
New World Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"The main reason is that it's one of the few artifacts we have that shows the state of exploration of the New World in 1510."
"In this new world, there will be no pain, no devil, no trial, no testing."
"God is creating a new world and a new heaven... under construction even now."
"After arriving in this world, Lynn quickly adapted to the reality of constant fighting and forgot about his previous comfortable life."
"We really live in a different world, is it the better it's hopefully it's a much better world."
"New World launched a little over a month ago and has become one of the most played MMORPGs right now."
"I am hopeful, like we've got a chance, we have a possibility of walking that path to a more beautiful world."
"For those who found themselves suddenly ripped away from their ancestral homes, an awful existence awaited in the new world."
"A land built upon an ancient mystery--where a Brave New World was forged from the fires of something long forgotten."
"I'm going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls."
"A world without rules and controls without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible."
"Within 100 years, 90% of the population of the New World was gone."
"182 hours I have put in total into New World, probably almost 40 hours already."
"This is not a brave new world but a cowardly new world."
"Looking forward to a new world if we could take it."
"The promise of a new world has proven difficult to achieve."
"I want things the size of Blackrock Depths but in New World's aesthetic and style."
"Abolition means creating an entirely new world where things like this do not exist, cannot exist because we've abolished the things that create."
"We are the trailblazers for that new world, it's right here, it's right now."
"We're not living on Earth anymore, okay? We're living on super Earth."
"Truth is stranger than fiction in this new world."
"Out of the chaos, a new civilization has dawned. The planet belongs to the Apes now."
"We have this raw material to create a new world with that is really really exciting."
"The world as we know it has ended and has been replaced by a society that I can best describe as peaceful to the extreme."
"We have to create a new world together... we can only create our way out."
"This is what you would need to begin educating your youth in a new world."
"I think there's a coming together of a generation that's here to really build the new world as one."
"Against the footlight glare of a carefree new world, were passing the silhouettes of ships recognizable in every detail and shape as the outlines in a sales catalog."
"Mars has been terraformed... Humanity has created a second Earth."
"Venus has been terraformed... Humanity has created a third Earth."
"He said to himself that he now knew what he wanted in this new world thanks to this quest."
"What's happening or what's about to happen it's sort of like we've just discovered a new continent with 100 billion people on it and there willing to work for free for us and you should probably factor that into your plans over the next few years."
"He wrote to Ferdinand and Isabella: 'Your highnesses will gain these vast lands which are an other world.'"
"It's just a new world that we're discovering."
"In this complicated New World, the children are in charge of their own gender reveal."
"A new world is being born, you're being born into a new world."
"This is epic, my friend, a whole new world."
"Living in the new world with an old soul."
"For biologists, the discovery of the double helix opened up a whole new world."
"...we know too much. The planet and its people now live in a new world whose history took a sharp turn..."
"A new world free of injustice and populated by people who I've judged to be honest, kind, and hardworking."
"You are creating a new world in your life."
"I just felt like I got this really secret window into a new world."
"This is just a whole new world to kind of explore."
"The old world is dead and a new world, for better or for much, much worse, is born."
"Collaboration to co-create a new world together."
"The Elation of diving head first into a new world... can't be found in real life."
"...what Jesus is asking us to do not to go into the counter-culture but stick with me in my matic relationship with me and maybe a new world opens not just for me but for you as well and in the whole relationship."
"Exposing you to a whole new world."
"The power of three, what the hell? So the witch sisters, a new world is born."
"The integral is completely in the new world."
"Jiu-Jitsu is like just perfect, you get that push, it's a whole new world."
"Don't try and fix the current world, you build a new one."
"They can live in my new world or they can die in their old one."
"If you don't feel you came here to fit in, it's because you didn't; you came here to create a whole new world."
"We're going through a birth process into a larger world, into a different world."
"It's like we just stepped into another world."
"It's almost like you're stepping into a whole different world."
"As we grow into the new world, a whole lot of things are changing now."
"You are stepping into a world where wonder and awe will be your world."
"This band of mortals had forged a new world order, an age for mankind where they may decide their own destiny and fate."
"It's another world, and it's a world that's really been revealed to me."
"What is this crazy topsy-turvy world that we live in now? It's awesome."
"If you will do this, a whole new world will open up to you, a holy world of the spirit."
"You are to awaken in a world that has never seen the Foundation."
"The two most important things that we can promote in the new world are empowerment of individuals and a sense of community."
"Under a wide diversity of conditions, in virtually any cluster, it is possible for an expanding nucleus of individuals to generate a movement towards the goal of a new world."
"Your realization of the divine in others is what creates a new world."
"I want hextech to be a us to build a new world, and now it's finally possible."
"Anesthesia School honestly is like being catapulted to another planet."
"Do not dream the world the way it is now, dream of a new world, a world where we are no longer hunted, no longer prey, a world we rule."
"With time, Roland managed to overcome his initial fear of the unknown, took a deep breath, and accepted his identity in this new world."
"We are dreaming of a new world, and the ability to imagine a new world is exciting."
"It was as if I was leaving behind a whole nother world."
"I feel like you're a way shower, someone who holds the torch and is part of the victory of the new world."
"It's opened up a whole new world... a world that I had no idea was there."
"Columbus discovers the Americas, not actual old world Asia but it's a new continent all over."
"It really feels like a completely different world right here."
