
Economic Control Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Our people... must be re-educated into the importance of controlling the economy of our own community."
"Data is the new oil, so whoever controls the oil controls the economy."
"If you have a very concentrated banking industry, you can basically choke off a lot of industries."
"The Fed as a body, the power that they have over the economy is concerning when they're unelected and unaccountable."
"The global push for cbdc's comes as physical cash use Falls and authorities look to fend off the threat to their money printing powers."
"Money is the number one tool society keeps its subjects enslaved with."
"Fascism in general is when the government works with the large companies to essentially control the entire economy."
"How do you control the world? Control the one thing everyone's worried about: money."
"Money as debt is a form of slavery. It's just it's changed everything. Congress, in essence, has ceded total control of the value of our money to a secretive central bank."
"Are you interested in giving these economic Central planners more power over our economy?" - Governor DeSantis
"They were one of the largest landowners in England controlling mines, waterways, and farms."
"The haves control you financially. The only way you get from under their thumb is you gotta build assets."
"The CFA Franc: a colonial currency born of France's need to Foster economic integration among the colonies under its Administration and thus control their resources, economic structures, and political system."
"Recessions control a lot by allowing the economy to really catch its breath."
"The aim of the corporate state is not to feed, clothe, or house the masses, but to shift all economic, social, and political power, as well as wealth, into the hands of a tiny corporate elite."
"All of this is about oil. No, they want Maduro out because they want to regain control they had over the Venezuelan economy."
"CBDCs raise questions about who actually owns the money and its control."
"Individuals who claim to uphold free market economics are using all their power to crush it and destroy it."
"Why is it a central bank determines this financial future for all of us?"
"In a world where we have a borderless economy, some countries are saying, our people can't do that. Is that not control to the max?"
"Financial Independence allows African nations greater control over their economic policies."
"Money is more controlled by the people, whereas government is a business." - Akon
"When a country becomes the servant of its business owners, that's technically fascism."
"Once you control the money, you control everything else."
"We're going to have a much more centrally planned by a coalition of monopolies and the government."
"Central banks are the One World Government we have all been warned about forever."
"The Fed is not in control of the rate narrative, it is not in control of the inflation narrative."
"Control the money, you control choice. Control choice, you control freedom."
"The reason this is happening is that the people who run the show understand that if the world gets back control of its money, it's going to be really hard to put a global regime over humanity."
"Every penny that comes from the Nigeria region no longer goes to anywhere. That would be a new country, wouldn't it?"
"The West uses debt traps to obstruct African countries from spending on their development."
"They control the refining, marketing, and production of any resource here."
"Honestly, I have to believe from all of the public pronouncements coming out of China... this is to ultimately manage Asia's commerce by controlling the South China Sea and deciding what economic activities take place in the South China Sea."
"Manipulation of money means manipulation of everything."
"If they control your money, if they can zero out your bank account with a keystroke, then you have no autonomy. They control you."
"If government can control the economy, they will."
"The point of crypto is to give back the power to the people for their finances."
"In those circumstances the only way for Turks to defend their savings will be to turn to a currency outside of Erdogan’s control which is what most Turks have already been doing." - From the video.
"At some point, the bond market will likely just take control of itself despite what the central banks do."
"The government needs to be responsible and to get markets calmer and more under control."
"They want to implement a new currency so they can have more control."
"This is economics. Like so, we control economics and it's time for us to take more control of our own destiny and really understand our value and start asserting it."
"Money was the root of all this evil, and so how do you take down Goliath? You destroy their mechanism of control."
"Why do we have oil companies not publicly owned? They end up dominating the political system."
"Economic imperialism is real. Owning all of the business, that's actually real."
"We already have a one-world government, a debt slave system, and it was implemented in our country by the creature at Jekyll Island in 1913."
"Capitalism is simply a system in which capital controls the direction of society."
"The money masters are only going to be our masters until we've had enough."
"The Federal Reserve is funneling vast wealth, transferring ownership of America to the already wealthy."
"All for ourselves and nothing for other people seems in every age of the world to have been the vile Maxim of the masters of mankind." - Adam Smith
"How can four companies control so much wealth? But it is true and the information is available once you just look for it."
"The economy in this country is dominated by Indians and Lebanese we don't complain about that but we say we need to be responsible we need to take back our economy we need to take back our destiny."
"If you control the supply, you control the people, really."
"The only currency that we have that is not controlled by any other country is Bitcoin."
"There's a really strong argument for being able, as a sovereign nation, to control your own industries."
"The power to control prices or exclude competition," - Attorney General Meritt Garland
"Who the heck are they really? And all of that money that they have manipulation and control on."
"She does not have a shred of ego, she's a legend, congratulations to her, she deserves it, she is too pure for this business really."
"Every market is now managed, controlled, manipulated, how you want to put it."
"If you want the economy to serve the people, the mass of people, then you have to put them in charge. You cannot have an economy serving everybody if it's controlled by a handful."
"You either Master money or on some level money Masters you."
"Currency is really about controlling what people do."
"Your country has spent the past century to secure economic control over the developing world, but actually, it's like very trivial and it didn't actually matter that much anyway."
"...they thought they could control how things work... but one thing they haven't been able to do is disrupt the progress of the cycle."
"Europeans increasingly controlled the worldwide economy during this period and that control would contribute to the Agricultural Revolution and the consumer Revolution."
"The more degrees in business administration we have, the more other people take over our business districts."
"We must control our economic fate by mastering the principles of networking, entrepreneurship."
"The clear message I received in the election campaign is that we must gain control of this inflationary monster."