
Theological Reflection Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Isn't the one who created the skies and the earth completely capable of creating the likes of them again?"
"If you are only born once, you will have to die twice. But if you are born twice, you will only ever have to think about dying once."
"It is only because of the lord's mercies that we are not consumed his compassions they fail not."
"As we suffer, we should remember the results of Christ's suffering."
"Your sins should kill you, but he sat on it."
"What would it be like if Jesus on the cross said, 'I love you, but not that much?'"
"Somehow we realized that great stories are told in conflict, but we are unwilling to embrace the potential greatness of the story we're actually in. We think God is unjust rather than a master storyteller."
"What comes into your mind when you think about God is the most important thing about you."
"The biblical doctrine of election should be the most humbling doctrine that there is because we understand that there's nothing better in us than anyone else."
"It's not good for man to be alone. Marriage gives us a picture of how God is unified as in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
"Racism is a terrible thing. But when you start with the Bible, we all go back to Adam and Eve. So how many races are there? Just one."
"Shall we accept good from God and not trouble?"
"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son now look what he gave he gave his very best."
"Only the almighty can forgive yourself. I was going to actually say that. That's your only hope for salvation. I have committed no sin, the puppet I am condemned for is a child's play thing, nothing more."
"The gods will use you but they will not help you."
"The mystery of salvation, the mystery of God allowing our own crosses to bring about resurrection."
"We believe that God tried to rescue the world but he failed. He sent his son... and we killed him and he stayed dead."
"If we're not protected we are vulnerable and that's a reality not a concept not not a theological speculation or a lofty thing in the catechism it's it's a reality."
"Love is love and God is love so why can't two people of the same sex love each other?"
"For he is our peace who hath made both one and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us."
"We tend to love the verses that tell us all about what God can do, what God will do."
"I'm not even saved, but salvation aside just for a second."
"If the god you worship is small enough for you to understand, he's not big enough for you to worship."
"Jesus knows the difference. Does it excite us about His coming?"
"Let's not think that just because it's not of its origins in Christianity means it's wrong. Maybe we could look even at pagan religions and say, 'Huh, they captured something of God's nature in the created world that's really beautiful.'"
"Justice, mercy, and forgiveness are a reflection of love of neighbor."
"Jesus was absolute Divinity but he was also full Humanity at the same time."
"He concluded, 'Faith did not receive what was promised... God provided something better for us.'"
"Whatever happens, the last thing any Catholic should do is turn around and say, 'God has failed.'"
"Probably most people have an idea about God that best suits them."
"Psychedelics allow one to achieve gnosis, enlightenment, self-actualization; this was the original catalyst for the leap in our psychological evolution."
"We think God is affirming the goodness of created existence."
"The thought that the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us, not because of any merit on our part but as a free gift from God, is a precious thought."
"If you go to the scriptures and you find a God of violence, you're revealing who you really are."
"As we look at Jesus on the cross, we see who we as humanity are. Jesus on the cross holds a mirror to humanity and reflects who we are and even what we are capable of."
"The cross reveals both: it reveals God's wrath on sin, it also reveals God's incredible grace towards humans."
"God's love, righteousness, and mercy met at the cross."
"Diversity in the church does not threaten Unity."
"I don't want to follow that Creator if you have no sense of humor, God."
"In the face of a life that I did not want, like Jesus, we can say, 'yet father not my will be done but your will be done.'"
"Salvation changes you. If you show no changes in your life, it doesn't mean you're not saved. It means you don't have the evidence that you're saved."
"Could it be that the only work of man in heaven that we will see are the marks of crucifixion that we put on him."
"the infinite creativity God uses in drawing us to himself"
"So, what would Jesus dream about? Did Jesus dream? Well, he's fully human, right? So, fully human, capable of dreams. He's called the Son of Man. So, did he?"
And God would justify tonight in saying, "I expected a return on this effort of mine, church. Is that uncalled for by God? Is God being unreasonable? Absolutely not."
"It is impossible to think about the crucifixion without the resurrection, and it really is unthinkable to look at the resurrection without moving immediately to the ascension."
"We have to have an honest conversation with ourselves about who we think God is."
"Look back towards the propitiatory and wonder, that in Himself the First Principle has been joined with the last, God with the man formed on the sixth day."
"Sin has done some very sad things; this world of ours was once a glorious temple."
"You make love and if God is love, you must make Him."
"The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass; he realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, seeing that his work was good."
"Who is this God that does not wait until we are all right and righteous, and yet gives all?"
"The truth isn't something; the truth is somebody, and all truth that truly is subsists in Him who is the Truth, God."
"What is God's will not just for us individually but what is God's will in itself?"
"Our sense of history is who we are; it is how God separated us from the animals."