
DC Universe Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"If all the heroes in the DC Universe had an Injustice-style one-on-one fight, who would be the last one standing?"
"DC animated movies are far and away much better than the DC live-action movies."
"Heroes turning evil isn't anything new in the world of the DC Universe."
"Sasha Kaye Supergirl, I don't want to forget her here."
"The DC Universe is worse off for not having either Sasha Kaye or Michael Keaton in future films."
"Justice League the sixth dimension is probably one of the coolest stories to come out of DC Comics for like a long time."
"You're taking an absolutely iconic role that the DC Universe has recast four, five, six times, correct?"
"They're gonna touch on all of the different parts of this DC Universe thing and they're going to get involved probably with Swamp Thing with Supergirl with Superman with bat all that stuff and space so yay."
"The Wonder Woman of Patty Jenkins and the Wonder Woman of the Snyderverse are two completely different Wonder Women."
"DC's Dark Knight's metal is telling a cohesive story."
"DC Rebirth: not a reboot, but a reimagining."
"This is the film DC so desperately need it because we keep saying beta DC."
"This feels so much like the Snyder verse all of a sudden."
"I still think the best movie of the DCU era is Zack Snyder's Man of Steel."
"Holy [ __ ] I love this show! It is honestly probably my favorite thing to come out of the DC universe in a very long time."
"But 2017 uh basically saw the ending of the DC rebirth initiative right that's when the whole thing basically began to wrap up and the reality here is that Batman's character is still evolving and it is still changing right."
"I think it sets us up for a really promising DC Cinematic Universe."
"The beyonders represent an enormous threat to the very existence of not only the DC universe but the entire multiverse."
"The life entity is the representation of life in the DC universe, and if somebody harnesses that power, they would become God."
"We have to seize the power of the life entity in order to basically destroy Necron and the Black Lantern Corps."
"I'm definitely looking forward to DC because... the next iterations of this franchise are going to be far better than the original."
"DC already has the perfect blueprint to model parts of this new cinematic universe from, and it's followed basically all of this advice."
"And that's all the advice I have for today. Thanks for watching, and let's hope for the best for the DC Universe!"
"For all that and more it is undeniably the finest video game DC has to offer."
"Seeing the reuniting of Wally and giant Iris basically it was DC telling comic book fans yes we're bringing the whole family back together."
"I think this is a great idea to do a standalone movie because the DCU it just takes itself so seriously and it's such a realistic gritty universe." - Mark Ellis
"The Watchmen are being folded into the DC Universe."
"While the Snyderverse was great at delivering the omnipotent power behind these DC characters, Gunn's universe could potentially embody both the seriousness and goofiness of the DC Universe."
"It's the most exciting people have been for the DC Cinematic Universe for quite some time."
"The Joker is almost the perfect personification of evil."
"The Joker has killed literally millions across his various incarnations."
"Who else in the DC Universe enjoys killing and murdering chaos to the level that the Joker does?"
"What could I say besides wow? These two issues are a perfect reason why the deceased universe is some of my favorite Comics ever published by DC."
"Joker also get this opened bigger than recent DC movies Aquaman and Shazam."
"Superman is arguably the strongest hero in the DC Universe."
"Slade is potentially the greatest DC arc villain of all time."
"This entire scene is just blatantly wrong on a level where it feels like the people responsible for this game could not care any less about the DC Universe."
"The Rock kind of let it slip that Henry Cavill Superman is going to appear in Black Adam."
"Things for the DC Universe are looking up right now, honestly. It's great to hear that The Rock has finally secured it, like come on DC, bring Henry Cavill back home."
"It's definitely a response to the DC Extended Universe." - John
"The hierarchy of power in the DC Universe has changed forever."
"Let's look forward to the bright future of the various DCEU films."
"What is Batman's fighting skills rating out of a hundred? Batman from the DC extended universe receives a fighting skills rating of 88."
"The critics were reviewing it as if it was Taming of the Shrew or something while the fans went in there to see a DC movie, a superhero movie, and they loved it."
"People loved the Snyder cut and the Snyder verse."
"This movie is an absolute masterpiece of DC animation."
"Darkseid is easily top 5 most dangerous villains in the DC universe."
"The fan service is the most deserved I think DC has done for all sorts of fans."
"The dawn of the DCU begins as the Lazarus Planet Saga crashes to a close."