"They want a world where they can control everyone a lot easier; it's all about control."
"The treaty of Tordesillas from 1494 agreed to divide the new world between Spain and Portugal."
"Kymir is a distant planet; it is defined by waves of life brought from Earth and set free to evolve independently in this new context."
"Here a radical form of Puritanism could thrive, free from the sinful distractions of the old world."
"They were living on what was the equivalent of the moon at the time."
"They didn't think of themselves engaging in something like devil worship, they were simply trying to figure out how to live in this new and strange place."
"I believe we are on the cusp of a new world and I'm an agent of that change."
"I shall create a new world that will overcome that."
"It's a whole different world down here, you can follow your dream."
"God saves us to change us and to get us ready for that new world."
"Humanity's final choice will either lead to total and complete annihilation or a brilliant new world beyond current imagination."
"It's a whole new world, everyone, and we make it together."
"My feelings? If I'd entered a completely different universe."
"Allan realizes that this is the first moment of tranquility since he arrived in this world."
"It brought so much grand to the game and an entirely different world."
"Let's create a new world together; it'll be a place with no crime where only kind people live."
"We got to tell this world what is coming, and that part of it is a brand new world which they can be a part of."
"We're creating a new world; you have to be a part of the new world."
"The stronger than ordinary psychic forces that we develop are what enable us to reach the stage... to enter a new world."
"Cooperate to create the beautiful new world."
"There has never been a period of night or never will be a period of night in the new world."
"Rise, chosen ones, and let us build this new world together."
"This is showing us a new world, a world that's looking far more ecological and far more biological."
"Two years after a first disastrous attempt to colonize Roanoke, these colonists intended to establish the first permanent English outpost in the New World."
"Everyone winds up in a strange but fascinating new world."
"What can we expect from legacies? You can expect a whole new world of the Vampire Diaries universe."
"The fur traders, adventurous groups from France and England, were eager to make a profit from a new world and marveled at the grandeur in vast untamed wilds."
"It was very uplifting and it did dovetail into this notion of a brave new world."
"Together we created a fellowship unburdened by the limitations of man; it was the pursuit of a glorious new world."
"I want hextech to be a tool for us to build a new world, and now it's finally possible."
"We should be capable of mastering the energy to rebuff the misconceptions of the past and build a better world for ourselves."
"He's most renowned for bringing us tobacco and the humble potato from the new world."
"I'll hopefully give you some insights into what's going on in this new, fair world."
"After the meal, Canada sees that in this world there's only one sun in the blue sky along with frightening birds and plants he's never seen before, making it a very different world from what he knew."
"It's a whole different world, it's not even the same Avatar world that we left. It's completely different, it's a whole New York City."
"He was very happy and excited to be in that different world."
"It's a different world out here, it is a whole other world."
"Education became one of the major societal aspects impacted by this new world order."
"They will live in my new world, or they will die in their old one." - Daenerys Targaryen
"It's just a different world and that's what we appreciate here a great deal."
"Fortunately, he escapes her wrath and finds himself in a new world."
"She's now in this world and she has this curse that she's bearing."
"Turn these lands through strength of arms for the sake of ushering in a new world without war."
"The divine feminine will bring about peace and love in this new world, in this new age that's coming."
"It's up to us as designers to figure out how to embrace and do great work within this Brave New World."
"You are the citizens of a great New World."
"The Mayflower with the rights of the people and the destiny of a new world for a cargo, glides out upon the broad Atlantic."
"He looked out over this strange new world and laughed a little louder. It was just... Delightful."
"In 1566 at age 13, Mother Mariana left Spain... to found the first Conceptionist order in the new world."
"Watson finally saw a glimmer of light after transmigrating to that world a few days ago."
"The story begins with Linui, who has an accident while on his way to an examination; however, he notices that his soul has traveled into a new realm called Hogman Continent."
"The Americas is filled with opportunities and new crops to sell like potatoes and tobacco."
"Every summer, huge quantities of gold and silver are being transported from the New World back to Spain."
"It's insane, it's a whole new world, it's a whole different world."
"It's a completely different world and it's very transformative."
"Just go with the flow, this knight of cups, this is a whole new world for you."
"Here was a new world, all untouched. It called to me to explore it."
"It's just a different world completely, the energy changes, everything changes."
"We've got an entire generation to teach a whole new world."
"Yuki decides to create a new world."
"Every one of them wanted to create a new world, a world that would somehow stretch you either philosophically or artistically, cognitively."
"The new world as the home of freedom and unlimited possibilities."
"We are entering into a whole new world starting this year."
"Limitless possibilities - we can dream a new world into being."
"You're creating a new world for yourself and for others."
"You're just creating your new world at this time, Aries."
"For the first time, the new world called the old to arms."
"It's going to be a whole new world; things are not going to be the same."
"There's a whole new world coming in."
"You are creating a new world, you're part of a community of light workers that is integrating a new template into the earth's grid."
"Somebody's definitely looking at a whole new world."
"A whole new world is coming in for you, it's going to be better than what you can imagine."
"It almost seems like you're stepping into a completely new world."
"You are creating a new world by way of your thoughts, by way of your thinking."
"The divine beauty of God reassuring us of life to come, the new world, the revolution of human beings that our ancestors have been preparing us for."
"To live as if we were perpetually present at the creation of a new world."