
Geek Culture Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"I relate more to all the geeks and the nerds out there than with the models and the go-go dancers nowadays."
"Being a geek is somebody that just thinks differently than the rest of the crowd."
"Superheroes are ostracized because of their abilities to be different, and I think that all geeks operate that way."
"I think being a geek is more about being passionate about something to the extent that you're willing to dive deep into it."
"I'm excited that I'm not the only one that geeks out about this kind of stuff."
"At its worst, real geek culture results in a dangerous elitism."
"The definition of geek culture is bound to keep changing over time."
"These people are serious nerds, and I love it."
"I feel like that was the first time we started moving towards like this real geek culture because gaming started taking a bigger step forward..."
"These interests used to belong only to nerd culture and now they're the pillars of the mainstream."
"I try my best to be super nerds just like all of you."
"Geek culture is booming, heck, we even have celebrities boosting the signal."
"The Geeks hate when you give push back and don't agree with every word JD says."
"This movie gets at the cultural shift when nerds became cool."
"Starscream, an iconic figure in geek culture."
"Welcome to the island of true nerds, where all who live or visit shall themselves be the many a true nerds."
"Being a nerd is freaking awesome, I don't even give a but I do need to get the gamer outfit."
"It's a good geeky movie, it's a good fun geeky movie for the people that it's made to be for. You're gonna have a blast."
"I am here, showing up, defending my inner geekdom title. You know, I just show up for the big events. That's kind of my job."
"I'm finally the champion and the hero of the inner geekdom League."
"Are there any other competitors in the inner geek Tim League who you would like to see in your hopefully long reign of defending this belt?"
"Look at this cryo chamber. Good lord, like nerding out all over the place right now."
"It's been such a blast nerding out with you, buddy. I look forward to doing it a lot more in 2021 as movies and TV come back from the dead."
"Remember, he don't stop playing because you're old, you grow old because you stopped playing. Geek be proud."
"He don't stop playing because you're old, you grow old because you stopped playing. Geek be proud."
"I feel really grateful being in a position where I can talk about the things that I love to an audience who you know cares about the same nerdy stuff because we're all just uh draw we're all beautiful nerds."
"Being geeky and nerdy and you don't have to act cool and things you can be excited about are good traits."
"One thing about geeky products is their ability to create massive amounts of personal investment and loyalty in people."
"So I hope you enjoyed today's video and drop a thumbs up on this video for the crushed souls of a thousand geeks who've been going around for years saying that the best proof of aliens walks in fact a duck or something."
"The levels of nerdery are truly outstanding today, I love it."
"The show pays a lot of attention to different types of geekdom and the different ways young people interact with popular culture."
"It's great that girls can embrace geek culture with less judgment these days."
"What it really says is 'and the geek shall inherit the earth.'"
"Your YouTube channel has helped educate so many more people and enthusiasts, and I'm a hyper geek so I love it."
"Geek culture isn't suddenly left-wing, it always was."
"Star Wars didn't so much represent the birth of geek culture as the ascendancy of a consumer counterculture."
"I like weebs, I'm big weeb too, but I never let my weirdness get in the way of my professionalism."
"Life is grand. My nerdy little heart is just pleased as punch."
"I got the top score on a movie trivia quiz game, right? Who's the geek now?"
"We're both geeks in a way and I feel that everyone is and everyone has a geeky side and they just need it just take charge of it."
"I view Marvel and DC Comics almost like Star Wars versus Star Trek."
"It's about sharing enthusiasm, I love about nerds and geeks and everyone in general."
"Being a geek means never having to play it cool about how much you like something."
"Wow, look at this... I thought we would geek out to just kind of the details..."
"Loot Crate gives the geek in you a special treat every month."
"This month's crate features an exclusive collectible that is quote the most important object in pretty much the whole universe."
"The geek have inherited the earth."
"This is rather cool, this is for the geeks amongst us, of which I happily claim to be one."
