
Energy Transition Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Understanding the economic factors standing in the way of a logical transition away from these resources will help to show that not only are none of us truly blameless, but that it will also take a lot more effort to make a change."
"It's about how do we drive the cost down so these things can replace everything in our global economy and completely transition the world to a sustainable energy economy."
"There's been a lack of concerted, directed efforts from the federal government to push the energy transition along in the transport industry."
"It's pretty important that we accelerate the transition to sustainable generation and consumption of energy."
"Renewable energy is projected to be the fastest growing energy sector over the coming decades."
"Slow changes build new infrastructure to hold up our civilization with alternate energies; nuclear power sounds like a great idea. I'm a big fan of renewables—tidal energy, geothermal, all really great."
"The energy transition is a way to move from a different lifestyle and to somehow re-equilibrate society."
"We are working to transition away from Russian sources of energy and fossil fuels entirely."
"We need to accelerate the transition because otherwise if we don't, that's when we're dependent on people who don't share our values."
"If we’re going to transition away from fossil fuels towards renewables, new energy storage techniques are essential."
"We're transitioning our electricity systems to renewable."
"As the world transitions to renewable energy, storage will continue to play an increasingly important role."
"At the start of this video, I talked about the similarities these games share, which are substantial. Despite how similar these games are in a lot of ways, the biggest difference I found is how I felt after I finished playing them."
"Tesla’s mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. This isn’t a BS corporate slogan. It is literally WHY Tesla exists."
"Our mission is to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy."
"Do we want more fracking? No, we don't. We need to be orienting ourselves away from oil."
"Isn't it great to report on all these coal power plants that are going bye-bye?"
"Coal went from being the Undisputed king of electrical production in the mid-2000s to being passed by both natural gas and renewable energy like solar and wind."
"Free is pretty cool, so natural gas has displaced coal as our largest source of electricity."
"Humanity has denied itself any chance of making the energy transition gradual or smooth."
"The gas stations that they exist today in an ideal world are going to be 99% obsolete."
"I don't think we can transition to a 'green' world without nuclear."
"Electrification makes for some strange bedfellows."
"Stein wants a 100 percent transition to renewable energy by 2030."
"Our direction of travel is to move towards... sustainable energy generation." - Emphasizing the shift away from hydrocarbons for environmental and geopolitical reasons.
"The bottom line is we can turn to renewables."
"We can transition very rapidly onto a renewable dominant Energy System and speed is crucial."
"We're reliant today on fossil fuel power plants and our existing nuclear fleet for that but over time we have to replace those plants with something else."
"The end of UFO secrecy would implicitly mean the end of our petroleum-based era."
"There is a conservative case for a transition to Green energy."
"We are going to transform our energy system away from fossil fuel."
"Master Plan Part 3 is about achieving very large scale... to shift the entire energy infrastructure." - Elon Musk
"Transitioning everything that currently runs on fossil fuels to electricity would require huge additional power generation and massively upgraded infrastructure."
"This system will automatically switch from power coming from your power company to power coming from the truck."
"Granola finally goes on to finish off gas once and for all."
"Finding the right incentives for hydropower and pumped storage development, and ensuring that it's done in a sustainable manner, is going to be critical to weaning the world off of fossil fuels."
"Hydrogen: a promising clean energy carrier for the future."
"There's no quick fix; the EU is in a difficult situation. It's going to take time and money and effort to be able to switch away from the relationship that it's got with Russia right now."
"When someone asks you about Nordstream 2 being blown up by the United States, we want you to just remind the audience that they should buy an electric car and get solar panels on their roof."
"Accelerate the transition to sustainable energy."
"The laws of Economics will drive civilization towards sustainable energy inevitably."
"The transition off of fossil fuels has finally started and isn’t going to stop this time."
"99% of the daily usage that you experience will be better without the gas station."
"The transition from fossil fuels, in my opinion, is the most pressing issue facing humanity. This is an all hands on deck problem."
"Saudi Arabia sees the writing on the wall: oil is going away."
"The destruction of gas boilers and their replacement by so-called heat pumps will cost the average household tens of thousands of pounds."
"Green energy might be the future, but the transition from oil and gas to green energy has to be gradual."
"Renewable Energy is poised to eclipse coal in the US this year."
"Solar will be the single biggest source of energy in the world."
"It's very clear that our days of loving the consumption of gasoline are to an extent numbered, but the days of cars like this aren't."
"You're moving away from that energy and persisting. There's expansion here, aligning yourself with success."
"Tesla sure a for-profit company technically on paper but really a company with a mission to transition us off of fossil fuels clean up our energy and transportation systems."
"Renewables in Europe have beat fossil fuels in electricity generation for the first time in history."
"This cycle is going to shift into much more positive energy."
"Get ready to transition back into gas now as well."
