
Boating Quotes

There are 1726 quotes

"Always good, you can see down there on those wires, there's little labels on each wire. I labeled those when we built the boat. I kept a note in my documents of which each wire goes to, and everything. That is an absolute lifesaver."
"It's a beautiful new day out here, and we are super excited to show you the new engine wiring and the keys."
"We don't have any intentions on selling this boat, but you know, it's always smart while we're in here doing work to just go the extra, it's not even the extra mile, it's like the extra 20 ft to keep everything as modern as possible."
"The pandemic has renewed interest in outdoor recreation, and boating has seen its popularity rise."
"Everything on this boat is about minimizing our environmental footprint and maximizing our ability to explore off the beaten path."
"A great white chewed the boat, leaving the crew wide-eyed."
"I'm just somebody that really likes boats and like showing people boats."
"I'm on a boat, baby. Thank you guys for tuning in. I appreciate all you guys. Love you all. Smooches, much love, and I'll see all of you guys in the next stream. Thank you to Truly for sponsoring. I love you. Bye."
"I give this boat two thumbs up, really like it."
"There's nothing half so much worth doing is simply messing about in boats."
"One of the key elements to highlight here is the fuel system with an ample capacity of 4,000 liters supporting this boat's long-range nature."
"We're leaving O'Neal's Marina and well, we're going out of Saint Pete today. Matt, yeah, St. Pete out of Pasa Girl Hogs. The hogs are aggregating this morning, I can just feel it."
"This is a boat designed to spend a lot of time on board, designed to explore."
"If you want to use your catamaran as an offshore fishing machine, you'll need a tackle rigging station with plenty of storage for all of your gear."
"The wide forward beam of a cat lends itself to have a large area for comfortable bow seating."
"It's completed earlier this year... and it's turned this boat into something that's virtually brand new."
"Boating is the thing now. People are starting to realize the value of being out enjoying time with your family and creating as many memories as possible."
"Look at this Sheer Water, dude, this is nice, this is a badass boat."
"This is nice for sandbars and I already told, like, floating docks."
"What a monster, to say the least. Badass boat, man!"
"Down Imaging is a way that you can take pictures of what's going on underneath your boat."
"Join our crew. We're going to be such a big group on this boat."
"A boat travels the way the crow flies. Hypothetical situation: If there was a nuke dropped on one of the major cities in California, the fastest way to get out would be by boat."
"Future generations will not have the opportunity to build boats like we're building... if we don't take care of them."
"Most special boat that I've owned is my current one definitely."
"This is a nice cruising speed for this boat... about 23 knots flat-out this boat will do over 30 but that's a lovely cruising speed."
"We are sitting on one of our favorite parts of the boat which is the swim platform because we'll write down at water level and we can just enjoy this amazing view."
"It's practical, and that's the lovely thing about Red Bay. This boat is built for me."
"Nicest day boating I think I've had all year, to be fair."
"Learning about sailboating and canoeing and just everything on the water."
"Doing boating activities, it's more like a vacation that you can do whenever you want to."
"What are we gonna do with this boat life because it's too much fun."
"The first Fast and Furious has such a charm to it you cannot deny."
"I'm in love. I am in complete love with this boat so far and we've only been on a few hours."
"What a beautiful boat. It turns out it's basically our boat."
"You know when you take that boat home you're about to put some more time and some more money into it to get it dialed in exactly the way you want."
"This is a boat that's been driven up on the bank a few times... it's just surface, it's just scratch."
"I'm on the boat now, if you stand on the boat, that'll be awesome."
"We built Kikoa to sell her, but there was definitely something about it that never seemed like we were going to let go of this boat."
"We decided to go all in with our 40 year old boat and get a new engine."
"That is a pretty awesome boat and I don't know why there aren't more of them out there."
"We have a full guide to using starlink for RVers and boaters."
"We've come so, so far this trip, and had a few near misses, but we just don't want to lose the boat."
"For any endurance racer, this boat is the epitome of perfection."
"Thanks for taking time to talk to us today. I know we've all got lots of questions about boat design."
"All stop, or slightly to left, base left, port."
"Living on a boat: it's not just a lifestyle, it's an adventure waiting to happen."
"Living on a boat is about more than just the cost. It's an experience worth dreaming about."
"I love having a boat. It's brought so much joy into my life."
"It's a history-making boat, it's a Criss Craft, it's an American classic."
"They do a really good job on these boats, wow."
"The attention to detail is supreme, this is a superbly engineered boat."
