
Calorie Burning Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"Cardio doesn't change your shape. Cardio burns calories, but so does strength training. Strength training changes the shape of your body."
"You lose calories doing literally anything; a healthy 8-hour sleep makes you lose up to 800 calories."
"Leg training burns more calories than any other body part."
"Exercise: burning fat calories, that's what you want to be doing."
"Jumping rope can actually burn up to like 1,300 calories an hour."
"If your goal is to get leaner, then you don't need anything crazy. You just need to burn some calories. Don't kill yourself."
"If you really want to burn fat, if you really want to burn extra calories, you have to lift weights."
"Breastfeeding actually burns about 500 extra calories a day."
"It's now easier... you're burning double the calories you used to."
"Increasing your physical activity is a really easy and simple way to burn a ton more calories throughout the day."
"I burned over 250 calories using the service I'm a huge fan."
"There's nothing better than burning like 600 calories first thing in the morning."
"It's nothing more or less than giving your body a break from eating so that it can naturally burn off those excess stores of calories."
"Your muscle cells are big calorie burners, maintaining your body temperature even when you're not moving."
"Your thyroid gland causes your body to ramp up its calorie burning speed."
"Fast walking burns a bunch of calories."
"We're gonna be burning some calories today, yeah!"
"Brown fat is going to increase your metabolism, increase your calorie burning."
"The most important thing is just general movement of your body a lot of people think the majority of the calories are burnt inside of the gym but it's actually outside of the gym."
"Just burned 2,000 calories. It's the last time I leave brownies in the oven while I take a nap."
"Fidgeting can help you burn down extra calories and increase your metabolism."
"Get ready to blast calories with this cardio workout, no equipment required."
"Weighted walking will burn anywhere up to 600 650 calories per hour."
"Aerobic fitness increases your metabolism rate, turning your body into a calorie-burning machine even when you're resting."
"Building muscle is going to get your body to burn more calories naturally. Let's do that first. The fat loss is going to be easier if we start with the building."
"Trying to lose body fat by manually burning calories is a losing strategy."
"That's why you need to get out on the bike, you know? That's like seven or eight hundred calories done. Boom!"
"Essentially what you're trying to do with muscle is make the engine bigger so your body burns more calories on its own."
"Spinning has been a popular aerobic exercise for years, burning anything between 400 to 600 calories in 40 minutes."
"Your metabolism is with you whether you're exercising or not so you speed up the metabolism you're burning more calories all the time."
"I think a lot of people that start running, I did the same thing. You overestimate how many calories you're actually burning during that exercise."
"Your whole day of burning calories is actually a lot more than you suspect it is."
"Rocking is a penalty-free way to boost your calorie burning and cardiovascular fitness."
"The beauty of aerobic training is that I will be able to eat back an additional 700-ish calories from my 10k run."
"I probably burned at least 275,000 calories. At a minimum."
"Your body is burning these calories on its own. How would you like to have a metabolism that does that for you?"
"Walking burns way more calories than the most intense one-hour workout."
"With strength training, you actually teach your body indirectly through gaining strength to burn more calories."
"They do actually say with cryotherapy, it can actually help you burn calories because of how cold you are and you shiver to keep yourself warmer."
"Strength and plyometrics, lower body, large muscle groups, you burn calories and you crushed it."
"There is no impact in this workout. It is easy on the joints but it will get your heart rate up and it will torch a ton of calories."
"Burn calories and build muscle, yes you can!"
"The more you can contract the muscles, the more muscles we have engaged, the more calorie burn."
"As long as your body gets in the sweat mode, you're burning calories."
"Enjoy your holiday and you know what, exercise with us during the holiday, burn off some cals."
"You want to teach your body to burn more calories on its own since your body's burning calories on its own all the time anyway."
"Silver Dollar City has to offer and no matter what you choose, you're gonna work off some of those calories climbing up and down those hills."
"I trust everyone had a good Thanksgiving, we're all back, ready to dance, going to sweat out some toxins, going to burn some turkey calories."
"We're burning calories, burning fat, improving our heart and lung function."
"We are warm, and I want you to burn maximum calories today."
"Your metabolism is just the amount of calories that your body naturally burns every day just to keep you alive."
"Melting calories, building stamina, building lean body mass."
"The average person can burn 400 calories in just 20 minutes with a kettlebell workout."
"The majority of your calories burned every day come from the calories you burn at rest."
"Protein has the highest thermic effect of food, so your body will be burning more calories digesting a higher protein diet."
"As you build muscle on a higher protein diet, your body will have a higher BMR, burning more calories because you have more muscle tissue."
"The more you move, the more calories you burn, and the easier it is to be in a deficit."
"Barbell squats are always at the top when it comes to the after calorie burn effect."
"Brown fat is a thermogenic active form of body fat which burns calories."
"No matter what your fitness level, walking, even if you're having a bad day, you're going to burn all the good stuff, all those calories, any stress, any anxiety, they also leave your body."
"I burn more calories DJing than I did during Trixie and Katya."
"By doing legs workout, you'll be able to burn more calories."
"Kickboxing is a great cardio, it helps you to burn calories and it's really fun with lots of moves and combinations."
"Incorporating all the strokes adds variety and you can actually burn more calories."
"Uncoupling protein takes white fat, which is just kind of the nasty fat that's hanging out in your body, and turns it into brown fat, which is metabolically active and burns calories just by existing."
