
Storm Quotes

There are 577 quotes

"As the storm expands and engulfs us, time begins to rewind, and the damage is undone."
"Lightning is... an electrical discharge that a storm cloud and the ground causes because of an imbalance."
"May it lead me to discover the power of God, because it's only during a storm that I can find You to be an ever-present help in the time of trouble."
"I need to go, need to run, the storm, oh my god."
"Storm should be the main person who you're looking to on the x-men for like leadership should be storm."
"The storm raged the whole day covering mountains and people with water."
"I didn't mean to, my house just landed here after a storm... and then yada yada, I squished the wicked witch of the east."
"We can sense it in the silence of a deserted wood or in the roar of a storm breaking over a distant mountainside."
"These were not simple winds, this was a storm that was brewing."
"Every storm has transformative power." - Haruki Murakami
"The rotation has completely died on this storm."
"In the eye of a hurricane, there is quiet for just a moment."
"Embrace the storm; it might be the ride of a lifetime."
"Number 12: Glendale man finds meteorite in front yard after monsoon storm."
"This is a monster of a storm and it is only going to continue to intensify as it moves toward the Louisiana coastline."
"It feels like we are in the eye of the storm, you know, like when there's a storm going on or a tornado and there's no wind in that actual place."
"When Greek divers on a boat at the turn of the century hit a storm on the island of Antikythera..."
"The perfect prophetic storm is forming, exactly as we were told it would."
"It's going to be a storm we talk about for many years to come. It is a historic event."
"The wind was the most shocking part of the storm."
"This is a very, very powerful storm. There will be impacts far beyond the eye wall." - Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
"The sound was a deafening clamor of broken glass and loud bangs mixed with howling winds."
"The storm sorcery, the might of storms is incredibly fitting for a sorcerer."
"Millions are on alert this morning as Ida barrels its way through the South."
"Head first, right into the storm."
"The music cut right through the harsh cold winds of the storm and went straight to my ears."
"It was storming all night, and just as I couldn't sleep, the rain and storm have stopped, and all you can hear are birds at side. It's beautiful."
"Stormy weather, weary eyes, hope to make it through the night."
"Definitely took the doll world by storm."
"What do you do if a Storm's rolling in your setup your tent is starting to blow away how do you handle that situation should be kind of fun."
"While it normally varies between $30 and $50 per megawatt-hour on an average day, the wholesale electricity price went up to the cap of $9,000 per megawatt-hour during the storm and stayed that high for days."
"Everybody stay safe through this storm last night and this morning."
"If a storm gets too severe then you'll be asked to shelter in place at your hotel where Disney will be prepared with meal kits for a price and select entertainment like pop-up meet and greets."
"The Lakers storm was swift and coming."
"The glory of the Lord shall cover the Earth as waters cover the sea, and this place is a storm center!"
"I hate the calm, I want the storm."
"The winds blew over them, pushing the ship away from the island. The Two Towers they had activated were electrified and shooting bolts of lightning all over the ruins."
"We're helping meet people wherever they are and help them get into position to not just weather this storm but to actually thrive through it."
"He's the god of my storm, the god of my mess."
"You're going to cause a heavy storm in this planet, a shift that's massive, it's big."
"What are you supposed to do when you go through a storm? Take courage."
"This storm is said to have been the worst experienced by any mountaineers."
"As long as Peter beheld Jesus, he was like Jesus, above the storm."
"You may be facing the perfect storm, but Jesus offers perfect peace."
"The wind howled, the storm crackled on the mountains, lightning prodded the crags like an old man trying to get an elusive blackberry pip out of his false teeth."
"The storm is trying to produce another tornado."
"Thankful that I got promoted on my job got promoted to manager."
"An F4 or F5 storm literally wipes homes clean off their foundation."
"...this just added to the volatility of this storm."
"As a storm spotter, it is important to understand the storm evolution that leads to the formation of a tornado or, in other words, tornado Genesis."
