
Thanos Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"Thanos did truly love his adopted daughter Gamora in his own terrible way."
"There's no question that the mad Titan needs to be taken down during Avengers 4."
"The planet of Xandar is in ruins because Thanos attacked it in the events leading up to Infinity War to acquire the Power Stone."
"This is one of the coolest stories that Marvel has done regarding Thanos in years."
"The long and short of that origin story is that Thanos had actually been manipulated by Mistress Death ever since he was a little kid."
"There's no super villain quite like Thanos the Mad Titan."
"The gauntlet never would have worked had Thanos actually snapped it with all the stones in there; it was secretly a one-time fuse."
"Did you know the Mad Titan Thanos is technically an Eternal?"
"Infinity war is Thanos... it goes deep inside his mind and philosophy."
"It's got all of the lines and the various grooves of Thanos' boots."
"Only a fool believes they stand a chance in the face of Thanos might."
"Holland accidentally revealed to a live audience that the elementals featured in the movie were brought to Earth-616 after Thanos snapped his fingers."
"The big T's of the post-credits sequence is that Thanos is just gonna go get the gems himself, he's gonna stop working through third-party agents."
"Because all of Thor's visions had to do with the infinity gems, I definitely think that Thanos is gonna show up in Thor: Ragnarok."
"Once I kill you, I'm gonna burn this irritating little planet to cinder." - Thanos
"There's no denying that Thanos is definitively a mad Titan."
"So Thanos isn't a lot of waste blindly following the orders of his future self under the idea that one he knows himself so he trusts himself and two there's gonna be some kind of grand payoff or something along the way."
"Whatever this object is it's way beyond the power of the Infinity stone which really of course interest a nose because he's always been on a quest to attain absolute power."
"Nevertheless if I cannot possess then I shall become and using this object Thanos transfers the energy into mistress death pulls her into himself eradicates mistress death entirely and Thanos himself becomes the new Death."
"Thanos moved from planet to planet systematically and methodically wiping out half the population of each of them."
"Thanos the great tyrant is still enough for you."
"Thanos, baby! Of course, we gotta have Thanos. Endgame was a masterpiece."
"Thanos doesn't want to kill half the population of the universe; rather, he feels that there's no other option."
"Thanos' goal of bringing balance to the universe in order to save sentient life is one born out of compassion and mercy."
"Thanos may have been trying to save the universe, but underneath all the horror that is his plan and actions, he might have been a genuinely good person."
"Thanos formulated a new plan, one that would take not eons but perhaps only a few short years: use the unlimited power of the six infinity stones to simply erase half the population of the universe from existence with a snap of his fingers."
"The opening scene is so cool, especially with Thanos overpowering the Hulk."
"I feel like Thanos at the end of Infinity War."
"Yours truly was slain by Thanos, for the good of the universe."
"I still think to this day that Thanos was never wrong."
"She almost ripped Thanos in half."
"I love Thanos. I thought it was the best villain, best Marvel villain that I've seen in a long time yet."
"He had the right idea though didn't he? He had the right idea of half the beings in the universe disappeared, he was trying to get balance."
"Thanos was able to fight Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America all at the same time and come out on top."
"All Thanos needs is the Mind Stone and minutes later he has it. Thanos snaps his fingers, half of all life vanishes, including Peter Parker."
"However, their action draws the ire of Thanos from another reality. Peter joins the battle against his army."
"If Thanos really wants to win, he could just stop before he punches. Like, you know, it's not gonna be too easy. Tony gonna be like..."
"she was the one that caused Thanos to panic had him an attack that he couldn't get out of"
"you could even argue that she could have killed Thanos in a moment"
"Thanos, especially ever since the infinity saga, has cemented himself as one of the best villains in all of fiction."
"Shoutout also to the fact that they figured out just the right amount of bad guy villains like the bosses that Thanos had can actually have a smart plan which is to split up and go get the three stones they need."
"And then, to fast forward, the final sequences with Gore and his daughter are like, 'It wasn't until those moments that I thought, god damn, I wish we had more moments of Thanos with Gamora as a child.'"
"He's like Thanos right now, he's doing it in the most destructive [__] way possible."
"It's crazy but with Thanos, it's like he has thought about it. He saw his Planet died, you know?"
"Thanos just isn't gonna stop at trying to get these Infinity Stones"
"Thanos has succeeded in his goal of eliminating half of life in the universe."
"What the [ __ ] really going on? Yo, did Thanos snap? What's going on? People are disappearing, multiple people, and I just did a video of other people just going missing."
"Thanos, he's a plague. They don't even know him."
"A meticulously planned story told across 23 separate movies all about Thanos killing half the universe."
"When he snaps the Infinity Gauntlet, half of the people on the planet vanished. It chopped the cosmic power supply line to this new celestial that was growing, delaying the emergence."
"Thanos already has the power Stone because he stole it last week when he decimated zandar."
"In line with being the hero of the story Thanos stole the show and even got many people to root for him in his quest to bring balance to the universe."
"Before Thanos, the Infinity Gauntlet was wielded by the most powerful human in the universe."
"Wow, if Thor could have reassembled Mjolnir immediately, he could have got to Thanos and stopped him way before he got all the Infinity Stones."
"...it's so nuts that thanos's story is Tiny compared to the stakes we're dealing with in phase four all the time."
"The end is inevitable Maverick the kind is headed for extinction damn all right Thanos but not today."
"It's crazy to think this is Thanos. It's actually insane to think about that."
"Yo, it's like a Thanos snap man, yeah. Oh my God, he's just dusting them."
