
Strategic Gameplay Quotes

There are 777 quotes

"Stewie's on his own but look at the time. Look at the time, there's ten seconds left on the bomb. They're trying to build pyramids but there's no more plate. Stewie's walking around, we're going to overtime."
"Calling your company and bringing in the right soldier, weapon, or vehicle to suit your situation... that really sounds awesome."
"The outplay potential you have with Irelia due to her ability to acquire multiple Q resets makes her extremely rewarding to master."
"To win the Mr. Foundation victory, however, a team has to contain every anomaly and artifact on the board as well as every other player."
"It's not a cheese strategy that the Dallas Fuel are employing; there's no tomfoolery going on here. This is the Dallas Fuel playing towards their strengths with good teamwork too."
"Long campaign victory without recruiting units, that was really fun."
"Feels good to use, often times you just need a little bit more damage or healing."
"The higher these levels go, the bigger the gaps are."
"Valkyrie is still so good at helping get the team around."
"Bloodhound absolutely makes fights easier with the simplicity of their scans."
"It's all well and good trying to just do damage to enemy tank destroyers, but to complete this mission you also have to survive and win the battle."
"These types of asymmetrical battles with genuine consequences and unpredictable outcomes provide many of the campaign's best moments."
"Fnatic clawed their way back into this game, punishing Vitality's mistakes."
"Playing a wizard feels different than playing any other class... it's harder to get a wizard to be useful but they can be basically more useful than anyone if played right."
"We beat the wave 30 boss, and that's not too shabby."
"We're Gonna Live Forever: Practically if you get four tokens, you get double blood points which is so good. It's so good."
"In Metroid Prime 2, you're thinking about which weapon will be smartest to use to conserve ammo."
"That's a lot of gold to give away for Necro's backdoor, that's 400 gold on last hits, that's a kill!"
"The sheer spectacle of these encounters, man, I just couldn't get over how cool it looked."
"If the runners gain control of the map through their good teamwork, the hunter will just be chasing shadows."
"Niko's buffed, Jace is buffed, this is actually really nice."
"Oh my god nico's coming with this just and just just enough."
"The small things that Serral does add up to very big victories."
"Demo's power is actually its portals you get six in total and you are able to place them around the map and teleport between them."
"Oh my god the brood Lord is actually going for an attack right now."
"Every single map starts off with tiny little factions, and the tiny factions mostly will be eliminated pretty quickly."
"So if you want to play a flame-wielding Knight that's looking to create his own ideal country then Persal is your ideal pick."
"The combination between the more laid-back style along with the high stakes of the deadly games proved to be the winning strategy."
"It really seems like it's the fact that this team knows exactly what it takes to win in a reverse sweep fashion."
"It's nice that in some circumstances you can just say no."
"The game of League of Legends is what are the decisions you can take to make you stronger."
"The ability to solo backline carries by yourself as a support... super obnoxious."
"Forge close bonds, make moral choices, and cast devastating card-based spells in a beautifully hand-drawn world."
"When you just look at the way they're just defending their base completely the takes they have at the very beginning getting this llama first is one of the most important things and they do it with style."
"I'm down for that either way, spectra it's important to build 14 cannons to defeat two chemicals especially cannons that cannot see up."
"He's so good with that gun, he should not be running a main AR in this game."
"We got all 50 states, Finland, France, Canada, it's cool to see everybody get behind this."
"I [__] love Azami... A zombie is one of the best operators in the game if you play against a good Azami player."
"Bluffing allows you to win pots even if you have a weak hand."
"If they're able to play proper lurks, find opening picks, and play progressives..."
"You are relatively weak, one of the strongest things in Hearts of Iron 4 is to start off as a relatively weak small to medium-sized nation and expand."
"I have a god on my side. I am set to wipe the board. My man Omega beside me. Now it's hour six."
"Saxony is a jack-of-all-trades and well-positioned to ascend the imperial throne."
"That's true, you can make the mammoth fruit invisible if you first equip ghost fruit then die then equip the mammoth and transform."
"Link has a really cool ability where his sword can actually hit enemies that are above him."
"You can issue these global orders, kind of like the dark events, but it's a beneficial thing that you're allowed to do."
"Smart vet move, she realized her opponent was close to the ropes." - Demonstrates strategic thinking and awareness.
"Chess is a strategy game and one of the oldest games in existence."
"It's not like your teamfight is weak, but a base of the Beastmaster gives you the information."
"We have to play smart at every stage of the game."
"Once you climb up there clever yet simple these nodes are important though as it determines where enemies can move when you encounter them."
