
Risk-reward Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"If there's one game that springs to mind when you say dangerous but rewarding exploration, it's Subnautica."
"Health systems are really interesting in particular because they force players into a cool risk/reward dynamic."
"I just love these risk/reward effects... they give you some decision-making."
"The uranium sector, in my opinion, offers the most asymmetric risk-reward profile I've seen in my entire career."
"When presenting a risky option, make sure the player understands the reward they'll get for beating it."
"Brittle crown: Gain 30% chance on hit to gain 2% gold scales over time."
"Not only are you cutting a massive chunk of the track but it's really risky to go for, making this a perfect risk and reward balance."
"The downside risk right now is much lower than the upside reward."
"Dark zones provide exactly what I want: high-risk, high-reward PvE PvP, and it is absolutely thrilling."
"I just think the risk reward is literally the most attractive I can possibly find in the stock market."
"The game really does risk/reward better than most."
"The awp epitomizes thrilling risk versus reward dynamic."
"My biggest bet... would be ethereum because it's the least risky with the highest rewards." - Raoul Pal
"Bitcoin is currently the best asymmetric risk reward opportunity on Earth."
"It's a great piece of design that matches the high risk high reward playstyle."
"We need to reward risk-taking and entrepreneurship."
"If there was no risk, you would have achieved nothing."
"Vigor is super underrated game and the fact that you have that risk versus reward makes it very addictive when you are playing this game."
"The more bones you break, the more money you get."
"Risking it for the reward: the story of turning a potential failure into a certain victory."
"This is what I believe in and if I'm wrong, then okay. But if I'm right, it's going to pay off. And it did."
"The risk reward is worth it, in my opinion."
"The juice is worth the squeeze here. That's my opinion."
"It's a very asymmetric risk-reward: invest in something you think is enduring, offers tremendous returns especially compared to the small stuff you're staking to try to get there."
"Mostly trading is just sitting on your hands waiting for the perfect opportunity rather than taking worse, you know much worse risk reward trades that really don't have anywhere to go."
"Glass cannon, high-risk, high-reward."
"The beauty of this particular strategy is you can often get really outsized reward that's more than one to two, one to three, or even more."
"I like the risk-reward of this trade. I like what the options market's giving me. I also like the technical setup here, and I'm looking to kind of play the broadening out trade."
"The risk-reward that you get with US treasuries pretty much of any maturity right now is much better than it was just a few months ago."
"If you have a foundation where you can be getting in, following trends, and giving yourself good risk-reward, you don't have to be right most of the time to be able to be profitable."
"Do you want to put all the risk up front and then take a cut of the profits, or have no risk and get paid upfront?"
"It's a risk-reward equation, and you're able to accept a level of risk so long as it's commensurate with the reward."
"Choice items are among the most defining options in the game which perfectly encompass the risk-reward nature of competitive play."
"Alpha describes the risk reward of bluffing."
"Del's operation was not just a theft ring; it was a sophisticated business model that carefully balanced risk and reward."
"Massive risk reward means you make significantly more profit on the trades you win than you lose on the trades that you lose which sets you very far ahead."
"The cool thing is as long as you know how to properly play supply and demand zones the easy way then you can have very little risk and a very high reward setup which is what you want while trading."
"For all of my deals that I've done thus far I keep my Equity Partners in long term for the ride even when we get them their money back I keep them in because I felt like they took the risk with me up front right and so they could catch the reward on the back end."
"Finding the optimal balance between risk and reward sometimes requires imagination and asking the question of what is a relative worst-case scenario."
"The higher the risk reward ratio, you know the better the trade because then you know you're risking a very small amount to potentially make a very large amount."
"Generally speaking, from a risk/reward standpoint, you always want to be at more than one to one risk-reward. You should always be thinking, 'I want to make more than I'm risking.'"
"China has the best risk-reward because the risk is already in the price and the reward is significant."
"Like I said about China, China has the best risk-reward because the risk is already in the price and the reward is significant."
"Fans of the game love the risk-reward mechanic as it keeps the energy of the game going high for groups."
"It played out to hit a maximum risk reward of one to one hundred and seventy."
"You are allowed to try new things on YouTube. If you're looking to grow on YouTube and you absolutely should, no risk, no reward."
"A favorable risk-reward ratio is needed for any setup taken."
"If you're good at the levels, look for opportunities that offer you at least three to one."
"Once you have a repeatable system that's based on how price moves, not what you want, you're always going to give yourself the best opportunity to get involved in high-risk to reward trades."
"If you're happy with the stop loss and there is a reward, execute the trade."
"I'm always looking for asymmetrical trades; I want one to three risk-reward setups ideally."
"Once you understand how to structure options trades properly, you can create these great risk-reward trade-off situations for yourself."
"It's really important to not take profits off the table too early because your profitability basically relies on your risk reward ratio and your average winning percent."
"It's still a question of how much are you risking versus how much can you make."
"As adventurers rank up, they can accept more difficult quests and receive higher rewards. It's all about high risk and high reward."
"I generally, with this and in my testing, target a one to two risk reward ratio which is more than enough especially granted that this has a really really high win rate."
"If you watch and listen closely to these sorts of videos, there should be a lot of good lessons in there for those who are interested in this sort of low risk and high reward style of trade."
"If you have a 50% hit rate with a one or two minimum risk reward, you're going to be very successful."
"If you just trade with the trend, keep like a one to one risk reward while you're starting out learning, and just trade with the trend, you'll be fine for the most part."
"By waiting to enter down in this area after a pullback, we get a better risk-reward."
"It's also a high risk-reward ratio meaning if you look to trade Mogwai setups with the trend, you can get maybe a one to two, one to three, one to five, even one to ten."
"The beautiful thing about this strategy is that although I'm only taking one to ones, the trades went way above one to one."
"We want wrestlers who put the body on the line to get paid good money for doing that."
"The risk-reward on this trade is always so much better than any other trade setup."
"We gotta show these people in suits there is a reward in taking risks."