"California aims to rid its electrical grid of all carbon sources by 2045."
"This report...saying that in the next decade or decades if we stop all of this fossil fuels and just go to Renewables they're talking about half the world's population could die."
"Our goal is to accelerate the advent of sustainable energy."
"No amount of fossil fuel funded obstruction here at home is going to stop the clean energy revolution happening in the rest of the world."
"Our rough calculation is that it's about 300 terawatt hours needed to transition the world to a sustainable energy economy."
"This is the future, all right? There's no putting it aside, you understand? People say, 'Oh, well, petrol and all that type of it's all right. We're just hitting a spaceship.' Y'all lifestyle."
"The move from coal and other fossil fuels towards the utopian clean renewable energy societies of the future looks like it'll prove to be extremely complicated and contentious."
"The United States generated more electricity from renewable sources than from coal for the first time."
"Replacing one coal power plant with a nuclear power plant is equivalent to two and a half million people switching to electric vehicles."
"We are being freed from the 3D Old Earth energy and we are moving into the Age of Aquarius."
"As we shift from fossil fuels to renewable energies in the future."
"Reducing our reliance on energy from fossil fuels and switching over to renewables, it's now cheaper in the majority of cases."
"It's what we're witnessing is a sea change in sentiment around nuclear..."
"We're going to end fossil fuel. I guarantee you."
"Retiring fossil fuel power plants with software, this particular product."
"Globally, renewable energy capacity is forecast to increase by over 60 percent between 2020 and 2026, reaching more than 4,800 gigawatts."
"Big money is finally starting to switch sides on how we generate energy."
"Now we are going to finally start to see this transition. This is the things that are happening that aren't covered in the news."
"Death is not finality, death is the transition of energy."
"If we want to live in a first-world nation, if we want to green the world, if we want to get off oil, we need these metals."
"But it means we actually have to move faster to get beyond our reliance on fossil fuels."
"Renewables actually overtook process for the primary source."
"With 160 million power packs, you can transition the United States."
"Embrace the new path ahead, a fresh hope, a fresh sort of look at the new year as you shift that energy."
"If it really is absolutely essential that we move rapidly to a zero emissions world, then why not nuclear?"
"Hitting the new lower target would require ending the use of fossil fuels in the next 30 years."
"Why are we still improving the efficiency of combustion engines and not just switching over to electric?"
"It's incredibly important to the energy transition and, in addition, it's a good investment."
"The energy transition is a real narrative and it's happening."
"When a country gets richer, it begins to be able to afford cleaner air and switches from coal to natural gas."
"For an orderly and successful energy transition, we need every solution."
"The challenges of the energy transition is not that we make electricity just electricity. We have to replace all of our energy sources and energy uses, not just those that make electricity."
"The war in Ukraine may have fast-tracked the global transition to Green energy by as much as 5 to 10 years."
"We have the opportunity to transition from an electricity-generating sector largely dependent on fossil fuels into energy sources that do not produce any further carbon emissions."
"We should be focused more on climate change and the energy transition."
"No energy transition can be successful if people are not aware of the alternatives available to them."
"We have all of the technology we need for this transition in energy, transport, and food."
"Are the maybe something is Goldman Sachs study of China they claim that China is going to looks as if it's going to reach its uh goals of Net Zero fossil fuels much earlier than was expected so maybe that's a good sign."
"A transition to renewable energy will undermine lots of vested interests and will face serious resistance."
"We need to move within the next 30 years to a zero carbon energy system."
"We will have to switch from fossil fuels to sustainable energy."
"The transition risk that we're undergoing with this rapid transition to wind and solar is probably far greater than any near-term risk from weather hazards and climate change."
"...green hydrogen, what's next for the energy transition's secret weapon."
"Belimo is best positioned to benefit from energy transition."
"Australia's place as a leader in the energy transition is guaranteed."
"Being able to transition our electricity system away from significant use of fossil fuels and carbon emissions is one of the defining challenges of our time."
"Fossil fuels are a stepping stone to true advancement; you can't just go from no power to super clean power in one step."
"It's such an exciting time to be doing this research."
"Fossil fuels are replaceable, but will we make the transition to non-destructive energy solutions in time?"
"These gas turbines play a significant role in the transition to a low-carbon energy future."
"Germany has ambitious plans to increase its reliance on variable renewable electricity."
"The transition to renewable energy is a multi-decade, massive industrial, economic, and societal transformation."
"Oil and coal will and should disappear."
"As these fuels are used up, America's power industry must be carried more and more by nuclear energy."
"The transition from burning coal to renewables is happening."
"We were using coal to generate 60 percent of our electricity in 2010."
"We've obviously got a climate emergency and an energy transition that's really strongly linked to that."
"We're kind of coming at this, the great energy transition, the electric revolution, all of that, in a more enlightened way."
