
Challenging Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"Art isn't about beauty; that's it, never was really. Art generally became more conceptual and more challenging."
"He drove people crazy, but it also drove them to do things they didn't think they would be able to do."
"It's an even harder version of the original level and you better believe it is ruthless."
"It kicks your ass, man, tattooing is really hard... emotionally, mentally, physically, every way."
"Always good to have dialogue like that but it's hard not to be, you know, sometimes there it's like a loaded question."
"It's probably one of the most picking fights that AJ has been in."
"It was hard to make in a different way than my other content, but it was also super rewarding and super fun."
"Longzhu's playstyle is gonna be such a wake-up call for a lot of Western teams."
"It's really challenging and really interesting and fun."
"It's challenging, it's inventive, it's mind-expanding."
"He's not going to be **** fun but it's going to be good."
"If this question doesn't totally drive you nuts, you just don't understand the question." - Michio Kaku
"That's like saying from one side who's more likely to [__] animal, you."
"This game, it's quite different from the first. It's both friendlier and more challenging, but above all, it's a lot more playful."
"The discovery of Endurance is considered to be one of the most challenging shipwreck explorations to this day."
"Vivid Loaf is a mind-bending mindfuck of a puzzle game."
"Wendell Carter Jr. with Porzingis is a matchup nightmare."
"The combat in Jedi fall in order is hard without being punishing."
"Children are terrifying and sneaky little [expletive] that'll ruin the lives you've given them."
"The most difficult boss battle in the game, made even better by the build-up and circumstances surrounding the fight."
"Just a video game is hell video game. And I mean that as a compliment."
"It was not for the timid, let's put it that way."
"This game has been the best watch-along game that I've had, yep."
"Top tier: Cupid's Arrows. The ultimate saw game, emotional, complicated, complex, powerful."
"It's like challenging but also really casual at the same time."
"It's been a really interesting, challenging but certainly a process that we'd recommend."
"You're the kind of fighter that no matter who you're fighting, every fighter goes, 'Oh, Tim Kennedy, okay, I'm in for a long night.'"
"It's a tough racket, making movies from novels."
"Hollow Knight is known for its dark world, intricate lore, and difficult combat."
"This game has blown me away. It's a very difficult platformer kind of akin to Super Meat Boy."
"2020 has just been a never-ending day, just non-stop, all the months, it's just been a never-ending month too."
"Pathologic is not fun. I personally found it immensely satisfying but calling it fun isn't an accurate description at all."
"I can't believe I'm about to say this, but somehow you actually made the final boss fight legitimately a challenge."
"The oppressive atmosphere, for instance, the way the combat system handles the weight of the character—simple ideas like that—all contributes to the idea that they wanted to make this game challenging."
"Imagine being on the last game, you've got through all of them, you're on the last one, on the last boss."
"We're not guaranteed that life's going to be all rosy and comfortable... This teaching is an anchor of hope for us."
"It's the toughest job that you enjoy the most."
"It's probably does feel very overwhelming, but it's possible to change all of this, but it's going to require a lot of sacrifice and diligence on your guys' ends."
"The path is difficult because it walks in direct opposition to everything we've been conditioned into."
"It was one of the craziest, most emotionally difficult seasons ever."
"It's scary but it's very liberating and exciting and it teaches you a lot about yourself."
"Ninth House was not the easiest read for me... it helped me enjoy and appreciate the story more."
"Changing your baseline state of consciousness can be scary, threatening, and dangerous. It pulls the rug out from under you, it dematerializes reality, it can feel like insanity."
"Superman asks us to think of the best version of a human being, which can be hard but inspirational."
"It can be highly addictive, even though it's also very punishing."
"This is literally one of the hardest games I've ever done, and I've [expletive] done it."
"This game is essentially Dark Souls on Christmas."
"I think this is the first Star Wars film that actually challenged me."
"That's a great shot, tough shot, but not for him."
