
Test Preparation Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"If you go in with a structure, if you go in with a plan, you can nail this thing in 20 minutes and you can get a high score."
"That's code word for 'that's most likely gonna be on your test.'"
"Read and understand the questions first don't get lost in the reading text read and just focus in on the questions."
"More practice exams, that's the number one thing."
"The wider your range of vocabulary, the better your scores are going to be."
"Band 9 students understand where to find real practice tests and how to use them."
"Practice exams, do as many as you possibly can."
"When I implemented practice testing, I saw my MCAT practice test score go up from the 53rd percentile to the 90th."
"I knew I was going to ace the test so it wasn't a big deal for me."
"Absolutely the fastest and most complete way to get the score that you deserve."
"Enhance your performance by undergoing as many practice questions as possible."
"Trust yourself. You're smart, you can read well, you can write well. You're gonna go into that essay today and you're gonna hit it out of the park."
"Practice, practice, practice! The more practice you can get driving, the higher chance of success you're going to have on your road test."
"If you don't practice for the purposes of your road test, you're not going to be successful."
"Cramming can work, but only on a test administered right after cramming."
"As an offensive player I have the back of the book I know every single answer to the questions of the test."
"It's very important to read the explanations of both the right and the wrong answers when you do these tests."
"The difficulty level will remain the same, just focus on performing your best."
"Now why I made this video is I think it's useful to see how kind of good GRE test takers approach this test."
"Keep in mind the number one reason students don't get the score they want is they fail to write on topic and they fail to answer the question."
"Build a strong mathematical foundation. That's what sets apart all the 165+ scores in quant from everybody else."
"Focus is the key to improving your reading score. If you can just improve your focus, you'll get a higher score."
"Test anxiety is real, but conscious breathing can have a huge impact on your stress level."
"Knowing all of this is really going to help you with your IELTS Reading time management and your accuracy."
"The best way to really ace the GRE is to start very early because the exam is full of tricks."
"The math section is the easiest section to optimize."
"...so I don't really like that question but make sure on the test you can certainly distinguish between joint tenants with right of survivorship and tenants in common..."
"That's huge, if you're reading an SAT section for the reading section, you need to make sure that you think that that's the most important thing on your mind right now."
"...you want to be focused on that Bloom's taxonomy or that higher order thinking so you can understand these test questions."
"This is a massive advantage in the IELTS test."
"My name is Angie Patel... I took the PSAT and SAT and scored around the 1300s... she helped me jump almost 200 points."
"SAT is all about solving questions correctly and quickly."
"Above all else, know the dirty medicine mnemonic because it's going to give you the points on test day."
"You just need a basic understanding of everything to pass the test."
"Get the basics down, pass the test, then focus on Step Two."
"Part of your studies is not just about learning how logic games work, but it's about learning what the test maker likes to ask questions about."
"The LSAT is the hardest test I've ever taken because it's totally different than all the other tests I've taken. You can't cram for it, it's not about knowledge, it's about skills."
"Distance, rate, and time problems are very common on the ASVAB."
"Mastering these techniques is essential for success on the GRE."
"We're going to walk through all the topics that we feel like are high yield and explain all these in a highly testable fashion."
"I did the PowerScore test prep books."
"You will see several ratios rates proportions units questions on every single test."
"Canceling units is a strategy you can use to make sure you're getting to the correct answer."
"That's a trick that I think that you should have in your notes because I think it's really important, can save you a ton of time especially if you're shooting for a 1400 to 1600, this is something you should know."
"Things like 'how to hack the multiple choice' – that's really useful."
"The Student Code of video lectures really focuses on ensuring that you understand the material and the best method for test-taking."
"The best and most important action to take with the clinical scenario is to identify the five key factors of an NCLEX style question."
"Utilize those platforms and utilize those people to help you with the test if you need it."
"I hope you enjoyed this, I hope you learned something. Even if you take two, one, two or three golden nuggets from this webinar, then I hope it helps you pass the test."
"The number one skill that you need to work on when preparing for your TOEFL test is actually note-taking."