"It's a very nice fight for New York, blizzard's such a good ultimate right there."
"You expand and colonize new planets, build space stations, research new weapons, and build a fleet of warring vessels."
"Tenchu: where every rooftop is a potential ambush point."
"That tank, it's not easy to take out. Vehicle play can change the outcome of a game."
"The jungle evades were on point, the lane pickers were on point, everything was just Never Win just controlling the game exactly."
"Pulling off a successful plan feels amazing, especially because some of the craziest things you can think of actually work."
"Serenade of Courage is a team-wide buff that increases the damage of the bard and all party members."
"It starts to make you realize what you're seeing as a placement of a prop."
"Every foe is a new writhing puzzle where you tilt your weapon this way or that to get the perfect shot on a limb."
"Secret wipe out four, they'll take the game, they'll take the series, they'll take a guaranteed top two finish here at Starladder."
"Keep her alive, and she'll reveal she's the one who had you framed."
"The 54th seed comes back. I thought he was super toast when that castle went up, the gold's only in the middle, the opponent had Mangudai and three castles in the middle, and blue had to rebuild like four freaking TC's."
"Lord Zir's army is pushing across sanctuary in an event called the blood harvest."
"Admiral's position seems to be stronger because he's going to join that relic from the middle there and that'll be three relics to two plus the castle position means some extra gold control for later on in the game."
"This is the greatest one of the greatest duels I've ever had oh my god I had to play around that decking out part Maxie really almost killed me there."
"Widow's an A tier... on certain maps, a good Widow, you literally just don't play the game, you just lose."
"Batman is literally Fox. Batman's damage output is absurd. If you land one combo, he could just super push it all the way."
"As the Romans, we have the Imperium Romanum origin."
"Leon finally chooses to attack at the moment when the slimes are charging their attack thanks to that vision and the foot handling technique he manages to finish off many slimes in a moment almost unintentionally."
"Harrison Doula played his strength as well as Kanan Jairus's cleanse is going to be kind of a big deal for the Phoenix Squadron."
"Keep in mind not every ability has a cast bar so if it's an instant ability you may just need to pay attention to the attacks that you're actually taking."
"Oh my God, that's it! That's it, let's go! The DMR was so clutch, what a win!"
"Karma always making the right play, the right ICR."
"Destiny PvP needs linear progression, dynamic gameplay, and high-impact gameplay moments."
"It's gonna be hard with only two cards to be good, right?"
"I do think G2 have so often played for side lanes have so often played to split the map you know try and catch you out in rotations try and make unforeseen pushes on objectives."
"Winston is incredible... best tank in OverWatch too."
"Wrecking ball he's really strong... honestly, it's one of my favorite heroes."
"A well-designed set of status effects can turn a fight from a mindless thing into a thinking sport."
"So cards like The Great Henge, or Yarok the Desecrated, as we saw Amaz take, two really like powerful effect panharmonicons."
"It's a strategy game where I'm casting spells and creatures to attack you and vice versa."
"The player with the most lands at the end of the game won the game 42 percent of the time. Wow."
"Playing an idol on yourself or your ally is about the most basic defensive move you can get."
"Spells will also have cooldowns, you have to put some thought into this."
"Henry's playing chess everyone else playing checkers."
"I'm gonna have a response before you move to combat. What's your response?"
"Glory to the Swarm and glory to counter play I suppose. Beautiful."
"Blabber is 1v3-ing, the three better run! Blabber's doing a lot of damage to everybody else while Cloud9 is able to win their 3v1 instead."
"Cloud9 win a massive prize... they make the collapse work."
"They play around their timings, around their item spikes, and they're so patient."
"Facing a mind flayer in combat is probably already too late."
"A horror pirate that mills, a human druid that creates wolves, a dragon that goads, and a sort of party captain."
"When you're at a deficit, you have to try to even up the odds... when you have man advantage, you play way too aggressive."
"That's beautiful. I love that unknown Shores. Analyzing it, but Ripjaw, I mean, four mana for five, look at that ability though, good lord."
"Brina has just such an interesting way of playing, and it really is one of the most political commanders that probably has ever been released."
"New player roles allow you to instruct your team exactly how you want them to play."
"The battle machine held the defenses while using the ability to regenerate that health."
"The goal of the early game here as Aragon is to establish a foothold in all the regions surrounding the Mediterranean so we can expand wherever we want to whenever we want to."
"The units and abilities of your armies reflect your decisions. What your forces look like can vary wildly between playthroughs."
"Sigma is someone who plays their own independent game."
