
Republic Quotes

There are 233 quotes

"We are deliberating on the principles that define our Republic, which is a commitment to transparency and accountability."
"We were never meant to be a simple majoritarian democracy. When people use 'democracy' instead of 'Republic,' they're making a categorical error."
"The decisions in the early days of the civil wars... really what made it so that the Republic, there was no coming back from that."
"Voters, the courts, and the states have all spoken; if we overrule them, it would damage our Republic forever."
"You need a diverse media in a republic like ours."
"In short, the triumph was a sign of healthy political competition, and when the triumph started getting all funky, it was an early indication that the funk was coming from inside the Republic."
"We're trying to do the most difficult thing there is to do, which is to build and keep a successful republic, a successful experiment in self-government."
"Perhaps the single most significant aspect of the modernisation process, though, was the separation of church and state in the new republic."
"The rule of law is incredibly important to maintain a constitutional republic and it's in Jeopardy right now."
"We need truth on that... for this Republic to function we need the disinfecting effect of transparency."
"If there was anyone who had both the elite background and unquestioned loyalty for the Republic, Cody would be first on that list."
"Our republic was birthed through insurrection."
"In a self-governing Republic, speech is the only tool we have."
"My allegiance is to The Republic, the democracy."
"Don't rely on a judge to save your republic. Don't rely on a politician to do that." - David Clements
"When you have federal law enforcement being used in this way... that way lies the death of the republic."
"You are the ultimate jury, and you've got to be clear. You will decide the fate of the great Republic."
"I've given you a republic if you can keep it."
"Be a radical for freedom, liberty, and our republic."
"That's democracy in action right there, that's our Republic working."
"I consider this to be the greatest threat to the sovereignty of our constitutional republic in its history."
"We will lose our Republic. And I think that's the message that you've been sending."
"We live in a republic. Speech is not just one aspect of the political order. It's the whole damn thing."
"Our founders were concerned about these things, they were very specific about creating a republic."
"There had been previously points in the nation's history where violence was necessary to protect the Republic."
"We need to save the country folks, our Republic's at stake."
"The Roman Republic was effectively dissolved... scary times man, scary times."
"One of the issues we face is that if we stop calling America a republic and start calling it a democracy, it does confuse the idea of what we are as a country."
"We are a constitutional republic and not a democracy."
"It's about the preservation of the republic... It's not about Donald Trump anymore."
"Video footage is a huge threat to our Republic."
"A republic makes claims about things that do not change."
"Speed is your friend, but what's the mission?"
"We created a republic, madam, if you can keep it."
"Our founding fathers gave us a republic that it is not a spectator sport."
"We're not a republic, we're not even a democracy anymore."
"It is not about political parties, it is about the Republic of this country."
"This isn't even about Republican versus Democrats. This is about the survival of our republic."
"The whole point of the republic is you'd have a president assuming the roles that the monarchy has."
"Fontaine's government could either be a republic or a constitutional criteriarchy, with the rule of judges as upheld by written law."
"The United States is a constitutional federal republic and not a democracy."
"Texas likes to brag that they used to be an independent republic and that they can secede whenever they want."
"If we're going to preserve our constitutional republic, we have to fight within the boundaries of the constitution."
"This Novgorodian state had a unique system of government as it was not a hereditary monarchy, but a republic."
"A republic, madam, if you can keep it."
"...and just like that a republic was transformed into an Empire."
"A true Republic or polity has to be small. It has to be small to keep small government and it has to be governed univocally governed it has to be peopled by all one kind of person."
"Thrawn was nursing that ship on Peridia like a baby and once Republic commanders realized that the mighty ISDs were no longer as dominant as they used to be, it was kind of like sharks smelling blood in the water."
"The emperor is finally and truly dead without a shadow of a doubt and the new Republic is Victorious."
"We have a fake democracy which was never designed to be a democracy. It was designed to be a republic."
"America is not a democracy, it's a republic. Democracy is a rule of the majority, this is the rule of law itself as a nation."
"...the one act that was supposed to precipitate the end of autocracy or to avert autocracy and to turn back the clock to the Republican tradition... has hastened it and destroyed the Republic."
"The new republic had its first cause for jubilation and its first national hero, George Washington."
"It was not just an attack on the building, it was an attack on our republic itself."
"If we don't arm ourselves with a historical understanding of how complex and fraught our history was, we're not going to be able to think clearly enough to react in real time to save the republic."
"Well, Benjamin Franklin said, rather wise man he said, 'Sooner or later, every Republic becomes a tyranny.' And we certainly see signs of that in the United States today."