"We have to transition away from fossil fuels, we have to accelerate in this decade."
"The financial system will have to evolve in some way with the energy system."
"We may even be entering the final decline of oil."
"It's about light traveling. When you think about light being an energy, in order to get energy into your light, you want to have transitions."
"We have to be part of that transition and gas and oil and all of this, but we have to do it cleaner and better."
"What can stop solar now? What can stop it taking over the world and being our dominant source of energy?"
"The Sun is our most abundant renewable energy source, and now that scientists have proclaimed Eureka once more, the time is right to go all the way on solar with flexible, colorful, and high-performance perovskites."
"What we're talking about doing is a substitutive process, doing away with our primary energy sources currently coal, oil, and natural gas, and replacing them with alternative energy sources."
"The transition to clean electricity would come with new employment for people living in Canada."
"No family or community will be left behind as we're making the transition towards a renewable energy economy."
"Tesla is able to do the most to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy."
"The need for oil and natural gas is soon coming to an end."
"The Battery Factory is the tool that Tesla will use to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy."
"The slowest but perhaps the most persistent trend is associated with the ongoing transition from fossil fuels to green energy."
"The major task is to stop using fossil fuels completely."
"South Australia is actually leading the world in several key aspects of the energy transition."
"The landscape began to shift, marking a significant milestone with the closure of the state's last coal power plant."
"The energy transition is about electrification, increasing the amount of electricity in the system."
"We need to accelerate the energy transition four to fivefold if we want to stay within the Paris climate objectives."
"Tesla will continue to play a leading role in the energy transition."
"We've got to phase out coal and oil... and use natural gas as a bridge fuel to when we're completely reliant on solar, wind, and perhaps some geothermal and biofuels."
"The 'hard reset' here is when this really does take over fossil fuels."
"No more kerosene, no more gas... now we have electric lights."
"And our very survival depends on whether we can make a rapid shift away from this single source of energy."
"We've changed our energy sources plenty of times from wood to coal to fossil fuels to renewables. Why not try that?"
"Replacing all of the mining that we do for fossil fuel production today with all of the mining that we would have to do to produce wind and solar power is going to reduce the mining footprint of our Energy System by a factor of about a hundred."
"The climate movement as a whole just wants to get off of this stuff that's poisoning our health and poisoning our future and get onto this stuff that can provide cleaner, healthier, more stable, less environmentally intrusive energy."
"We know that 20 years from now, we're just not going to be burning a lot of fossil fuels to power homes, to heat homes."
"Thankfully in the 2020s and 2030s, society rapidly moved off of fossil fuels towards electrified vehicles, renewable energy."
"Over the next 10 years, all of that coal has to retire... it creates about probably five gigawatts of room in Alberta to build new renewables."
"Yes, in a perfect world it'd be great if we were all green energy and there was no carbon emissions, but there's got to be a transition."
"The transition is taking many forms; it's not only the transition from fossil fuels to renewables."
"With the world wanting to go green and get off oil and gas, we need copper and silver."
"Fossil fuel is critically important for a long period into the future as we transition."
"Nuclear is really the cornerstone of a clean energy transition."
"Change our mind before we can change our world. This cultural transition is at the heart of making energy transitions to an age beyond oil."
"Flipping transportation from fossil fuels directly to electric is not like flipping a light switch."
"The faster we switch off of them, the faster we convert the grid through electric and to renewable energy."
"Switching from the old fire to the new fire has two big shifts in it: one in oil, one in electricity."
"The sensible way to do this is to move slowly off fossil fuels to renewable energy."
"The global energy shift is officially on."
"Fire is the past, and fossil fuels is the present, but the future is renewable energy."
"We're reducing the amount of gas we're burning, and all our electricity's coming from wind and nuclear."
"Our energy security will be greatly enhanced as we transition to renewables."
"Converting to oil makes a lot of sense."
"A cobalt-free cathode is the only way forward if we want to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy."
"The Beautiful Thing of green hydrogen is it does so many different things and is therefore one of the core elements of the second wave of the energy transition."
"Of all the lithium Ion chemistries, LFP may play the largest role in accelerating the world's transition to sustainable energy."
"We want to transition to alternative energy... solar energy is now cheaper to solarize than to build new fossil infrastructure."
"The more energy is associated with the transition, the more energy the photon is going to have."
"It's a big ask to ask us to step up to the plate in reinventing the global energy grid."
"It's clear that we have to change the way we use and produce energy."
"We're moving away from oil and gas."
"Exploration is ramping up rapidly in the lithium sector and we're really going to need to discover new resources if we're going to meet the demands required for the energy transition."
"What natural gas did to coal in the 2010s, solar, wind, and batteries will do to all conventional energy technologies in the 2020s."
"We don't need that much power to make the transition to a full clean disruption solar plus EV economy."