
Goal Completion Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Don't stop when it hurts, stop when you're done."
"I ended the day beating most of 3D Land and I was feeling pretty good about being able to finish 3D World very quickly tomorrow."
"Start the journey, stay on the journey until it's finished."
"We had done it, we had finally reached the end."
"Finish what you start. It's very important to finish what you started, very important indeed."
"We actually took care of a lot of what I wanted us to do, so I'm really happy."
"Every time you finish what you begin, you're developing willpower."
"Hopefully, I've got a few things that were on my to-do list I'm really pleased I've done now."
"We run through the tape, we make sure that we finish what we started, that we don't let up in these last couple of months."
"He had more determination than ever now to finish the job."
"Finish strong. It's time to take the final step together."
"I won I get to cross something off the list."
"They ended up finishing the second one and then pushed in and finished the third as well."
"If you can check it all off, you should be on your way to making stuff."
"I try to come home strong, finish strong, you know?"
"Let's make it bigger anyways, we're gonna try to finish out a wild today."
"Completing a project on your own is proving something."
"Don't give up. You've worked this hard to get to the apex of this situation, finish what you've started."
"If I don't finish it, it's not really a win."
"We're crossing everything off the list, all we're gonna have a completed skill tree, all this is gonna feel real nice."
"If you just run through and try to focus on completing goals, you're missing so much."
"When you finish something this week, it's a sense of elation and a lack of vision is gone."
"Finish what you started, even if you just started something."
"Ending the section with a total of 158 Pokemon."
"In the journey, it may take three times, but you can still get the job done."
"That's pretty much the thrill and excitement there is hitting that target, the satisfaction at the end of the project."
"Stop second-guessing yourself and see things through to the finish."
"It's given me the tick, so I'll take it. Domestic success achieved!"
"Focus on freedom and completion... see something through to the end."
"If you pick projects that you're excited about, you're going to be more motivated to see them through."
"We're gonna easily finish up our mission tree."
"Let's complete this challenge and end it off on a high."
"You gotta make sure you run through the Finish Line not to the finish line."
"I'm excited about that and that even gives me more motivation to finish."
"The value is in finishing things."
"I have achieved my goal; the rest doesn't matter much."
"I'm really happy to have this title marked off my list."
"My OCD brain just wanted to see that little blue squiggly line go all the way from that sandbank where I stopped to the dam, and we've done it."
"It was just the best feeling of accomplishment of just crossing that finish line."
"We cannot relax, we cannot take momentum away, we have to finish the job."
"I'm going to finish what I set out to do," she informed him quietly.
"On the 14th day, he completed the task; the path was paved."
"The general form of this future directedness of intention-in-action is this, to do whatever's needed in order to finish doing what one's doing."
"I'm determined to finish this essay today... I'm just determined."
"When I eventually find the end, it will congratulate me."
"You have to fight perfectionism in order to push through and in order to finish."
"Ultimately, all of my goals here were totally achieved."
"We don't stop when it hurts, we stop when we're done."
"So that's three things that I had a goal to finish, and three things that I actually did finish."
"Finally, we're getting there, the last one is coming up, so yeah, very happy with the progress of the weekend."
"I succeeded, I did what I was trying to do."
"One day you're going to finish the whole thing and you're going to feel amazing."
"The Finish Line don't move, just finish, we would stop and keep running."
"We just completed a mission we set out on this course about 6 months ago and now we're about to make this dream come true."
"I'm so close to being done with Yes or Yes which is really exciting."
"You feel anxious or nervous, but you're gonna complete a goal."
"You are about to cross the finish line; you're about to achieve everything you want to achieve here."