"Geek culture became mainstream culture."
"Oh, my God. Uh, okay, nerd on the March."
"Life ain't hard, guys, especially when you see Geek life ain't hard."
"This is very techy, isn't it? This is very like I'm a—"
"I think if you ask any queer nerd what their favorite Batman villain is, they'll have an essay prepared on like the randomest guy."
"Hobbies that had once been indicators of someone's geekiness like video games comic books computers and fantasy fiction were effectively normalized by the end of the 2000s."
"We are Geeks and we love that kind of stuff. We're always trying to put it in the movies and our TV shows so it's better to put something in there that is a wink and a smile and excites people than just something Bland."
"The geeks have experimented and iterated their way into a set of cultural practices."
"You're probably all dudes like me sitting in your nerd caves painting minis and rewatching Star Trek TNG for the 40th time."
"I wanted to make sure that dorks like me could enjoy the book that I was writing."
"It's like the worst thing that ever happened to geek culture is that it went mainstream and it became cool."
"They make a really awesome, continuously new array of geek-centric and gamer gear, toys, T-shirts, wearable content, collectibles, it's badass."
"Be geek, be proud, bomb in your face!"
"Be geek, be proud, palm in your face."
"And this is EmGo saying, remember, you don't stop playing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop playing. Big geek, be proud. Home in your face."
"Thank you so so much for hanging out with me while I geeked out."
"The geeks would inherit the earth."
"I say my nerd cave hack till the hearts."
"It's a bit of a geeky video, but I hope it'll be interesting to you."
"May you always remain the cool geeks that you are."
"The kind of amoeba thing that BMW uses."
"That's so geeky, and I love that."
"All Geek Squad employees are allowed to drive around in some geeky ass cars like these."
"Who doesn't love going around Forbidden Planet?"
"Be geek, be proud, home in your face."
"I'm an alpha. I may be a geek, but I'm an alpha, and I'm not gonna [ __ ] take it."
"People in tech really lucked out with the situation, huh? Yeah, being a nerd is paying off."
"Being a geek is something that should be shouted from the gothic rooftops."
"Geeks rule the world. Never be ashamed of that."
"I'm a nerd at heart... I'm social, but I'm like, I'm a nerd, you guys."
"The geek shall inherit the earth."
"The inner geekdom is a marathon, not a sprint."
"I'm also a licensed professional counselor... I'm a self-styled expert in all things geek."
"Be merry, be silly, and until next time, geeks, please always remember: cosplayers do it best."
"I specialize in narrative therapy and geek therapy, and I am a self-styled expert in all things geek."
"I'm a massive geek. I'm a big Star Trek fan."
"I hope you had fun geeking out on this stuff like I do."
"I really enjoy your videos full of rambling about wonderful geeky tech stuff."
"You just have to own your nerdiness, your fandom, and proudly walk around talking to someone on your communicator."
"I absolutely love it, I have to describe all of it and show all the little geeky parts of this, it's really fun."
"Attack of the show debuted... the show consisted of comedic segments, skits, reviews, and general discussion about technology and the modern world through the lens of a geek."
"Everything tastes better from a Constant Geekery mug."
"See you again next time for some more geekery."
"If you consider yourself a nerd, go out and find new IP to uplift."
"Thank you as always for watching, and until next time, peace out and geek out."
"This is just absolutely geek-out material for me, more than usual even."
"So be excellent to each other and stay nerdy, my friends."
"Nowadays, there's geek romance and they certainly fell in that category."
"If not for their nerd knowledge, they'd be Demogorgon snacks by now."
"Yeah, geeky minds think alike and all that."
"Akihabara, a place that for many years has attracted the attention of fans of geek culture."
"Please take care, be safe, and as always, keep nerding on."
"Embrace more of your nerdism... I think it's also inspiring."
"I was a geek, okay? I still am, and nothing bad ever happened."