"In other words, it is a dangerous part of the storm to be in due to reduced visibility, the potential to be get hit by large hail, and the risk of getting caught off-guard is high."
"Is this winter storm enough for you?"
"A storm of unprecedented size put to Sea from British ports."
"...the storm is just everything is just a little bit more in line, a little bit more balanced."
"For us, there is no spring. Just the wind that smells fresh before the storm."
"The storm had vanished, the Sun was shining and the sidewalk was milling with people escorting their young ones to school."
"The sun is rising, the storm having passed a few hours ago."
"It's the calm of the eye of the storm."
"That really intensified this could be on the ground we might just not have a CC drop yet but this is likely on the ground."
"Prepare for a storm when it's sunny."
"He never woke up, knocked out, that they have to wake you up and say, 'Lord, all of them, Lord, don't you care? You don't care that we're about to drown?'"
"The storm is affecting travel in a big way ahead of a big holiday weekend."
"Even in the storm, Lord, your peace surpasses."
"There's a storm coming, and it's going to hit. The question is, will we be able to find the calm amidst the storm?"
"We're getting another storm, it's coming."
"After the storm, the sky was as beautiful as ever, illuminating the reborn Earth and the surviving people."
"Unfortunately, the bridges ended up being destroyed in a storm."
"One thing about a storm, they're a pain to be in but they leave some beauty behind."
"Storm cannot be reasoned or bartered with when it comes to genocide and committing acts of pure evil. She will do it on her own terms."
"So we're going to be here until this storm passes."
"So just a very strong storm system that we're watching here for you."
"The storm was so powerful that it pulled the pavement out of the ground."
"This storm is still extremely dangerous."
"The storm is coming but I'm prepared, I'll be gone for a while but don't be scared."
"Friday, May 31st, 1889. From a brooding sky of black unbroken clouds came the storms that would change the town and Pennsylvania forever."
"Terrific storm... 1913... remarkable."
"Sometimes after a storm, you find the Bloods of romance."
"It's especially important that you not rely on the radar for your safety. If you lose your visual bearings on the storm, take your escape route."
"It felt like the calm before the storm, and I had no idea if we were ready for what was coming."
"The best set piece comes in when Thor summons the storm."
"There's a storm of Brewing Justin I can feel it."
"The ocean is just so stormy here."
"A bolt of lightning split the air, illuminating the rapidly approaching rain."
At that time, a winter severe storm was making its way across the lake. Fueled by the collision of cold Arctic winds with warm fronts from the Gulf of Mexico, these ferocious cyclonic gales are referred to colloquially as the "Witch of November".
"Who did you lose? Nobody chases storms with a zeal like this except for one reason and one reason only: you lost someone in a storm, someone close."
"I love you and I hate the storm. I hate the storm. I respect the storm, but I hate the storm."
"The storm raged louder that night and on until daybreak somewhere amid the crashes and the cold I heard Melody whispering to herself."
"There is a storm brewing, and then the top picture is of me, kind of wrapped up in the flag, and you can see the city below. So it kind of shows freedom."
"Absolutely love it, especially when a storm comes through."
"For he commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves thereof."
"It's like oh the others are joining these whites in their weirwood battle as the clangers spread along the Strand such a fearful clacking and a clattering it made as if a hundred trees were pummeling one another with their limbs."
"The freezing precipitation was driven by howling winds creating blizzard-like conditions."
"This is a storm we've literally never had."
"Such a storm, you couldn't come out, pouring rain, the trees are looking like they're about to fall. There was not one person on the street, forget about the beach, empty."
"With a sense of extreme urgency, study, assess where you are, and prepare for the encroaching storm."
"this song musically to me it seems to be conveying this idea of riding on the Storm it's not so much about the storminess of it but the variety the we are somehow riding on this storm and the music is carrying us as if we are riding upon the storm that's the impression I get"
"A Monumental storm brings huge and Sudden Change."
"She is ready and pumped! Storm is ready to unleash her fury, her fists of fury."