"They're setting up a main continuity with Michael Keaton as Batman, no Superman and Supergirl being the Kryptonian or sort of Superman replacement."
"If you like Zack Snyder's stuff... we already know we like Zack Snyder's approach to the DC material."
"Darkseid is considered one of the strongest villains in the DC universe."
"This is the best thing DC's ever had on television."
"Sharon alone is one of the most fascinating objects in our solar system, a place that might hold the key to understanding so much about the objects and dwarf planets lurking in the Kuiper belt."
"The DC extended Universe has been in a state of disarray for the past few years. It feels like ever since the troubled release of Justice League in 2017, the franchise has failed to find any real direction or identity."
"A new 10-year plan and the beginning of an all-new DC Cinematic Universe."
"...a modern Swamp Thing that breaks boundaries today could mean many more years of some of the most exciting stories possible in the DC Universe."
"The DC Universe will be headed towards the light with brand new series of story arcs."
"Deadshot is hands down one of the best marksmen and assassins in the DC Universe."
"Swamp Thing is set to become a bonafide horror film within the DC Universe."
"The death of Superman was everything that it set out to be: a groundbreaking, monumental story that shook the DC Universe to its core."
"The DC Universe is broken Superman is lost Black Adam stayed in the red cyborg has been silenced Wonder Woman has vanished Into Thin Air and the Flash has gotten into so much trouble that DC wishes he'd just run his way into an entirely new timeline."
"Who doesn't love the clown thing? Everyone likes the clowns, especially in the DC universe."
"When you're talking about the best assassin in the DC Universe, Deathstroke is a clear number one."
"Deathstroke is the gold standard when it comes to assassins in the DC Universe."
"If anyone doesn't know much about Gorilla Grodd, he is, as his name suggests, a big gorilla, a garage, no, cold garage, who hails from a bite of a city in the DC Universe called, I shit you not, Gorilla City."
"One of the biggest successes in the DC Universe is the creation of the iconic superhero Batman."
"Cyborg is one of the coolest and best heroes in the DC universe."
"If the regular DC Universe with its constant reboots and never-ending cycle of good and evil is just as unreal as the world Scott has made for himself, then why should he abandon the family he's made?"
"Scott Snyder is building an Ultimate Universe for DC Comics and it's going to be called Absolute Comics."
"I'm also a sucker for time travel stuff and uh they also did a really good job at finally making a DC movie where it feels like a universe it feels like all these characters make sense co-mingling with each other to a certain degree."
"It's a love letter to the DC Universe and to superheroes in general."
"...but it does reboot a little bit or give the DC Universe a new era because this is the end of the rebirth era..."
"Barry Allen wakes up in a world where people that he thought were dead are still alive, and this is the event that once again reboots the DC Universe to a new status quo."
"It's really fantastic, it's a different corner of the DC universe."
"You would be missing out on one of the greatest story arcs that DC has ever put out."
"Things like the robin growth, that's Joshua Williamson trying to push the DC Universe forward again."
"Deadshot is likely the most accurate and deadly shot of the entire DC Universe."
"Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe was just a perfect game for that era. I just loved having it in my collection, loved hopping into it from time to time."
"Dr. Manhattan destroys the entire DC Universe and everyone in it. He just kills every [__] superhero you can think of."
"All together they give a sense as to where the future of the DC Universe is headed and I must say based on what we've seen thus far DC's Comics future looks very promising."
"Aquaman is the baddest dude in the DC Universe."
"And comment down below what you think of the DC universe!"
"Superman Legacy is the start of the DC Universe."
"I think today does definitely feel more so than in the past like a big Fresh Start for DC, and I think that's really exciting for everybody."
"There's a great range of DC books if you are into your Mainline continuity."
"It's the true beginning of the DCU."
"This four-hour Justice League movie sets up the DC universe in such a perfect way."
"If you watched this far, then you probably like DC comics."
"Wonder Woman's powers are a blessing from the gods, making her one of the most powerful superheroes in the DC Universe."
"Superman is arguably the strongest hero in the DC Universe, has performed some truly incredible feats of strength."
"I actually kind of love the fact that we could be bringing up new big Heavy Hitters in the DC Universe."
"It's kind of surprising that DC is still releasing these, but at the same time, I'm kind of not surprised because they were just so freaking cool."
