
Tool Use Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"The advent of using their five fingers to wrap their fingers around tools such as this blade, the use of tools in this manner, is the pivotal divider between beings of higher sentience like humans and more basial life forms."
"Jane Goodall observed that chimpanzees are capable of using tools in their search for food."
"If you guys were wondering if you went for it, don't forget this is the best way to take out screws."
"We have never invented a tool that could use us."
"If ten people a year got killed on a job site because a hammer fell off of a roof and hit someone in the head and killed them would we ban hammers? No."
"Use the right tools for the job. Your balls will thank you."
"Mathur says is good enough not to need a riving knife certainly I'm not aware of any long-term methyl user and I do know quite a few who've experienced kickback or even had the saw cut out to prevent it."
"If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail."
"It's not a complicated problem... you can kill the whole group of them just by knowing how to use one tool."
"Otters, the most intelligent of all mustelids, are part of the rare group of animals that create and use tools."
"Drills can cut accurately as long as they have a little bit of help."
"If the only thing I have is a hammer, everything is going to look like a nail."
"All things, a tool is only as good as the one who wields it."
"They use sticks and things to get insects out of holes. That can be classified as a tool."
"But this also means it’s very important how the tools are offered and advertised."
"NVIDIA Reflex latency analyzer is useful exactly once per game, then you probably never use it again."
"Technology and social media, like all tools, are neither inherently good nor bad."
"Nothing gave me the warm fuzzies like seeing other people enjoying themselves with my tools."
"A stick will get you in and out of pretty much every situation you could possibly need."
"We believe that if you give people better tools, they will do amazing things."
"Social media is a great tool but can be misused."
"I don't know why I own this knife. I don't know why I love this knife."
"It's all about how you use that knowledge and if you can use the tools and strategies appropriately."
"It’s a great tool, but one it involves a lot of attention to detail."
"I'm always hitting 100 percent perpendicular to the surface area of the bottom line, meaning I can punch holes in my hammers that I make very efficiently."
"This is an inexpensive DIY solution for you to be able to open and close the grapple."
"The best tools you have, they're the easiest to keep handy."
"Humans are tool-makers. And when you pair humans with a tool, that's really where we accelerate."
"You sand one face and then put the new sanded face up against the registration of the miter gauge."
"The Graco Fine Finish Sprayer is a match made in heaven for small shops like mine."
"Give the curvature tool a go throughout this one... it's pretty cool."
"Use the right tool for the right moment, that's the best answer you can give."
"What it means is if you give somebody a special tool, you make them feel valued."
"All tools are either good or bad depending on how they're used."
"Money was simply just a tool, it was not a reflection of me."
"Toothpicks are so flexible, you can of course if you just need a little piece of it."
"We provide tools so that you can build and have an impact on the world."
"The moment you can hear that you're using those tools, the magic, the spell is broken."
"Just like any job out there, guys, you gotta have the right tools for the job. What I'm getting at is, the first one then go well because we didn't use the right tool for the job, guys."
"This is the one plugin that I've made that I am using religiously because I've accidentally kind of found myself as a mix engineer."
"It's not about the tools we use, relax. If you focus too much on the tools, you're a tool."
"Utilizing tools to increase efficiency is paramount."
"A super bright flashlight is really not super handy in most scenarios."
"The gun is just a tool to maintain safety and correct form but not to overthink things."
"Girls can use tools too! Girls are strong you don't need a boy to do all your tool stuff."
"The whip as a control tool is super super good."
"Scientists developed a vending machine for crows, and they were smart enough to use it. They even made their own tokens!"
"Human creativity is important and like I like to say about AI it is a tool it is a creative tool we cannot let it replace creativity."
"Parrots: the highest dexterity of any bird, excellent tool users."
"They treated beta like a tool to be used and then discarded."
"The tools we use don't have any inherent value and they are not moral or amoral. It's how you use them."
"I'm a big fan of using the right tool for the right job."
"Woodworking's most dangerous tool: read the manual."
"Most people own one property in their lives... imagine retiring with ten."
"Let go of greeting cards—it's guilty clutter and wasted money."
"It's tiny and kind of useful, you could open boxes and stuff with it."
"What makes homo nality special is that their brains were much smaller than ours about one-third the size but their hands and feet showed that they were good at using tools and objects."
"Changing bits is super easy with the combination of this router lift and these offset rings."
"Social media is an addictive distraction. It's an excellent tool, but just be sure it doesn't become toxic."
"If tool use isn’t intelligence, I don’t know what is."
"Depending on how you use it, a tool can be a weapon at any time."
"I find the point usually rolls itself over fast enough on its own. I do, however, knock any very sharp points off at the grinder..."
"I'm going to take my handy level and put it right here and you'll notice that these feet are touching the siding."
"A big knife is actually safer, I certainly feel safer using a large knife."