"The calmest part of the storm is the eye."
"And now the storm is coming, a storm such as these Isles have never known."
"When are you most likely going to need the sump pump during a storm when are you most likely going to lose power during a storm."
"Quality worth taking the big ones by storm."
"The storm worsened with no end in sight, threatening to undermine the foundations."
"Now that's a storm, folks. That's a storm."
"We are currently tracking the weather front as it heads East towards Topeka, currently it's a category ef3 storm."
"This is the biggest storm that our area has seen in like literally like 20 years or something like something insane."
"Treat all of these storms um serious viously because they have packed quite the punch."
"Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as they managed to survive this stormy night."
"It's recommended to head towards the part of the ocean where the waves are smallest and the wind is weakest."
"There's a storm coming, and you don't want to be caught out there in it, believe me."
"Saturn's iconic North Pole hexagon, another enormous storm extending almost 30,000 km."
"The peaceful eye within a raging storm."
"15 million trees were blown down. That's such a great stat. Wow, I know someone had to count them."
"Well, it seems we just gotta wait out the hurricane, but waiting is so long. Waiting takes forever."
"Hold her bow in the wind and the wave and the deafening scream of the storm."
"The storm's coming, Angelo, and we all best be ready when she does."
"...the mesocyclone's starting to tighten up."
"...just a huge wedge here as it moved through Monette."
"Rescuers battle a brutal storm in search of a missing yacht."
"The night was pitch black, it thundered and bright flashes of lightning now and again shot across the sky turning it into a sea of fire."
"The cabin had sheltered me from many storms over the months, but this Tempest seems to be of a wholly different nature."
"There's a miracle in the midst of every storm in your life, and so don't sweat the storm because there's a miracle waiting on the other side."
"So one of the benefits of this storm is we had no problem finding parking on a Saturday evening at the South Beach Grill."
"So as we were driving through downtown, there was a break in the storm and the sun came out, and we just couldn't resist stopping back out at the beach one last time."
"Check your gear before the storm hits."
"But so much can change in the afternoon. By Nightfall, clouds filled the sky and the storm moved in, darkening the landscape."
"Quickly, the hurricane struck sparks that turned to lightning as it wove itself among the thunderheads."
"Finally, she had turned the entire storm into a ball the size of her hand."
"The storm is coming but I'm prepared, but don't be scared."
"A convective storm is a storm formed when surface heat causes moisture to rise into the atmosphere, forming single-celled localized storms that often generate thunder, lightning, significant winds, and sudden temperature changes."
"A great and terrible storm is coming, Pug."
"The storm struck in the dead of night."
"It's a beautiful stormy night, I'm ready for whatever's about to happen."
"This is the ninth storm of the season, but it's unique for covering all corners of the country."
"Hundreds of thousands of people are without power; the worst of storm Isa may be over, but its effects will be felt for some time to come."
"We haven't had any reports of loss of life thankfully."
"Unstoppable and unrelenting, storm Isa made its mark here on the West Coast of Scotland."
"The snow is falling down, and the storm is on its way, but as long as you're around, everything will be okay."
"Saturn's hexagon is pretty wild, a gigantic, like, Earth-sized storm that's a perfect hexagon happening at the pole."
"A tropical storm had been thundering all night."
"The storm wrenches the fishing vessel in half."
"We're in the storm, lift the storm, breathing for this storm. Incredible."
"Thank you so much for rescuing and helping us during the storm."
"When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and no small tempest raged, all hope of our being saved was at last abandoned."
"Oh, we just heard the wind picking up a little bit, and there's some lightning and ends out there. Right now, I can hear the thunder, see lightning. I don't know if that's remnants of Elsa. Well, Tropical Storm Elsa is out there, but she just needs to let it go."
"A summer storm, what a great time to experience the raw force of nature."
"The rain got ahead of us guys, it's raining like crazy right now, like thunder and lightning, it's a storm I think."