"Test prep is actually super important because you know what to expect."
"Overall, just make sure that you have resources that are up to date to the ACE test structure according to the changes based off of 2018."
"You can go to your test feeling calm, confident. How would you want to feel?"
"When it comes to the test date, your anxiety comes down lower and you're able to concentrate better."
"If you don't know these formulas, you're going to be dead in the water on test day. A lot of people fail this test because they don't realize that basic formulas such as finding the volume of a right circular cylinder are on the test, so make sure you can do that."
"Welcome to my unique and powerful test-taking strategies that simplify the questions."
"Pre-thinking is basically when you read through a passage, you look at the question, and then you come up with your own answer of how you would strengthen or weaken or whatever it is that you're asked to do in that question."
"Standardized tests were pretty hackable."
"Take some tips from me to do the best on your test."
"As your score goes up and as you start seeing harder questions, that's when the GMAT starts throwing in these little twists and turns."
"The higher your score goes basically the more and more you should care about probability."
"Always dig one level deeper, think critically when you get a question right, whether you get a question wrong. Always find the underlying reason and really explore the test."
"The missing ingredient may be the realization and understanding that the GMAT is a reasoning test."
"Percents on the GRE... 80% of your effort should go to the thing that is most likely to show up on the GRE."
"Read the question before reading the passage because it can help you frame what you're looking for."
"If you're looking for the tips and tricks that helped me score 870 out of 900 on the quantitative reasoning subtest on the UCAT, this is the video for you."
"Hopefully you've nailed this one and now know how to answer similar problems on the test."
"Mimic test day as much as possible to minimize stress and surprises during the actual test."
"Control your negative thoughts, especially when you're getting to the tests."
"It's going to reduce your test anxiety so when you sit for the real test, you'll know what to expect."
"The wisdom of Solomon can help me ace this test, no problem."
"These five critical reasoning argument flaws are going to show up in a lot of those questions that deal with flaws."
"This technique brought my score from a 499 to a 517 on test day in a matter of a month and a half."
"Good luck in your pursuit to pass your numerical reasoning test."
"No calculator section is my favorite section because it's kind of fast, it's the right length I feel like to get maximum output, keep your focus up, your endurance up, so I really enjoy it."
"The first way of getting rid of test anxiety is to have good knowledge."
"In 30 days, you can't learn much English language, but you can certainly improve your understanding of the test."
"Just close your eyes a minute and imagine how incredible it would feel to go to your test feeling excited, feeling calm, feeling confident."
"Keep improving; the skills you gain from preparing for this test are of huge benefit."
"You relax on test day by being certain that you know that you are familiar with 90% of the questions you can be asked."
"Definitely come to a test center as much as you can; it's definitely worth it."
"This in real life can be compared to an example of preparing this cute kid for a mathematics test."
"Study for all tests and quizzes. Never ever try to go into a test or quiz without studying for it."
"I love when you put in the comments you let me know what test you just took and my video helped you."
"Every Tuesday at this time, I will be live in this Facebook group doing some practice questions and going over some of the tested material for the tests that you're taking."
"It is important that you not only practice the math and practice the questions, practice the reading, whatever it may be, but you practice your pacing."
"Remember, with the right approach, the writing test is something everyone can do well."
"Using a test provider when studying for the CFA exams can be the difference between passing and failing."
"Don't be intimidated by graphing questions; they should be the easiest questions on the exam."
"In today's video, there will be 16 practice test questions that should prepare you for the mathematics knowledge subtest."
"Don't grade yourself too harshly if you get about a 65 or 70 percent, you should do pretty well on the ASVAB by studying for just a week or two."
"What I care about is what you actually see on the test, how it's worded on the test, and how you should answer it on the test."
"Whether you're here to find out more about the test or to get tips about improving your reading skills, there will be something for everyone."
"The Accuplacer is very important, so I wouldn't recommend rushing through or worrying about time, just work it out."
"College is tough, but once you prepare for the Accuplacer using that tutor guy, I definitely want to encourage you to come back and use it during the school year."