"Do I really want to carry this tool again? It totally let me down in a bad situation."
"If you want your knife to do knife, cutting things, slicey things, it's hard to beat the efficiency here."
"Technology in and of itself is just a tool... how we use it can impact us."
"Remember, only fill it about halfway full. It becomes very difficult to squeeze if it's too full."
"Chimpanzees have been shown an ability to not only use simple tools but are able to solve many kinds of problems posed to them by human trainers and experimenters."
"I keep this thing in my tool belt all the time, and with that really fine tip, you can get some very accurate marks."
"The camera never made the photographer; the artist makes the tool."
"Leveraging a little bit of trigonometry, we can make very, very small moves on the tool with the compound."
"Never underestimate the power of a woman with her hammer and crowbar."
"Elephants masterfully use tools such as stones and tree branches for very difficult purposes."
"It's nice to have kind of a retractable blade knife like this so that you can kind of work in and out as you need to and the first thing I like to do is come in and kind of just cut and scrape this little inside beveled corner of the frame like this."
"The fact that gorillas are not known to manipulate stones shows that stone tool use is a convergent behavior in monkeys and humans."
"It's one of those little refrigerator magnets as you were coming in the Leakey foundation sort of celebrating the fact that we now have evidence of chimps actually using tools to hunt little Bush babies in these in these dry areas of West Africa."
"Now take a pry bar underneath it and try to pry it up as you wiggle it back and forth."
"I use a small set square to help line up the two edges of the flywheels."
"A sharp blade is a real joy to use. If you've not yet seen my YouTube video showing how I easily and quickly sharpen chisels, you need to check it out. You won't be disappointed."
"I'm gonna build a PVC device that I can hook up to my hose that will just shoot through the dirt like a hot knife through butter."
"I'm gonna use a sawzall with a metal blade to cut out the old pipe."
"Very proud of myself for using the torque wrench."
"This is a great tool but it's not something that's exactly dead on so you have to just use it lightly as a tool just to figure out a rough idea on what things are going to be, it's not steadfast."
"That's what's going to do the majority of your laceration."
"Using a simple ladder, a boom lift, or a scissor lift to retrieve the victim as long as it's the right tool for the job then that's perfectly acceptable."
"One of the benefits is on any of my straight cuts I don't have to use a ruler."
"I would never recommend using that tool to cut quarter inch and 3 8 inch construction steel, but you see it did it all right."
"The key to giving accurate top stitching is using the 1/2 inch wide Stitch-fix-it tape."
"A good sharp saw should be a joy to use, we shouldn't have to apply force, we should have a relaxed grip with our fingers straightened off the trigger."
"Make sure they're tightened correctly, that way you avoid stretching them out, rounding off the head, or stripping out the threads."
"New Galilean crows are supposedly wicked smart because they can design their own tools."
"Fire is a tool, don't be afraid of it."
"If it's used as it's intended, its capabilities are spectacular."
"It's not so much about the tool, it's about the skill set."
"It just fits so nicely and I got that feeling of this is a tool made for what is meant to be used."
"It's like putting a scalpel in the hands of a trained surgeon; a scalpel can save lives but it can also take life if it's not used properly."
"It's about using the tools that we use correctly."
"Knowing how to use your tools safely will considerably lessen the possibility of personal injury."
"What is a knife but the primordial tool of mankind, this simple companion essential to mold the potential of your surroundings?"
"Fundamentally, you know, it's your hand, it's your eye, and it's this tool, and when it feels comfortable, you'll do good work."
"The broad fork is not a tool you should jump up and down on... it should feel less like a tool and more like a dance partner."
"When you spend that much time with a knife, you do start to form an actual bond with the tool."
"I don't think you need to gender tools. Capability and functionality is not a masculine thing."
"You are ultimately responsible for the output of the tool."
"Using a tubing cutter is really the way to go."
"Just the blade change alone is going to make a world of difference."
"Compound tool construction like this has only been observed outside humans in a few captive great apes."
"They use tools to forage and to solve complex problems."
"Let's use a line tool to create a cutter."
"The invisible part is much more related not to the tool itself but to the development of the self of the user."
"Using a plastic scraper or a wire brush is really good because you're not gonna affect anything here."
"You can work with it and modify it and re-profile it and have a good machete."
"Everything you need to know about how to sharpen your axe."
"They're so good at manipulating water as a weapon that they're actually considered to be tool users."
"The very day the first troglodyte decided to pick up a tool, humanity became superior to all the other creatures roaming the planet."
"Crows... they use tools to forage and to solve complex problems."
"The biggest mistake I see people make is they're trying to use this very powerful tool but in just completely the wrong circumstances."
"It's how you use the tools that's going to define your finish off them."
"This tool is great; it's meant to create envelopes, but I'm going to use it a little bit differently to make a card box."