"Heavier weights burn more calories and sculpt those muscles."
"Move your body in a way that supports your goals right now by burning more calories."
"We're not breaking too long; we want to really invoke that metabolic protocol so we can burn calories during and after we're done."
"The goal here is to burn some calories while we get stronger and build muscle."
"We're going to burn more calories, burn more fat, and get into amazing shape, believe me."
"Strength training is so good for your metabolism; you burn more calories at rest with more muscle on your body."
"Every minute you do weight or resistance training, you burn more calories compared to every minute during cardio."
"Lifting weights... exercises that build the most muscle and burn the most amount of calories."
"If you move to a standing desk, let's say you burn an extra calorie a minute, over an eight-hour day that's a 480 calorie extra expenditure."
"If you were to do 10,000 steps a day, that's 400 extra calories a day."
"Three years of gardening will burn more calories than an hour of weight training."
"Higher activity levels generally really do burn more calories."
"We are gonna hit every muscle in the body, have a ton of fun, and burn a ton of calories."
"We're going to work our total body today, we're going to burn a bunch of calories along the way."
"The best part about a MetCon workout, other than when it's done, is the fact that we burn a lot of calories with it."
"Hey, they're good looking, do you want to train your abs but also blast a ton of calories? Well, join me for this Tabata core workout."
"You are going to be burning so many calories."
"Hey there, good looking! Do you want to blast a ton of calories in a short amount of time? This workout delivers just that."
"Just walking daily can burn more calories and burn more fat than visiting the gym weekly."
"We're always moving; that's how you burn calories, even after the workout's done."
"The total amount of calories you burn in a day is your basal metabolic rate plus your neat plus your tef plus your exercise."
"When we go heavier, that also gets our heart pumping, so we're burning more calories and fat with heavier weights. Always remember that."
"You still get the benefits of a cardio workout: heart rate elevated, heart and lungs strengthened, burn some calories."
"We're burning calories not only during, but we're going to be continuing to burn calories way after you've done this workout due to the afterburn effect."
"Burning calories while you're performing bulk exercises for legs increases your metabolism, increasing lean tissue."
"We're going to burn these calories today!"
"Sparring for me... I'm going to burn more calories than on a treadmill and I'm going to have a lot more fun."
"That means we burn calories just by sitting throughout the day."
"I feel great, I burned 400 calories today."
"If you're looking to get the afterburner burning calories after you leave here, extra credit calories, everyone loves those."
"Non-exercise activity thermogenesis... can add up to a significant amount of calories."
"Anything that helps you to burn calories helps you to lose weight."
"It's gonna be a great workout. It burns a lot of calories and it's a good hard cardio challenge."
"The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you're going to burn up."
"People with more muscle burn more calories at rest."
"Eating eggs can give your metabolism a little boost and help you burn a few extra calories each day."
"The more muscle you have in your body, the more calories you burn throughout the day."
"You've really been able to keep your heart rate elevated and burn those calories."
"Be ready to burn calories and have lots of fun."
"The more muscles you work, the more calories your body's going to burn."
"You're going to get more burn, you're going to burn more calories."
"I burned 267 calories in 20 minutes, that's pretty good."
"We want to burn 800 calories, remember that will require so much of your energy, but it's worth it."
"Not only are we gonna be building strength with this workout, but also burning those calories."
"Let's target arms, chest, and back muscles, and meanwhile, we will burn quite a lot of calories."
"This one is a real calorie burner because we are strengthening the bigger muscle in our body."
"This is the workout that's designed to help us burn fat and burn calories during and after the workout using that afterburn effect."
"We're getting stronger, we're burning calories, now we're gonna burn calories after."
"It was a short but intense bar workout; you would have burnt a lot of calories for sure."
"This is how you maximize that calorie burn."
"You're burning more calories in an intense Tabata workout like this than a full hour of just leisurely working out."
"Cardio is a key component to weight loss, and this workout will blast serious calories."
"I ate whatever I wanted because I was burning so many calories dancing every single day."
"We're going to burn more fat today, more calories, we're going to have lots of fun."
"Thirty minutes flew by, I bet you just burned more calories than you did running on a treadmill for an hour, probably without a doubt."
"Big burners are muscles like your quads; they're big, they're hefty, they take a lot of blood flow, they move around large parts of the body, which means they are burning a lot of calories."
"You're gonna burn way more calories non-exercise activity throughout the day than any one-hour exercise program."
"Incline's the way to go if you want to burn a lot of calories."
"You can work your abs and burn some calories all in a standing position."
"If you're walking five miles or you're running the five miles, you'll burn about the same amount of calories."
"Smile and you can talk with me, okay? Guess what? When I talk, I'm burning more calories because I'm using the muscles in my mouth."
"Look at that, guys, that is plenty of calories being burned."
"An hour in a hot bath burns off the same calories as a brisk half-hour walk."
"It is really total body, it is total body calorie burning, it is total body muscle toning, it is total body flexibility and stretching."
"Laughing 10 to 20 minutes a day... you will burn around about 40 calories."
"They're all full body workouts as you need to move your entire body to lose fat, burn calories, and essentially lose weight."
"A major key is daily activity when it comes to burning calories consistently and maintaining your weight loss easily."
"That's what's going to help you burn those excess calories and shed unwanted weight."