
Cholesterol Quotes

There are 371 quotes

"Short-chain fatty acids lower inflammation, help to lower blood cholesterol, and improve our use of blood sugar."
"I remember seeing that in the textbook, that our lipid bilayer and our cell membranes are cholesterol, and I remember thinking, 'How can cholesterol be bad for us? We literally are made out of cholesterol.'"
"People that have higher LDL cholesterol are living longer."
"Nearly 100 million adults in the US are estimated to have cholesterol levels that are too high."
"The issue is the cholesterol and animal products that you're eating to a degree independent of what they do to your blood test."
"Cholesterol is found in all animal-based foods...whereas plants are naturally cholesterol-free."
"Everybody knows that green tea molecule can lower your cholesterol by 20%. Everybody knows that."
"Eggs have been unfairly demonized in the past due to their cholesterol content."
"The reality is still pretty interesting to look at. They gave obese rats Sacha Inchi oil for 11 weeks. They found they had a decrease in bad cholesterol, a decrease in triglycerides, a decrease in inflammatory cytokines, decrease in tumor necrosis factor alpha but most interestingly an increase in antioxidant capacity."
"Fat is supposed to raise your cholesterol, but for the first time since 1980, the US government completely reversed their stance on fat."
"Yo congrats Mike, yo eff he's online, let's get him in a game."
"How many Americans have a cholesterol of 150? It is very hard to find, not naturally." - Dr. Esselstyn
"Low carb high fat doesn't necessarily raise your cholesterol."
"Vegans have cholesterol levels so low, they almost never get heart attacks."
"Having a high LDL cholesterol was a marker of better health and longer survival."
"Cholesterol is just a response, it's a symptom, it's actually a healing agent."
"Cholesterol is good, you need both of them, the so-called good and bad."
"What is this whole hullabaloo about cholesterol and statins?"
"It's estimated that 50% of people in this country and in Europe and 40% worldwide have what's considered elevated cholesterol."
"Lowering LDL provides no benefit because LDL alone does not cause heart disease."
"Cholesterol is incredibly important: we need it for the membranes of our cells, we need it to make brain cells, we need it to make several important hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone."
"Blaming cholesterol instead of the inflammation is like blaming one of the firemen instead of the fire."
"Cholesterol level of 300 and under was perfectly normal."
"Cholesterol is critical for the function of the cell membrane."
"Cholesterol is neuroprotective. It protects you against dementia."
"Cholesterol is not really a fat, it's a waxy substance."
"Low-density lipoproteins, their primary job is not to bring around the cholesterol, arguably their primary job is to distribute the energy."
"Weak association between higher cholesterol and cardiovascular disease."
"Adding cholesterol makes the membranes less fluid."
"Cholesterol is not a problem; that's a myth."
"We need to stop thinking about LDL being inherently harmful and think about LDL as part of a beneficial metabolism."
"Cholesterol is not a bad thing. Cholesterol is a good thing."
"You have high cholesterol and high LDL cholesterol which more and more research is coming out to show definitively that that's probably not the huge risk factor that we all thought it was."
"The majority of recent research suggests that eggs pose no risk to our health."
"The current research shows that blood cholesterol levels are not related to your dietary cholesterol intakes within normal ranges."
"For the majority of people, LDL cholesterol does not go up."
"Cholesterol becomes problematic when it's damaged by free radicals, where it oxidizes or goes rancid."
"In the journey from initial vascular injury to plaque accumulation, the role of cholesterol is paramount."
"Having a high LDL is not always a bad thing. Having damaged LDL is."
"Cholesterol was never the problem, cholesterol was never a marker or indicator for disease and particularly heart disease."
"Total cholesterol level and your LDL are the least important health markers."
"That's right I didn't work out get rid of cholesterol and get heart disease right so guess guess what uh uh the plaque the the beta amyloid plaque that was found in the brain guess what that actually is that's an antimicrobial peptide."
"Rejoice in high LDL cholesterol, it's your body's building blocks."
"If you're eating a whole food plant-based diet high in fiber, legumes, fruit, and veg, for most people, that will bring [cholesterol] down."
"Coconut oil and palm oil have a lot of saturated fat, and that's going to raise your cholesterol level."
"You should be happy and proud if your total cholesterol's high because that's very protective against dementia and many other diseases that people get as they get older."
"Cholesterol doesn't tell the whole story because it includes one number that you want to have higher and that is your HDL, good cholesterol."
"It's not about the cholesterol, it really is about the inflammation."
"Cholesterol is not the problem that we've been told that it was, and I think there's hard evidence for that."
"Organic bacon contains a lot of dietary cholesterol which we need to convert into steroid hormones."
"We need to take care that the LDL cholesterol is low."
"Cholesterol is a risk factor for pretty much all the Western diseases, and there's a reason why it's a risk factor."
