
Unpopularity Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"We don't expect to be popular for telling people this information, but we do it with our hearts filled with the genuine desire for them to know the truth."
"Free speech is never popular, and neither is 4chan, but both of them are of paramount importance."
"Catholicism is not popular, but it's the truth."
"Speak sound doctrine, even if it's unpopular, as many may not endure it in latter times."
"Churchill's campaign to protect his country was winning him few friends."
"You should say what you mean, argue for what you believe, and even if it's unpopular."
"All of that pales in comparison to the number one most disliked video ever posted on YouTube."
"This isn't a popularity contest; the suffragettes were famously hated, Martin Luther King was voted the most hated man in America when he was alive."
"Leaders lead even when it's uncomfortable, even when it's unpopular."
"Jesus is not popular; it's actually one of the most counter-cultured things."
"Nobody likes Moria, even the other warlords don't like him."
"Our club has turned into the ugly person at the dance who no one wants to dance with."
"Arrogance plus condescendence equals no one likes you."
"Truth has never been the trendy thing. Crowds cannot say what is wrong; truth has proclaimed to be right."
"Anti-cheat is just an unattractive thing to work on when people aren't mad about it."
"The gospel itself tells people that they are sinners and they need to repent, and it's not a popular message... but it must be given. People need to be saved."
"The people of Westeros, she knew they're not gonna love her."
"They know it's unpopular because they know it's not in the Supreme Court they know it's not what the citizens want."
"Speak the truth boldly, even if it's unpopular, because it's what people need."
"He's just not the sort of person that they want to get behind."
"These are the 15 famous mansions no one wants to buy."
"Trump is facing four criminal cases... profoundly unpopular... policies that he pushed are profoundly unpopular."
"You're not liked by everybody, you're not appreciated by your teammates in the moment."
"No one wants him or his paintings, it seems."
"Don't be afraid to stand by your beliefs, even if they're unpopular."
"Nobody in that arena wants to see Roman Reigns hold the universal championship high in the air with fireworks going off as we get yet another coronation undeservedly so for someone who doesn't deserve it at all."
"This is not about being popular, this is about doing what's right."
"Republicans are looking at Donald Trump and seeing this guy is politically toxic. He is a loser."
"Sometimes you've got to stand up and say things even if it makes you quite unpopular at the time."
"It's more valuable for people to see that I will stick to my principles even when they take me into an unpopular area."
"She's very unpopular. LS are disgusted with her behavior."
"It's not popular to be good, but that's exactly what encourages me."
"It's an opinion. I'm sure I'm going to make myself unpopular."
"The strangers are people who adopt unpopular truths."
"I feel like this is a really unpopular opinion and I think it should just stay that way."
"You are the most hated group in the United States."
"The fact that he could be so unpopular meant he genuinely believed them."
"My speaking out did not make me popular."
"Now, it's worth stepping back and remembering that these people are massively unpopular with normal people."
"Prophets are rarely popular and they don't seem to mind."
"I don't think that Christ came to be popular as a matter of fact he was one of the most unpopular people that ever lived."
"Suddenly it becomes a really unpopular thing, so unpopular that it's worth crucifying someone over."
"I'm more than a bit Fed Up of being about as popular as a wet Monday."
"I felt like no one really liked me."
"Even though people didn't like what they heard, I was telling them the truth."
"If you follow Jesus totally, you will be unpopular. I am one of the most unpopular preachers in India because I preach the whole truth, but I'm not ashamed of it."
"The world is not going to love you for following Jesus."
"John the Baptist wasn't popular. Anybody that God really used to declare His assignment wasn't popular."
"What is clear is that Truss's Tories are deeply unpopular after only three weeks, and Starmer's labor are being seen as a good alternative."
"Prophets are not popular, but we will always teach the truth."
"The war is incredibly unpopular in Belarus."
"It's the job of the central bank to do sometimes what's unpopular in the national interest."
"It's only unpopular speech that requires protection."
"I don't mind a bit of unpopularity in the cause of justice."
"I hadn't expected to find myself so unpopular and ridiculously behind."
"Often doing the right thing morally pays off down the line, but is unpopular when you do it."
"It takes courage to stand up and say intelligent things that are somewhat unpopular or unconventional."