
Trend Analysis Quotes

There are 257 quotes

"You get pleasant surprises when you actually look at trends instead of headlines."
"I make videos about music and alternative culture where I unpack and try to explain trends."
"Identifying a trend followed by a pattern formation and then a pattern break in the main trend direction, this is a trend trading strategy."
"The easiest way to make money is to identify the trend and ride it. Look at the sectors, drill down where the growth is, where the slowdown is."
"This update is either going to set the game up for success or the game is going to continue trending downward."
"The number of daily deaths is slowly decreasing, maybe leveling off."
"Master trend and structure, and your ability to accurately make market predictions will increase by 10."
"If you're buying something that's going up, your probabilities of success are higher."
"Feels forced at this point, Taco Tuesday did kind of run its course."
"I'm a like to follow trends... You can predict the future by the trend."
"When price breaks through the cloud, it can confirm a trend change."
"Bitcoin price has actually been trending today on Google searches with over 2 million people searching for bitcoin price."
"Deep pullbacks are the best kinds during a trend."
"If Bitcoin remains stable above the trend line in support, it could rise further above the 36,000 dollar resistance."
"Identifying a trend is really important, even if you're not using technical analysis."
"Trend precedence and market structure: understanding trends beyond cool-sounding phrases."
"Video marketing is trending up—it's increasing a hundred percent per year on mobile devices."
"I think it's feasible... all of the trends are moving in the right direction."
"Goodness doesn't depend on a marketing budget or whether it's trendy for the year."
"Everything I do is based on trends, whether it be a longer-term trend in the stock market or a shorter-term trend in swing trading."
"Can we give you proven fishing trends and actually show you exactly where to fish every single week based on this 90/10 rule all year long? Completely risk-free."
"I hope it will become a trend, but one year is not a trend, yeah."
"More people than ever have had Amazon Prime in their lives like keyboard just signing up left and right."
"Our software is designed to pick up those trends and recognize changes in behavioral patterns."
"I think it's cringy, using 'cancel' as a marketing tactic."
"One's a fluke, two is sketchy, and three is a trend."
"Beretta worked years ahead of current manufacture looking for Trends and opportunities and responding accordingly."
"Let's look at something as in nia nia only just broke a trend literally range bottom low."
"The 20-year rule: trends go from popular to despised to popular again."
"Google Trends is a really powerful way to see if your product is currently trending."
"According to a recent UN report, Israeli settler attacks on Palestinians have quadrupled in the past decade."
"Peplum dominated the early 2010s before going into hibernation. But ever since the fashion trend began to reemerge in 2018, it's only been picking up steam."
"Try to capitalize on the current trends and you can use the google trends website to help you determine whether something is trending."
"Trends come and go all the time so I like to make these videos as often as I can to share with you the trends that I think are going to stick around for a while."
"Global temperature records: no downward trend."
"Why survivalism is so popular at the moment I'm not really sure but it is something that is near and dear to my heart."
"Balance inspiration with researching trends."
"The devil is in the detail, you need to look at what's happening with regards to the latest month and the trends."
"The scariest part is that in the last 10 years, when you look at the graph in terms of where AI is being developed, it used to be 100% Academia."
"Most memes are weird and they're only getting weirder."
"Follow the money, you can see where things are going." - Rob
"You have to be very careful with trends and with reform processes, they are not always the panacea they seem to be if they are not well mapped out."
"We are still maintaining that upward sloping support."
"Conditional formatting in Excel allows you to spot trends using bars, colors, and icons."
"As long as the overall trend is going up and improving, then things are right on track."
"Universal parks on a rise in a way that we haven't seen before."
"Marvel movies for example are actually getting smaller"
"Are we losing our grip on the trend, on the currency of pop culture?"
"I do think it's going to have more staying power."
"I continue to see them being very popular and I do not think the style is going anywhere anytime soon."
"How many of your own rules have to be broken before you just accept what the trend is?"
"Skateboarding is having a moment right. It's like I was just looking at the supporting good manufacturers associations numbers and like skateboarding biking and surfing were like the top three in covid because low barrier to entry accessibility."