"I love geek culture but I feel like every time I talk about it now, there's always has to be an anger or debate or a controversy."
"Until next time, peace out and geek out."
"I specialize in narrative therapy and geek therapy, and I'm a self-styled expert in all things geek."
"I love it when you talk nerd to me."
"It's a fusion of all things that are a bit geeky and nerdy."
"I am so outrageously cringe and I'm a secret geek, I love Marvel superheroes, I love DC."
"I got all of a sudden a huge amount of attention; it was kind of nerd attention too, which is the strongest kind of attention."
"Welcome back to All Ages of Geek, a place where we unite the geeks of all ages."
"I'm Trent, I'm Julian, and as always, keep it nerdy."
"I want to go somewhere that takes my hunger for the divine seriously."
"Until next time, remember if you're to be a geek, be an elite geek."
"I think I'm a bit of a geek really, and I don't like to leave things undone."
"I'll describe myself as a nerd, but I wouldn't go to pinhead."
"I'm having so much fun with these geek fans right here."
"Once upon a geek, there was a magical day full of gadgets, tech news, and movie reviews. The geeks rejoiced and gave thanks."
"You are the supernova of geekitude."
"And until next time, stay nerdy, my friends."
"The Geekish Network is the premiere black indigenous people of color network on geek stuff."
"We have the 380 back in service, next year must be a fantastic year for us aviation geeks."
"I want All Ages of Geek to be a place where you could be your own natural self and just geek out about everything imaginable."
"Welcome back to All Ages of Geek TV."
"My name is Cat, I am the founder of All Ages of Geek."
"Big Bang Theory merged geek culture and humor into modern-day mainstream comedy."
"Oh my God, you're such a Marvel geek. I wanna know, who else is excited for the new Spider-Man?"
"We're about to go into super nerd territory. Are you ready for this?"
"Keep nerding on, and we'll see you guys next time. Peace."
"I'm forever a geek; movies, TV shows, and books are my first loves."
"We're both amazing and awesome geeks, may the best geek win."
"The inner geekdom gets stronger by the round."
"Listen up, Rangers, welcome to the Geek Chess."
"If you give a geek a chance, he can really surprise you."
"You're the kind of geek I want to hang out with."
"I'm one happy geek right now, one happy gamer."
"You're going to see something very rare here: an American male geek in his natural habitat doing something very unnatural—reading the instructions."
"That's just fun, that's the kind of stuff we just like finding, just the nerd in me."
"I'm a family man, a big geek, big nerd; anything Marvel, anything Star Wars, anything pretty geeky, I'm down for."
"Geek culture was meant to bring together all types of people in a fun community regardless of who they were."
"It takes the label off of geekness and turns it into something that is positively normal and not only normal but necessary."
"Leave like he's a complete geek, this gives hope to us all."
"On the channel, I basically just talk about everything from pop culture and geek culture."
"We're in the geek business. Geeks will always find their fix."
"This is the nerdiest Christmas ornament ever."
"Thank you so much for watching, and until next time, you stay nerdy, YouTube."
"It's kind of something we really had to acknowledge because the man had cast such a shadow in the geek community."
"I'm just a geek, I don't proclaim to be an expert here."
"I was honestly a geek way before geeks became cool."
"I mean to me that's cred right there; you're loving something so much it's such a geek thing that you liked it so much that you got picked on in 10th grade."
"We quickly bonded over all the geeky stuff we both loved."
"It's still healthy for our geekdom and our mental well-being that we can still have outlets."
"Geeks for life, this is going to rule."
"Geek responsibly, order crash down, support what we do and enough said."
"It's quite cool to be a geek. Geeks make lots and lots of money and do interesting things."
"Being a geek is not about what you love; it's about the way that you love it."
"My life is one endless geek moment."
"Big geeks be proud, in your face!"
"It's insane, obviously I love geeking out, and this is one thing in particular that I've wanted to learn more about."