"I'm hoping that by varnishing the inside of the boat with this stuff it can last for many decades."
"Every lifestyle has its challenges, but there's no place I'd rather be more than here and on this boat."
"With the last round of restorations complete, all the new paint on dry, new antifoul, it was time to launch again and head north up to the reef and finally enjoy the fruits of all this hard labour."
"Thank you to everyone at Maverick for showing us that boat today. Super busy at Annapolis Boat Show."
"Everything's better on a boat, ask the lonely island." - Dan
"After being in the Caribbean for a few years and seeing all these catamarans have these awesome underwater lights, we're like, we can't not do that."
"A boat is a good call, just getting out in the ocean."
"Show me a man who's made a boat who hasn't gotten wet, doesn't happen."
"I absolutely love living on a boat. It's extremely special, and I think one of the things I love the most is that you are so connected with the weather and nature."
"It's a really social boat, so there's masses of space for people to relax."
"It's a great place to be when you're cruising down the coast."
"This is where I think these boats really excel."
"We're really looking forward to carrying on cruising on Florence."
"This is a boat designed for ser fun afloat"
"This is a boat which I'm really excited to bring you because this is the new Fairline Targa 40 and it is brilliant."
"It's incredible to have this compact van with the amount of features this does plus the tinny."
"It opens up the ability to cruise for longer distances without destroying your wallet."
"It's a sort of boat you just kick your shoes off and put your feet up."
"This is the new Marex 330, a fascinating boat that's absolutely brilliant."
"The most important thing to understand about this is just how incredibly practical they are."
"The guys and girls who are going to be really attracted to this boat are probably coming out of sailing."
"You can have as much fun on the water with a ten thousand pound speed boat than you can with some of the multi mega yachts."
"If you're floating, you're boating, that's right."
"With toys and gadgets comes extra weight, so I'm interested to see what, if any, effect that has on performance and handling."
"Drop your boat here, go on out around the point, boom, you're out in the Atlantic Ocean."
"They say the best two days in a boat owner's life are the day he buys the boat and the day he sells it."
"The boat was very wholesome very fun good fun was like a full 4 hours out on the water."
"And here we are meeting up 14 years later on our own boats."
"...these boats have a lot of expensive gear that you need to know how to use...and if you don't handle things right, it can be expensive and dangerous."
"It's all about efficiency. That's the name of the game on this boat."
"The heavier the boat, the safer, the more comfortable at Sea, and the more comfortable at Anchorage."
"It's really giving you a phenomenal space to enjoy boating for what it is, right outside: sun, swimming, paddle boarding. This is the place to do it."
"Think about how you're going to boat, because then that'll work out in your mind which drive system is suitable for you."
"You feel powerful on this thing because it's a big boat."
"This right here guys, this is a legit boat."
"We're boaters first so for us it was really about seeing the electrification movement in automotive."
"If you like getting away from people you like going out taking your boat out taking your toys this is the right coach for you guys."
"It's quick as well so looking on the spec sh we didn't push the engines too hard earlier but the boat will actually do up to 27 28 knots so you've kind of got a really quick cruising boat or a long-distance cruiser."
"To be paid for having fun in boats is pretty hard to beat."
"Don't look at the wind necessarily as an enemy; the wind can actually be a benefit while you're docking."
"Everybody has to deal with at some point in time is installing a transducer on your boat."
"Rigging a preventer is simple: tie a bowline, run it through the clew, and secure it to a cleat or winch."
"If you have kids aboard your boat or guests aboard your boat, but mostly kids, teach them how to use and respect the VHF radio."
"I can fix pretty much anything, and I'm excited to get started working on a boat."
"The comfort of standing securely while fishing in this boat is a big deal."
"There's a lot of advantages to the boats."
"It wouldn't hurt to have a pre-season class on boating, you know, boater safety really, even if it's just a video."
"Boat trips get expensive real quick."
"The rear end digs in and the boat swings like this with the new XOD system and the additional flotation that we have with these X pods, this boat will actually turn on plane."
"What a first trip we are having in the new boat."
"Epoxy is not resistant to UV light so it's necessary to paint the boat if you don't want the sun to damage it."
"This is double the amount of cooking space that you would find on most boats."
"If you've come from many boats under 50 feet in the past, doing all sorts of different adventurous activities but now your family has grown and you need a bit of a Mothership, this boat's going to do it for you."
"Everyone loves boating on the lake."
"...you have a raked windshield which is a popular option on a trawler like this but what the big benefit is you have a reduced glare."