"So it kind of creates an engine that gives you card advantage over a long amount of time."
"I think that's like the sign of a great player... when they go, you know what, I can't get a ton off this because I can get some stage control, I can get a little damage, I can make them come to me and they take it so far."
"Royal moon has continued to take advantage, grass lasers, you can use an entire flying with acrobatics to neutralize fairy types."
"We could see a low ground team overthrow high ground you don't see it often but when everything's on the line that's where you have to step up."
"What a zone to win it on, down the mountain, up the mountain, they played it perfectly."
"Porygon Z flexing on the biggest tank in the ultra league right now."
"Having 10 men doesn't mean jack [__] to top managers like Tuchel or Klopp. They still try to win the game. They don't park the bus."
"Overall seems pretty scary a big beat down gun line with a whole lot of general purpose Firepower big re-rolls from Gilman and some very scary desolation happening with the enemies units getting hoovered up by the Desolation Squad..."
"What a mechanical gifted player! But it's gonna be huge for Team Mia, no Layla and that's gonna be a little bit of a winning Factor."
"Fnatic, they got first blood, they got the first tower, they've made Elements dance to the Fnatic beats."
"Every time you load into Summoners Rift you're about to experience an entirely unique match despite there being hundreds of millions of games played."
"Final Fantasy Tactics was one of the best in this regard and it generated 16 billion yen upon its release."
"Is this the best way to play it? Maybe not. But it's fun."
"Fae touched feat: good for rounding out ability scores and enabling interesting combos."
"Boss battles are basically a test of your knowledge and Mastery of the game"
"You cannot get through a tomb king campaign if you don't focus on your technology properly."
"That's how the game should be... You formulate a strategy that works."
"As I said, it's very strategic in terms of the match-three gameplay."
"Dragon's Dogma, if we get Dragon's Dog, I'm gonna lose my."
"Optic Gaming, they close it out, they get another massive lead in the hardpoint. This time though, able to lock it down and get us to a fifth and final map. Seabedting chance aren't here so we get rewarded with a new class."
"If you bring a Pokemon to a battle, you want it to be doing something."
"Exactly this looked like a very slow grind in favor of SKT and suddenly this play happens."
"You can in theory teleport a creature 180 feet, and that's massive."
"No weapons can be equipped and I cannot use Souls with damaging effects except for when they're necessary to access parts of the castle."
"Remember that slow play style we spoke of? That's their thing, very methodical approach, very CS-esque."
"Jesse has quite a few counters, typically throwers are going to be really good."
"The coordination on this JDG team in these team fights is just beautiful."
"Doom's primal and fierce combat loop is conveyed as something that needs to be treated like a game of chess in which you need to use the right pawn for a job in an uncertain landscape."
"Magical secrets as a bard, you get to take a spell from any class you want."
"This is the carry potential of Zarya bubble management—protect and cover up a lot of mistakes."
"Fighting should be something that the players consider as like maybe a last resort because they're putting it themselves at risk."
"I don't trust you like I think you're playing games around my back... You use me as a pawn in your game of chess."
"One of the best legendary lords in the game."
"The game was hunting for someone who was seeking what the game offered."
"If you control Lu Bu, you would March him like a combine harvester through units of enemy forces."
"The playbooks... added tons of new plays... it's a lot of extra fun and more that you can dive into."
"I love gray so much gray is like we will crush our enemies gray you have 20 idol villagers and zero military and apparently zero lumber camps my friend like the confidence is is just inspiring it is inspiring."
"Every god has their boons stacked in a way that builds off of what you currently already have."
"I think like I said the big thing that you notice from that gameplay is it was we played it smart we always prioritize positioning but we weren't camping we're still running around getting in a lot of fights."
"Competitively my dream game is like a mix of strategic but kind of like lower skill champs a good example it might be like I don't know born or what's like a lower issue skill champion."
"Now we just got to find a warp fungus on a stick."
"Songs of Conquest is sounding extremely ambitious with a closed alpha coming soon, supposedly apart from building up your kingdom and raising armies it sounds like battles are actually commanded directly by you as the player."
"He played really, really well. Everything he did there was super logical."
"Deservey is probably closer to someone like Antonio Conte and that he likes to have his team do really deep build up and bait oppositions in to generate space right ahead of them."
"Spirit Island is a very, very good game. Very special game."
"Resident Evil does such a brilliant job emphasizing and rewarding planning and strategizing."
"Final Fantasy Tactics is the absolute pick of the bunch."
"Take control over HOWLER and Hualalai, becoming filthy rich and restoring justice to Hawaii in the process."
