
Multiverse Theory Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"If there were multiple or infinite universes, there would be enough chances that one or more are bound to have the necessary things to create life."
"Multiple universes are just as tenable, according to the math, as zero universes."
"If you're thinking cosmologically, multiple universes is a tenable interpretation."
"The Multiverse is still just that, an idea... completely hypothetical... just maths on a page that we don't have any observational evidence for."
"The Multiverse is still completely hypothetical... impossible to travel to a different dimension or a different Multiverse."
"Kang will be aware of the incursions and colliding earths so he will conquer and destroy other universes to make sure that his universe comes out on top."
"The unusual cold area of space could be evidence of a multiverse."
"Why would you think a multiverse in which many, many things are possible isn't related?"
"Every conceivable outcome and configuration exists, encompassing an unimaginable breadth of cosmic landscapes from universes where the laws of physics are entirely different to those where life takes on strange forms."
"Time travel causes the timeline to break into parallel alternate timelines, what we will refer to as the multiverse."
"A multiverse means that suddenly, Steve Rogers stayed oddly silent throughout national tragedies like the Vietnam War."
"The Big Bang was not a special event; parallel universes could have collided again and again."
"In principle, you can go right through to another parallel universe. If you go through again, you wind up on yet another parallel universe."
"There could be many other universes out there."
"The problem with multiverses is that you have to keep them very contained before they spill over into everything and destroy everything that you've created."
"What if our universe is just one of an unimaginable multitude of other universes?"
"If another crisis were to happen, the universe and even the multiverse wouldn't be able to survive it."
"This gradually fades into the individual timelines that make up the one sacred timeline..."
"The word multiverse refers to the general idea that our universe might not be unique at all."
"Predicted the presence of other universes... the multiverse idea truly gained fire."
"Given the amount of life-forms on planet Earth, let alone in the universe, this will result in the existence of an infinite number of alternative universes."
"Technically they're saying that there's an infinite version of you."
"Maybe there's multiple versions being played in multiple different universes and multiverses."
"This theory actually scares a lot of people. The idea that our universe is just so minuscule in comparison to the infinite amount of universes."
"If our universes are all like bubbles and one bumps into the other it's possible that they may merge even just for a second."
"There really are two separate versions of what we sometimes call the multiverse."
"The bubbles in the multiverse model are born as a result of quantum processes."
"Time stretches back for all infinity in this sort of bigger system in the multiverse."
"Each time a subatomic particle goes through an interaction, a new parallel universe may form."
"Deja vu could be you tapping into the frequency of another universe for just a moment."
"The big talking point with Avengers in game is the idea of like multiverses right."
"The multiverse doesn't say that everything that can possibly happen happens with equal probability."
"The possibility of direct paths to other worlds, times, or even universes outside our own is one that will continue to fascinate us for centuries to come."
"This is an example of the Mandela effect. Little things like these are signs that multiple universes are out there."
"Deja vu occurs when different universes are in sync for a short period of time."
"Humanity shares a common ancestry throughout the Multiverse."
"In the MCU, certain universes are closer together than others, kind of like the branching timelines that we see at the end of Loki."
"Project Pegasus essentially proved the multiverse, it was working with the multiverse."
"No matter how stupid things could be in any universe, there's always something to love."
"The multiverse seems to be very, very big, but basically big is another concept in terms of time and space."
"The multiverse itself requires a prior fine-tuning."
"There's an infinite versions of the earth coexisting right now."
"John Krasinski is Reed Richards in every Universe across the Multiverse."
"There's an interesting controversy here, does the multiverse remove God?"
"Henry just got obliterated in all universes, owned and yes, owned throughout the entire multiverse."
"Perhaps it's just some sort of weird human phenomena that lacks an explanation, but maybe it's a sign or a signal that somewhere perhaps in another universe a similar situation already happened to the other you."
"Many scientists believe that we live in just one of billions of universes that exist. In fact, some theorize that every time you make a decision, a universe is born. Some scientists even think that one day we may even be able to visit."
"Perpetual Testing Initiative confirms that there's a multiverse in the Portal and Half-Life games."
"If the amount of dark energy in the universe is delicately fine-tuned for life, the multiverse can explain why."
"If the multiverse is the multiverse then there could be loads of different storylines going on at the same time."
"We live in a multiverse, not a universe. We live in a space in which there are many different universes."
"So, not only could there be infinite versions of the Earth and our Solar System… But many billions of versions of you."
"And what this multiversal war and the incursions could then lead to is the potential destruction of the 616 universe and maybe even the entire multiverse and that could then lead into Battleworld for the next Avengers movie afterwards."