"Cholesterol is absolutely necessary; you need cholesterol for membranes, you need cholesterol for steroids."
"Large buoyant LDL is cardiovascularly neutral."
"The higher the HDL, the better off it is."
"Every cell in our body makes it, every cell synthesizes it, every cell wall is made up to some degree of cholesterol."
"Lion's mane has a beneficial impact on heart health; it reduces levels of harmful cholesterol in the bloodstream."
"Cholesterol is an absolute essential molecule; it is a molecule of life for every cell, for every animal."
"One of the features of the longest-lived people is that they have the highest cholesterol levels."
"Higher levels of total cholesterol were associated with living exceptionally long."
"Eggs do not raise your cholesterol and they are fine to eat."
"Measuring the APO B seems to be a superior matrix over measuring LDL or cholesterol levels."
"The cholesterol in meat, dairy, and eggs clogs arteries and slows the flow of blood to all body parts, not just the heart."
"You are unhealthy if you don't have enough cholesterol, that is just a fact."
"It's heart healthy because it lowers cholesterol and it also lowers your blood pressure."
"You diagnose this in a child who's 15, 20 years old; they're thin, they're lean, they're healthy... yet they have premature atherosclerosis because of lifetime exposure to LDL cholesterol."
"This narrative that you can't do anything with diet is a big lie. There's a large part of cholesterol that you can indeed modify and improve its levels."
"Beans, lentils, chickpeas can reduce cholesterol by up to 5%, which is significant. They are fiber-rich foods."
"Berberine can improve hypercholesterolemia and redox status in the kidney."
"Berberine reduces triglycerides and helps reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides."
"It lowers total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and blood triglycerides"
"If you have a high LDL and a low triglyceride, then those are large buoyant, that's okay. If you have a high LDL and a high triglyceride, then those are small dense, and then that's not okay."
"How cool is that, that they can measure? You know what's crazy? Having high cholesterol as a 26-year-old woman."
"Cholesterol is this waxy like substance and we all need cholesterol because cholesterol makes cell membrane and cholesterol comes from animals mostly our body produces cholesterol but it you can also find cholesterol in plants."
"Having high cholesterol can also cause dementia."
"Cholesterol brings flexibility and fluidity to our cell membranes."
"Cholesterol is the building blocks for your steroid hormones."
"There's a lot you can do to lower your cholesterol naturally and avoid medications."
"High LDL cholesterol may pose less concern, especially when it's induced by a ketogenic diet."
"We have to remember that the lipid hypothesis says LDL automatically causes more heart disease, and I don't think that's true."
"High fat because your adrenal hormones need cholesterol to synthesize. It's your immune system, all your steroid hormones, so you need the cholesterol."
"Lipoprotein little a is the most common genetic cholesterol problem that increases the risk of heart disease."
"So, what I really want you to understand with fibrates is if I were to kind of highlight what they're really, really doing with their mechanism of action..."
"So, one of the concepts here is that low cholesterol, what that was supposed to be... you know, it's all being shunted into making bile acids. What it's going to do is it's going to stimulate the formation of an increase in LDL receptors."
"So, a primate has the stones to act like a part of the human species. And what does this sentence tell you? Well, a primate for fibrates, primate has the stones, cholesterol gallstones, that's super high-yield adverse drug reaction."
"HDL ducks with LDL and exchanges triglycerides and cholesterol."
"...cholesterol is an essential part of the brain. We make cholesterol to fuel our brain because the brain needs it."
"If your HDL is high and tri are low and you're on a ketogenic diet, you do not need to be on a stat and you don't need to worry about your LDL cholesterol."
"What if I told you that you could lower your high cholesterol in just 30 days?"
"High protein increases blood cholesterol and heart disease."
"The goal is to actually get the lipoproteins themselves, the ApoB, that key number, in the healthy range."
"LDL cholesterol by itself is not a marker for cardiovascular disease. We have to look at the level of triglyceride."
"Serum LDL is a Mickey Mouse observable. Why are we so laser focused on LDL when it may not even be a meaningful measure of anything?"
"What led me to kind of ask these questions is that a lot of the patients that I end up operating on, I end up doing surgery on, have what are considered normal or low, healthy range ldl cholesterol."
"One egg yolk has as much cholesterol as two Burger King Whoppers with cheese."
"I love not having the cholesterol."
"Bile, a crucial liver secretion, plays a vital role in regulating cholesterol levels in the body."
"We understand distinctly that this idea of high bad cholesterol LDL greater than 190 is a predisposition. It increases your lifetime risk of coronary heart disease."
"It's the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the American people, this whole notion of cholesterol."
"In 2015, after more than 50 years of condemning foods like eggs, lobster, and shrimp, the American Heart Association quietly dropped their long-standing recommendation against dietary cholesterol, saying it's no longer a nutrient of concern."
