
Time Lapse Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"It's time for another cave; it's been like seven days since that Northwest fiasco."
"How can we sit here in August 2021 and there still hasn't been any credible investigation?"
"Returning to a role over 30 years later means the actors will be different."
"It's like the creation of nemesis, and it shows like this time lapse of making him. That'll be really cool!"
"I can't believe it's been weeks since I played this game."
"Stay tuned for more videos on this kitchen and a giant time lapse at the end."
"I'm really glad to have reconnected with you after all this time."
"Why is that happening? Why, a year and a half on from the problems that happened?"
"I hope you enjoyed this comprehensive beginners guide to everything time-lapse."
"The difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth over the last three years is about three to six months."
"I admire the gall to sack up ten years later and admit what happens."
"It's crazy you know, in an hour-long video you can watch somebody's life for 10 years."
"125-year difference, Røst, Norway, 1888-2013."
"The time lapse is definitely a lot brighter than what we could see with the naked eye."
"There must be examples of cities that have been left unattended for a few decades and like how quickly the plants push up through the street and everything starts to get broken down."
"I always love watching the rolling footage sped up. I feel like it is so satisfying and I wish it was this quick in real life."
"Time-lapse turns a 30-minute video into something like 30 seconds to a minute, speeding up the footage."
"I like how it seems to be a direct follow-up, despite all the years in between. It's pretty cool."
"Once you set shutter speed, white balance, and ISO manually, they will be fixed in place for the duration of the time lapse."
"That's the reason why there's a bit of time-lapse in there."
"So I'm going to have to put this back on time lapse just because we both need both hands."
"You too can get impressive time lapses."
"At this point, I'm fast-forwarding just a little bit since all I'm doing is sculpting and painting layers."
"This murder and everything surrounding it, it's a little bit more of a head scratcher because of this period of time that lapses."
"We're gonna do a little time lapse, you guys have to catch a little vibe."
"It's the first time that the season's not starting the next day or the next, it's a year and a half later."
"The time-lapse portion of this video is the most satisfying of any video I've ever done."
"There was a period of missing time somewhere between spotting the light and their return to shore."
"Should we do time lapse of us eating?"
"I have some work I can get done. I'm gonna do that, probably gonna do like a little time lapse of us for a little bit."
"A nice little time lapse steamy rice."
"It's a time lapse shot of John setting up his computer and settling into the room."
"I haven't watched a movie in so long."
"There's a bit of magic in just watching a time-lapse video."
"That video was so good. That was what I wanted, like a full complete time lapse."
"I love this time-lapse coming up with him looking out the window."
"We've squeezed several weeks into several dozen of minutes to show what it means to depend on the sea, to be devoted to it, and what it means to live on the sea."
"There's the availability of hardware or software autofocus for doing long-term time-lapse experiments."
"For a time lapse, it will work perfectly."
"If you actually take the time and do a right time-lapse shot, it can turn out very beautiful."
"It's very rewarding to see how the time lapse came out because it often takes a long time to get a good time lapse."
"The time lapses are so special as well, so I enjoy the process."
"A time lapse is a video that's sped up faster than real time to show the passing of time."
"This is the method that you want to use if you want to have the highest quality possible for your time-lapse."
"In the next tutorial, I will show you a cool trick how to create a time-lapse."
"I really love nature, so I think about clouds passing by because you never see them go that quick, and a time lapse speeds it up; it's a great effect."
"The key to great time lapses is not creating a lot of movement with your camera but really just being patient."
"Editing these time lapses is really fun and creative because you can create multiple edits from the same time lapse and it'll look totally different."
"You can add motion blur to your time lapses which looks really sick."
"Effortlessly incorporate pan or tilt motion into your time-lapse videos for added creativity."
"It was the first time we've been together in five years. How nice."
"Hey there, this is a time-lapse out of a build of a gaming and the dining-table."
"Oh, before I go, I want to show you this, look, it's bright outside, I started filming in the middle of the night, and now it's morning."
"Holy crap, how long was I out? I had the weirdest dream."
"The RX100 Mark 7 brings back the time-lapse feature."
"Here's a time-lapse of how the moon transitions during a lunar eclipse."
"Time-lapse captures all the little moments and brings them together into one big moment."
"Almost two hours had passed since criticality and finally the public was made aware of the nature of the accident."
"This one is super cool, it gives you a lot of really neat features to make those awesome time lapses that you see a lot on YouTube."
"That's when it's time to reach into your back pocket and pull out the old reliable 'long time no see'."
"Love shooting time lapses, it's like a moving landscape."
"Enjoy the time-lapse video clip of the eclipse over Niagara Falls."
"It just adds so much to a time-lapse shot."
"I think anyone can pick this up who's never done time-lapse before and easily create some amazing time lapses."
"You could do really cool time lapses with wide lenses and more telephoto lenses; it just really depends on what you're trying to achieve."
"We shot this awesome probably my favorite timelapse star."
"One of the goals of the time lapse is you want it to flow nice and smooth."
"I'm most importantly I bought it as a time-lapse camera because this has a built-in intervalometer."
"Have you ever wanted to create a time lapse movie of a sunset or sunrise, or a cityscape, but you weren't really sure how to get started?"
"The result is breathtaking; while you're having a look around, you'll see the scenery come to life and change slowly."
"When you're on location and you're shooting in Golden Hour, I usually like to shoot with a gimbal or handheld, and then I also like to actually set up a time-lapse."
"Don't limit your creativity just because you're doing a time lapse; the creativity still has to be paramount and uppermost in our minds when we're creating these scenes."
"You want to ensure your camera does not move during the time lapse."
"You just want to ensure your camera does not run out of juice during the time lapse itself."
"Some of the most fun you can have with your camera is shooting time lapses."
"Creating time lapses is a blast, I enjoy it, I think it's fun to even introduce motion into my time lapses."
"Happy Monday, it's been a second since we last spoke."
"The new 4K time-lapse feature makes it super easy to get in-camera time-lapse."
"Every sunset has been brilliant on here, you really do get some good time lapses and good sunsets."
"I am a time-lapse photographer; that's what I'm known for, that's what I'm really good at."
"Wow, I did a time-lapse just from the tent earlier on, and it was just spectacular."
"Time-lapse photography is basically the capture of consecutive photographs over a long period of time and then shown quickly in a series, so that a slow action appears to happen quicker."
"I'm going to let it just run for a while now, and you can see what the crystal looks like in real life as it slowly morphs and changes color."
"It's been a long time since the five of us have been there together."
"There's just something about watching a 3D print on a timelapse video, isn't that just sweet to watch? It's a bit mesmerizing."
"If you want to try to do this, I may do a whole video just on time lapse because this is really something that I find fascinating."
"Good morning everybody, it's been 84 years. It's actually been two, but I feel ready and I was not ready a second before this very second now to come back."
"We're going to get this first kind of time-lapse animation because that's kind of the effect we're going for."
"A time-lapse is a wildly fun addition to any travel vlog."
"A hyperlapse video is like time lapse with everything speeded up, except the camera moves."
"It would be cool sometimes in life to have like your life set on time-lapse mode so you could just speed through a process really quickly in real life."
"It's been eight years since Amber Tucker went missing after leaving a hotel here in Nisku."
"My jeans fit, oh my God, I have not worn these since 2020."
"This camera is capable of shooting stills that you can make into time-lapse movies."
"I'm going to leave that time-lapse in. I don't like time lapses too much, but that was an absolutely stunning drive."
"This camera also has a built-in time-lapse mode."
"I'm going to set up my camera now for some time-lapse."
"I think time-lapse videos are really great tools but really anything that kind of shows your expertise."