
Future Tech Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"At the end of the day, you're so much better off knowing what's coming, knowing what tech exists, and being looped in than getting completely blindsided when it does knock you out."
"Artificial intelligence has been making strides in the last few years..."
"We wanted to show the power of Snapdragon 888 in that environment and show a glimpse into a future where high performance, reliable low latency communication will be a daily norm."
"If you invent a thinking machine, 100 years later that machine is not only smarter than you are, it's smarter than all humans that have ever lived."
"Why would anyone want to leave the worlds that people are going to create?"
"AI is expected to bring about once unimaginable capabilities."
"Yay, flying car! Where he's going he don't need roads, 'cause he can fly!"
"A decade's not that long. We do see a lot of really big promises from a lot of these companies as far as building EVs and that infrastructure in the next one to two decades, which is promising."
"It'll take a few months, a few years to get Microsoft's Xbox Series X on the same page with all the TV makers."
"It's the only technology I can really see that in our future will be just something that generations won't understand didn't happen didn't exist."
"I'm sick of all these punch holes, sick of it. I'm ready for the future."
"It says a lot about how Sony is trying to take PS 5 into the future."
"Augmented reality is slowly but surely taking you from the step of that mobile phone to the next step of actually wearing a glass or wearing some sort of a device."
"It's only a matter of time before we get augmented reality glasses in this same sort of form factor."
"This is the future of what we're trying to do in our world figure out how artificial intelligence is going to make driving and just life easier."
"People will be thinking back about the days when people actually drove their own cars as an unsafe period of time because the safety rates ultimately of this technology over the long term are much higher than human drive."
"The Audi Pop.Up Next is a concept unmanned flying electric vehicle."
"Technological singularity is when artificial intelligence becomes smarter than human beings."
"Future of monitors: HDR, brightness, and more."
"Neural link will be like that on steroids, almost anything that you decide to plug into the brain will be rapidly integrated into its world view."
"Your PC has a chip with layers of semiconductors about 20 atoms across... In the coming decades, it'll be five atoms across."
"We’ve spent a lot of time talking about getting off Earth and colonizing new worlds."
"It's time to take to the skies as we look through 15 plane Concepts that will change travel forever."
"I would like to officially volunteer for the augmentation program."
"Matter support coming later this year so Matter is a new smart home connectivity standard that's going to enable compatible accessories to work together seamlessly across all platforms."
"I want that level of AI, that's the bet, then I'm in."
"Blockchain is here to stay, it's not going anywhere."
"It is very likely that one or maybe more of these technologies are going to be the ones that power the 21st century."
"Building a future where high-performance computing solves the world's toughest challenges."
"Dreaming of a lightsaber? That might be well within the realm of the possible."
"Honestly, if we do end up being able to purchase a cyber truck in two years time, I'm getting it wrapped in gold."
"Scanners for smartphones are making their way to an iPhone near you."
"Positioning for the metaverse: Core services like rendering are crucial."
"Enterprise tech, cloud AI, data services, automation, security - these are going to be things that companies are going to invest in to actually put them in a better position."
"The world draws you in with its lush aesthetic."
"The future is a super network of blockchains."
"Eventually putting on the headset should be as seamless as answering a phone call."
"The kind of end-to-end functionality that I think starts to be unlocked is that you talk to your computer and it actually does what you ask."
"Elon Musk claims neural link technology that will connect the human brain with computers is coming soon."
"Maybe I'll time-skip for a customized experience later."
"Imagine playing video games in a protege suit, that would be cool."
"Augmented reality will augment the real world."
"There's a much more exciting implication here for brain computer interface and VR technology as a whole."
"Is this something that you'd be into, or are you just into the controllers, or are you just skipping it entirely looking for something else in the future?"
"Quantum computers: unlocking solutions to unsolvable problems."
"The gap between the brain and the Machine going to be narrowed with this kind of Technology."
"Your life is gonna be faster, smarter, and so much sleeker."
"Bigger than that is going to be the off-world knowledge we have, the all kinds of technology we didn't know anything about."
"Quantum computing is supposed to be the next big thing in power and in speed."
"Imagine a world where you can watch a movie without a remote, play a game without a controller."
"Iris scanning is pretty awesome, it makes the Lumia 950 feel different and even futuristic."
"We're not real until we're looking into Web 3."
"The future is really going to have to be interoperability across these different protocols."
"I believe batteries and battery research are one of the most important areas of science this decade."
"In 40 years, machines might have consciousness."
"This stuff is wild and seriously a space-age technology."
"The next 10 years are going to be incredible. Everything is going digital—digital robotics, AI, Kathy Wood talks—everything converging, smashing together at the same time."
"DeepMind is absolutely focused on creating digital super intelligence."
"I'm waiting for the Apple Vision like 20 years from now or like 15 yeah where it's just like super cool."
"Robots like Kepler are going to be the next wave merging AI with our physical world."
"It is really important to understand the concept of multi-stage builds and destroyless images because that is the future of containers."
"So I think that a true functioning virtual reality ecosystem which is probably one to two decades away so it's still a little far out will require its own native programmable electronic money and crypto is the way to do it."
"The future gets even more exciting when you consider things like react native."
"This is looking to the future and how we can apply it to what we do in our everyday lives, whether that's through safety, road safety, and reducing human errors within vehicles, or even efficiency, optimizing road routes, self-driving vehicles."
"But in the future, you're gonna put on some jogging pants that are gonna, and you're gonna press a button, and those [ __ ] are gonna go about four miles. So yeah, better be ready, dude."
"Advancements in the near future will give people the option to bring the avatars from Ready Player One into real life where body modifications can be taken to the extreme."
"This energy source is the future."
"The future is bright, and you got some amazing technology."
"In the future, monitoring your glucose levels will become as commonplace as step counts from our phone."
"A protocol, not a company, is really the way forward."
"If you think about the number of devices that are going to be connected over the next five, ten years, and what 5G could do to moving intelligent computing to the edge right near you."
"This is going to change the way we do electronics fundamentally."
"The market as it's defined today is predominantly manually flown; we think the future is AI autonomy, drones become basic infrastructure."
"The work that Emmanuel is doing on quantum computing will one day revolutionize the speeds at which our computers work."
"This is definitely Tech of tomorrow and really cool stuff that's coming."
"MR is all the rage and it's for good reason."
"Voice activation is the way forward."
"Writing and shipping secure code is going to become more and more important, especially as we put more software in robots and embedded devices."
"Vehicle-to-grid systems are also expected to increase the storage capacity of the energy systems in the future."
"It is going to supercharge cameras already on the market in 2022 and cameras that are going to be released in the future."
"Automatic differentiation is key to C++ being able to move into the future and work with all these ML and scientific use cases."
"But I think this is going to be a huge part of Unity's future and making it accessible for people that would otherwise have maybe been turned off by the idea of modeling their level geometry or their object geometry."
"Reinforcement learning will be one of the more powerful packages evolving over the next decade or two."
"We're looking at the future of interaction between ourselves and the machines."
"Over a long enough time horizon, we really believe that AR glasses will be a very popular hardware."
"With WebGPU, WASM, and Gemini built into Chrome, the web is AI-ready."