"So here is your double cheeseburger and absorption of dietary cholesterol."
"Statins block intracellular synthesis pathway."
"Just by having some carbs, little sweet potato here and there, my cholesterol dropped from 625 down to 478."
"Congratulation, what you've done is fantastic, your LDL went from 120 some down to 80."
"The lesson in this is eating cholesterol, eating saturated fat in no way is going to increase your risk of a heart attack or stroke."
"If you have high cholesterol, the first thing I want you to think is your liver needs some love. Let's support the liver, it's making cholesterol."
"In general, we need to think liver when we think high cholesterol, especially before we get on a statin because we know that the brain needs."
"My LDL is high, my HDL was fine, my triglycerides were a little high."
"Within three months of eating my plant-based diet with only things like avocados and the Omega-3s my cholesterol was like 158."
"Bile also serves as a way for the body to get rid of cholesterol."
"Reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood doesn't necessarily mean that the risk of suffering from this pathology is reduced."
"... the majority of the cholesterol molecules that make up the pool of absorbable cholesterol are endogenous, meaning they were synthesized in your body, and shipped back to the small intestine."
"Studies on human subjects show that feeding eggs raises blood cholesterol levels."
"Eggs improve your cholesterol profile and do not raise your risk of heart disease."
"Lowering LDL-cholesterol by 1 mm per liter, or 38 points in the US, for a time of five years, we know that's about 22% lower risk, that's the number we started the video with."
"Just taking half the carbs away can have a very dramatic benefit on the small LDL profile."
"It's these small LDL in particular that render them more toxic to the arteries."
"Lowering cholesterol... may even increase overall survival."
"Avoid nutritional things that raise LDL and eat fruits, vegetables, and get at least 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day."
"For heart disease, we have high LDLs, we have statins. Well, it turns out the LDL is the symptom of the problem, not the problem."
"LDL cholesterol and LDL particle counts or ApoB correlate with one another in many cases, but in many cases they do not."
"It's very easy, this is what your LDL cholesterol is."
"You cannot actually see a very tight correlation and the Pearson score but even better is LDL. See, this is now a relative comparison of how I'm losing weight. My LDL cholesterol then starts to go up, something we hear about all the time in the low-carb community."
"It's really not about the amount of your cholesterol, it's about the quality of your cholesterol."
"Jennifer had a CAC score done last year, her number was 642. Had it repeated this year, it's 432, and her cholesterol went down too. That's probably not too low unless you're taking cholesterol-lowering medications, Jennifer."
"You can literally do carnivore and lower your cholesterol and probably have amazing health."
"Cholesterol is Nature's repair substance, so when we have a heart event and you see cholesterol there it's because the cholesterol was going there to try to repair the inflammation. It is a bystander of the heart attack event not the cause or culprit of it."
"Beans are also good because they have a particular kind of fiber in them that can lower your cholesterol."
"Coffee was shown to inhibit PCSK9 by about 25%, increasing the efficiency of your liver to recycle LDL lipoproteins."
"Cholesterol is not what we've been led to believe."
"Soluble fiber supplementation can significantly lower LDL cholesterol and reduce cardiovascular risk."
"there is no evidence that the LDL is there to carry cholesterol you have yet to explain to me where Moffitt got his cholesterol"
"The value of keeping ApoB in the healthy range is that there's less particles to get into the wall in the first place."
"That's also why its shelf life is much, much longer. However, in your body, it does something else, which is it turns on your cholesterol machinery."
"Statins have an independent effect. They may lower LDL but they also have a slight anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting mechanism."
"The class of tocotrienols kind of like dial down the enzyme to make the cholesterol nice."
"Alpha lipoic acid administration may lead to an improvement in glucose homeostasis parameters and in cholesterol profiles."
"Eating healthy your cholesterol should fall like a rock down to really ideal levels."
"Healthy green vegetables can help you to lower your cholesterol."
"Good old fatty fish loaded with Omega-3s can help you to lower your cholesterol naturally."
"Eggplant, low in fat, high in fiber, can help to decrease total cholesterol while maintaining a high good cholesterol."
"Quinoa, loaded with fiber, helps to decrease the bad cholesterol."
"Avocado, with its monounsaturated fatty acids, helps to absorb bad cholesterol."
"That's often used as evidence for why people shouldn't worry about cholesterol."
"Higher LDL cholesterol is actually beneficial."
"Increase essential fatty acid intake to help emulsify cholesterol."
"Friendship is healthier for you than high cholesterol."
"The saturated fat in a coconut will raise your cholesterol."
"'There's no controversy that a human being who eats saturated fat their cholesterol goes up.'"
"...it's the bread. It's got to be the bread. That's how they start their conversation with me. And she goes, 'That's all I changed and my cholesterol dropped 85 points in just one month.'"