"Just follow the trend lines instead of the headlines."
"A potential early warning sign that the trend may be getting ready to end and start a new trend."
"I believe the game isn't being taught or valued as it should be but that's the way the wave is working."
"It's really about tackling a new trend early."
"If we lose twelve thousand eight hundred, even a little higher, maybe twelve thousand nine hundred, if we cross this trend line over here, this parabolic trend line, breaking the lows of this last area, this was the test into the resistance."
"There are plenty of false breakouts where the market pushes through either up or down, looks like it's starting a new trend, and then probably reverses."
"A trend break can indicate a reversal in the price action."
"Weight of evidence probably at the moment favors the move upwards."
"The trend is your friend and that is a truer statement if there ever was one when it comes to forex trading."
"It's the trend lines that are important, and trend lines are clearly showing we're heading into a cold."
"Stick around and either dollar cost average or wait for a clear trend shift."
"It's who has vision...understanding consumer...historical trends and pattern recognition."
"As soon as prices break above the trend line, expect acceleration to the upside for Bitcoin."
"Don't jump on all the new trends immediately, let everybody else go through it first."
"The name of the game in the market is identify the trend. Follow the trend."
"As long as we do not close below especially that last higher low that we did see on the weekly, I still do look at this as a macro uptrend."
"It's going to continue downwards now." - Forecasting future trends
"Hopefully we'll start to see some decline very shortly."
"I am expecting a very similar play out to begin inside of this market cycle that's going to send us in a new price discovery."
"Trends are good because Chibnall, but everything on an anomalous rating."
"Everyone who manages a lot of money in the US is thinking about Bitcoin."
"The 700 is probably one of the most popular Yeezy models out there right now."
"Whenever you're moving to the downside or if you're moving to the upside, whenever you're in a strong trend in the cryptocurrency market, it's like a snowball... you start picking up more reasons to roll even faster."
"What could be worse than an indefinite continuation of current trends?"
"Japanese brands are very consistent with what they produce rather than hop from Trend to Trend."
"The minute we get that trend break, then we can really start pushing things."
"Behavior will change consumer behavior will change we're already seeing the early signs."
"You can see where this is going. I mean, I think they've rather started a trend over which they are likely to lose control."
"You must look for search terms related to your product and if they're trending then that means you need to jump on it and scale it to the moon."
"I like data, I like science, I like spotting trends."
"If you're suddenly seeing everyone talking about the hot new thing, dig into it."
"If the trend is going to change it's going to react on the areas uh that we are looking at at the moment so uh phase number one for avac we are in the zone right now."
"Bitcoin bounced perfectly off this 200-week moving average."
"You have to have your ear to the ground and understand what the sentiment is, what people are excited about."
"High probability setup is a second entry at key entry point with the direction of a trend."
"If it's trending up, find ways to get into the trend."
"Any move down from this point forward is more likely just a reaction until we start to see some confluence and changes of trend."
"If a market or instrument is indeed in a downtrend and it is going to continue that downtrend, no matter how volatile the situation is, the market must make lower lows."
"Understand your market, develop colors for that market; most people just go for the colors that match the trending shoes."
"What even is a trend? Have you taken the time to ask yourself this?"
"Trending stocks... are moving in a generally upward direction, encountering new prices."
"The Chanel brand itself reveres or deems the wallet on chain a special thing. It has exponentially exploded and become super popular in the 2012-2016 range."
"Not every gap leads to sustained trends."
"You want to be with the trend. You're not going to use it when it's chopping around; that's not going to mean anything. But when it's trending, you can look for that reversion back to that midline as a potential confirmation of the trade."
"How can we identify such reversals or strength of the trend or even beginning of the trend in the earlier stages?"
"You just have to understand the trends, use your intelligence, and take a decision."
"the thing about this shoe is like I wonder where it lands in the last like in that decade maybe 10 2010 to 2020."
"...if the trend continues, the only place this number is going is up."
"In order to establish a trend we need at least two or more structure breaks in the same direction to confirm that Trend right."