"Chimpanzees have an understanding of tools that are best used for specific jobs and thus they hunt out tools that are going to meet the needs of the task at hand."
"It's amazing you can do all of this with just one tool. A skew is a very versatile tool."
"I use them and I design my draw knives to be used either way, and I think this is really important for the versatility and use of the draw knife."
"One of the benefits of doing it this way is that if you want to disconnect your tool head, you can do that very easily."
"It lends you to be able to cut romex with it very easily."
"Make sure to use the correct tool for the correct function."
"Use the right tool, right application, right job."
"The writing tip is probably the one I use the most."
"What the sine plate does is allow you to control that angle very accurately."
"I'm actually going to use my magnetic angle finder, and I'm going to match the angle of this bracket from the one that's already on the frame."
"We can pad this sketch by using the pad tools."
"You need to know how to use your tool to be successful with it."
"Sometimes your tool became a trap."
"Chimpanzees and humans are really the tool-making and tool-using masters."
"An axe is basically a wedge on a handle, but it's such a thin wedge that it can cut."
"This is not as good as doing it by hand, but considering this has taken me a second... this is really, really useful."
"I like the idea of using this as more of a just heavy duty utility blade."
"This is how this works: it is a guided angle sharpening system allowing you to well sharpen knives beautifully."
"It's so much more efficient when you can swing the tool."
"That's why we grew big brains as humans, because we could use tools or something like that."
"I'm using this level app on the iPhone here, and I think it's going to be pretty good for what we're doing."
"Like any tool, just make sure you know the tools that you're using, make sure you use them sensibly."
"Bench planes are used so often that they're often sitting on your workbench."
"Homo habilis is believed to have been one of the first users of early stone tools in the hominid lineage."
"It's not the tool that is doing the creativity; it's you in relationship to that tool."
"Definitely faster than hand knitting, especially if you have a drill."
"Using an MFT and the track saw is definitely a great solution for making cuts to large sheet materials."
"These are made use as an axe for chopping wood, camping, hunting, everything you can do."
"We use tools in order to become more intelligent, more knowledgeable, more productive."
"I use an auxiliary fence on a miter guide to cut those slot mortises."
"Be safe, learn about the tool before you use them."
"By using every tool in its proper place and the right way, the maximum of dexterity and power is attained."
"You shape the tools and the tools shape you."
"This is definitely a jig that I can totally see myself using for many years to come."
"Social media is a tool, and anybody can use a tool for bad or for good."
"An axe, if it's used properly, is a real safe tool."
"Every time I had to use it for actual cutting, it's just like, wow, this thing cuts. That's amazing."
"Every tool in a toolbox was useful."
"It literally feels like an extension of my hand."
"It just feels really good when you figure out how to use one and you find that sweet spot."
"It's really kind of fun to smooth up a rough hewn log or beam with an adze."
"Puffins tend to spontaneously take a small wooden stick to scratch an itchy spot."
"The silky saw was a whole lot less effort and it felt as if you were just gliding through it."
"I really feel like this will change the way people run their grinders because it's just going to be that much more efficient."
"I'm not forcing anything, I'm letting the tool do the work."
"Once the Ancient Man understood that you just had to know that this thing is harder than the other thing, so I'm going to use this thing to grind the other thing, you know, bada bing bada boom grinding."
"It's like you bought a screwdriver and you're upset it doesn't work well as a hammer."
"The jointer is a tool that you use to flatten and straighten."
"Another fact refuted when Jane saw chimpanzees fashioning tools out of twigs and sticks to attract and scoop out termites from their nests."
"Hand planes are amazing for putting radii on things, and I'm going for a 12-inch radius."
"Only humans have just the right anatomy to enable graceful upright walking, deft handling of complex tools, inborn competence for speaking complex languages, and inborn ability to think in a truly human way."
"This would have been used as a knife blade, not a projectile."
"Otters have the ability to create and use tools."
"I'm comfortable with that; the saw itself, very good saw."
"Chimpanzees use and manipulate objects as tools, a skill which was originally thought to be distinctly human."
"The shadow of the blade tells me where it's going to cut; that's neat."
"Use them where it's appropriate and use them wisely because they are very powerful."
"Animals are capable of using tools... orangutans will wrap their hands in thick waxy leaves to break open thick husk spiky fruits so that they don't hurt their hands."
"Crows use tools, crows remember faces."
"Elephants use their trunks to bring down branches of trees and also as a hand to scoop water."
"The Egyptian vulture will use tools; it will use rocks, it'll use logs or pieces of wood, and it hits the ostrich egg with it."
"It's less about the protection for your clothes... it's about the tool access."
"The only bird that I know of that uses tools."
"You can do anything with a Dremel and willpower."
"Chimps have been documented to make spears and use them to actually spear galagos out of tree hollows."