"Well, I'm already in love with the boat. A little bass, not bad for first fish. See you, buddy."
"It's designed by Arthur Marcel of TT boat designs and rather than a full planing Hull it actually has this semi-displacement Hull that will cut its way through the water."
"I don't think any name in the Boating business has quite the same cachet or recognition as reader and behind me here is exactly that this is the new Riva 76 Paseo super."
"Inflatable kayaks take a very important and under appreciated niche in the boating world."
"We are packing up getting ready to head out to go do some boating get out on the water before we sail the high seas."
"Beautiful morning to put the boat in the water. Rig's about to go in and, uh, hopefully we get the pull-down test done by the end of the day. So, it's exciting. It's been a long time coming, a lot of hard work, so it's a big day for the team."
"PFDs are maybe not the most exciting topic but I think we can make it fun."
"All Cobalt's have them. They're used for tying the boat fore and aft to keep it from moving in the slip, and it's a really nice cleat that you'll find you'll use a lot."
"You really look like a pro when you're docking your boat."
"What we're going to be doing today is we're going to be taking you guys through our process based on preparing, fueling, and getting this boat in the water in order for a day out on the boat or just a simple day of fishing."
"Lake St Clair offers boating, fishing, wildlife, and for me, the most exciting spot is Metro Beach."
"Get the boat you're going to use the most and your family's going to enjoy it."
"This is my 24 foot bay boat, got a Yamaha 250, 85 gallons of fuel, and we're ready to go offshore."
"Some of the best anchorages we've had have involved stern tying."
"Stern tying is a really useful skill to have."
"I've been cruising in French Polynesia for the last year and a half, kiting, spear fishing, freediving, and of course fixing all the things that break on my boat."
"These networks are incredibly handy to have on a bigger boat even smaller boats now get NMEA data from a single outboard if you want to so it's definitely becoming more and more common in boating right down to the runabout stage."
"It's very important to have a battery monitor. It's one of the first upgrades you should do in your vessel's electrical system."
"It's a handy tool to have if you're gonna be doing a lot of boating."
"What are your options for solar panels on a boat?"
"It's a surreal experience to feel yourself and your boat lifted out of the water supported by only a few straps and pins."
"We're actually shopping for a new chase boat at the moment. We actually went on a few boats, so, you know, we always upgrading."
"The rudder is the key to happiness. It's the key to everything in a boat, so protecting the rudder has to be one of the biggest priorities of an offshore sailor."
"A good stiff boat that'll stand on its feet when others are running the rail in the water makes a good cruising boat."
"You can actually go in mid tide, high tide, pick up your rudders, and you just drive the boat like a tank, and you can go to places that no other boat goes to ever. That is a huge plus."
"This boating adventure was 1,000% worth it."
"...if you're out on your boat and you don't have no bandages, use some duct tape."
"I wouldn't want to be caught in big water in anything else other than my boat."
"This year, we're going to be in a pro drive 1848. Love this boat. Got a removable bench seat."
"As long as you're respectful, you know, you're not freaking hitting the boats with the docks and just being a complete numbnut, you should be fine."
"There's just something extremely adventurous about taking your own boat from South Florida to the Bahamas."
"Pontoon boats are the best boat, I will say it, you can quote me on that."
"If you want more people on your boat or if you added a lot more weight, or if you want to be able to turn faster, get up on plane easier, you definitely need a third pontoon."
"If you end up on my boat you'll be fine because we got terminal tackle."
"We're gonna go out on the boat again soon."
"If I can put this boat on a trailer and take it off solo, it being a 40-foot boat, you can do it with any size boat as well."
"Before you ever untie, you want to make sure your engines are started. Just because of the fact that you don't want to be in a situation where you don't have power behind your boat."
"The most important thing is to always be ready. Don't get there and then start getting things ready. Show up for the boat ramp, act like you know what you're doing, have your ropes out, be ready."
"This boat runs well over 70 miles an hour."
"The Alumacraft is getting slimy on this trip."
"Keep the water out of the boat and keep the people in the boat."
"I'm sure many of you guys out there can associate getting your first boat or first boat to you and uh and putting on the water catch the fish."
"This boat is really intended for a person that wants big water performance, safety, not scared to take it out in any kind of water."
"This thing is king when it comes to calm water."
"...thanks for showing us around your boat, man. Get out on the water. Ready to go. Let's go."
"Driving on this boat, you feel very, very well protected."