"This is what I'm looking for in a Pokemon game: a boss battle that makes you pull out all the tricks up your sleeves."
"I really wanted to read it a second time to make sure I fully understood everything."
"It's challenging, but also has a staggering amount of flexibility for you to make mistakes, make some wrong choices, and experiment."
"It's a really cool sci-fi vibe, but it's also incredibly challenging."
"Will Smith is difficult to pitch to... he is really an underrated hitter."
"Overcooked 2 is simultaneously one of the greatest co-op themes ever devised while also being one of the cruelest, most effective torture devices ever created by a human being."
"This jiggy could be doable and a worthwhile amount of jumps but in this route, Mad's tune will go unplayed."
"There's power in the gospel. I would rather offend somebody into heaven than flatter somebody or entertain somebody into hell."
"Self-acceptance is the hardest part of life, 100%."
"What was the book and the cave maze in the cave soggy yet something I had to cut out."
"They played a hell of a game. Very challenging towards the opposing team."
"Yesterday was like an emotional roller coaster."
"Let us then embrace the enigmatic nature of black holes, their capacity to challenge our preconceptions, and the perpetual inquiries they provoke."
"You're very emotionally fulfilling but you would keep your soulmate on their toes."
"All this stuff is very hard, but it is totally and utterly rewarding."
"This is one of the hardest projects we've ever attempted."
"This Book challenges everything we think we know about the nature of religion."
"It's tough to be a Billy Martin, but he's certainly an entertaining character."
"'I've flown around the world, I have traveled the world, and this was the toughest flight I've ever been on.'"
"it's a very demanding read some people absolutely love it."
"It's deeply researched and it will challenge you to form counter arguments."
"This job is challenging, it's going to stretch you, it requires guts, it requires grit, but it is also one of the most gratifying jobs that you could possibly have."
"It's not an easy listen, but it will just keep giving you gifts."
"It further solidifies a24 as the studio willing to take risks willing to show films that are challenging and also very rewarding."
"Debaters will often have a particular pleasure when they can play the role of the underdog. They enjoy the mental exercise required when questioning the conventional."
"He was always the hardest [expletive] to find."
"...it's dark challenging and a pretty excellent film."
"Understanding the conversation you have with yourself, challenging it. Right? We can use Bridge statements, we can figure out where that thought or belief comes from, who maybe told us that, why do we think that about ourselves? That's going to be part of it."
"It's a Noble Path but not an easy one, a doctor holds people's lives in their hands."
"The point of this movie is to challenge your expectations, to not let first impressions discount others."
"Overall, he's definitely not the easiest writer you're ever going to read."
"This game will kick your ass. You are getting into a love of hate relationship."
"The circumstances have never been more challenging for more people than in these past two years."
"I want information that is useful to you. I want to challenge preconceived notions. I want to bring people into the mix who I don't agree with and who you don't agree with."
"This is pretty complicated, guys."
"Harrow and Nona the Ninth - this was not an easy read at all but it was so worth it."
"It was exhilarating and challenging."
"This is so daunting. This is very daunting."
"This is one of the more killer projects that we've ever done."
"That's a hard song, that's a great response, J. Cole."
"The situation was too much for the Romanian interpreter."
"I want people to leave conversations with me feeling like their ideas about how to connect with other people are challenged."
"it's an interesting and very challenging racetrack as well and it is packed with fans"
"It's a very tough job, and I don't know that people like us who have never been case officers can understand just how tough it is to live in that world of gray."
"...take something that your reader probably believes and flip it on his head and tell them that it's actually wrong."
"It's so unbelievably challenging and heroic and exhausting to go on day after day after day, but it's also so inspiring."
"It is the best and the hardest job I've ever had."
"The most challenging effect on the film was probably the puppet heads and the animatronic stuff."
"If you can net one dollar playing this game, netting $1 is freaking hard."
