
Organisms Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Microbiota are the living organisms on and inside of your body."
"These are Thermal Lilies, organisms that spend most of the time tracking the Sun and absorbing its energy."
"Enormous just like the other groups we've seen so far, giving rise to a wonderful assortment of captivating organisms."
"The more I thought about the organisms that decompose the world and the more questions I asked about these organisms, the more I always led to these mysterious fungi that seem to oversee so many of these natural transformations."
"Your soil is living anytime you have some magnificent soil that started from just nothing it is due to the living organisms in that soil."
"Are there organisms that might be producing methane on exoplanets?"
"Even though they're lab mice, they have lots of bacteria in their intestines."
"The default state of any organism is health."
"Animals are connected to everything, every organism."
"Throw in biology and things can shift, as many of those liquids are biology-related and might be produced by an organism or consumed by them."
"What we do makes a difference. It impacts the other organisms that are around us."
"We compare organisms and technical systems and say these are the capabilities of the organisms."
"Some organisms like the salamander regenerate their body parts."
"Nature has kept these organisms alive and active on this planet for well, take bacteria."
"... organisms consume other organisms to gain energy and a net gain of energy results in growth and overall survival."
"...I mean you're going to get a different kind of microbes you'll get some that are they'll be useful microbes but with the uh Johnson Sue bio reactor I'm pretty sure the main thing that's left after the maturation process is billus endospore formers..."
"These organisms and organisms across the planet would live in every single environment."
"What we need to do: control the system, develop the proper environment, and develop the proper population of organisms."
"Organisms construct their environments, they don't adapt to them."
"The only difference between any two organisms, no matter what taxa, is their DNA."
"Viruses aren't living organisms, they're little packets of DNA or RNA wrapped in a protein shell."
"It's really interesting to note that even that far back in time living organisms had to deal with their neighbors and they were likely evolving to cope with each other and probably evolving forms of cooperation."
"...that organisms are not identical copies, they're all different and slightly vary..."
"That's the beauty of compost; it has organisms in it that are helpful to the soil and our decomposers."
"Bacteria are everywhere; they're the most successful organism on the planet bar none."
"There's more living organisms in that teaspoon than there are people on the planet."
"Mother Nature has those test organisms for a reason."
"We have to understand which sets of organisms are most important and the habitat that promotes their continued existence and reproduction."
"Before then, life was generally simple in structure and function until that explosion happened and bam, complex organisms began to dominate."
"Fungi are among the most fascinating organisms on Earth."
"This makes some of them dangerous, some of them harmless, and some of them are actually beneficial."
"Prokaryotes... are the oldest organisms that science has ever identified on Earth."
"We can think about the ways that these organisms have persisted through five major extinction events."
"Nearly all living organisms use glycolysis as the first step in the breakdown of glucose to extract energy for cellular metabolism."
"An ecosystem is a group of living organisms and the abiotic spheres with which they interact."
"All organisms are linked through shared common ancestry."
"Living organisms change in response to their environment."
"Microbiology is the study of small life such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites."
"Diatoms are some of the oldest organisms on the planet, they existed over a billion years ago."
"Living things are all referred to as organisms."
"Most organisms use one of the 20 amino acids that we have available."
"A species is a group of organisms of common ancestry that closely resemble each other structurally and biochemically."
"It's the interdependence of organisms we keep talking about."
"Soil organisms cannot survive without organic matter."
"Evolution is organisms that just so happen to have advantageous traits... they're naturally selected."
"Most marine organisms are poikilothermic or cold-blooded."
"By responding to both external and internal stimuli, it allows organisms to avoid harmful external changes and maintain an optimal internal environment."
"All living organisms develop defense mechanisms against attack."
"All organisms use energy in order to go through their life processes of growth, development, and reproduction."