"When we focus on cholesterol instead of lipoproteins, we make an enormous mistake."
"Your triglyceride levels should be under 150 to 170 mg/dL, especially in the non-fasted state, to lower cardiovascular risk."
"So, you know, just higher LDL cholesterol does not cause heart disease. In fact, there are studies that show the opposite."
"One food that is part of his strategy for again lowering his cholesterol that I just couldn't help but responding to, and that is chicken."
"LDL cholesterol went from 81 to 264 holy Kies!"
"So if you're following a low-carb keto diet and your cholesterol levels are elevated, remember what we're trying to do is prevent atherosclerosis."
"Not all LDL is created equally. And to just say that more LDL is bad without any sort of qualification of the oxidation status of that LDL or someone's underlying insulin resistance is to me ludicrous and myopic."
"...a poor man's signal of hyperabsorption of cholesterol is your HL cholesterol tends to be on the high side."
"Atherosclerosis is a slow insidious silent disease that takes decades to develop, and the fuel for the fire is the cholesterol carried in the apob particles."
"Cholesterol is critical for nerve sheath covering, so basically every covering of your nerve that is important for the transmission of nerve signals is made up of cholesterol."
"Oatmeal is packed with beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber that works wonders by reducing the absorption of fats and lowering LDL cholesterol levels, which in turn lowers the risk of fat buildup in your liver."
"If your HDL cholesterol is high and you have a family history of longevity, you're on your way to longevity."
"Cholesterol is the wrong solution."
"Having a normal cholesterol level in a society where it's normal to drop dead of heart disease -- our number one killer -- not necessarily a good thing."
"The higher the LDL cholesterol, the higher the blood viscosity... a bad thing because it means the blood is at increased risk to clot."
"They lowered LDL by the same amount as statins, and they increased HDL by up to 130%."
"Saturated fat does raise HDL cholesterol and increases LDL particle size, both protective against heart disease."
"There really is very poor data that shows that the dietary cholesterol you get from an egg is going to impact your cholesterol."
"We knew that cholesterol was going to be high, but it was still a little kind of scary in a way, even though we've done his research, we're on his diet, we understand cholesterol now, it's not scary."
"A lot of vegans end up deficient in vitamin D because cholesterol is actually a precursor."
"Avoid fried foods, commercially baked goods, and cooking with solid fats to lower bad cholesterol."
"Incorporate plant sterols and stanols into your diet to lower bad cholesterol."
"My high total cholesterol and my high LDL cholesterol are protecting me from cancer and early death."
"Your LDL ain't even high at all and your triglycerides and HDL are beautifully pristine. So your cardiologist needs to shut up."
"Total cholesterol was not correlated with the chance of having reversal of artery disease."
"It acts like a natural pcsk9 inhibitor...it makes your liver a more efficient cholesterol recycling machine."
"Limiting cholesterol intake can help lower serum cholesterol levels."
"Soluble fiber is great, it helps lower cholesterol, right?"
"Lo and behold, they drop their cholesterol 30 points and lo and behold, their blood pressure is normal."
"Heart disease or coronary heart disease is about lifelong exposure to a given ldl cholesterol level so what i mean by that is it's it's based on the amount of ldl that you're exposed to today and tomorrow and the day after and the day after for your entire life it adds up."
"Your triglycerides matter a little bit more than just LDL cholesterol."
"LDL cholesterol doesn't tell us the whole story."
"The risk of having a heart attack increases with high LDL cholesterol."
"GG can regulate cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation."
"Low levels of cholesterol are more dangerous for you than high levels of cholesterol."
"A fully plant-based diet is an awesome way to tackle cholesterol."
"The vegans had a statistically significant drop in cholesterol and weight loss."
"The group that went vegan lowered their cholesterol."
"Losing weight alone can lower the cholesterol, oftentimes triglycerides a lot of times, but really the healthiest way to do it is from low fat Whole Foods plant-based diet."
"Cholesterol... it's a fatty substance produced by the liver and it does thousands of functions in your body."
"The lower your cholesterol, the better when it comes to overall stroke risk."
"We all need cholesterol to survive because it's an important component of cell membranes and a precursor to steroid hormones."
"My cholesterol, which was 265, went down to 197."
"Thank God for cholesterol, no life without it."
"The document itself addresses the practical management of patients with high cholesterol and related disorders."
"Eating more blueberries can stop heart disease from happening when cholesterol is degraded."
"The more eggs you eat, the more your good cholesterol goes up."
"The quality of your cholesterol, not just the quantity, is really much more important."
"We actually do include them in our portfolio diet trials... so far it looks like there's no harmful risk anyway and maybe even some benefit."
"A Nutritarian diet lowers cholesterol as much as a statin drug."