"No one does as well on the Accuplacer as they hope they will unless they prepare a lot and practice a lot."
"Language familiarity is the basis, it's 50%, and the remaining 50% comes down to test familiarity."
"In this video, I'm going to be presenting my tips and tricks for the decision making subtest."
"That's everything you need to know to smash the Thinking Skills Assessment."
"Remember to read the questions first before you look at the passage."
"Make sure that you fully understand the test."
"Do well on your test, reasonably well, shoot for 250, guaranteed to 250, anything above that is perfect."
"The big thing with the reading section today is we're going to be determining if your problem is accuracy or time."
"I am thrilled to help you kick your learning up a notch as we prepare for that test."
"I'm going to try to help build your confidence and help maximize your exam score."
"To do well on the SAT Reading test, you need an approach that is designed, fitted, literally made to measure, solely with the SAT Reading test in mind."
"You're driving very good standard, more or less ready for your test."
"The first question on every trigonometry test should be: generate this table."
"Anticipate the answer by covering up physically the answer choices and seeing if you can hone in on a correct answer before looking at all of the distractors."
"Test taking strategy: you want to always read the last sentence of the question first."
"Get a good sleep, eat good food, be mentally prepared for the test."
"Juliana just passed her Praxis test using our study guide, in fact, she did it on her first attempt."
"Remember that during the test, they do not read you the steps; they expect you to know what to do the minute they say you may begin."
"This journey of learning becomes easy, and then at the end, passing the test becomes also easy."
"Good morning everybody and welcome to video number three and series number two of our GMAT Club GMAT videos."
"The GMAT is not setting out to trap you; they are not trying to trick you."
"I've covered what I would say is 80% of what you need to know for the GRE and GMAT in terms of coordinate geometry."
"This is an hour where we discuss different topics about the GMAT, about things that you can do to prepare."
"What do 700 plus students do that other students don't?"
"Percentages are common during numerical reasoning tests."
"If you're preparing for any test that has a math section... I can help you prepare and pass."
"The book features over 1400 practice questions, a full diagnostic test, and two full-length practice tests."
"I'll do the best I can to help you with the speaking portion of the test."
"The best way to pass the HiSET writing test is to take a practice test."
"This video should be good enough that you can pass the test and get 80% and higher."
"Whether you're looking to start your AFOQT study off right or you're taking this test for the last time, this video is to help maximize your study time."
"IELTS test preparation won't necessarily improve your English language skills, but it will help you know what to expect and what to do in each step of the test."
"The GMAT does a very artful job of giving you questions that are going to reward you for efficiency and flexible thinking."
"You will certainly need to understand how the test is formatted and exactly which skills you're meant to demonstrate to maximize the score."
"The best way to take advantage of this video is to access practice test 6 on College Board or Khan Academy's websites for free."
"How is your OET preparation coming along? Are you feeling calm, excited, nervous, scared, tense, exhilarated?"
"Hopefully, this video gave you a whole new level of confidence going into this test."
"I asked you to guide Alana today on this test, clear her mind, clear everything, any negative thought."
"Ballast practice exams were one of the most useful resources because they give you full-length practice tests that the setup is very similar to the actual exams."
"Get your priorities right, get your ear out of it, find the things that are most likely to get you the easy eliminations."
"The goal of today is to kind of pull that together a little bit and say, okay, when you see a sentence correction question, what's the thing you should think right away?"
"One of the best test tracking strategies out there is to eliminate the wrong answer choices."
"Understanding the scoring criteria is really important because now you know what you need to do to get a good score."
"Focus your efforts on four sections: the arithmetic reasoning, the word knowledge, the paragraph comprehension, and the mathematics knowledge."
"We're entering an era where standardized test scores will no longer highly correlate to how much money you have to spend on test prep."
"I'm going to guide you through the reading, listening, speaking, and writing in a way where you have a sense of everything you have to do."
"Topic knowledge is really important and that's really going to help you even before you have heard the passage."