"Maybe this storm on the lake was more about somebody else's freedom on the other side."
"Startin’ to think this isn’t any normal storm, ol’ buddy."
"We must work quickly before that violent storm arrives on Sodor."
"We got to see some fantastic storm footage."
"Storm is not just a mutant with unbelievably unstoppable powers, she is also a literal goddess."
"I had to get on the roof, so cat in each hand, I climbed at the rest of the ladder and got on the roof, and that's where we stayed through the wind and rain."
"We're going to be storm chasers. No, storm chasers move; we're going to be storm sitters."
"Is that thunder? Okay, we heard thunder."
"It looks like the storm's actually clearing up."
"These supercell storms, these are the ones that can track for many, many miles."
"A freak storm can certainly be unexpected."
"We're alive and well and we survived the storm."
"Anger lifted in her chest like an October storm, with wind like the lick of a whip, crackling with the promise of thunder."
"The sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, a heavy rain started falling."
"Nothing like beachcombing after a storm. Free stuff!"
"Sometimes He calms the storm, and sometimes He calms us in the storm."
"Despite the wind, despite the storm, the boat held it together."
"The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is actually a 400-year-old storm, and you could fit four whole Earths inside of it."
"This is the 50-year storm that's coming."
"Oh Lord, You are my peace in the time of storms."
"The thunderstorm is coming this way."
"When Sandy hit New York, it was not a hurricane."
"It's been a crazy week... the seventh named storm that is predicted to come to the New Orleans area."
"The Great Red Spot is the most powerful hurricane in our solar system."
"You can do it, Buster. Wow, the lightning is so bright and scary. Yay! Go, Buster!"
"We are currently being battered by a storm here in the UK, and so I thought what better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than to do some image processing."
"The bad weather in the Atlantic Ocean was harsh; the storm brought about the wind with the speed of 190 kmph."
"The storm starts with rising air, making the towering cumulus clouds in that developing period of the thunderstorm cycle."
"The most dangerous level in the sequence, of course, is the mature stage when there's lots of turbulence near and in the storm."
"It was a tremendous driving downpour which covered everything in darkness."
"I see lightning, big bright flash, and I hear thunder, boom boom boom."
"The Great Red Spot, that's an enormous spinning storm the size of our whole planet."
"Wish us luck, I hope and wish that everybody is safe during this storm."
"Don't brave the storm, everybody evacuate."
"Hold fast to the mast right in the storm."
"The legend goes that one evening as he was rounding the Cape of Good Hope, a terrible storm blew through."
"It's like being in a house when it's thunderstorming and the house is shaking, but then the rain clears and you walk outside; you're like, smells like opportunity and bagels."
"It's been a stormy afternoon, I would have showed you clips of the rain but there really hasn't been much rain, it's just been a bunch of dark storm clouds and thunder but it's felt very cozy."
"The storm is heaving and tossing the ship like a cork in the water."
"Sheets of lightning rage at the storm center, less than a second later the ground shakes with the sound of thunder."
"If you've never been in a tent when it's storming, you're missing out on a very surreal experience."
"It's finally warm, but we've got a big storm coming in."
"There's no calm before the storm; there's just a storm announcing the larger deluge upcoming."
"All 19 penguins and two sea otters named Buck and Emma were among the animals that survived the storm."
"The sea raged, and the wind roared like thunder."
"The sound of the rain pitter-pattering off the dry ground filled the air as the sound of thunder roared over the trees."
"...the myth of the deadly storm does not stand up to scrutiny."
"This is a big bow echo; that's a sign that we have very high-speed winds that are being pushed out ahead of the storm."
"It almost looks like a hurricane situation out there."
"If we're dealing with 75 mile an hour winds, guess what friends, that's hurricane wind force."
"Look at the lightning; it's growing more substantial."
"Imagine if you get a hailstone that's the size of a baseball... how much wind does it take to keep that elevated in a storm? About 150 to 200 miles an hour."
"Rapid intensification is my biggest concern."