no choice but using hydrogen."
"In 50 years, I believe that hydrogen is going to be a very integral part of our life. If we are serious about decarbonization, we just have no choice but to have hydrogen in scale."
"The question is not whether we electrify everything, but rather how do we decarbonize the whole system. That's the fundamental issue."
"We have the tech and the know-how to put buildings on a path to full decarbonization."
"Storing large amounts of power is a necessity for the decarbonisation of our energy system."
"The Biden-Harris Administration through the U.S department of energy recently announced approximately six billion dollars in funding to accelerate decarbonization projects in the energy intensive Industries."
"Nuclear technologies can decarbonize whole power sectors."
"The single biggest economic opportunity of our lifetime: energy, clean energy, decarbonization."
"As India sets ambitious targets to decarbonize its economy."
"Now, with China's newly updated climate targets, it certainly seems like the country has the political will to decarbonize, if not all the tech to make it possible."
"If we take actions now and we decarbonize the economy... we can slow down and maybe even stop climate change."
"This is about systems change, decarbonizing economics, it's about government policy."
"Decarbonization for us will mean more jobs, more growth, more manufacturing."
"It's not enough just to decarbonize sort of existing capitalism with all its inequalities and failures and inefficiencies, actually it's about building both a decarbonized but also a democratized economy."
"The challenge of decarbonizing entire economies can be the source of demand needed to kick-start economic recovery and create good jobs."
"China's efforts to decarbonize are likely to have many positive effects on its domestic energy supply."
"The G7 made a new agreement to predominantly decarbonize electricity sectors by 2035."
"...China is already strategically positioning itself to be able to get credit, to decarbonise its economy, electrify its economy, run everything on renewables, carbon price everything..."
"The most important thing is that we have to decarbonize mobility because we have not been making progress in this field."
"If all we do as a society is invest in these three disruptions that I talked about we can decarbonize 90% of the economy for economic Reasons by 2035."
"...clearly make a massive difference to the way we decarbonize our transport system."
"We need to do both [decarbonization and carbon removal], and they're not in conflict. We probably are going to need to do both. Well, we certainly have to do the first one."
"Green hydrogen can play a significant role in achieving a sustainable energy system, particularly in sectors hard to decarbonize."
"Neoliberalism has minimized the role of the state in favor of pro-market policies. But there is considerable evidence that significant government intervention is required if we are to decarbonize in time."
"...when you recognize that success in deep decarbonization requires a sustained effort over the better part of a century, an alarm doesn't work. What works is a low level of pressure applied continuously."
"...it's much easier to make a cheaper solar cell than it is to get all World governments to agree to decarbonize."
"I do think there are reason to be very optimistic. I think the combination of AI and decarbonization ultimately could prove to be very positive for growth and indeed for investors."
"The combination of AI and decarbonization ultimately could prove to be very positive for growth and indeed for investors."
"Once we can really transition our economies to a decarbonized model we end up not just with a more sustainable planet and healthier conditions for people but an environment where the marginal cost of energy falls to zero which we've never had really in history."
"The global movement to try and decarbonize the world is going to create tremendous change."
"Our goal is to help decarbonize the state of Maine and create thousands of clean energy jobs."
"Our job is to show the path to decarbonization and call out these crooks."
"We believe that electrification is the clearest path to a decarbonized society."
"Decarbonizing air travel between Sydney and Melbourne is going to be extremely hard."
"It is not a question of will we or won't we decarbonize because what's happening is that every year or two or three the environmental crises become more and more dramatic."
"We're going to help the industries to invest and to decarbonize, so I think because we are serious about this and we are bearing the cost of decarbonization, it is important that the whole world comes along as well."
"We are happy to support you because the revenue that we collect from carbon tax, we're going to plow it back into helping the industries to invest and to decarbonize."
"I think the real question that any company that remains in the hydrocarbon industry really has to answer is can you decarbonize your current business because your current business is going to carry on."
"Our target to decarbonize cannot be met by intermittent renewables alone. The challenge is on us all. We must act now."
"Carbon capture isn't delaying decarbonization; it's pretty much the only realistic path."
"We have the technology to decarbonize something like 80% of the carbon emissions."
"The XRP Ledger is the first blockchain to be fully decarbonized."
"We have been decarbonizing our economy faster than any other G20 economy."
"The top ten companies in the U.S. have made commitments to decarbonizing their companies."
"But nuclear energy can be a source of zero emissions around the clock all year long energy, and that is a very appealing combination, as we race to decarbonize electricity grids around the world."
"If we want to electrify our energy supplies, decarbonize our Energy System, we're looking to increase mining by 500% around the world."
"With the help of technology, we can decarbonise the economy without people in the rich world having to sacrifice the activities we like."
"Hydrogen is the Swiss Army knife of deep decarbonization; it works in all sectors."
"Hydrogen is a big bright shining star to help us decarbonize quickly."
"Having batteries that are really lightweight could be a complete game-changer for the decarbonization of the aerospace sector."
"How do we get to a decarbonized future as quickly as possible?"
"More and more countries are subscribing to the ambitious goal of decarbonization by 2050 or 2060."
"We want to inspire and inform decision makers by showing as possible to showcase innovative solutions from around the world that can help to deliver deep decarbonization in innovation and technology."
"We need urgent decarbonization and policies that appear to be good are often seeking to find more oil, gas, and coal."
"If we're talking about the public health impacts of fossil fuels, we're talking about living in a much more prosperous green future if we decarbonize rather than if we continue to burn fossils."
"We are now decarbonizing; we're not doing it fast enough, but we're really doing it."
"This approach has a few benefits for companies, providing the opportunity to collaborate across the whole value chain with all of your customers and suppliers to help them decarbonize as well."
"The global economy needs to fully decarbonize by 2050 at the latest."
"We'll need some crafty solutions plus a good way of measuring decarbonization."
"We've decarbonized faster than any other major economy."
"If we can learn to decarbonize our energy sources, it will have an impact across all of these industries and more."
"If you are serious about climate action, you'll do whatever you can do to decarbonize transport."
"Kriya Yoga is a simple, psychophysiological method by which human blood is decarbonized and is recharged with oxygen."