"The universe is changing, it's becoming bigger, wilder, and more dangerous. Old assumptions about the multiverse, about each other must change for the better or the worse."
"Black holes somehow connect us to other universes."
"Different universes: the cosmic inflation stopped at different times, giving those universes different laws of physics. These universes will never intersect with each other as they are physically separated in the ever inflating cosmos."
"The Mandela effect has been theorized to be the result of reality shifts or multiple worlds colliding together."
"Could Big Bang type events occur regularly? In the Multiverse, yes."
"The multiverse theory suggests that the universe is just one of many."
"New big bangs are always occurring and new universes are always being born, yielding an eternally expanding multiverse."
"If we live in a multiverse, then the mystery of dark energy might not be so mysterious after all."
"If it's a hive mind, what if the symbiote hive mind connects across multiverses?"
"There could be multiple versions of this exact moment in time."
"If the Multiverse theory is correct ours is not the only one out there."
"The cold spot may be the first real proof of the Multiverse."
"The Multiverse has a limit on the number of pair Dimensions it can have."
"The Multiverse theory suggests our universe is but one of an enormous number of universes."
"One of the most intriguing aspects of the Multiverse theory is its potential explanation of how our universe and indeed other universes could have originated from nothing."
"Most fundamentally, all this multiverse shit feels like a retread of the MCU."
"What if is talking about branched universes off of 616. The most important word isn't whether he's using reality or universe or even Multiverse, it's 'branch'."
"...suggesting that our universe could be just one of an unimaginable number of universes in a much larger multiverse."
"The issue with the Multiverse, I would say, is not so much the obvious fact that we can't go and check out another universe."
"The possibility that there's a multiverse and somehow my conscious perceptions got moved from a world of people and cats and dogs to a world of dragons and elves, it would be non-zero."
"The possibility of other universes existing beyond our own is a tantalizing question that resides at the frontier of modern cosmology and theoretical physics, often discussed under the framework of the 'multiverse' theory."
"The Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics proposes that every time a quantum event occurs, the universe splits into two parallel universes."
"Some theories suggest that the universe is just one of many in a Multiverse, a vast and complex network of parallel universes."
"The Multiverse Theory suggests that our universe might just be one of an enormous number of universes that together comprise the Multiverse."
"Since our own pocket universe would be equally likely to lie anywhere on the infinite tree of universes produced by eternal inflation, we would expect to find ourselves arbitrarily far from the beginning." - Alan Guth
"We imagine our universe to be unique, but it is one of an immense number, perhaps an infinite number, of equally valid, equally independent, equally isolated universes." - Carl Sagan
"If the fine-tuning of our universe is not remarkable, there are countless other universes."
"Every dream you have is actually you in an alternate multiverse."
"You do a multiverse thing, you acknowledge that there's an infinite amount of universes where anything is possible."
"The number of postulates that must be affirmed with a multiverse proposition are innumerably greater than the single proposition of a transcendent intelligence."
"The Multiverse is infinite. It's infinite infinites."
"You stated that you believe there could be an infinite number of parallel universes; does that mean that there is a universe out there where I am smarter than you?"
"Nobody knows how many Earths are out there, but some people think every possible option exists."
"It seems like it takes more faith to believe in the multiverse than others."
"If there really are multiple universes, what do they call the thing they're all a part of?"
"...eternal inflation... the Big Bang... expanding into multiple parallel universes."
"Our universe is part of a multiverse, where we are just one universe in the multiverse."
"This could overthrow the notion of a singular Universe in that it could provide the first circumstantial evidence but evidence nonetheless of a Multiverse."
"If a multiverse does exist, then there has been ample time for the emergence of many different universes, each with its own unique history and destiny."
"The age of the universe tells us that if a multiverse does exist, then there has been ample time for the emergence of many different universes, each with its own unique history and destiny."
"Hawkings final paper aimed to lay down the math for a space probe that could spot evidence of other universes."
"These ideas are sufficiently compelling that it's worth taking seriously the possibility that we are one of many universes."
"Black holes might be tunnels between these universes or rather not tunnels but wormholes."
"Our universe could just be one small part of a multiverse that extends beyond our imagination."
"Discovering inflation means the Multiverse is motivated, but it wouldn't be proof."
"Maybe consciousness is just how it feels to select one component within the way it functions, just one reality within the multiverse strands."
"There are actually 10 to the 500 different possible values of the dark energy, and we just live in one."
"The idea of the multiverse is essentially that everything that could possibly happen exists in another universe somewhere."
"Schrödinger's Cat... it's about multiple universes, physics, and all that fun stuff."
"The Multiverse Theory expands the canvas of philosophical and ethical inquiry, pushing us to confront fundamental questions about reality, existence, and our place within it."