"I like a story that doesn't make it easy on the audience. I like something that makes people feel a little uncomfortable that forces you to engage with it and think about why you don't like it or what is not right about it."
"This process was both extremely freeing and also very challenging."
"Being a mom is great. It is challenging, it is so hard sometimes, but it is beautiful and I think it is worth it."
"It's a very challenging biopic because essentially you're watching characters behave badly."
"This has been one of the most challenging but yet one of the most fun Little Adventures that we have taken on."
"Landscape photography is a very unforgiving avenue."
"I know this exam is challenging I know a lot of students barriers I know it can cause a lot of mental fatigue but I do generally believe that if you spend the right amount of time use the right resources and really take it seriously then you have the opportunity to do well."
"Difficult to read. It doesn't hold back with the depictions of abuse, abandonment, and betrayal."
"They weren't easy to listen to, you had to work at it, but it was worth working at because the rewards were so huge."
"Disco Elysium is a remarkable RPG experience on the Switch that challenges your intellect and engages your emotions."
"This type of art can be very challenging to pull off, I think Darren's done a great job here."
"Welcome to Only Connect, the quiz so diabolical that Professor Moriarty himself was scared to apply."
"It really has been a mind [ __ ]."
"That was a life-changing event, and one of the most mentally and physically challenging things I have done in my life, without a doubt."
"Your questions are not easy, but they really helped."
"You need to have hard conversations, um, you need to push your case and debate things, um, you need to be challenging the way we're doing things constantly looking to evolve."
"It's not like it's brain surgery, but man, it's really fulfilling and it's really fun. But it's a tough job to do sometimes."
"the best defense he has faced all season"
"It's got all the characteristics that you have out of a street circuit. Bumps, manholes, painted lines, concrete walls... the absolute lot. It's a ripper of a place."
"Fifth grade was one hell of a year for me."
"Creating a trading plan and learning how to stick to it is by far the most difficult yet rewarding key to making as much money as you want."
"He was stubborn, frustrating, and full-blown crazy, and I loved every minute of it."
"Fostering is one of the most rewarding but challenging things."
"This season has been the most challenging I have ever had in my life."
"The media that resonates with me is most often media that confronts difficult subjects head-on."
"It was one of the most exhausting shoots I can remember but also one of the most fun."
"I don't know how to feel about this book. It was really good, really, really, really good, an incredibly emotionally taxing challenge."
"Life in Germany after the end of the first world war was incredibly difficult initially."
"2020 has certainly been an interesting year to say the least."
"Even though this has been really hard, it's one of the best experiences of my life."
"He's never less than 100% thought-provoking."
"Poor Things is an incredible, challenging but satisfying, and meaningful experience."
"It's just very touching and it does talk about some tough topics."
"A hell of a first day, hell of a first day."
"It's a tough watch, it's very compelling, great acting."
"It was hard but it was very, very gratifying."
"This course is one of our favorites in the circuit, purpose-built for a warrior mindset."
"That was phenomenal, really tough to begin with and very intricate."
"That was a killer in the best way, I hope that you guys enjoyed it."
"I love it, it's an amazing experience I think you can relate to anybody. No brochure can do it justice, no pictures, but the experience, it's hard work, it's not for everybody."
"This game breaks you down mentally and physically."
"Homeschooling is so fun, it's frustrating... it can be mentally overloading, but it is so worth it."
"It's normally the crazy days, the hard days that you never ever forget."
"I don't want to get emotional, but it has been a rough year for all of us."
"Henry's time as King of England and indeed his entire life was a difficult one."
"Working as a nurse must be a tough job."
"This pay dirt is extremely difficult, not for beginners, that's for sure, but hours of fun."
"It's definitely quite an overwhelming experience, very very time-consuming, but also like really rewarding as well."
"This took me 3 hours to solve, this is the best puzzle I've ever done, full stop."
"That is a tough puzzle, an intriguingly difficult puzzle there, very entertaining."
"It won't be easy, but say you remember me."
