
Ancient Structures Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Precision that is found in the smallest of objects to the largest of objects like the Great Pyramid, which even today still ranks amongst the most precisely made structures on the planet."
"One of the world's biggest mysteries is the Great Pyramid of Giza is the only pyramid on our planet that has eight sides and not actually four."
"This discovery is still huge; it brings us closer to finally being able to understand the various intricacies of this truly astonishing structure."
"This is one of the oldest man-made structures in the world, a neolithic burial chamber built before the pyramids of Egypt."
"The real wonder of the site is the Neolithic Tower."
"In Sardinia, you have these megalithic sepulchers that are called the tombs of the giants."
"The mysterious stone circle is going to transport you into the past."
"Archaeologists believe that this 7,000-year-old wooden structure in Czechia is the oldest in the world."
"The secret of the precision of Pumapunku: the temple complex near the Bolivian Tiwanaku."
"There is new evidence that strongly suggests that the world's oldest, largest, and most mysterious structures ever made are actually thousands of years older than what we were taught."
"If we can explain the anomalies, we can explain Giza."
"The almost identical cyclopean megalithic ruins found in those regions both onshore and now submerged support and confirmed Plato's account."
"The ruins at Gigantia on the Mediterranean island of Gozo near Malta constitute the world's second oldest religious structures," dating back at least 5500 years.
"The ingenuity and engineering skills of ancient peoples can still be seen in the pyramid structures that have survived to this day."
"After figuring out the dimensions of this object, they discovered it was almost exactly the size of the Temple of Poseidon that Plato described."
"The Musatil structures date back as far as 5,000 years ago, making them over two thousand years older than Stonehenge."
"Repeated muon scans with a greater than 99.9999 confidence prove that an empty corridor-like space exists behind the layer one chevrons."
"This could mean that Roman Pap Castle was a much bigger and more important place than had been previously thought."
"Such large structures with little evidence showing how they were built ask far more questions than they answer."
"No one knows what it was, who built it, and whether it was for rituals, burials, or something else."
"It has revealed that the Giza Plateau does indeed extend this far not only that but it demonstrates the sheer unimaginable cubic size of this area of stone."
"An eight-year project has discovered a secret tunnel beneath the third largest pyramid within the area autono which archaeologists suspect will lead to a royal tomb discovered in 2003."
"I think it's very likely...that this structure was present in the ancient city Mr. Cabot was exploring."
"The French henge: Consists of thousands of CarX stones, built around 4500 BC... Older and more mysterious than Stonehenge."
"The architect of the Great Pyramid could choose a location that provides a high level of security, preservation, accessibility, and concealment for the machine parts."
"If the wall was made by people, not nature, it could be an example of archaeoastronomy."
"It is very possible that this structure could have been used as both a building and a quarry."
"This is actually a walkthrough of the incredible Assyrian Subterranean structure."
"More than 4 and a half thousand years later the structure still stands."
"The Great Pyramid was like a building let down from heaven Untouched by human hands."
"A lost temple has recently been discovered in the Nacon Si Tamarat Province in Thailand. The astoundingly beautiful settlement was built directly in the stone and it's estimated to be thousands of years old."
"There is absolutely no evidence to say it was ever a tomb."
"The gates were deliberately aligned with the rising and setting of the sun."
"What if it could produce a tone that could transform a human being?"
"Dialogue 2: 'Look, that's the Great Pyramid.'"
"Thanks to the discovery of Gobekli Tepe the idea that the Sphinx is older than we thought is starting to be thought about more often."
"The site has a 115 foot tall pyramid, two ball courts, 24 stelae, and five large water reservoirs covering an area of 11.6 square miles."
"Experts now believe that Gobekli Tepe, the world's oldest known temple, was the handiwork of hunter-gatherers."
"The Great Pyramid is just off the charts in terms of perfection and close tolerances."
"The Great Pyramid is the Hall of Records in a certain sense."
"Undiscovered chambers and corridors inside the great pyramid."
"Just as one massive block of Stonehenge was aligned perfectly with the rising sun on the summer solstice."
"The very first building that stood on this side would have been a small Chapel possibly 7th or 8th century."
"Researchers have stated that they have discovered the table which the Ark of the Covenant rested on inside the beth-shemesh temple."
"Yonaguni: a series of rock structures that resemble square pyramids which surely can only have been created by intelligent life."
"Scientists with the Scan Pyramids project reported the discovery of two previously unknown voids in the Great Pyramid."
"Adam's calendar being one of the earliest known monuments indicates ancient peoples charted and kept track of time."
"So these to me very much have a similarity to what I would say could be some type of ancient landing and launching pad."
"There's no way that people could have just built the pyramid stone by stone... the planning of the architecture is too perfect."
"Lidar scans from the 21st century have shown however that there are rooms buried very deep under the Sphinx."
"These stone towers functioned as a calendar marking the rise and fall of the sun during different times of the year. It's actually considered the oldest solar observatory anywhere in the Americas."
"Measuring roughly 4,000 feet tall, the so-called pyramids are around 10 times the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza."
"In 2022 a team of skilled archaeologists made a jaw-dropping discovery beneath an Egyptian temple this mind-boggling tunnel stretches an impressive 4 300 feet carved right into the Rock approximately 42 feet beneath the ground."
"The zigurat of ER is still standing tall, whispering secrets of ancient civilizations to anyone who cares to listen."
"Almost 2,000 years on from its construction, Hadrian's Wall continues to fascinate."
"If the Great Pyramid was built 5,000 or Stonehenge 5,000 years ago, this is twice as old."
"Even if that was the method they would have used in Egypt, other megalithic structures it's definitely you know it's a question."
"Archaeologists uncovered remains of what seems to be monumental structures, fortification walls, and building blocks that are twice larger than the regular size."
"When you look at gilgal refaim and B Baalbek and others, it's just beyond. If we can't build them now, how could primitive man build them then?"
"The formation of Stonehenge has to be one of the most puzzling marvels yet."
"Despite the presence of the later ziggurat, could there have been a much earlier ziggurat standing adjacent to the temple of Enki?"
"It filled him with wonder at the history and secrets the ancient structures held."
"The colossal structure looks like it has been abandoned for centuries, if not longer."
"It's a circular structure with stairways, ramps, and other features that nature couldn't just carve on its own."
"The structure is set up the same way as the land Stonehenge."
"These megalithic monuments were built around the world so that the people would know the movements of the cosmos."
"The Gloom spires... these towering stone columns that rise from the ocean, predate even the Golan Empire."
"Palafitos are fascinating ancient buildings raised on stilts across South America."
"They're evidence of a 6,000 year old structure."
"The Pantheon... it's still standing 2,000 years later."
"These pyramids are some of the most interesting, controversial, and mysterious structures I've ever researched."
"Using Cox's research and computer modeling, the San Jose researchers showed the creation of the mounds over a thousand-year period."
"These earliest man-made stone structures were for the living and for the dead."
"The Great Pyramids of Giza... still held chambers flooded with ancient seawater deep within their bowels until very recently."
"When you look at Serpent Mound, there's just no question that it's an image of a serpent."
"The discovery of an underwater structure resembling Stonehenge in Lake Michigan suggests a very ancient origin for the structure."
"The pyramid seems to be built to keep whatever is inside from escaping."
"The great pyramid of Giza... the only wonder you can still visit that's relatively still intact despite being over 4,600 years old."
"The stones incorporated into some of these towers are massive."