
Fieldwork Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"You spend 50% of your time in the field, so you might as well be good at it."
"I think I tend to do better in the field and running gun shooting when I have truly only what I needed."
"It is archaeologists like him who through diligent work in the field are helping to make archaeology and anthropology great again."
"I get a tingle at my spine geophys get going with the huge task of investigating the hill."
"Part of the pleasure, part of the joy of the subject was the opportunity to be out in nature."
"If we're talking about grunts going out into the field or even just the more hardcore outdoorsman hunters."
"Keep my life as simple as possible... out doing field work and caring for the animals as much as possible."
"Doing this field work here and the laboratory work that I do really helps us understand what's out in the solar system."
"These are independent journalists out here doing the work on the ground."
"So stick around, follow me out to the field, and let's get to it."
"I don't mind giving advice if something comes up while you're in the field."
"It's a real trial and error of this program, but as I say, I've been out on this field twice in the last two weeks."
"To give you a glimpse of what life in the trenches is really like, we trained a camera or two on Mick and a few others during a recent Time Team dig."
"When it comes to scouting turkeys, there's three main categories that I want to cover: one is digital scouting, the second is observation, and the third is boots on the ground."
"Once you've done your homework and you've marked a lot of areas on a map and then you've done your observation work, you've glassed for these turkeys, you've driven by, you've listened, you've done observation sits, it is now time to put some boots on the ground."
"Using delicate Electronics under field conditions is really difficult sometimes."
"I'm excited to go try it out in the field in real time."
"...if you're not capturing that color separation in the field you can't edit it you can't bring it back."
"One of the problems that they have is just the identifying of them out in the field, and one of the best ways to identify something is to get your hands on it in person."
"Bruce Means is the type of researcher who needs to be out in the wilderness to do his work."
"...the best method is still just people going out in the field and keeping their eyes on the ground and looking for bones that erode out of the ground, that's the best way that works."
"But enough of the self-promotion let's get over here let's get out in the field let's go do some testing on these things."
"One of my early experiences with a high lift jack, and most memorable one was as a young exploration geophysicist out doing field work in rural Nevada."
"Understanding accuracy is really key when you're in the field."
"We really took a step back and tried to simplify the lives of field workers."
"What are the advantages to you with the FieldMaps app? Well, first and foremost, it's one app to deploy and one app to teach your field workers."
"This really makes up the five key capabilities in the app today: map viewing, map markup, data collection, asset inspection, and location tracking."
"All three of these cameras accomplish the goal of giving you real-time intel of what's happening out in the field."
"When the band dies you can go QRO that means I'm gonna increase transmit power or I'm running at full transmit power but if you're in the field you don't have that option and you may only be working QRP."
"This is like never not exciting for me working in this field because you never know what's going to happen."
"These are the kind of things that people in this field need to hear."
"However, field research or firsthand observation of people in their natural environment is incredibly valuable too."
"Isn't that a marvelous thing, to know that when you go out to the field, you have men like that, men of God who know him, who are praying for you?"
"Take what you learn... and you can apply it to everything out in the field."
"...hopefully that's exciting for some of you that are looking to get into the field because you wear so many different hats every single day."
"Thank you to everyone out there who's contributed to this field in some way or another."
"These hognose snakes are so common in this area that in just one day we found over a dozen of them."
"It will be a value addition for you to hire me for this particular role because I know these things, I have actually worked on the field, I have developed the solutions."
"Social science research now involved going out in the field conducting interviews."
"Beautiful little cane break is our first snake of the night."
"I hope that I'll be able to welcome you soon in Botswana to put all our lessons to the test in the field; that's where it's the most fun."
"I'm very excited to get back out and do field work after this COVID hiatus."
"Simple is simply about thinking through, so that when you're in the field, you're not overwhelmed."
"Understanding this very aspect of being in the field is your opportunity from going from the books in school to actually learning how things get done."
"This is going to cover real-world applications of what you can do in the field as well as mathematical operations and things of this sort."
"All that matters is what happens in the field."
"I find these really, really useful for the field; this is now the only kind of brush that I use when I do all my drawings."
"My hope is that when you're out in the field, you'll remember these general concepts and it'll help you avoid making some common pitfalls."
"So now it's time to head out to the field and take a look at some footage from the maiden."
"It's an amazing opportunity to travel to different sites using helicopters and airboats and conduct experiments in the middle of beautiful wetlands."
"That's how you calibrate it out in the field. Good stuff!"
"As much as I'll be learning inside the classroom, I'm excited for the unique opportunity to engage in linguistic field work around the world."
"Most of our instructors spend at least 50% of their time in the field, getting hands-on experience and understanding how real systems work."
"The more prepared you are before you leave home base, the better off you'll be out in the field."
"That's the homework, let's get out in the field and have some fun."