"We are part of the universe, we are part of the world, we are part of the plans they have been creating for the future installments of the DCU."
"DC Comics is home to many iconic characters."
"There's an actual arc to his character in this movie, and I came out of the movie looking forward to seeing what the DC Universe is going to do with him in the future."
"The DC Universe will never be the same."
"The hierarchy of the DC cinematic universe is about to change."
"The DC Universe is worth 10 billion dollars they said. Wow."
"In DC versus Vampires, the world of DC comics has now become overrun by a vampire onslaught."
"The Martian Manhunter possesses many of the same strength and speed-based powers as other space-faring heroes in the DC Universe, but with one particularly impressive twist: he can change his body and appearance into any shape he desires."
"Wonder Woman is maybe the most powerful superhero in the DC Universe, more powerful than Superman even."
"Deathstroke is one of my favorite DC characters of all time, and this version is just so classic."
"This is an era of DC Comics I love living in."
"DC rebirth... take what worked and blend it with the new 52."
"One of these new DC animated movies... I loved it."
"This is a brilliant tome that pays homage to everything that you love about DC."
"It's just always so fun to get into DC's animated movies and shows because you learn so much about the characters."
"There's a lot of untapped DC content out there."
"Swamp Thing is a really intriguing character in DC Comics."
"Lex Luthor is the smartest man in the DC Universe."
"I'm excited to see what the DC Universe may do from this point on."
"The DC Universe animated movies are just fantastic and I cannot possibly recommend them highly enough."
"Big Barda has shown herself to be one of the fiercest warriors in the DC Universe."
"We want players to feel like they explored the DC Universe with us, not just through the story but also through the mechanics."
"Metropolis is quite a normal city, well, as normal as a city can be in the DC Universe."
"DC Universe's app is so nice because you can access comics."
"The Question is revealed to be one of the oldest beings in the world of DC."
"2024 and Beyond are shaping up to be exciting for DC fans."
"I'm hopeful it's what I've always wanted to happen at the DC Universe."
"He's basically at this point one of DC's Jesuses."
"We're excited about the flash; it's the doorway to our entire reimagining of the DC Universe from the ground up."
"Zatanna is one of the most powerful magic users in the DC Universe."
"The Snyder verse is the bedrock for DC films."
"Darkseid is one of the biggest foes in the DC universe."
"Justice League is the book for me that represents the heart and soul of the DC Universe."
"And frankly, the DC stuff feels more like a graphic novel."
"The legacy of DC is what I love about superhero comics."
"This is what a lived-in DC Universe should look like."
"...in a universe that is meant to really be organically cohesive and just be this really fantastical, living, breathing DC Universe."
"Let's talk about the future of DC, let's talk about the remaining DC movies, let's talk about Gunn's DCU."
"Swamp Thing by the way is by far one of my most anticipated movies of the current announcements of DCU chapter 1 Gods and Monsters."
"The equivalent of a tectonic plate is shifting in the DC Universe."
"We're gonna create the best DC Universe we can."
"I love crises. I love the DC Universe. It is my favorite universe."
"It's a beautiful, wonderful, rich DC tapestry spread out over three nights of too much fun."
"We're gonna see a very golden Golden Age of DC movies in the next two years."
"We need to look forward and I also think that the DC Universe has so much potential."
"This movie is aware of the DC Universe but breathes on its own."
"Ladies and gentlemen of the DC Universe, I didn't think I would be making this video today."
"Our jobs, mine and Peter's, is to come in and make sure the DCU is connected in film, television, gaming, and animation."
"I'm absolutely buzzing about her being a part of the DCU."
"Superman Legacy by James Gunn will be what officially kicks off the new DC Universe."
"It's always been a dream; we favor nothing but the storytelling of this DC Universe."
"I really do think he's going to embrace every single corner and tone of what DC from the source material has to offer."
"Justice League Action feels like very much a celebration of the DC Universe."
"Crisis on Infinite Earths isn't too convoluted, I mean we're used to getting a crisis event every few years from DC."
"I think it's a positive sign, I really do, and I think this bodes well for DC moving forward."
"This will easily catapult the ability of DC in live-action movies."
"We're literally bringing in one of the strongest DC villains there is."
"It's going to be kind of a Choose Your Own Adventure kind of world that we're all living in for DC."
"We want the DC Universe to move forward and happen."