"The Jedi fought every day for the Republic."
"A republic is only as good as the sum of its parts, the moral disposition, our dispositions of heart and mind, individually, have a discernible and definitive effect on the collective life of a country without doubt."
"Anakin admits that he killed the chancellor, however he also argues that he was acting in the best interests of the Republic as a whole."
"They fought for their brothers, for the Jedi, and for the Republic."
"With the help of the Clones, the Republic was able to bring back true Freedom into the Galaxy."
"The people of America happily built the capital in only seven years and founded a new and prosperous republic which is your glory in the new world."
"The Republic was a system that requires courage and compromise from the leadership."
"The foundation of our Republic is the rule of law."
"Once you've read the whole Republic, perhaps just once, perhaps more than once, if you have any brains."
"It is only in a large republic that good government is even possible."
"It is only in a large republic with many different-minded people that no one faction can gain control."
"In such a republic, the liberties of all the people are naturally safeguarded."
"Having a democracy or having a republic is not something that you inherit. The democracy and a republic have to be gained generation by generation."
"The idea of a republic is to find solutions that as many people as possible can be happy with."
"Count Dooku's little threat of civil war in the Republic is forcing it to have a critical vote."
"With the Sith gone and the republic returning to it’s rightful role in the galaxy, a chance for rebirth and renewal was possible through the gilded republic."
"...the Senate was run by dictators, that he and Brutus now were the true embodiment of the Republic…"
"We are the Republic idea, the Republic is like, you have Jedi and they go to the ground, and then you have other Jedi up in space."
"They had died for a republic whose existence they never knew."
"It is the idea that now that the United States is its own country and it's a republic with its citizens playing a vital role."
"The decay of truth and trust spells the ruin of our republic."
"The very best firmest and enduring basis of our Republic is its education."
"San Marino can claim to be the oldest republic in the world."
"Without the Jedi, the Republic itself may not have withstood so many thousands of years."
"The survival of the republic necessitated the death of its king."
"The politics and nature of the Republic were far more interesting."
"That's a kind of prophecy I think of the history of the Roman Republic"
"The Republic will never be able to figure it out."
"Nonetheless, India is a democratic federal republic and the largest democracy in the world."
"The American Revolution lasted 3089 days and the result was epical and enduring—the creation of the American Republic among mankind's most remarkable achievements."
"Greece is officially known as The Hellenic Republic."
"...the United States is not just a republic, we are a republic of republics."
"This legal text is the foundation of the new federal republic."
"They gave their lives for democracy, for the Republic."
"You can have a republic even in Europe, a sea of monarchy and kings."
"I love democracy. I love the Republic. Once this crisis has abated, I will lay down the powers you have given me."
"They're thinking about what makes a good republic, what makes a good society."
"Standing above all was Octavian, grand-nephew of Julius Caesar, the man who would finally restore the Republic."
"Freedom from organized religion was the foundation stone of a free Republic."
"It's here that Socrates states the basic themes of the Republic."
"Judicial independence is what makes the United States of America a Republic of laws rather than of men."
"The Turkish Republic was born in 1923 following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire."
"The Republic is a dream. Nothing happens unless first a dream."
"You fought for a republic, and Palpatine ripped that Republic apart, creating his Empire."
"... the belief that the United States was, if not a democracy, at least a Republic, where the people rule, where consent of a majority really counts."
"Stand tall, stand strong; let's reclaim the promise of our great Republic."
"We've got a republic, if we can keep it."
"The Roman Republic lasted roughly 500 years."
"It's time for a revolution; it's time to declare a republic."
"This is literally an existential threat to our Republic."
"We have never been in this position; this is a republic created and born with the scab of racism on it."
"Our freedom, the Republic, won't be brought back one person at a time, one man or woman at a time, and that's the key."
"The Republic stood for something; it stood for peace and justice. The Empire stands for itself."
"We're not a pure democracy; we're a constitutional republic."
"Ancient Rome was one of the first Republics in history."
"We must have a revolutionary government whose goal would be to found the Republic."
"Every single one of us as a citizen, not a subject, we have a responsibility to keep this constitutional republic."
"It's a republic, if you can keep it. As a citizen, not a subject, but as a citizen, we have a responsibility to keep this constitutional republic."
"The new republic opted to name itself Republic Ecuador or Republic of the Equator."
"Before Rome became an empire, it was a republic governed by a Senate."
"This is about the nation, it's about the Republic, it's about the Constitution."
"It was their bravery that ended Palpatine's reign and brought about our new Republic."