"Arkham Asylum uses its mechanics to delve into every aspect of Batman's abilities and his relationship with his enemies."
"It feels like Exet just have such a great sense of what's going on at all times"
"Microing mutalisks with the magic box is really gratifying in Starcraft 1, so the victory feels earned."
"Arbbound Stinger becomes a 2-2 flyer that when it dies puts four counters on another artifact creature or two counters on two different creatures."
"So much of me is made from what I've learned from you, you'll be with me like a handprint on my heart."
"The game is over, it's just a matter of how it plays out."
"Strategically hold back or take multiple actions in one turn to make the right choice."
"Ninjas thrive in clans so cement your supremacy in four-on-four team battles that prove ninjas are most clever when they work together."
"This city is making 18,000 gold in one turn the Empire is making 50,000 gold."
"Oh, one of the best cards in the deck because you're obviously, you know, very often going to be above that 50-point life total."
"The guards act smarter than before. They search more methodically, and they’re prone to noticing missing objects."
"He made some kind of an agreement to... he got himself taken out somehow early in the game here."
"It's going to be very difficult, ImperialHal gets one, the CEO, he can't finish but his teammates are there, TSM win and start the day in the best way possible."
"Don't accidentally off Solaire! That's the needle we're trying to thread."
"Wishender is a One-Shot stun against all barrier Champions on perfect and full draw shots."
"One of the most powerful things you can do in civilization is try to trigger these boosts."
"These Town Hall 10 triples, some of the most exciting attacks to watch."
"Deathrite Shaman: tap it to exile a land from a graveyard and add one mana of any color to your mana pool."
"It's always generating a ton of mana. Sometimes they'll generate way more than any of these cards will even do in a single game."
"I personally just love Ephemerate. It's one of those cards that I love to play in the deck."
"Great attempt by him, but ladies and gentlemen, that is going to be the PlayStation Champs taking it four to two on Border."
"This is a good pair to bond, soldiers grant an additional action point to a bond mate."
"Playing passively causes you to bleed chips constantly while waiting to cool or someone."
"Tony's read on Natalie having an idol was crazy."
"Even on eco, when you find the right play, you win the round. It's just you're not finding it intentionally if that makes sense."
"A lot of the meta in this game is figuring out what you have and how you can rally that into a victory for yourself."
"Dark though is at 110 workers and he's decided you know I can cover the map in static, I can get a giant bank, suck all the resources up and then I am gonna flood, flood, flood and you will not have an answer to it."
"Ritual spell casting is one of the most versatile and strategic assets at the disposal of an adventuring party."
"If you just grabbed Ghosts of Saltmarsh and you're planning on running a seafaring campaign, taking Water Breathing and being able to cast that as a ritual and it lasts 24 hours, you've negated all drowning potential."
"Stay alive and allow your team to pressure the map for you."
"At any point while playing Crysis the player can use the Nanosuit to switch between four distinct modes: Strength, Armour, Speed, and Cloak"
"I think it's funny that Yveltal's Foul Play did about as much as Gastrodon's Earth Power."
"You should always be playing for the situation that you're in."
"One look at this game and, well, it's easy to draw a line between this and XCOM because so much of what makes slack game great is already here."
"Such a cool and well thought out gadget for a perfect type of brawler, assassination brawler like that."
"He tied them out with his pocket Pac-Man, like one of the second best characters in the game."
"Hammond's mobility presence is like a permanent primal raging Winston."
"Releasing drydock, releasing the ability to build, releasing factions to fight, releasing places to go."
"This is going to be a really fascinating game."
"War in the Pacific is a huge update, it's an overhaul to the entire game."
"Lithoid supremacy reigns, in silence and in stone."
"Start with weakish abilities and the more stacks you get, you scale into this insane late game dragon."
"Mary's arcade takes a much slower approach to gameplay that's all about planning ahead and preparing for the threats."
"The whole battlefield can change at a moment's notice."
"Freedom isn't free. There's warfare in this game as well."
"The best levels in the game facilitate the cat-and-mouse gameplay I mentioned previously, making every second exhilarating."
"Puppy scaling is very secondary here on this particular round to getting something that would hopefully allow you to get a kill to get a win."
"He's the type of guy that can take over a map."
"I think the best way to play League of Legends from level 6 onwards is playing mid to bot or playing both to mid and controlling bot river."
"I actually like that. CLG is threatening the base before going to Baron. That's smart with Ryze."
"Last for Karen is her Houndoom, so I switch to Justin as Houndoom goes for a greedy nasty plot, and then a waterfall cleanly knocks it out, winning us the battle."