"Good cruising speed with this boat, similar to the open boats, 25 knots by 25 to 30 knots."
"No wake zones are pretty well marked I'll show you what a no-bake sign looks like."
"Yes, we have the front casting platform like a traditional bay boat."
"...when you're standing here like this and you hit a wave and that thing slams your hand, your second and third boat you go 'Oh maybe I need to think about that' and you start seeing the value in all the small things in there."
"Lake Norman, located close to the capital city of Charlotte, has become a paradise for anglers and boating enthusiasts."
"Obviously the product that we build is a product that's used by people who enjoy the luxury in addition to the quality and the use of the boat."
"Boating is all about having fun in the sun."
"We made a conscious decision to buy a boat, to move onto a boat, and boating were always an option."
"Refrigeration on this boat is is almost obsessive but that's the way we boat in the United States we always want our cold drink so you have two refrigerator and an ice maker here."
"This is kind of the new Mark of luxury for boating on the lake."
"The vast majority of boating fatalities can be attributed to alcohol consumption, so we're just trying to educate people on that."
"Both Saylorville and Red Rock have created ample recreational opportunities with camping, boating and parks lining the shorelines."
"I upgraded all the sonar on my boat this past winter."
"We are going to be teaching you guys everything you need to know about properly anchoring at sandbars and islands and beaches and how not to be that person that is sitting in the sand when the tide goes out and everyone's helping you push your boat out."
"So almost every boat here has their bows facing the island and their stern facing away that's going to tell me that the current is pushing the boats away from the island so you're going to want to make a mental note of that before you throw your anchor."
"I'm gonna bring to light the fact that you must must must must please put your bow anchor out first and then use the transom anchor to set up your boat how you would like it do not ever put your transom anchor in first and then your bow."
"As you can see I'm coming in nice and slow I'm reading five feet on my depth machine so that's getting shallower four feet okay so I'm gonna start slowing down I'm gonna bump my boat in and out of gear one throttle at a time I'm also gonna trim up on the motors."
"Now let's open up the active captain on our 8616."
"I've saved a lot of props over the years, I have saved a lot of lower units by running my jack plate up in a shallow water situation or even at boat ramps."
"I love getting out on the water and showing people how to use their boats."
"The most important thing on the boat is drink holders, the second most important thing is rod holders."
"Honestly, what makes boating I think so attractive to many of us is the community aspect."
"There's nothing half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."
"Choosing the smallest possible boat that will do what you want is key."
"You can do it on any boat of any size... from kayaks to yachts."
"Number one advice I can give you is get a survey on your boat."
"If you want to stop the boat, take both engines and is first neutral."
"Taking half a ton of weight out of the boat further improves light wind performance."
"It's an all-in-one app for the ultimate connected boating experience."
"The cork decks are just so nice underfoot as a non-skid keeps the down below insulated and cool on those super hot days."
"When you're in your dinghy and you approach somebody's boat, there is definitely a bit of a dance that goes on. When you first come up in the dinghy, you're using your motor to keep yourself in place. You're exchanging pleasantries. You're not touching each other's boats."
"You've got a lot of steerage and when you come into a marina or something like that, you will be able to turn the boat."
"Selling a monohull is okay, but 90% of your time cruising is on anchor, and it makes all the difference in the world to have the room and stability of a catamaran."
"The whole purpose of doing this video is to talk about uptiding and downtiding on a charter boat fishing out of Whitby."
"Hoist the top sales batten down the hatches and other boating terms let's go."
"Knowing how to approach other boats is crucial. Always stay to the right of a boat that's approaching you. It's just like on a road, you stay to the right and they stay to the right."
"These are the basics on how to get a boat up on plane and get it rolling. And then just be safe, wear a PFD, have the basics on the boat that you need, kill switch every time that big motor is on. Put this sucker on because that's when things go bad."
"Your time on the water is precious... you need an outboard you can count on to power it."
"...you never want to be out on the water without battery power this is a a wireless jumper you charge it and you can jump you're cranking battery."
"...if I get in a situation where I have to drop my anchor because of current or anything."
"...the boat is super stable, it tracks well."
"Life truly is better on the boat, take care everybody."
"Never approach a dock any faster than you want to hit it."
"The boat is driving it beautifully on top of the water."
"The boat just makes you want to drive it like you're in a sports car."
"...it's the first time i've driven a hull of this type and it's taken me most of the day to realize just let the hull get on with it..."
"This boat may be the perfect size Bay booat if you've got a family and you want to take them fishing."