
Early Stages Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The pace at which AI progression is changing is staggering. We are only in the first inning."
"Building Jagex, one desk at a time." - The early days of Jagex's expansion and office setup.
"Crypto is going to change everything, but it's early days."
"The EV industry is still in the beginning stages."
"How it works very early... it brings you to a much higher understanding."
"The concept artist stage is very early in development."
"The metaverse is the early stages of a digital hub." - Crypto Stash
"Bitcoin is still in its early stages just like the internet was in its early stages."
"AI is still just a tiny baby... like amoebas crawling out of the organic soup." - Yuval Noah Harari
"The recession is definitely taking hold in the very early parts of the cycle."
"This game is already getting good, and I'm only in the first world."
"Some are in the early stages but they give you a glimpse of what's to come."
"It's literally day one, we're right at the beginning."
"Those frist few days, maybe weeks, those are important times. That's the sweet spot to set the right precedent."
"In a lot of ways it was like the early years of a marriage, the time before the monotonies of life get in the way, I suppose."
"It sounds like we're at the early stage of a massive trend."
"Love is meant to be a lot of fun in especially in the initial stages."
"We are early early Innings to use a cricket analogy in all this game."
"You want to elaborate on that a little bit? Hannah loves to eat, and it drives very well with my love of food, yeah, very early on in our relationship."
"Do not give up right now because we are in the early stages of this thing."
"Bitcoin is at the stage where the internet was in the early 1990s."
"It's very early stages for the institutionalization of the asset class."
"We are at the very, very early stages, just based on basic arithmetic."
"The early part of the building of the brand."
"Quality issues are resolved in early phases."
"It's early days yet, but looking at it, the conditions look extremely favorable."
"We're in the very early innings here."
"Growth is more important at the early stages of business."
"The first two years are a little more Ivory Tower..."
"This is one of the very first ones."
"Enjoy what you're doing in the early stages. It's essential that you do that because if you start getting bogged down with it, it's going to become boring."
"The velocity of improvement is the greatest at the first three months."
"Having everything private about your relationship the first few months is gonna be really, really good."
"We're so early into crypto. In the grand scheme of things, we're at the very beginning of these things."
"While there's many elements that I'm extremely proud of, our team, our product, our community, our progress, it's still extremely early days for us yet."
"You're still in the early stages where every little thing has added drama."
"If you're doing those early stages it like allows you more freedom."
"There was no community or group of people who had put this together into some kind of system to follow yet back then."
"It's so exciting to see it in these early stages."
"We are still in the much early stages of cryptocurrency."
"We're still very early in this AI wave."
"The disease probably begins well before you thought you had Parkinson's disease."
"The company grew and earned some early success."
"This is a multi-year secular trend and we are still in the very early stages."
"We're very much in the early stages of this technology really transforming all of our industries."
"It should not take blood, sweat, and tears in the first three weeks of a relationship."
"We are still in the early states of building the universal health coverage system in Indonesia."
"We're going to give you guys some ideas on how you can make it work for you, even in the early stages."
"I trusted you really early on because your actions matched what you said."
"There's also so many moments of beauty in the first eight weeks too."
"This is the honeymoon phase of picking colors because we don't have very many blocks yet."