
Tournaments Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"It's fun. I'm just here to have a good time, which is pretty rare when I play in tournaments."
"Please give a big round of applause for all the players that showed up and made this the largest European tournament in history."
"They promoted all kinds of tournament play and were supported by an animated cartoon series."
"It's not like you haven't seen 150 of them already, maybe this one will be different because I put the good players in it."
"This is the biggest momentum shift I've ever seen in League of Legends tournaments..."
"We're going to keep doing these tournaments as long as they keep doing amazing."
"A million dollar tournament is like a very cool headline."
"A combat tournament is generally designed to face off against human opponents and you don't need to seriously fight to the death."
"It's basically professional gaming with those giant tournaments."
"Nothing makes me happier than going to tournaments and competing."
"The beauty of these KO tournaments is you see crazy vehicles make it far."
"I feel like people just want to play and see tournaments for the game that they grew up playing."
"Online tournaments started cropping up, giving players a chance to test their skills."
"Mr. Sakurai's blessing helped me in tournaments."
"So, that's 40 million right there. They've given out 25 million, I believe, already or something like that. But either way, there's going to be weekly $1,000,000 tournaments happening all the way until the end of 2019."
"Winning breeds, at some point we have to start winning these tournaments."
"This is the place for you. Play up the Stanley Cup Playoffs or create a custom tournament with your own rules and teams."
"The tournament only lasted three hours and that was your only chance to actually use the Exotic trap Tower and now it's gone forever."
"There's so many good things about this tournament."
"Win all the ranked tournaments with basic land decks only."
"How great is it that we get to have wild cards at Worlds?"
"The tournament arcs are always extremely fun."
"Give it more time, manette already looked better from the start of the tournament."
"We're going to continue our regular cadence of cash cups and LTM tournaments in season eight."
"That's how you win tournaments, you just play what's best."
"It's so nice to be back to the offline tournaments."
"Tournaments often exemplify existing power dynamics in society, whether that is racism or class divisions."
"US Open and the world nineball are going to remain the biggest and as they should."
"...Henry was determined to impress the tournament ground itself was the size of a small town as well as the combat Arenas there were hundreds of tents and Marquees fully fitted with apartments and Chambers for their Royal residents."
"Tournaments like this can only help grow women's soccer globally... it's a really exciting thing for sure."
"How many tournaments has AW had this year?"
"Tournaments are a lot about confidence and momentum."
"My future on Kansas that I had before the tournament started... I'm up 30 dollars."
"The Masters is like the one tournament apart from the Open that you want to play in as a professional."
"This is why I actually came in here a lot of the big tournaments go out of this Marina right here."
"After decades of dominance, Heihachi finally hosted the King of Iron Fist tournament."
"The adrenaline rush is wild in these tournaments. It's so much different than cash games."
"Breaking news: every tournament is Rak free for the month of April on WPT Global."
"This is the third Poker Go Cup in history."
"Jeremy Becker who's really been crushing the live scene here in Vegas in the mid to low stakes tournaments."
"Expect the unexpected in these tournaments."
"Bellator tournaments are where Legends are born."
"Even if you have the best team, you're still probably not going to win all these tournaments."
"Most of us have a camera on our phone that's what we prefer you do because a lot of these tournaments especially the ones I'm going to recommend uh you use an app on your phone to submit the fish."
"I really wish there were a lot more just-for-fun 3D tournaments."
"But my god, how do you [ __ ] up tournaments and make it that convoluted? It looked like a goddamn circus."
"He knows he's got a massive opportunity with these tournaments."
"The world eight ball series, we're seeing eight and sixteen man events where they're paying big entry fees. That seems to be what's popular today."
"...it is kind of a miracle that they even played in tournaments against one another."
"It's true because it's so specific to each tournament that it they're just all the acts prizes are really cool."
"You got to get lucky to win tournaments, brother. As good as you play, you got to get lucky."
"...if more people at tournaments were like you guys I would actually go to more tournaments."
"You've got to make these strategic decisions when you're fishing these tournaments."
"I think my takeaway was, you know, if you're unsure whether you hate tournaments or not, go to one."
