
Complaints Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Everybody keep complaining; it'll eventually... they're listening for sure."
"It's funny the [__] we pissed and moan about."
"Democracy means that somebody's always complaining about something. Nobody is ever happy in a democracy about their government."
"People cannot be gaslit for making complaints and raising concerns."
"Opportunity exists in the areas most people complain. If you can solve the complaint, you have the chance."
"It's easy to sit here and complain... but it's really within your control."
"No offense but the customers are a nightmare."
"That poor guy sat here for like three hours this morning because Samsung hasn't been paying their warehousing fees, I guess."
"Every single time that a person complains about this they will always misrepresent things in a way that's completely different than what they're talking about."
"Despite all my moaning and groaning over animal remains jenkins stink."
"I know a lot of streamers complain and I think it's very normal and acceptable to complain about like it is very easy to complain because there is a lot to complain about."
"Adults complaining about having to do normal adult things."
"Probably shouldn't put that in there. Somebody's probably gonna freak out on me. Oh well, it's too bad. Leave complaints down below."
"It's a disservice and it's just really disrespectful when people say, 'Stop complaining.' You can complain about if you feel like you've been wronged, you can complain, but complaining has never fixed anything."
"People are having more fun complaining about it than if it was actually fixed."
"Everybody wants to complain about the problem, but what are we gonna do about it?"
"If you're complaining, do something about it."
"Whining about it is not going to make him feel any better."
"That is what's called being a friend. If you were such a nice guy, you wouldn't be complaining about her treating you like a friend."
"I don't like sand. It's coarse, rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere."
"Because if we roll in, you know, to the building later than everyone else or...but on the flip side of that, you know, people complain."
"Always thinking, always complaining. That's your second mouth."
"Metro doesn't wait till he's washed up to start complaining about it. He complains now."
"Fair play for the players to register their complaints."
"If you've got somebody that doesn't want to listen to you, they just simply want to one-up you, you want to complain about how bad it was at work and they want to say, 'Oh well, that I can beat that.'"
"If you're not using it, why I still have to pay?"
"I think a lot of this is leading to people complaining about the wrong things."
"Blink fitness stole 500 bucks from you, man!"
"Nobody's like 'Great gym!' It's all 'They scammed me out of my money!'"
"The worse it gets, the more they're going to complain and the more people are likely to listen."
"I've never had a parent complain because of glitter paint in their head."
"Complaining is a good thing because it helps inform them on what needs attention."
"I complain about things and oh really we'll go from there."
"My biggest complaint is always the links are too short which makes it hard to cable manage the links on this guy that's really long."
"He continues to like, he the, not only has he been stripped of stuff but he's been whiny about being stripped of stuff."
"You complain a lot, and that's weird. It's comedy, I mean what's just what I'm doing."
"Complaining about the same issue for five years and never doing anything to fix it."
"Guys, my seasonal allergies are killing me, my god."
"You're unironically like damaging the scene for people to even come out with these complaints when you do like this."
"Nobody cares about your complaints."
"Mayor Marion Barry complained about the complete absence of crack at the March."
"You can't have any real complaints."
"Even the ones that complain, I appreciate you listening."
"People like this are why my company stopped sponsoring families at Christmas. We'd spend $500 to $1,000 per family and they'd still complain."
"You're the Kobe of using past accusations to complain."
"Two of the biggest complaints I see online is that there's no heads up display on the screen and that there's no panoramic moon roof."
"God wants to be involved even in our frustrations, and he can handle our complaints."
"Women have sought that out since the beginning of time. Absolutely. There's nothing new about this. Why are we still complaining about this?"
"Rappers complaining about the labels is like YouTubers complaining about YouTube taking the ads off the video."
"No matter how complicated or confusing or dramatic she seems, this is a real person with real complaints."
"my life will never be the same I will never complain about anything ever again"
"I don't sit there, you know what I'm saying, complain. I don't sit there jump on the internet, complain about that [ __ ] this. My first time talking about it in an interview, you know?"
"One of the biggest complaints inside smaller campers in particular is claustrophobic."
"I just need to put in my two complaints, one on officer Smith and one on S Barrett."
"Once one person complains and you cave, the next person is going to complain and you're going to have to cave to."
"If that ever got leaked of like the conversations and stuff that was said in that player group oh my gosh it is nuts what some people complain about it really is it it is pretty crazy."
"Lindsay is dealing with some full body complaints and a specific complaint related to her TMJ joint."
"Labeling real complaints such as this as sexism does nothing but harm people who do experience real sexism."
