
Political Disagreement Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Suicide is not the answer, even for people with whom I disagree politically."
"How do you explain all those protesters who seem to disagree with you? Well, they're being paid by George Soros of course."
"All of us in Michigan can disagree about politics, but those disagreements should never ever amount to violence." - Detroit U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider
"This is not why they dislike President Trump they dislike President Trump because President Trump does not agree with them on politics."
"I've often been completely at odds with the direction that the leaders of my party have taken."
"The left rejects these progressive policies. It's strong evidence."
"It's so cynical and dishonest and gross to say that if you don't have the same politics as me on this issue then it's because you don't care about these children."
"I think the goal has just been push push push push push, spit in the face of everybody that disagrees, call them bigots."
"You don't use federal agencies to go after people that you disagree with."
"This bill should have passed unanimously, but unfortunately, some members are more concerned with appeasing the teachers' unions and radical activists in their party rather than standing with parents."
"In the eyes of Jacinda Ardern and sadly, it seems, Noam Chomsky, these people who refuse to take the vaccine are bad actors, end of story."
"You didn't get a single Republican vote for tax cuts."
"I'm just not in any way frightened by his values. I may disagree with them, but I don't have the sense that this is somebody who wants a world that I would think is terrible."
"That's the one thing that people can't deny is like you can have all the disagreements politically that you want but you can't deny those human experiences that people are going through on the ground in that moment."
"Regular Americans in the American voter base are not for this."
"Even though we have real disagreements, we also have real common enemies."
"If you don't agree with where they are on it even when the U.S Supreme Court doesn't agree where they on it you are an enemy."
"80% of people do not agree with the left on this one."
"The left is wrong on this issue, and the Liberals will lose spectacularly if they try to push this issue any further."
"Sheriff in New Mexico's most populous County rejects Governor's gun ban calling it unconstitutional."
"It's very simple. Senate Republicans know the American people don't want this, but they don't care."
"People do not like their rights being taken away."
"They attack customers because they might not agree with their politics or they might not agree with what they said they are very, very spineless thin-skinned people that can't handle being wrong."
"I thought a woman could win. He disagreed." - Elizabeth Warren
"Not agreeing with this doesn't mean they're racists."
"The fact that he still has a job is incredible. Fauci should be in prison, but he won't be."
"I can't support Trump like that, only I agree with Trump on a few things."
"It's hard to be separated from friends, but family is devastating. They disagreed with my views and sort of adopted the view or the stance that it was trumpy and selfish and evil."
"Unrealized gains tax? No, no, no, no, no, not a fan."
"It's not just about differences of opinion, it's about swallowing authoritarian moves."
"Us not agreeing on basic constitutional values of individual liberty, of the rights that are endowed to us by our Creator, that creates a whole other host of problems."
"You can disagree with my politics, but let's not pretend that I suddenly suck at rapping because you don't like my politics anymore."
"Nothing about you nor AOC scares me. It's your policies that jeopardize the stability of our nation and the future of my generation that scares me."
"If you disagree with him, that just shows what a [__] you are."
"Twitter's rules are biased against conservatives."
"The articles of impeachment now before the Senate are an affront to the Constitution and to our democratic institutions."
"This is full of [__] at the time it was just enough to be able to Gaslight you into thinking maybe they are on my side they just disagree on this particular bill."
"This isn't a problem of 'I want a marginal tax rate of 10% and you want 20%. This isn't really a problem of 'I want 10-week abortion and you want 15-week abortion.'"
"Some on the right may not agree with me but as a civil rights lawyer I can tell you..."
"Contrary to your Looney Tunes conspiracy theories he won this election fair and square and you owe the man some damn respect."
"It's the idea of when the people were voting against something if the federal government comes in and says actually wrong you guys are all wrong we're going to do the opposite."
"The biggest disagreement we see in politics is a new thing. People yelling at each other about Trump and Obama and all that shit's new. Back in that day, you were either team Ether or Team Takeover."
"You can disagree on things politically without resorting to threats of violence."
"Disagree politically, but love unconditionally, and pray for unity."
"Do you think it's possible to disagree with someone politically and then love them unconditionally?"
"It's unfortunate for the people of Iran who are very nice people and who vastly do not agree with the regime that is in charge."