"the World Poker Tour travels the globe featuring some of the biggest games and largest payouts on the planet"
"he's been so steady in every tournament he plays in not always winning it's hard to always win but man he's been you know top six you would think him just almost almost everything he's played in"
"All of the examples and ranges we talked about today assume you're playing in a cash game with no ante, but in tournaments, the presence of the ante drastically improves your pot odds."
"These tournaments, these events are just a lot of fun."
"'Being that he is growing up and getting into these more higher level, more or less higher level tournaments,' Isagi says."
"One of the things that I kind of promised myself is I was going to start playing smaller tournaments again."
"What a difference one tournament makes as the future looks bright for the longest running pro team in the league."
"Tournaments are a great way to get people over on television."
"This was one of the best games that I've played in any tournament ever."
"The church condemned the vanity and immorality that surrounded the tournaments as much as the violence."
"The very early types of tournaments were more of a sort of mock battle between two actual armies."
"There's no better story in tournaments than that."
"You know that's what you need to win tournaments."
"We have so many more tournaments to go to, and y'all are coming along with us."
"I want to be known for winning a lot of tournaments, you know, hopefully I get to a point where I can be dominant in an era with so many people coming up in the game."
"I think it's fantastic what they're doing and it's very, very important because we all like tournaments where there are more women playing."
"The PGA Tour has done an amazing job of over many, many years is like stand up golf tournaments getting people to come."
"Going to tournaments is fun though."
"Competed in multiple local and regional tournaments."
"This is his favorite tournament series of the year, even more so than the World Series."
"I get a kick out of the time management challenges of a busy season of tournaments or cash games."
"She's been crushing tournaments like she always does."
"Before the dark period, Germany were an excellent tournament team."
"Play a million games this week and really just bang out as much as possible information and gameplay, get your reps in, and then just go and win tournaments."
"You lie, abbot; never was I false," and that I have shown in joust and in tourneys."
"Medieval tournaments saw knights on horseback compete with arms and equipment similar to those used in real warfare."
"He's one of the highest earners of live tournaments."
"The cream rises to the top in almost all of these big tournaments."
"There is nothing better in sports than tournament time."
"I love tournaments, whether it's the tournament here for the singles, the teams, or Rosas."
"I got tournaments going in 2024 for show for Call of Duty."
"There's not many tournaments where I can say that, so it's something special."
"At least for the current era, when you look at these fighting game tournaments and you see a bunch of black faces, I can't give you an exact reason why, but I think I have an idea."
"We will have cornhole tournaments at the White House, it'll be amazing."
"Play tournaments at WPT Global and enjoy more money in the prize pool."
"Ace King is invincible in these Vegas tournaments."
"It's non-stop, it's something like 19 or 20 days of tournaments in January."
"Everybody knows about Wayzata, more state tournaments than any other school."
"This is why we love the tournament format."
"I think a skill that is very important to master if you want to succeed at tournaments is that you do not regularly put yourself in situations where you have to make big folds."
"He's one of the most experienced tournament wrestlers in the world."
"Certain knights would gain in power and dominion through their reputation on the tournament field."
"These tournaments, for some people, they're an escape."
"Coach K had a clear idea how they need to approach these international tournaments."
"We'll have tournaments for Dragon Ball Fighters and Dragon Ball Super Game Masters to determine the world's best."
"These are the moments that we go out there and do this for, is to win these big time tournaments and put your name in a history book."
"Moments like that really make this tournament, really make this event so special."
"Tournaments are more exciting; if you make it far, eventually it comes down to just two of you, which is pretty exciting."
"Turning a small investment into something huge is the big draw of tournaments."
"Brackelope is a tournament builder, it lets you build the brackets for those tournaments."
"Of course it's risky, but we don't get anywhere in tournaments without taking risks."
"You can't always be worried about your tournament life; you want to be worried about putting yourself in the best situation to maximize your value."
"It's essentially a series of increasingly challenging tournaments that reveal the strongest people in the world."
"I love tournaments. I don't know why, I just do."
"She has won or shared first in tournaments such as Hastings 1993, Madrid 1994, Leon 96, US/98, Hoogovens 1999, Sigeman 1999, Chafont 2000, and the Najdorf Memorial in 2000."