"She's dealing with stuff as far as the building being sold and he called in multiple trespass complaints on here people um nothing was done obviously because she acknowledged that yeah they still had property and they still want that property in there."
"We've had complaints about the acoustics in this club."
"You can't say it's too hot or it's too cold or it's too wet."
"It’s a lot harder to complain if one of the countries on your planet is using domes than it is to if they’re mass altering genetics or bringing in tons of cometary bodies or putting a black hole in your planet."
"It's one thing to be annoyed that a store changes things around or maybe something gets swapped around like okay whatever but this lady was literally threatening violence as well as a lawsuit against this poor hourly worker who is just trying to get their job done and go home."
"Oh no, this goes out to everything you complained about."
"Middle-aged men complaining on the internet about video games make bank."
"Complaints about the defective ones were going unanswered, and no one was getting anywhere with Kylie's customer service."
"Sandra asked to be fired from the project because it was not acceptable to speak publicly about such things, and any complaints of harassment were considered as something shameful."
"We've got a great example of spiritual violence even in the Old Testament you know in numbers 21 I mean even a bunch of people stiff-necked I mean God has provided God has blessed them God has opened the Red Sea and here they are complaining."
"Some people have the nerve to complain about free content."
"Enough is enough. We can't keep on complaining about the lack of shades. It's boring."
"You guys have nothing to complain about because it could be so much worse."
"...Swift really wants to keep those 93 000 trailers out there even though they're freaking falling apart all rusty and gross."
"Your complaints will point to what you feel entitled to."
"If you're bitching about your Lexus getting dropped off because your engine light's on, shut the fuck up."
"Can't travel man, can't travel, can't go. We can't complain."
"When you complain about something, you make it better. You state the case. Then there is room for improvement. By pretending it's not happening, things just stay the same."
"Oh Lynn complained about you Delta but she complains about everyone."
"That definitely felt like a slur to be honest with you I'm put my offc complaint inight i w a compliment."
"If you're gonna complain no matter what I do, I'm gonna get my job back tomorrow."
"Every complaint I have starts out with 'I have'. My problem is abundance today."
"I don't like when we get those complaints."
"What most of what we changed were some things like Cloud City which Kirch was complaining on the set."
"This dude was constantly complaining and whining about it."
"That's your biggest complaint, 'I have no time to spend time with my kids, I have no time to do this, I have no time to do what I want.'"
"Can you really complain in this economy?"
"The first set of missing vowels clues are all complaints made by pedants."
"The only consistency that we're seeing from game to game night to night is that the fans, the coaches, and the players are complaining."
"I will never ever complain about the weather in my country in Britain ever again. Not after this."
"Piers was later hit with thousands of off-com complaints about his notoriously aggressive interview style."
"And then you'd set out about snacks for people, and then everyone would come and eat and complain about eating."
"Let's never complain about something that we're not willing to change."
"...after dealing with this for months, me and the rest of my co-workers file over 200 complaints... and as a result, this entitled Karen got fired."
"No matter what you do, a person is always complaining about something. I guess that's life."
"We all have that one shining light in our lives; when they're around, it's only ever to complain about their problems."
"What counts as complaint is always a political question."
"Whenever you hear a complaint, you're hearing a void that has not been filled."
"On the side of a complaint, every time, there's a million-dollar idea."
"Always listen to people's complaints because people's complaints are an opportunity."
"I think right now everyone needs to stop complaining about everybody else."
"It's important that we be careful about what we complain about because it lessens the people that actually have a voice and have something that's important to say."
"I complained a lot, you know, about the printer, it's nice and quiet, it's sturdy."
"Stop complaining, stop making excuses, and start putting in the work to match your ambitions."
"Everybody always complains about the weather, but nobody ever does anything about it."
"Just because someone has it worse doesn't mean you can't complain about your own problems."
"Just because somebody is complaining about something... does not mean that they're not going to do business with you."
"If everybody's complaining, then there's the opportunity."
"...there are complaints that come in suspecting their innocence, but they are good people."
"German people complain when something is wrong. America people just complain."
"She tried filing complaints on social media websites, but her concerns eventually fell on deaf ears."
"All complaints must be investigated upon receiving without delay, if at all possible."
"No complaint is too small, so don't take it upon yourself to decide whether or not a complaint is important or not."
"All complaints must be completely resolved within 30 days of the receipt of that complaint."
"I hate this phrase first world problems because... if we didn't complain about first world problems we'd never complain about anything."
"There are some people who are only happy if they have something to complain about."
"The traffic here is so much more horrible, and like not enough people talk about it."
"Take into consideration the severity of the patient's complaints."
"I think if it's under three, it's a complaint, but if it's over four, it's a privilege."