"Being on the field and actually interacting with people was very valuable to me."
"Field relationships are very important."
"I love plowing with the horses and doing field work."
"Being in the field helps you build that trust with the workers, that knowledge about how things actually get built, and it just helps you with conflict resolution."
"Shout out to the plazier for being the choice for every single field biologist I've ever met in my life."
"The people in the field need to have prime input on how this stuff works."
"This field work included work at the Marble Canyon fossil locality, one of the recently found new really important Burgess Shale localities."
"I prefer the term collaborators in the field."
"He is a professional problem solver, especially when you're in the field."
"You may imagine what it is to walk two feet in two feet of snow carrying heavy measuring sticks which must be continually set down in the snow and retrieved, all this in a cold so great."
"We've gotten too comfortable with the emails and this, we're going back out in the field, old school."
"I really love ethnography to actually happen exactly in the place where the things that we're interested in finding out about occur."
"Everybody that goes to the field should know how to land navigate to some extent."
"For my experience of being in the field and examining this site location, I know that this is a structural sequence."
"I am amazed at how well this performed in the field; it takes and holds its edge very well."
"I feel that the accuracy in my focusing has never been better, and generally, my experience out in the field has been greatly improved and streamlined."
"Collector does work offline when there's little to no connectivity."
"I like leaving no trace behind when I do field activations."
"It allows you to very quickly make changes in the field, which is extremely useful."
"Building rapport is very important here."
"You are there recording the routine daily activities of people in the field setting."
"His battery information, his power source stuff is working out in the field, is awesome."
"The best place to improve the signal-to-noise ratio is in the field."
"Only in the field can the signal to noise ratio be improved."
"What I want to show you here is something that's going to work in the field when you're out and about, but also something that you can apply when you're at home."
"That's a pretty good indicator out in the field."
"Just getting out in the field makes a world of difference."
"This thing has seen a lot of field time, guys, and it's proven itself to be very dependable and durable."
"If you like being in the field, if you like having that autonomy, paramedic school is the way to go."
"Field experiments in natural settings can lessen the Hawthorne and experimental effects."
"I am extremely excited for the opportunity to check these out and to get them out into the field for detailed field use."
"He's using these materials in the field, he's using them to work quickly to tell a story."
"I wanted to have some fieldwork, not just going one day to the beach, but like an intense fieldwork opportunity."
"We can only successfully grow them out in the field in bee colonies."
"Every day in the field is still a learning day."
"It's absolutely necessary that something like this goes ahead before people go in the field."
"The more time you spend in the field, the more you'll get lucky."
"I hope you've enjoyed spending some time out in this Western Kentucky field seeing how the John Deere green star system helps automate the corn planting process."
"It feels very robust and solid when you go out into the field and shoot."
"One of the axioms of fieldwork is that you always find the best stuff on the last day."
"Stay safe in the field and God bless. Thanks, y'all."
"Collecting field data is a fun project to work on as you get to escape from your desk and sometimes your office."
"The experience in the field can never be recreated in the studio."
"Please have a first aid kit. Please, I don't want to see you get hurt and potentially die out in the field."
"Now we can head out in the field and actually start taking our first images."
"I really enjoyed using this lens out in the field."
"Video... pulls together that being there in the field with our experiences as ethnographers."
"His grueling fieldwork paid off and his discoveries include the likes of mummified hadrosaurs, the serpent-shaped mosasaurs, giant sea turtles, and killer fish the size of orcas."
"I love APRS. I love the value of going out into the field and being able to Beacon."
"Geology is not about technology; it's up here, it's using a drill and making a map, and a map is all from up here, your imagination."
"The portability makes it awesome out in the field."
"I conducted wildlife surveys in the Carrizo Plain National Monument in California."
"The less you worry about destabilizing the field, the less likely you are to do it."
"There's no substitute for being in the field, by the way."
"Make it very easily accessible to people in the field, to people who aren't necessarily data scientists."
"The adjustable cheek riser... makes it a hell of a lot easier to use when you're out in the field."
"The real test will come when I take it out to the field to fly it."
"There's nothing like seeing it and being a part of the problem in the field, that's the way you're going to learn the most."
"Nonsense, we may be in the field for some time, and there's no use shaking," said Godstone.
"Doing research in the field is part of what we do."
"I think the most productive that we can be is when Tom and I are in the field."
"I'm always remaining a student of learning and to be open to new things when I'm out in the field."
"There's no substitute for being out in the field."
"One of the joys of that period of time was working as a group of teams really in the field, we frequently got together."
"Having the vision and kind of always thinking about what you're doing or what you could be doing in the field is quite important as well."
"Field work is hard work, hiking with all our equipment, often camping on permafrost, but very rewarding."
"It's just going to be a total game changer for real world results in the field for my type of photography."