"Thanos these flicks, they're so hard."
"Thanos has the biggest army in the universe."
"It's the classic story of Thanos Gathering the Infinity Stones and assembling The Infinity Gauntlet."
"Thanos's wish came true from infinity war when he's about to kill Iron Man he says 'I hope they remember you.'"
"Thanos, easily one of the most powerful beings in the entire universe."
"Thanos is arguably the strongest person in the whole MCU."
"I'm going to argue that not only is Josh Brolin's Thanos just as good as Ledger's Joker he might even be better."
"Thanos absolutely threatened the lives of every character he came into contact with."
"Thanos stole every scene he was featured in."
"Thanos made you feel love, fear, and sadness."
"If Thanos wasn't a genocidal madman he'd be a cool dude too just grab a beer with."
"So yes, Thanos is the hero here in a very weird roundabout way."
"This show's version of the MCU afterlife, the ancestral plane, Valhalla, wherever the hell Thanos went to."
"Apparently mean comments are worse than [ __ ] Thanos all of a sudden."
"Step aside Thanos, move over Wilson Fisk, there's a new kid in town because I don't know how She-Hulk could possibly survive the unstoppable onslaught of memes. Wow, this was truly pathetic."
"What the freak is happening next? Man, it's me, Thanos is back! Oh God, I know! I thought this movie was kind of fun. Yeah, it is, isn't it?"
"Thanos was the main character in that film, Josh Brolin's a genius at acting, the Russo brothers really great at writing stuff, yeah infinity war was great."
"Thanos is going to take it, like he's going to do bad things because when you're Thanos that's what you do, you just do bad stuff."
"Everybody's baller until the Thanos start walking."
"Look at Wanda right here, holding Thanos off with one hand while trying to kill her with the other."
"I don't think the humans will survive if Thanos get crazy. Yo, relax."
"And what is Thanos, who we know had the mind stone for some period of time, trying to do? *Thanos snap*"
"Thanos is effectively a mutant among eternals."
"There are two completely different 3D models of Thanos, yep, that are brought up to the exact same level of quality."
"I am Thanos. Thanos is supreme. Thanos is God."
"Though your world will suffer slowly, I grant you a quick death."
"Get off my throne and kneel. Face death at the hand of your new emperor."
"These games bore me, but this will bring a smile to my face."
"This is who I am. Your reality is mine to control. You have no power."
"The Thanos copter was a real chopper used by Thanos in the 1970s comic book series Spidey Super Stories."
"Thanos himself would be proud of this perfect balancing right here."
"The only thing that can make Thanos forget about the Infinity Stones is T'Challa."
"I always thought Thanos was a Skrull, but just purple."
"Thanos is a character that believes he is right, he thinks he is the hero doing the ultimate good that no one else has the courage to do."
"Thanos is a destructive force that will stop at nothing to achieve his goals."
"That is a badass Thanos figure, I am so stoked about this."
"It is inevitable, I suppose, as Thanos says, it is the inevitable."
"Thanos... the scariest villain is always going to be the one who thinks they're doing the right thing."
"Thanos brought everything to the table; he bought the table and brought it."
"You remember that great moment when Cap stares down Thanos when everything was against him."
"Thanos is like one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe."
"He single-handedly convinced Thanos that the whole 'kill half the galaxy' plot was a bad idea."
"To earn Death's reciprocal, Thanos took a journey, a quest to ravage the universe in her name."
"It's basically the snap initiated by Thanos that blinked out half the life in the universe and then brought all that back."
"Thanos was right because by snapping out half the population, he stopped something end of the world destructive from happening to us."
"Getting a look at Thanos in front of his backdrop, you can see that it really does tie everything together quite nicely."
"This Thanos figure is without a doubt everything we've been expecting and more from Hot Toys."
"This Thanos figure is hands-down far better than the original one we got."
"It's a really, really good representation of Thanos from Infinity War."
"It's The Infinity Gauntlet, and I'm Thanos."
"I think Tamashii Nations killed it with this Thanos."
"The face sculpts look exactly like Thanos."
"Overall, I think Tamashii Nations really did kill it with this Thanos."
"This is a proper Thanos double blade here."
"Thanos John Wick survived the snap so his dog didn't."
"Thanos has not been a great dad, both in the comics or in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Thanos walks his way through the universe collecting the cosmic Infinity Stones."
"With all the Infinity stones inside the gauntlet, Thanos snapped his fingers and half of the universe ceased to exist."
"Thanos is the best villain they've had."
"He is Thanos with all of the infinity stones."
"MCU Iron Man was the one who managed to put a stop to Thanos once and for all."
"Future Thanos has outlived everything, the universe and everything."
"Thanos, perfectly balanced, as all things should be."
"Thanos loves when things are perfectly balanced, as all things should be."
"He's inevitable, he's literally Thanos, 'I am inevitable'."
"You are in Wakanda now. Thanos would have nothing but dust and blood."
"Thanos, the destroyer of thousand planets, I'm going to cooperate with you on horseback."
"This Thanos, it's interesting definitely when he doesn't snap his fingers."
"He's arguably the strongest villain in the MCU."
"Do you think Thanos was a top three villain in the MCU? Infinity War Thanos certainly was."
"Even Thanos joins the cause and realizes, 'Hey, wiping out half the universe, not the way to do it. This T'Challa guy, there's something to him.'"
"I might have just ceased to exist like Thanos in the snap, you just powder away, he's gone."
"Thanos operates at such a degree of mental fortitude with enough comprehension of time and space."