"It's almost like you've got a trend but then you're hitting resistance and this bell is the resistance level that I need to get."
"I think the trend is going to be your friend most of the time."
"As a general guide to trend analysis, you can't beat moving averages."
"Price action should always be your primary use to determine your trend."
"Stock markets tend to trend upwards over time."
"Trend lines really give us a good way to identify a trend and then also identify possible levels to buy and sell at."
"The trend is your friend. I've said it 100 times, write it down on a stick."
"If the trend is going up, you're buying; if it's going down, you're selling."
"Bottom line, the more a trend looks like this or this, you only want to buy. The more it looks like this, you can buy or sell."
"I sort of chose to do something different. You won't scale out of it. You'll just wait until the trend reverses and then you'll close out the position."
"When you see something like this, that is this obvious, like it's like, oh my gosh, the long-term, intermediate-term, and short-term trend is above zero, we're in a squeeze, the odds of this continuing to go higher are close to 90%."
"I'm just talking about broader Trends."
"...being able to observe the trends or observe the collective and be able to, whether it's producing content yourself or just doing something that's very tapped into what the collective needs."
"The trend is our friend, and the market makes the plan."
"In an increasingly competitive industry, knowing whats trending gives you an edge."
"It's about being prepared ahead of time and seeing the initial signs of weakening momentum, the initial signs that a trend reversal is ready to play out."
"And while that's been happening generally the dollar's been getting weaker versus the yen although of course there have been huge fluctuations around the trend."
"I believe we are kind of approaching the other side of that and I believe if we look at the numbers in the next few years, you'll see a drastic decrease which I believe has happened as the trend is I believe coming to its life cycle end."
"The beauty of identifying demand and specific design Trends is that you can apply the concepts that you learn to different products."
"The trend is your friend. Understanding the dynamics within an industry is critically important."
"So when you see that trend line and resistance meet up guys, this is a high quality trade."
"I feel like the current like wide Trend kind of didn't come from the same place originally."
"Drawing a trend line correctly in Forex is simple with three stages: initial touch, trend establishment, and confirmation."
"Trade with the trend, not against it."
"Nothing good happens under the 200-day line."
"So even if we have consolidation here and we have price doing crazy stuff between this swing high and this swing low I'm still considering this Market in an uptrend unless we break and close below the previous major swing low."
"If a stock is really breaking through 52-week highs, it should keep going and form a strong trend."
"We are changing the trend. We were in a downtrend, we were in a downtrend moving that way. Now because we've cleanly broken primary structure, we're on the way backwards, back up."
"The greater the greater term trend is clearly still up."
"Convergence that's more impactful than some trend line or some kind of indicator."
"Trading from key levels while using intraday information can indicate trend shifts and reversals."
"How crazy is it in 2024 for a company to seriously put out a new NFT collection? Dude, what was it like 99% of NFTs lost all of their value? Like, no one [ __ ] cares about them anymore."
"I get trends in makeup. I get trends in formulations, I get trends in fashion. But trends of you all doing the same kind of advert is so weird."
"Just because of the trend doesn't mean it's right."
"...it's just reading the tea leaves and saying, for example, the trend in America..."
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant and part of me also wonders whether or not this current trend is needed in order to get it out of our system."
"When will the trend likely end? Look for a lower high or double top, and a broken trend line on the pullback."
"A stationary series will have no trend."
"...so far we've done a lot...and now let's visualize a trend over time..."
"Two ways to identify when a downtrend is almost over: look at the opposing demand zone or look at the distance between the lows."
"Buyers are in control, and although there is no indication of a pullback looking imminent, we can afford a higher low on the weekly timeframe chart, and the trend will not be jeopardized."
"Getting that secular trend right is the most important thing you can do."
"A rising slope would indicate potentially a rising trend is in play."
"The long-term trend is that violence of all kinds is decreasing."
"The box office take of the Bond franchise was on a downward slide."
"During a strong uptrend, the CCI will typically remain above that positive 100 level."
"Reversals and divergence... helps us to determine well, are we in a trending, are we going to continue, or are we getting ready to reverse?"
"Bar graphs are a great way to clarify trends."