"Math is hard and slow and boring, so you had better also make sure it's also really fun."
"One thing that I love about motherhood is no matter how difficult the day is, it's the most fulfilling job and most fulfilling experience I believe you can have in this life."
"It's the toughest tournament in the world, is Title Tuesday."
"It's really easy to navigate and understand, and I love that the game feels challenging without being defeating."
"It's pretty easy to be contrarian, it's hard to be contrarian and right."
"It's been a pretty ridiculous 12 months."
"This has been an amazing emotional journey that destroyed us for like five weeks straight."
"It's an intellectual tour de force."
"I've never read a book that has been so hard to read but also helpful at the same time."
"It's definitely a challenging target, sloping to the back left with plenty of dips and slight humps throughout."
"It looks intimidating, it does require a little bit of thought."
"Parenting is a wonderful privilege and is tough at times, but worth every tear and every sleepless night."
"It was hard to read and that's when you know that it's doing something really well."
"It's the most savage one-credit class on campus."
"It's really enjoyable, like very rewarding, but your free time... yeah, I do love it genuinely, but it is challenging."
"This is a very tough fight to score."
"It was challenging, but at the same time, it was really, really, really fun for me."
"It was crazy growing up out there, it was crazy as a childhood. I had a hard time, you know what I'm saying, but now we headed for a new beginning."
"If you're looking for more challenge and a complete package, Sonic 3 and Knuckles is the most complete package Sonic has ever seen."
"Spending every minute together, I found it quite hard, quite lovely."
"This track is not going to be easy on any of these guys; it may be a homewrecker before the night's over."
"It is a wonderful series of puzzles, not easy, but definitely worth checking out."
"It's such a beautiful story, it was a heavy read but it was incredible and also like it's like a triumph too."
"Ladies and gentlemen, that was one absolute hell of a day."
"It's been a tough year, a lot of things that haven't gone our way which is a big shame."
"It's gripping, it's impactful, it's frustrating at times."
"It's very stressful but it's also very satisfying."
"This environment is difficult to play in front of, but this team is difficult in every phase of the game."
"It's a nice trail along the shore and it's quite hilly, a lot of up and down, really nice trail."
"It's been an emotional roller coaster ride."
"By setting these goals to be challenging, but still within this envelope of the core values, they keep you guided toward doing things that really serve the purpose that you've got for yourself."
"It's really heavy, but it's so good."
"Sometimes it can be hard to watch, hard to breathe."
"It's always scary because you're fairly committed when you do one of those."
"That's what it's all about, isn't it? At the end of the day, if you can push your opponent to enough tough shots, we're gonna have a few good days."
"It's emotional, it's extremely rewarding, but at the same time, it will be the most difficult job you will ever do."
"This has been one of the most aggravating, tedious, labor-intensive projects that I've done for a long time, but one of the most satisfying."
"This year has been a crazy one for all of us."
"This channel is all about longer classes with challenging poses and this flow is a total body workout."
"It's absolutely brutal, it's most of the time harder than any mountain stage that I've ever ridden."
"It's a weird, weird time and a challenging time, a time for us all to really head inward into our heads and reflect upon things."
"The temperature right out here at the moment is not very much more than five or six degrees Celsius, and that will really freeze these riders to the bone."
"I have the utmost respect for the stay-at-home mom because it is the [__] hardest thing to do in the world."
"If you ask me, that's a hell of a week."
"Not always a necessarily enjoyable thing to sit through, it is nonetheless a great piece of filmmaking."
"It's going to be so lit; it's going to be bigger, better, with more challenging questions."
"It was hard to watch but it was so, so, so needed."
"It's kind of compelling, it's difficult, it's tricky, it's uncomfortable, it's upsetting, but you don't want to put it down."
"Sometimes the work itself is tough, but when I look at the cars around me, I feel happy again."
"Children are a tougher audience than adults."
"It's hard to watch but it's beautiful."