"The type of Republic that the Prophet brought forth in Medina is completely unprecedented in human history."
"Perhaps if more citizens got hysterical, they'd be more inclined to speak up when the Republic tramples on their rights."
"This is about our way of life and preserving this republic."
"A republic is a government of laws, not of men."
"I spent my life defending the Republic, can't stop now."
"Republic authority is derived through the election by the people of public officials best fit to represent them."
"The second Polish Republic was birthed with Marshall Joseph Pilsudski at the helm."
"This isn't a game; it's the future of our Republic at stake."
"A republic, ma'am-- if you can keep it."
"The Jedi of Ossus became the protectors of the fledgling Republic."
"We live in the greatest constitutional republic in history."
"The American nation was not designed as a pure democracy. We were conceived as a republic."
"Venice has a interesting and unique history as a republic."
"The Roman Republic... lasted for five hundred years and was very successful."
"The abolition of kingdoms, federal and semi-federal status by the 1966 constitution... led to the declaration of Uganda as a republic."
"We will always be loyal to the Republic."
"I can help bring about a republic victory instead of a defeat."
"The elections of year six could have marked the beginning of a contentious but ultimately stable republic."
"Cleopatra is a threat to the Republic."
"We've created a republic, if you can keep it."
"In a republic, the power of the majority is restricted by a constitution which is a nation's fundamental set of principles by which that nation is governed."
"South Korea's political system is a Democratic Republic."
"Out of that temporary alliance came the league for common defense, and from that the planetary Republic."
"He fought to transform the Republic from a mere vision into a reality."
"The end of Kaiserdom has come; we are virtually a republic; it is all like a dream."
"San Marino is the fourth smallest country in the world but it is the oldest republic in the world, founded in the year 301 A.D."
"The survival of our republic is our responsibility."
"Technically we are a representative republic, we are not a democracy."
"It's not the most efficient to have a republic, but it is one of the more stable systems."
"Who can vote and who can't is central to a federal republic."
"He's maybe giving them a sense of democracy, maybe he's harking back to the early Roman Republic."
"The American Republic had been around for scarcely a generation... and it's after news from New Orleans comes and spreads up the eastern seaboard that people are inspired to say well yeah maybe this little Republic is going to hang on and it's going to work out."
"The US can be both a democracy and a republic."
"We must protect and preserve the Republic at all cost."
"Monarchical rule was brought to an end; the nation was now a republic."
"To the Republic for which it stands, a republic that is based on 'by the people, for the people'."
"For the first time at the Elysée Palace, the Republic imposed its architecture through state-of-the-art technology."
"He had made himself dictator to save the Republic, and as far as he could tell, he'd done that."
"We're always only one generation away from the extinction of liberty in a republic."
"India is defined as a sovereign socialist secular democratic republic."
"In one word, we have moved very far away from the founding principles of our Republic."
"We're not a democracy, we're a republic. We have democratic virtues and values."
"I restored liberty to the republic which had been oppressed by the tyranny of a faction."
"Rebellion against an unrepresentative monarchy was right and just; rebellion against a representative Republic, though, was blatantly criminal."
"We serve the people of the Republic, not the Senate."
"God save the Republic, long live the Filipino people."
"A good citizen was supposed to make decisions favourable to the republic, even if they did not serve one’s individual interests."
"We are fighting for the Republic, my friend."
"When peace had been restored throughout the world and the republic restored, we began to enjoy quiet and happy times."
"...the larger the Republic the less likely it was to be hijacked by narrow interest groups."
"America is not a democracy; we're a constitutional federal republic."
"We are citizens of the world's greatest Republic, a nation of ideals, not blood and soil."
"We're going to form a republic where the people of each district and the capital can elect their own representatives to be their voice in a centralized government."
"If the rebellion hopes to be the foundation of a new republic someday, they have to be better than the Empire."
"This is a great country; let us not forget all the blessings that flow from the greatness of this Republic."
"Your republic shows us all of what is possible."
"They wanted a democratic republic based on universal suffrage."
"I know it's important and in the hands of the new Republic, it can actually be used for good."
"The collective having faith in the republic helps the republic to stay alive."
"It became the first black republic, the first country in the Western Hemisphere to end slavery."
"They are working silently and tirelessly to make sure he does not cause harm to the republic."
"Whatever the cause, Rome turned from a monarchy into a republic, a word derived from 'res publica' or 'property of the people'."
"On February 23, 1970, Guyana declared itself a cooperative republic and cut all ties to the British monarchy."
"Republic form of government has an elected head of state by people."