"It allows us to look back over previous trends and see what's happening with the data."
"Tables filled with data, while necessary for analysis, just aren't able to show trends and patterns as quickly and clearly as visualizations can."
"We're really good at catching what's trending."
"The analysis of trends can show changes in performance at really early stages."
"If it retraces a hundred percent, you have to question the strength and the trend of the stock."
"We have a visualization which gives us a quick impression or a much easier way to see the trend than with the actual numbers."
"I try to fuse that with my vision for the future, for next year, by researching the trends and looking at what's going on."
"Line graphs are very useful to recognize how patterns and data sets change over time."
"The 20-period moving average is a really good moving average to understand when a trend changes."
"That way, we can compare old inspection images to new inspection images and see trends developing."
"The violent crime rate in the United States has gone down rather dramatically over the last five to ten years."
"Having the ultimate marketing strategy really comes down to two things: one is your customer avatar, the second is trends."
"The game might become the Minecraft of the 2020s."
"As in being able to identify the direction of a trend and to call the turn of the trend when it comes."
"Creating a baseline... would give us the ability to see trends, see what the patterns are of system usage."
"You can identify trends and patterns that the adversaries are carrying out in your environment."
"This will give us more clarity in what we're looking for, give us ideas of trends, and it makes actual business decisions much easier."
"Based on the general trend shown, we can infer that the profits may continue to increase."
"People analytics is coming; it's not going to be a fad."
"Understanding how you can read the line chart to make it much, much more easier for you to see those reversals, to see the trend, to see the momentum."
"The skill of being able to recognize a trending stock in less than 60 seconds."
"A close above the ATR line is a high probability of a change in the trend direction."
"The trend is moving upwards, which means the total number of passengers are increasing every year."
"A graph is immediate; it's immediately apparent whether it's increasing or decreasing."
"This typically happens when you have a clear pattern showing higher highs and higher lows that changes at some point, indicating a potential change in the trend."
"It's very good at getting rid of spiky noise like we have with this price here but retaining the overall trend of the data."
"If you want to stay new and ahead of the trend... study them, check out Dribbble, Behance, and other similar websites."
"HR software can help you stay ahead of trends, formulate your strategy, and keep you on track."
"Identify trends to achieve maximum return on investment."
"This visualization allows you to at a glance sort of quickly see what major themes are going up and down."
"This shows us the stocks that have been trending higher before the market's recent volatility."
"Bollinger Bands help us detect continuation or conclusion of a trend."
"To be a good trader, you have to be able to accurately define trends and then have the patience and discipline to only trade the high-quality, more predictable trends."
"The price of Bitcoin is technically still within a larger bullish trend on the larger time frames."
"When a star forms, it's a warning and it indicates that the trend is weakening and there is a possibility that the direction of the price may change."
"Whenever the moving averages are sloping higher and they're stacked on top of each other, that's going to help me identify a primary uptrend."
"Forecast sheets predict your data trends and give you a lovely little graph or chart which you can modify and format however you like."
"So it's effectively a pull back breakout trade in the context of a long term uptrend."
"They really help you see trend in a much better, a much cleaner way than a standard candlestick."
"All of the trending topics that I use, I usually find them on Google Trends."
"The Trader Trend Dashboard is a comprehensive trend analysis tool designed to assist traders in making accurate trading decisions."
"It's pretty simple, you just look for a freaking trend and then you just wait for a break above a super obvious clear level."
"The idea is that you want to use this trendline to do something predictive."
"Trend forecasting is an industry that needs to evolve and pivot hard to stay relevant."
"We had a change of trend or a change of direction and these dates again are significant."
"If we're seeing more patenting happening in a particular classification area, then that means something is happening to propel us in this direction."
"Entry points will be based on the close of a confirming candle of a trend."
"Analog VOMs are great for trends, peaks, and dips."
"If we can use an indicator like the 89 HMA to tell us the direction that price is going, then the trend is our friend."
"The trend is now prevalent, and we are basically giving you the real fundamental ways to view true trend."
"You need to remove seasonality, trending, and things like that."